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  1. #51
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Crusader Kings II - Dev Diary 9 - Mercenaries and Holy Orders

    Greetings friends, 'tis I, Doomdark, your faithful purveyor of hopes and dreams!

    This month, I shall speak of those who know no loyalties and would shamelessly sell their services for money. No, I don't mean prostitutes. No, not politicians either. I am speaking, of course, of mercenaries! Brave, yet prudent, these companies of professional soldiers were the closest thing to standing armies around for much of the Crusader Kings II period. In the game, there are a number of predefined mercenary regiments that can be hired by anyone with sufficient funds (though not heathens and infidels - there are limits, even for soldiers of fortune.) As long as they get paid, they will fight loyally, and, unlike regular levies, they even reinforce, albeit slowly. They do not come cheap however, and woe to the lord who cannot pay their fee. At best, mercenaries who do not get paid will simply abandon their employer. At worst, they will defect to the enemy. Some disgruntled but enterprising condottieri might even attempt to seize land to call their own (as, for example, the Victual Brothers actually did with the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea.)


    Yes, mercenaries can seize territory, at which point they start acting like regular states. This brings us to the in may ways similar, but rather more pious, knightly orders. These humble soldiers of God can be hired not for gold, but for Piety. However, they will not fight brothers of the faith, and they will request ownership of the holdings that they seize (acceding is a very pious act). Landed mercenaries will retain their standing army, though it will no longer reinforce (eventually, it might thus be lost), and everyone will have a Casus Belli on them. Landed Holy Orders can still freely call on their main force, however. (If lost, they can raise it again through a special decision.) Similarly, the Byzantines have access to the Varangian Guard, which is treated much like a "vassal" mercenary force.


    Should a mercenary regiment or a Holy Order lose its last holding, it will return to being a landless entity available for hire.


    Here's a bonus screenie of what occupation looks like in the terrain map mode.


    That's all for now. Next month, plots and intrigue (unless I change my mind!)

    Henrik Fåhraeus, Associate Producer and CKII Project Lead

  2. #52
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Crusader Kings II - Dev Diary 10 - Combat

    Time again for my monthly (well, roughly) pastime of developer diary writing! Last month, I might have mentioned plots and intrigue, but I think I'll hold off on that a bit more... Instead, let's talk about units and the combat system.

    Like in the first Crusader Kings, military units are of variable size and composition. Each can contain any number of each of the seven troop types (light and heavy infantry, pike men, light cavalry, knights, archers and horse archers.) Most units are raised from a corresponding settlement (castle, church or city), their size and composition dependent on the improvements constructed there. Others belong to a mercenary group or holy order, etc. Units are discrete and cannot be merged or split into smaller parts, though of course they can be grouped together in armies. The basic system should be familiar to anyone who has played the original Crusader Kings.


    Combat, however, is different from our other games. As soon as they are grouped together in a larger army, units are are assigned to one of three positions; left flank, center, or right flank. This is done automatically, but can be altered manually by players so inclined. On the battlefield, each position fights separately - normally against the corresponding part of the enemy army. Combat between positions is divided into three phases; skirmish, melee and pursue/flee. My left flank can be skirmishing against the enemy's right flank while my center is locked in melee, etc. The seven unit types have different strengths and weaknesses, so that for example archers excel at skirmish and knights at melee. The leader of each flank (a character), will pick combat tactics, which determines if his position should strive to close for melee, or avoid melee, etc. When an enemy position breaks, it will flee, and the pursue phase ensues. The longer the phase lasts, the more losses that contingent will sustain, but on the other hand, the pursuing force will not be assisting against the remaining enemy positions - also a tactical decision by the flank commander. Combat tactics are similar to the combat events of Rome, but more developed. (Btw, combat tactics are fully moddable.)


    Apart from combat tactics, there are also more traditional combat events, for example when commanders get wounded, killed or imprisoned, or when they improve on their martial skills. Sieges work in a similar fashion, but emphasizing morale loss, and with a different set of combat tactics. A commander with a high Intrigue skill might even manage to bribe some defenders into opening the gates. What about fleets? Unlike CK, ships do exist in Crusader Kings II, similar to the galleys in Rome. They are raised like normal troop levies in coastal provinces, but can only be used to transport troops - not to fight or block straits (large scale naval battles in the period were rare to say the least.)

    Oh, I almost forgot to mention that if an army is victorious, all commanders will bask in the glory and gain prestige. Conversely, the shame of defeat results in prestige loss. So, choosing to lead the army yourself can be profitable in terms of prestige, but of course, war is a dangerous business...

    Enjoy the screenies and stay tuned for the next dev diary - sometime in August.

    Henrik Fåhraeus, Associate Producer and CKII Project Lead
    Ultima modifica di Kordian; 29-08-11 alle 10:06:28

  3. #53
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Crusader Kings II - Dev Diary 11 - War

    War, what is it good for?

    In Crusader Kings II, hopefully you'll gain some titles and in the best of worlds, imprison or behead your enemy. In order to declare a war you'll first need a valid Casus Belli against your enemy(a CB held by a vassal or courtier will of course do as well). You cannot attack the vassals of someone, so if you want one of their titles you have to attack their liege. Also, unlike Europa Universalis III and Victoria II, once a war has started it cannot be extended by adding further wargoals or CBs.

    Instead, each CB has three options scripted: Demand Defeat, White Peace and Reversed Demands. As an example, let's look at the Claim CB. This CB lets you attack people holding titles you have claims on. If the war is going well, you can demand that your enemy give his title to you and as a bonus you'll gain a small amount of prestige. If you fail to achieve your goal, you could sue for a white peace instead. You'd want to avoid this though, since signing a white peace gives you a prestige hit(you didn't achieve your goals, after all). White peace is still preferable to the reversed demand however, since if your enemy enforces this, you will both lose the claim and get a huge prestige hit.


    While most wars will end in a peace treaty, this is not the only way they can end. Some CBs have effects that trigger when the leader of an alliance dies. An example of this is the Invasion CB, which is currently used by William against Harold. When the leader of the attacking alliance dies, the war immediately ends. Be careful when going to war with your old king...

    Another part of wars is the warscore. Like our other games, you'll gain warscore by occupying enemy holdings(the capital is worth more, vassal holdings are worth less) and winning battles(in CK2, they are worth a lot of warscore). We've also added a warscore effect if the contested title is left with no controller change for some time. After three years(currently), warscore is slowly added to the person controlling the area. This means that it's now possible to win a war as a) a defender in a war by just defending your title or b) attacking someone, sieging down the title you want and then just stand still and defend those provinces. By the way, if you manage to capture and imprison the enemy leader(for example, in a battle), this automatically counts as 100% warscore. We've also removed all limits to warscore, so whoever reaches >=100% first by any combination of occupation, battles, controlling the correct territory and imprisonment automatically wins the war.


    Last but not least we have tagged some CBs to be "hostile against others", for example the Invasion CB. The effect of this is that two parties contesting the same title will fight each other even if they are not at war. It might be better as William to wait a bit until Harald and Harold both have worn down their armies...

    'Till next time!
    Fredrik Zetterman
    Programmer, Paradox Interactive

  4. #54
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    dopo aver finalmente ripreso in mano eu3 con la 5.1 finale devo dire che aspetto con ansia questo e magna mundi.

  5. #55
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Presi EU3 Complete allegato a GMC un annetto abbondante fa ma l'ho comunque ripreso con le altre 2 espansioni su steam prima di andare in vacanza, complice un buon prezzo (e la Paradox è una delle poche SH a cui cedo volentieri il mio conio quasi per principio ). Ho giocato parecchio a EU e EU2 ma questa terza incarnazione l'ho provata pochissimo forse perchè negli ultimi 5-6 anni sono stato rapito dal primo CK che, con tutti i suoi limiti, ho adorato e ancora oggi amo.

    Io spero che implementino anche un convertitore per EU3, magari fatto meglio di quello "di serie" di CK per EU2
    Ultima modifica di Kordian; 29-08-11 alle 13:35:50

  6. #56

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    Molto interessanti le novità in ambito bellico insieme a quelle previste per Magna Mundi mi inducono ad un certo ottimismo per il futuro dei giochi Paradox. Il Sistema di battaglia della serie EU è ormai obsoleto e sin troppo astratto (imho). Avrei invece sperato qualcosina in più per le navi e la flotte, rispetto al primo CK hanno fatto in questo caso giusto "mezzo passo" in più.... (e credo che sia voluto non per motivi filologici ma per evitare di sfornare giochi troppo "completi")

  7. #57
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    beh in quel periodo inoltre non so quanto fossero importanti le battaglie navali.

    cmq è ovvio che paradox tiene separati certi aspetti nei diversi giochi in modo da non metterli troppo in concorrenza fra loro.

    ma sulle date di uscita si sapeva niente?

  8. #58
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    CK2 è in closed beta, ma stando a quanto letto su TGM all'E3 hanno detto che è praticamente finito e che vogliono debuggarlo a sangue. Direi che nel Q1, massimo Q2 del 2012 sarà fuori

  9. #59
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di MrVermont
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    il gioco da che anno parte e a quale si conclude? immagino che la conclusione sia nel 1400 quando parte EU3 no? °°
    Al momento sto giocando a EU3DW, HOI3+FM e Victoria 2 °_°.
    Oggettivamente mi manca un gioco ambientato nel periodo prima di EU3
    Sarebbe bello se la Paradox un giorno facesse dei giochi in grado di convertire i salvataggi del gioco che conclude l'epoca storica precedente...ma forse è chiedere un po' troppo
    Sulla dichiarazione che prima di farlo uscire vogliono debuggarlo a bestia permettetimi di dubitare visto che gli ultimi 2 che han fatto sono usciti con più bug che linee di codice (mi riferisco a Vic2 e HOI3)
    Comunque chiaramente quando esce CK2 sarà mio

  10. #60
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Credo che Ck2 sia ambientato da Hastings sino alla caduta di Bisanzio.

    Il primo ck aveva un convertitore di salvataggi integrato per eu2 ma non era fatto benissimo ed era anzi meglio ricorrere a convertitori realizzati da terzi.

  11. #61
    Moderatore BI BI DA L'avatar di Jaqen
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    Vermont, la feature che dicevi c'era per i giochi col vecchio engine: potevi andare da CK1 fino a HoI2 passando per EU2 e Victoria, ma funzionava il giusto

  12. #62

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    ma quando esce,, io del primo non c'ho capito una mazza ma c'ho passato tanted iqualle ore sopra che mi divertivo lo stesso da matti....non sapevo giocarci ma godevo lo stesso LOL

  13. #63
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Oddio, CK è probabilmente il più facile dei giochi Paradox...

  14. #64
    Moderatore BI BI DA L'avatar di Jaqen
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    Per i vecchi l'ordine di difficoltà era: Eu2 <= Ck < HoI2 <<<<<< Victoria

    Bisognerà vedere per i nuovi dove si piazzerà CK2

  15. #65
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Crusader King 2] Annunciato il nuovo CK!


    Hello again folks, I do believe it is time for another dev diary!

    We've basically covered most of the features in the game by now, so I thought I'd change tack and talk a bit about what we've been up to in the last week. Much of the focus lately has been on war and peace, both the rules and the AI behaviour. I am pleased to report that we've now got vassals within the same realm fighting each other like the vicious bastards they are.

    We have also changed the rules a bit - vassals are now allowed to declare war on independent rulers, but independent rulers still cannot declare war on vassals. Thus, we now have William of Normandy as a vassal of France while invading England on his own. An unforeseen consequence of this is that he now tends to call in his father-in-law, another French vassal, Duke Boudewijn of Flandres to help him out. Marriage matters folks, and don't you forget it!

    On a related note, Duchess Matilde of Tuscany, vassal of the Holy Roman Emperor (and the most eligible bride in Europe), tends to open the game in 1066 with a rather bad move, attacking the Pope to seize Orvieto (which is de jure part of her Duchy of Spoleto.) Other times, the Pope usurps the title Duke of Spoleto, and then Matilde feels obliged to attempt to take it back.

    Either way, the unfortunate Duchess tends to get a rather nasty surprise. She has forgotten an important lesson that you might remember from an earlier diary - the Pope gets taxes from loyal bishops around Europe, making him a very, very rich man. So, while he has few levies of his own to raise, he can basically afford to hire every mercenary company in Europe! Even the mighty Holy Roman Emperor sometimes loses to the might of the Vatican.


    ...and there was much balancing.

    Until next time!

  16. #66
    Moderatore BI BI DA L'avatar di Jaqen
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    Peccato matilde fosse l'alleata più fedele del papa, ma vabbè

  17. #67
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Crusader Kings II - Dev Diary 14 - Plots
    Hello folks!

    It's Thursday, and you all know what that means... pea soup, pancakes and warm Punsch! Also, a Crusader Kings II dev diary. Today's topic is Plots. Like in EU:Rome, characters can have a specific ambition in life. It can be innocuous things like getting married, getting rich, or having a nice glass of warm Punsch, but sometimes it can be more sinister, like having your wife fall down the stairs. These nasty ambitions are called Plots, and they are hidden from other characters unless they are in on it (or have been made aware of it.) Those of you who have played Sengoku will recognize the general concept, although it works slightly differently in Crusader Kings II. You pick an available plot, then you can start inviting other characters into it. If the plot is military in nature, like gaining control of a title, the plot gains power from rulers commanding a military force. If it's an intrigue plot, you should rather invite those who are close to the target of the plot. Plot power is just a percentage, and will unlock new events and decisions the further along it is. At 100% plot power, the plot is likely to succeed.

    The problem is that Spymasters (the council position) can discover plots, depending on their intrigue skill vs the plotter's intrigue skill. Unless they too are in on it, they will report to their liege, who can then choose to take action. If you are lucky, he might just demand that you cease and desist. However, since he has evidence of your scheming, he is allowed to imprison you without repercussions (normally, other characters will perceive you as a tyrant when you throw people in the dungeon.) Being imprisoned automatically ends the plot, by the way.


    These are some of the more interesting plots:
    Change the Succession Law
    Take a landed title from your Liege
    Have a character killed

    Over the last week we've been balancing the succession law plots, because everyone and their uncle were plotting to institute Elective Monarchy. (In 1453, all kingdoms had ended up with this law.) Of course, it does make perfect sense for vassals to pick this plot, because it gives them a chance of getting elected themselves. However, it wasn't very nice of the Duke of Aquitaine to start a civil war over this right when King Philippe was trying to take Normandy back from William the Conqueror... So, we tweaked the likelihood of others joining in the plot and tightened up the conditions for taking it.

    That's all for now!

  18. #68
    Moderatore BI BI DA L'avatar di Jaqen
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    Questa parte mi piace


  19. #69
    Shogun Assoluto
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    quando esce? lo voglio

  20. #70
    Moderatore BI BI DA L'avatar di Jaqen
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    When it's done, ma entro Q4 2011. Magari stavolta cercano anche di debuggarlo prima dell'uscita....

    Best battuta del mese, proprio

  21. #71
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    7 febbraio 2012

  22. #72
    Banned L'avatar di Ben_Weasel
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  23. #73
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Buone nuove

    Some Interesting Information on Events in Crusader Kings II
    In Crusader Kings: Deus Vult, we had a fair amount of events.

    There were 1108 character events, 351 province events, and 300 events for technology.

    In CKII, we've moved a fair bit of events into gamemechanics, like plots, mercenaries, religious conversions, technology & diseases, limiting the province events a fair bit.

    During the development of CKII, we have been running with a barebones set of events until August, when the development started on implementing more flavour and events into the game. The idea was to have a fully working game, and be able to design events from that.

    Since the start of October, we've had a large scripting team with me, Captain Gars, King & SolSara working on designing and writing good character events.

    Currently there is 1200 character events in the game, and lots more will still be developed in the months left to release..

  24. #74
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Stanno facendo uscire capitoli del Dev Diary a tutto spiano

    Crusader Kings II - Dev Diary 15 - Buildings
    It's time again, to fan the flames of speculation, chagrin and wonderment!

    This week, I'll speak of buildings. In Crusader Kings, as you probably remember, you could build improvements in your counties; things like a library, a road network or money lenders. These would unlock as technology advanced in the county, and, once built, would improve stuff like taxation, defensibility and levy size. Crusader Kings II, not to be outdone by its predecessor, has a very similar system, except you do not build improvements per county, but per Holding (i.e. the baronies within a county. In Crusader Kings II, your Demesne does not consist of a number of counties, but of Holdings.)

    You can click on any Holding in the game to inspect which improvements it has, the size and composition of its levy and garrison, its fortification level and its base tax. If the Holding is part of your own demesne, you can build new improvements there (if any are available and you can afford them.) Castle, City and Church type holdings have different sets of buildings consistent with their role (remember, for example, that Cities are burgher dominated, rich, with sizable ship levies, and so on.) Not only that, but many cultures have their own slightly different sets of buildings. Thus, some Mongol Castle improvements will increase the number of Horse Archers, whereas the corresponding German type would increase the number of Knights.

    Another nifty feature of the Holding View is that you can change the name of the Holding if its lord is your subject - this has no effect on the gameplay, of course, but it's still fun (especially in multiplayer.) Naturally, you can also rename counties.


    That's all for now. Until next week!

  25. #75
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Kordian
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    Crusader Kings II - Dev Diary 16 - Technology
    Greetings, fellow medievalists!

    'Tis Thursday, and time for another entry in my ongoing chronicle of fabulousness. You have asked of technology, so today, being the just and kind ruler that I am, I shall speak of technological advancements.

    The technology system is, in fact, quite similar to the one in Crusader Kings. There are three main areas of technological advancement; Military, Economy and Culture. Each of these categories contains eight different technologies. For example, in the Military category, we have things like Castles, Bows, Tactics, and Light Armor. Every province in the game has its own level of advancement for all technologies (level 0 to V.) So Thrake might have Castles III, Legalism II, etc. Technology levels control what types of buildings can be built in the county holdings, the quality of the levies raised there, and many other things.


    Technology tends to spread to neighboring counties like in Crusader Kings. You can increase the rate of innovation by focusing on one technology per category - also like in the original game. However, you now also have the option of sending one of your councillors to a county to increase the rate of innovation. For example, your Marshal can research military technology in one of your counties, and the Spymaster can study technology in a foreign province, which might spread its advancements to your capital.


    The three technology categories are each associated with a character attribute, Military with Martial, Economy with Stewardship, and Culture with Diplomacy. All three are also helped by the Learning attribute (which is new to Crusader Kings II and the primary attribute of the Lord Spiritual). The rate of innovation thus depends on your ruler's skills (and those of the councillors and spouse.)

    Until next time!

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