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Discussione: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

  1. #151
    Il Puppies L'avatar di Carpa
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Pozz Visualizza Messaggio
    non ho ben capito che mi è successo col ptr, l'avevo copiato, però ora se loggo non lo vedo, se vado sul sito non mi da in coda ma solo 3 copie disponibili
    Se non ho capito male è un problema comune


    "Successful copy, but cant see character on ptr."

  2. #152
    La Borga L'avatar di Pozz
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    Bollate (MI)

    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Carpa Visualizza Messaggio
    Se non ho capito male è un problema comune


    "Successful copy, but cant see character on ptr."

    grazie mille

    purtropoo nessuna risposta su quel problem da blizz..

    vabè, aspetterò

  3. #153
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Carpa Visualizza Messaggio
    Qualche domanda per chi è sul ptr:
    I nuovi recipe di enchnanting si trainano o si comprano con le shard?
    L'enchant staff scarso si prende dal trainer,quello avanzato costa 10 shard dal vendor

  4. #154
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ghostcrawler
    It wasn't the intent? Meaning what, you didn't realize it would be a substantial nerf?
    No, we knew it would be a nerf. We know how the class works, believe it or not.

    Players tend to evaluate almost everything in terms of dps. If you could come up with a rotation with just one spell that maximized dps, many players would do it even if it was soul-destroyingly boring. If we were dumb and gave you 35 spells you needed to cast in the average fight, many players would still do it even if it made their eyes bleed. Clearly there is some intermediary point between 1 and 35. Part of our job is to think about what that number should be and not just focus on what the damage meters show at this moment.

    We thought Affliction had too many spells to cast as part of their rotation (by which I mean spells they generally think about all the time, vs. cooldowns or more situational spells). What we want to do is get rid of Siphon Life and adjust everything else so that Affliction remains similar (it won't be identical) to how it was before.

    That is a different intent than if the design team had sat down and said "We need to nerf Affliction. What is the best way to do it? Hey, we could remove Siphon Life." That happens sometimes, but that was not our design goal with this change.

    Now, we do also want to remove Immolate, but it's a lot harder to do. The base Immolate spell does decent damage even without talents. If we nerf Immolate, then we have to add deep talents to both Destro and Demo to prop it back up. We might just leave it as is, because you could at least de-prioritize Immolate. Using it would be a modest dps increase, but nothing like your other spells. Or we might find ways to still steer it more towards the other two trees. One of the reasons we wanted to get some of the changes out early was to start getting feedback. Unfortunately, much of the feedback has been "I don't like the change because it's a dps loss and that's all that's important to me." (That's a bit of an exaggeration; I realize some of you care about it being instant cast, providing an extra debuff, like having a ton of spells to manage, or just liked the look and feel of the spell.)

    Again, I understand the value of instant cast spells in PvP, but we aren't going to just design classes so that every spell they want to cast is instant for PvP reasons. We can't just write off all of those spells with an actual cast time as PvE only.

    I know it's fun to say Blizzard doesn't understand this class (that they designed), or that no thought went into the decision, or drag out that tired old adjective: kneejerk. However, we put a great deal of thought into this. Just because you might disagree with the direction does not make that untrue. Sometimes we are going to make changes that may seem unpopular in the short term because we think it improves the game in the long term.
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ghostcrawler
    Did you factor in the use of a Doomguard when considering whether or not Affliction Warlocks were doing too much damage?
    Yes, we take it into account, but it's on a one hour cooldown. It may produce some nice numbers, but it doesn't have a huge impact across the board.

    Sometimes when players don't like an incoming nerf, they concoct this scenario where one player posts some eye-popping numbers under very contrived situations and Blizzard freaks out and immediately makes a bunch of changes without realizing the source of the numbers. Um, no.

    If you think Affliction dps in PvE was middle of the pack on fights without the Doomguard, you are probably comparing yourself to classes that are also getting nerfs.

  5. #155
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Kemper Boyd
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ghostcrawler
    Unfortunately, much of the feedback has been "I don't like the change because it's a dps loss and that's all that's important to me." (That's a bit of an exaggeration; I realize some of you care about it being instant cast, providing an extra debuff, like having a ton of spells to manage, or just liked the look and feel of the spell.)
    E quale altro feedback si aspettavano?
    Di certo a nessuno fa piacere perdere un dot buono in pve e fondamentale in pvp. Se e' parte di una serie di change piu' ampia, allora il feedback e' del tutto inutile.

  6. #156
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Beh mica ci sono solo warlock affliction che possono provare il PTR ora come ora.
    Cosa dovrebbero dire maghi e warrior allora?

  7. #157
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Kemper Boyd
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da GeeGeeOH Visualizza Messaggio
    Beh mica ci sono solo warlock affliction che possono provare il PTR ora come ora.
    Cosa dovrebbero dire maghi e warrior allora?
    Non si parlava di Siphon Life?

  8. #158

    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Quanto danno fa una doomguard?
    Non ne evoco una da quando ero ancora lock 60 ally.
    Ultima modifica di Ashero; 26-02-09 alle 19:56:42

  9. #159
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Kemper Boyd
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Ora al di la' degli whine punto per punto (che faccio io per primo) il problema principale per cui il feedback lato lock non puo' essere molto diverso da quello che e', e' che queste notes sono davvero una sorpresa.

    Lo stato del lock in pvp NON E' quella rovina totale che molti dicono, pero' e' evidente che ci sono dei problemi. D'altra parte la cosa e' stata riconosciuta anche in blu sul forum. Ora all'affacciarsi della tanto attesa patch 3.1 in cui tutti si aspettavano miglioramenti, ci ritroviamo con buff pesanti alla miglior spec pvp e niente di positivo tranne il nuovo tier 1 in demonology, simpatico ma non certo una rivoluzione. Si aspettavano novita' sul fronte soul shards, ma per ora non si sa nulla. Per quello dico, possono essere solo PARTE delle modifiche previste, ma se all'inizio rilasci solo la merda non e' che puoi aspettarti molto piu' che whine.

  10. #160
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Kemper Boyd Visualizza Messaggio
    Non si parlava di Siphon Life?
    Si, si parla di SL ma dato il "some of the changes" della frase prima penso voglia dire che tutto il feedback si è concentrato solo su una modifica al dps ignorando (ignorando magari no, ma mettendole in ombra) il resto delle modifiche al lock: sul forum ufficiale e pure qui parlare di lock ora come ora vuol dire parlare di SL e del danno perso.
    Poi tutto il post rigaurda il fatto che le lamentele sono quasi esclusivamente rigaurdanti al dps.

    Ultima modifica di GeeGeeOH; 26-02-09 alle 20:24:55

  11. #161
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ashero Visualizza Messaggio
    Quanto danno fa una doomguard?
    Non ne evoco una da quando ero ancora lock 60 ally.
    In fight come Patchwerk anche il 20% di tutto quello che fa il lock.
    Poco meno di 2k a botta vedendo qualche wwstat.

  12. #162
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Kemper Boyd
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da GeeGeeOH Visualizza Messaggio
    Si, si parla di SL ma dato il "some of the changes" della frase prima penso voglia dire che tutto il feedback si è concentrato solo su una modifica al dps ignorando (ignorando magari no, ma mettendole in ombra) il resto delle modifiche al lock: sul forum ufficiale e pure qui parlare di lock ora come ora vuol dire parlare di SL e del danno perso.
    Poi tutto il post rigaurda il fatto che le lamentele sono quasi esclusivamente rigaurdanti al dps.

    Ma non e' vero. Gia' in precedenza ha risposto a chi obiettava che SL e' utile come protezione degli altri debuff, dicendo che non vogliono continuare la strada dei junk (lol) debuff come dispel protection. Per il resto che altro c'e' da dire? Grazie per aver semplificato la rotazione togliendo UN dot e non uno qualunque ma quello con la durata piu' lunga, cioe' quello che si casta meno spesso?

    Le motivazioni per cui la perdita di SL e' pesante sono state dette tutte ampiamente. Poi e' ovvio che la lamentela sulla perdita di dps e' predominante visto che... beh E' una perdita di dps. Sarebbe molto piu' facile una discussione costruttiva se ci fosse qualcosa anche sull'altro lato della bilancia.

  13. #163
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Kemper Boyd Visualizza Messaggio
    Poi e' ovvio che la lamentela sulla perdita di dps e' predominante visto che...
    A me il post di GC sembra voglia soprattuto richiamare su questa predominanza.

  14. #164
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Kemper Boyd
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da GeeGeeOH Visualizza Messaggio
    A me il post di GC sembra voglia soprattuto richiamare su questa predominanza.
    Beh sai, la difficolta' o facilita' della rotazione affliction e' soggettiva, una perdita di dps (soprattutto in pvp, che alla fine e' quello che ha lasciato tutti stupefatti) e' un dato documentabile, e' un argomento abbastanza solido.

  15. #165
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Beh la difficoltà è soggettiva per certi aspetti, il fatto che ci siano tanti dot con durate differenti penso sia abbastanza oggettivo.
    Per quanto SL fosse il più lungo come durata era quello che si incastrava peggio nella rotazione, seguito da Immolate... no?
    Ultima modifica di GeeGeeOH; 26-02-09 alle 21:01:40

  16. #166
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Kemper Boyd
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da GeeGeeOH Visualizza Messaggio
    Beh la difficoltà è soggettiva per certi aspetti, il fatto che ci siano tanti dot con durate differenti penso sia abbastanza oggettivo.
    Per quanto SL fosse il più lungo come durata era quello che si incastrava peggio nella rotazione, seguito da Immolate... no?
    Ma va benissimo semplificare affliction, per carita'. Solo che non si capisce perche' la semplificazione debba essere anche un nerf.

  17. #167
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Beh ha detto che un nerf per affliction ci stava e comunque essendo una revisione non proprio banale questa con elementi ancora non finalizzati il dps dovrebbe essere l'ultima cosa da valutare.
    Per questo anche il post sul non guardare solo a quello.

  18. #168

    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Upcoming Glory of the Raider Reward Changes When 3.1 goes live, the rewards for “Glory of the Raider” and “Heroic: Glory of the Raider” are being removed. These achievements will still be active, however, players will no longer receive the Plagued Proto-Drake or Black Proto-Drake for completing them. Similar to our decision to remove the Amani War Bear from Zul’Aman, the goal is to ensure that such mounts retain a degree of rarity in the game; and with raids progressing into Ulduar in patch 3.1, we feel obtaining the rewards for “Glory of the Raider” and “Heroic: Glory of the Raider” would be somewhat trivialized. For this reason we will be offering new fast mounts (310 speed) as rewards for completing select achievements associated with 10 and 25-player Ulduar.

    Spero che gli rimuovano l'auto da sotto casa mentre dormono.
    Ultima modifica di GeeGeeOH; 26-02-09 alle 21:45:17

  19. #169
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Kemper Boyd
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da GeeGeeOH Visualizza Messaggio
    Beh ha detto che un nerf per affliction ci stava e comunque essendo una revisione non proprio banale questa con elementi ancora non finalizzati il dps dovrebbe essere l'ultima cosa da valutare.
    Il fatto e' che questo e' un nerf non molto pesante in pve (dove un nerf ci stava anche), mentre e' pesantissimo in pvp (e vorrei vedere qualcuno che sostenga che ci voleva).

  20. #170
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ghostcrawler
    And another question if you'd be so kind: Many of us are wondering if the new direction for Warlock trees is in the direction of specific schools being used for specific trees, namely Shadow for Affliction, Fire for Destruction, and a blend for Demonology. The move of Molten Core to Demo demonstrates this theory. If this is the case, how will it affect future set bonuses in Ulduar and beyond?
    Yes, that is exactly what we were doing, and of course we will keep set bonuses in mind.
    Not really certain where the Trash QQ is coming from.

    Our locks have pretty well owned trash till maybe our Rogues got uber-geared and had FoK buffed into oblivion .... btw the new glyph WILL be insane.

    L2 Seed!
    I try to illustrate my points with examples to help make them more clear. Sometimes it ends up having the opposite effect and players just dissect the examples and pay less attention to the point I was trying to make. The point is not that warlocks can’t manage trash. The point is that when you have a class that is so dependent on dots, a couple of things happen that we don’t think are good for the game. One, your damage is dependent on the fights lasting long enough for the dots to tick. Two, the class can be complicated to play because you are keeping up so many debuffs with different durations.

    I will paraphrase a recent post I read. Affliction has a complicated rotation, arguably the most complex in the game. It may have been perfectly fine for some of you, but we thought it crossed the line. It’s a subjective call and not the kind of thing that can be “proven” with empirical evidence or the kind of thing upon which everyone will agree.
    I am starting to see what you are saying.. the classes/specs that were doing massive damage had to be brought down .. so basically Affl locks/FFB mages/ Arcane Mages/Warriors and DKs to match other classes. This is great .. i guess sometimes its just about thinking out of the box for people like me
    WoW is an enormously complex game. It is hard for most players to keep up with the latest details on more than a couple of classes. It is a very typical situation for us to get into when we nerf a class and the players respond with “But Jimmy over there was doing 8000 dps. Why can’t I?” Often players would have us buff the specs that are falling behind rather than nerf those that are ahead. We focus a lot more on the absolute than the relative.
    Does this sound like a QQ thread to you? The bulk of players responding will grudgingly accept a nerf to Affliction PvE DPS. Everyone is just saying this is the wrong way to go about it. Removing SL does more harm than good. Can't you guys think of any better way to simplify the rotation and/or nerf Affliction PvE without so many other negative artifacts? I just can't believe you really think this is a positive move forward for the game, longterm. People used the same number of buttons in Affliction's rotation in TBC and no one cared, but now its an issue; I just don't get it.
    I don’t think it is a QQ thread. Unfortunately it had some players who were upset when they posted and nudged it in that direction. Most of those posts have been deleted, so if you are reading the thread now, it comes across as a fairly intelligent discussion, for which I thank you (and the mods). I understand “everyone” is saying they don’t think this is the right way to go about it. We have noted that feedback and are discussing it. This does not by any stretch mean we might revert the change. We have a responsibility to do what we think is right for the game in the long term not just what will make the vocal posters in the community happy in the short term. That does not mean your feedback is not enormously valuable. It is. Otherwise, I would be out at Starbucks instead of posting here.

    Okay, I take it back. The last couple of pages have been pretty full of QQ. But most of those posters are gone now. :( You should know by now that Ghostcrawler is not moved by QQ. I am more interested in reading your thoughts on the changes than I am about how long you have waited, the years of pain and neglect for us to make those changes that are so obvious to you but opaque to us because we never play your class and... [sigh]. QQ is a waste of my time and the other intelligent posters here. Don't do it.
    Ultima modifica di GeeGeeOH; 26-02-09 alle 21:56:47

  21. #171
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ghostcrawler
    That said you haven't address the major ~12%(3 locks per raid) loss in DPS/Damage that we lose losing 4% per warlock on our Drain Soul. you didn't just take the damage away from SL you nerfed our execute.
    We will definitely address this issue. We don’t want Soul Siphon (I assume that’s what you were referring to) to be nerfed from this change. It also goes against our raid stacking philosophy in its current form anyway so it was due for a change,
    Also have you thought about removing the requirement of SL->Shadow Mastery? Maybe put them both in that tier since there isn't really a point for a PvE lock to get SL. this would allow 4 points to get the reach talents in both affliction & Destruction trees. (since with out both of them it is somewhat useless.)
    That is something we are considering. There is less of a chance of us messing with that than with Soul Siphon.
    Perhaps Big blue sir... maybe just this one time. this teensy weensy time.. you could be wrong?
    We are definitely wrong sometimes. It happens. I have no problem admitting it. But that doesn’t mean we are going to be so paralyzed over being wrong that we won’t make changes when the design team thinks they are warranted.
    Then please listen to the feedback. Maybe 5-10% of all warlocks like this change. *Maybe*. Surely that degree of unpopularity says something?
    There are thousands of warlocks in the game. You should not assume the forum community represents all of them, a majority of them, or sometimes even an informed minority of them. And even if you did somehow truly have access to that data, our design decisions are not subject to popular vote. Sorry. If we posted that we were nerfing a class, nearly 100% of that class would not be happy with that change. We appreciate the feedback we get, but we need to design the game. Over the long term, we want players to have fun. In the short term that is going to mean making some calls that are controversial.

  22. #172
    La Borga L'avatar di Pozz
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    Bollate (MI)

    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Kemper Boyd Visualizza Messaggio
    Il fatto e' che questo e' un nerf non molto pesante in pve (dove un nerf ci stava anche), mentre e' pesantissimo in pvp (e vorrei vedere qualcuno che sostenga che ci voleva).
    io continuo a non vedere la necessità di un nerf ad affliction, stava davanti agli altri SOLO usando un dg, per il resto era nella norma... certo faceva più dps di demo/destro, quello si

  23. #173
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Ho iniziato a pestucchiarmi con le quest dell'arena dell'argent crusade,così su due piedi potrebbe essere una cosa carina

    Intanto due cose

    1-Ci si fa rep con il silver covenant (e penso quindi con i sunreavers dall'altra parte)
    2-Il combattimento sulle mount non è altro che un combattimento da veicolo (prevedibile)

  24. #174
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Daelo
    Ok, we're going to attempt to have some playtest sessions for Ulduar starting tonight and through this weekend.

    The following is the tentative schedule for this weekend:

    On the North American test realms:
    Hodir - Thursday night, February 26, starting at 7pm EST/4pm PST.
    Iron Council - Friday night, February 27, starting at 7pm EST/4pm PST

    On the European test realms
    Thorim - Friday night, February 27, starting at 7pm CET.
    Freya - Friday night, February 28, starting at 7pm CET.

    This schedule could change at a moment's notice due to server, bug, or patch status. I'll try to keep everyone informed as much as possible. Ulduar and the bosses to be tested will remain also open a variable length of time. How long they stay open depends upon a host of factors including designer availability, bug status, etc.

    We also hope to have the zone open on Sunday for each respective realm for a longer period of time. We have a couple special versions of Patchwerk setup. One of them is called Patchwerk (DPS Test) and is essentially a massive training dummy for your raids. The other is Patchwerk (Tank Test), and he does not have a Hateful Strike, but his melee damage increases over time.

    We're very interested in seeing combat logs and parses for all raid testing on the PTR.

    Quick Ulduar FAQ:

    Q) Will there be testing available on Oceanic, Korean, or other time zones?
    A) There will be some testing available. We do plan on allowing for extended testing on Flame Leviathan, and possibly other bosses. We want encounter designers to be present during testing, which makes testing during some time zones difficult.

    Q) Where's all the trash?
    A) We don't have everything turned on for these tests, and this sometimes includes trash creatures before each boss encounter.

    Q) Where's the loot?
    A) We don't have this attached to bosses yet, but we'll have loot hooked up soon.

    Q) What about achievements?
    A) These aren't implemented yet.

  25. #175
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Kemper Boyd
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    Predefinito Re: Patch 3.1.0 PTR

    Credo che fine aprile sia una prospettiva ottimistica

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