secondo voi


Got in my head
Have Been part of my twist
By the force of the nature
Revealing our fates
And our words don't make sense and I do understand,
Falling in love isn't part of our plan
Forces within me, makes reason with lust
But I try to accept it and not think it works
Because I know I might lose you by taking the chance
But love without pain isn't really romance


Clouds in my head have been parted with grace
By the voice of an angel revealing her face
And her words they make sense and I do understand
Falling in love isn't part of a plan

Forces within me mix reason with lust, but
I'll try to accept it and not make it worse
'Cause I know I might loose it by taking the chance,

[But] love without pain isn't really romance [OK]


avevo ricostruito la strofa di mio e a parte la frase che mi ha portato alla ricerca, il tutto coincideva sostanzialmente con la seconda versione, effettuando però la ricerca in questione mi sono trovato di fronte ad un [ruggeri mode on] bivio [ruggeri mode off] voi che dite?