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  1. #1

    Predefinito Wildstar Online [Carbine Studios]

    Svelato il nuovo gioco di Carbine Studios a cui sta lavorando anche Tim Cain: si trattad i un MMORPG che offre unna commistione tra sci-fi/fantasy/steampunk.

    Ecco le prime info ed immagini, assieme al sito ufficiale del gioco:

    There’s probably much you’ll recognise when you first clap eyes on Wildstar. The colourful, overtly fantastical world; the exaggerated characters and animations, the middle-bottom icon row; the rooted-to-the-spot NPCs proffering quests and sales… By Carbine’s own admission, Wildstar embraces most of the well-known MMO tropes (though apparently tweaked and improved) in addition to adding its own new ideas. They might be hoping to reinvent the wheel to some extent, but they clearly reckon it still needs to be something that’s round and spins if it’s to draw a crowd.

    It might look a little WoW-like, and even play WoW-like on a basic level, but there’s a ton of thoughtful and genuinely bold stuff built on top of that familiar foundation. It’s perhaps tempting to linger on the fusion of fantasy, sci-fi and steampunk, rendered as something of a high-detail ‘toonland, but that theme and aesthetic really isn’t the major force at play here. Why we should play attention to Wildstar is its concept of playstyles, aka Paths – an additional layer of specialism on top of race, class, haircut and all that, and one that’s designed to shape the game as a whole depending on what kind of MMO gamer you are.
    Official Website
    Announcement Trailer
    Rock Paper Shotgun Preview

  2. #2

    Predefinito Riferimento: Wildstar Online [Carbine Studios]

  3. #3
    Sparring Pippomassonico L'avatar di Ceccazzo
    Data Registrazione
    Busto Arsizio

    Predefinito Riferimento: Wildstar Online [Carbine Studios]

  4. #4
    Suprema Borga Imperiale
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Riferimento: Wildstar Online [Carbine Studios]

    There’s probably much you’ll recognise when you first clap eyes on Wildstar. The colourful, overtly fantastical world; the exaggerated characters and animations, the middle-bottom icon row; the rooted-to-the-spot NPCs proffering quests and sales… By Carbine’s own admission, Wildstar embraces most of the well-known MMO tropes
    Ma che cavolo dai, ammettono di fare un altro Wow-Clone proprio senza alcuna vergogna


  5. #5

    Predefinito Riferimento: Wildstar Online [Carbine Studios]

    Carino il trailer ma il gameplay sembra sempre il solito.

  6. #6

    Predefinito Riferimento: Wildstar Online [Carbine Studios]

    ma non ci credo.

  7. #7

    Predefinito Riferimento: Wildstar Online [Carbine Studios]

    Spero non vogliano soldi per sta roba...

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