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Discussione: Half-Life 2 [Tweaks]

  1. #1
    La Borga L'avatar di Wizard2k
    Data Registrazione
    In quel ramo del lago di Como...

    Predefinito Half-Life 2 [Tweaks]

    come da proposta di ROMZero direi di tenere un mini archivio di tutti i tweak che ci passano per le mani,
    magari con una breve descrizione esplicativa giusto per spiegare cosa fa il particolare tweak.

    usate il link più sotto per le discussioni
    del tipo "funziona", "non funziona", "non riesco"

    gli altri reply saranno cancellati

    http://www.tgmonline.it/forum/index.php? t=msg&goto=3385333

  2. #2
    L'Onesto L'avatar di smanu85
    Data Registrazione
    Veternigo city

    Predefinito Re: TWAEK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    Per eliminare in qualche modo gli scattini dovuti anche all'audio, andate in:

    C:\Programmi\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\vs email\half-life 2\hl2\cfg

    e poi aprite il file "config.cfg"

    Sistemate o aggiungete i seguenti valori:
    snd_mixahead    "0.4"
    sv_forcepreload "1"
    cl_forcepreload "1"
    cl_smooth       "0"
    Inoltre nelle opzioni di avvio di steam per hl2 aggiungete questa stringa:

    -heapsize 256000

    (il valore si basa sulla metà della ram del vostro pc, nell'esempio è per 512MB di RAM).

    P.S: Effettuate sempre una copia di backup del file originale...(qst è un mio consiglio)

    L'esempio qui sopra riportato può non funzionare con tutti i sistemi, alcuni possono beneficiarne altri no.

  3. #3

    Predefinito Cambiare la lingua e tenre i sottotitoli italiani


    Non è un Tweak grafico ma mi sembra ugualmente interessante, soprattutto per chi non trova il doppiaggio italiano all'altezza del gioco, doppiato (sembra) da un programma di sintesi vocale per il 90%.
    Ecco quindi il modo per giocare alla versione inglese e "umana", anche se si possiede la versione italiana su DVD, mantenendo però i sottotitoli in italiano.

    Di seguito riporto il messaggio di Legowelt:

    Legowelt ha scritto dom, 21 novembre 2004 alle 21:47
    Anche comprando la versione italiana è possibile riportare i dialoghi in inglese e tenere (se vi va) i sottotitoli in italiano.

    Basta selezionare dalle opzioni steam la lingua "inglese"
    e creare un file autoexec.cfg (da mettere nella cartella /CFG/ di half life 2) con questa riga dentro:

    cc_lang "italian"

    la cartella \cfg si trova nel percorso steam
    Valve\Steam\SteamApps\vostro account\half-life 2\hl2\cfg\
    Buon ascolto e ricordate che l'uomo giusto nel posto sbagliato può fare la differenza!

  4. #4

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    http://www.hlfallout.net/forums/index.ph p?showtopic=21615&st=0

    "Listed below are the known tweaks for Half-life 2

    Create a new text document in "\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\<your steam username>\half-life 2\hl2\cfg" (or wherever you installed HL2) called "autoexec.cfg".

    Open this file in notepad, and add the following lines:
    snd_mixahead        0.7" (Reduces audio stuttering.)
    sv_autosave          "0" (Disables autosaves at start of level.)
    sv_forcepreload      "1" (Preloads game assets at start of level.)
    cl_forcepreload      "1" (Preloads game assets at start of level.)
    cl_smooth            "0" (Disables animation smoothing.)
    cl_ragdoll_collide   "1" (Enables collision detection between ragdoll models.)
    snd_async_fullyasync "1" (Desyncs sound. I personally do not use this.)
    r_lod               "-2" (slight increase in image quality without decrease in framerate.)
    fps_max             "85" (set this to multiples of your monitor's refresh rate)
    r_mmx                "1" (Ensures MMX is enabled.)
    r_sse                "1" (Ensures SSE is enabled.)
    r_sse2               "1" (Ensures SSE2 is enabled.)
    r_3dnow              "1" (Ensures 3dNow is enabled - for AMD cpu)
    mat_parallaxmap      "0" (Disables parallax mapping.)
    Note that for the command snd_mixahead, there is no "ideal" value. Different setups work best with different values. The most common ones are 0.4, 0.5, and 0.7.

    To completely disable autosaves, go to "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\<your steam username>\half-life 2\hl2\SAVE" (or wherever you installed HL2) and set the following 4 files to read-only:
    This stops the game jerking everytime it autosaves at checkpoints in levels. Remember to manually quicksave, though.

    Command line Parameters:
    To add these, right click on your HL2 shortcut icon, select "properties", and look for the line called "target". It should look like this:
    "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 220

    Add the following behind it:
    -heapsize 512000     (set this number to half of your total RAM Kbytes)
    +map_background none (start the game without loading menu background map)
    For those of you who launch HL2 via the steam interface, use the following method for adding command line parameters:
    Open Steam > Play Games
    Right Click on "Half-Life 2" and choose "Properties"
    This should pop up a window that will have a "Launch Options" button. Click that and add the above parameters.

    Another command line parameter some of you might like to add is "-rate 85", which specifies the refresh rate used in-game. Change the number to whatever refresh rate your monitor uses for the resolution you run HL2 at (i.e. 70, 75, 85, 100).

    To defrag HL2's massive 1 gigabyte sound-file, download the program "Contig" from here:
    http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freewa re/contig.shtml

    Using this program (instructions on the website), ensure that the file "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\source sounds.gcf" is in one continguous segment. This speeds up read-times when fetching sounds during gameplay."

  5. #5
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Rico_
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)

    un altra cosa, aggiungendo -console alla destinazione del collegamento sul desk, si evita il caricamento del menu animato all'avvio del gioco, risparmiando tempo. (mi sa che l'ha gia deto qualcuno, ma è meglio averlo in questo topic x comodità

  6. #6
    Il Fantasma
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)

    E' uscita un guida molto interessante su http://www.tweakguides.com/

  7. #7
    La Borga L'avatar di Wizard2k
    Data Registrazione
    In quel ramo del lago di Como...

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    RedKing ha scritto gio, 25 novembre 2004 alle 11:30
    E' uscita un guida molto interessante su http://www.tweakguides.com/

    Riporto una parte dell'articolo dedicato ad HL2:
    Common Commands

    cl_showfps [0,1,2] - Draws a Frames Per Second (FPS) counter at the top of the screen. 0=off, 1=FPS, 2=Smoothed FPS. In general the smoothed fps counter is best for viewing framerates

    cvarlist [string] - If entered by itself this command generates a list of all the command variables (cvars) in HL2. If one or more characters are also entered, cvarlist will list all commands starting with those letter(s).

    help [cvar] - Provides any available help text for the specified cvar.

    find [string] - Finds cvars with the specified string in their name or help text.

    revert [cvar] - Reverts cvars to their default value.

    differences - Shows all the cvars which are not at their default values, showing which have been changed.

    exec [configfilename] - Executes all valid commands within the specified configuration file. The file must be a plain text file with the name filename.cfg and reside in the same directory as config.cfg.

    clear - Clears all text from the console.

    echo [string] - Outputs the specified string to the console (e.g. echo banana prints the text banana in the console).

    version - Shows the current version of the game. The version number of the HL2 executable is effectively the version number for the entire game. Also shows the current build of the Source engine being used.

    pause - Pauses the game.

    unpause - Unpauses the game.

    autosave - Saves the current game to the autosave slot. Will not work if autosave is completely disabled as per the instructions in the Conclusion section.

    sv_autosave [0,1] - If set to 1, allows HL2 to automatically save your progress at level transitions. If set to 0, game will not save whenever a new level starts, but may still save periodically at certain trigger points within a level. To disable all autosaving see the Conclusion section of this guide.

    save [savename] - Saves the current game under the savename specified.

    load [savename] - Loads a game from the specified savename file.

    reload - Reloads the most recent saved game.

    restart - Restarts the game on the same level.

    kill - Kills Gordon.

    flush - Flushes the cache memory. Can resolve graphical anomalies such as texture glitches.

    map_background [mapname] - Runs a map as the background to the main menu. To find the mapnames, use the maps command (see below).

    maps [string] - Lists all maps starting with the provided string. Use maps * to list all mapnames.

    screenshot - Takes a screenshot.

    jpeg [filename, quality] - Takes a screenshot as a .jpg with the specified filename using the quality % specified (e.g. jpeg snapshot 50 saves a screenshot as snapshot.jpg with 50% quality). If no quality is specified the default as set by jpeg_quality will be used (see below).

    jpeg_quality [percentage] - Specifies the default quality percentage for screenshots taken with the jpeg command (see above).

    path - Shows the engine filesystem paths.

    exit - Exits Half Life 2 and returns to the Desktop.

    quit - Exits Half Life 2 and returns to the Desktop.

    Binding Commands

    bind [key, command] - Binds the stated command to the specified key (e.g. bind Z console binds the Z key to opening the command console).

    bindtoggle [key, command] - Same as the bind command, except the assigned key can be used to both turn the command on and off (e.g. bindtoggle F cl_showfps 2 means the F key will toggle the FPS counter on or off).

    unbind [key] - Removes any bindings from the specified key.

    unbindall - Removes bindings from all keys.

    alias [aliasname, command] - Gives a command a short name (e.g. alias taunt echo I am your new King! changes 'taunt' into a command which spits out "I am your new King" when used). Use alias as a shortcut for long or complex command strings.

    key_findbinding [command] - Find the key bound to the specified command.

    key_listboundkeys - Lists all the keys which currently have a binding.

    Performance Commands

    mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware [0,1] - If set to 1, attempts to force texture information into your Video RAM at the start of a level, alleviating any stuttering in the game. Note, this setting was introduced with the "stutter fix" patch (See Patches Mods & Steam section for details). If you find stuttering has increased, set this to 0 and try the other stutter fixes below.

    cl_forcepreload [0,1] - If set to 1 forces all information to preload, reducing loading pauses and stuttering by not loading information on the fly.

    sv_forcepreload [0,1] - If set to 1, forces server-side preloading, once again reducing loading pauses.

    cl_ragdoll_collide [0,1] - If set to 1, prevents characters from merging into each other due to ragdoll effects, thereby improving realism with no real performance hit.

    mat_compressedtextures [0,1] - If set to 1, uses compressed textures for optimal performance. For those with graphics cards which have higher amounts of Video RAM (e.g. 256MB) setting this to 0 will improve texture appearance at the cost of some performance.

    fps_max [fps] - Limits the maximum possible framerate to the FPS specified. Has no impact on framerate performance (other than capping it). This is best set to your monitor's refresh rate for smoother FPS, due to less volatile fluctuations (e.g. fps_max 85). Setting it higher does not increase overall FPS.

    mem_force_flush [0,1] - If set to 1 forces the cache to be flushed on every allocation, which is not necessarily optimal but can reduce memory-related errors.

    r_fastzreject [-1,0,1] - If set to 1 activates a fast z-setting algorithm which takes advantage of hardware fast z reject for improved performance. If set to -1 detects your default hardware setting for this option. Initially this should be set to 1, and if you see any problems then set to -1.

    cl_smooth [0,1] - If set to 1 attempts to smooth the view after prediction errors, however this can increase stuttering and so should usually be set to 0.

    cl_smoothtime [seconds] - Time over which to smooth the view after prediction errors. If cl_smooth is enabled, experiment with values to see which gives the best results.

    sv_autoladderdismount [0,1] - If set to 1, the player automatically dismounts from ladders when the end is reach. If disabled, the player must press the USE key to mount/dismount ladders and hence cannot accidentally jump/walk off a ladder. Set to taste as there is no performance impact.

    sv_footsteps [0,1] - If set to 1, player footsteps can be heard, if set to 0 no footsteps are emitted from the player. Set to taste, has no performance impact, but can affect realism.

    violence_ablood [0,1] - If set to 1 shows alien blood when they are hit. Disabling this can improve performance but reduce realism.

    violence_agibs [0,1] - If set to 1 shows alien gore when they are hit. Disabling this can improve performance but reduce realism.

    violence_hblood [0,1] - If set to 1 shows human blood when they are hit. Disabling this can improve performance but reduce realism.

    violence_hgibs [0,1] - If set to 1 shows human gore when they are hit. Disabling this can improve performance but reduce realism.


    cl_detaildist [range] - Determines the range at which detail props are shown (e.g. grass). The higher the value, the lower your performance as more add-on details are shown. Reducing this setting can increase performance, and increasing this setting will improve image quality.

    cl_detailfade [range] - Determines the range at which detail props fade into view. Increasing this value can raise performance.

    cl_maxrenderable_dist [distance] - Specifies the maximum distance from the camera at which things will be rendered. The smaller the number, the less will be rendered, improving performance (cheat).

    cl_ejectbrass [0,1] - If set to 1, weapons eject shells as they fire. If set to 0 they don't, which can improve performance especially during heavy combat.

    cl_show_bloodspray [0,1] - If set to 1, blood sprays are emitted from bullet impacts on characters. If set to 0, no blood sprays are shown, however blood marks (decals) can still appear. Disabling this can improve performance, but reduces realism.

    cl_show_splashes [0,1] - If set to 1, splashes in water are shown, if set to 0 they are disabled. Can improve performance if disabled at the cost of realism.

    crosshair [0,1] - If set to 1, enables the crosshair on the screen, if set to 0 disables it. The performance difference is negligible, so set to taste.

    lod_Enable [0,1] - If set to 1, allows the level of detail (lod) of objects to be gradually reduced the further they are from the player. This should be set to 1 for optimal performance, or 0 for maximum image quality.

    lod_TransitionDist [range] - The distance at which the lod is reduced on objects. The higher this range, the lower your performance but the better distant objects will appear.

    mat_bloom [0,1] - If set to 1, a 'bloom' lighting effect is visible on objects, softening their appearance. If set to 0 this effect is removed, but performance is increased without a noticeable drop in image quality.

    mat_bumpmap [0,1] - If set to 1, enables bump mapping which makes flat 2D textures appear three dimensional. If disabled, textures will be loaded without bumpmapping and will appear far less realistic, however performance will be improved.

    mat_clipz [0,1] - If set to 1, uses an optimization technique to reduce what is drawn on screen for a performance improvement. Note that some Nvidia FX card owners need to set mat_clipz 0 to fix rendering problems.

    mat_diffuse [0,1] - If set to 1, uses diffuse lighting on materials. If set to 0 such lighting is removed and while performance is improved the screen is almost completely black from lack of this diffuse (ambient) lighting and hence is not recommended.

    mat_drawwater [0,1] - If set to 1, all water is rendered. Setting this to 0 can remove water for a performance boost at the cost of realism (cheat).

    mat_dxlevel [dxversion] - Determines the shader version for special effects applied to materials. Options include 70, 80, 81 and 90 (e.g. mat_dxlevel 81). This is similar to the -dxlevel switch in the Advanced Tweaking section on page 7. Using shader versions lower than the highest level supported by your card will improve performance at the cost of varying degrees of image quality loss (depending on the shader version used).

    mat_fastnobump [0,1] - If set to 1, floor textures have all bump mapping removed and will appear flat and smooth. This can improve performance without affecting all bump mapping in the game, but will make floors appear unrealistic.

    mat_filterlightmaps [0,1] - If set to 1, static lightmaps are rendered correctly. If set to 0, all areas of pre-rendered lighting will be blocky and unrealistic, but performance will be improved slightly at the cost of realism.

    mat_filtertextures [0,1] - If set to 1, textures are rendered smoothly. If set to 0, textures will be blocky and unrealistic (similar to the original Doom!) but performance will be improved.

    mat_fullbright [0,1] - If set to 1, lights every texture will up brightly lit up (cheat).

    mat_hsv [0,1] - If set to 1, converts everything to black and white.

    mat_mipmaptextures [0,1] - If set to 0 disables mipmap textures, which harshens textures greatly but can improve performance.

    mat_showlowresimage [0,1] - If set to 1, loads extremely low resolution blocky textures in place of the normal ones for a significant performance boost at the cost of a great deal of realism.

    mat_softwarelighting [0,1] - If set to 1, uses only software-supported lighting. Image quality is not greatly affected, but this may increase or decrease your performance depending on whether your CPU is far more powerful than your graphics card.

    mat_specular [0,1] - If set to 1, uses specular lighting. If set to 0 materials will not have specular lighting applied to them for a performance boost but a slight drop in image quality.

    muzzleflash_light [0,1] - If set to 1, weapons firing will emit a light along with the muzzle flash. If set to 0, a muzzle flash is still visible but no lighting is cast from it. Performance will improve in combat scenes with no noticeable drop in realism.

    r_decal_cullsize [pixels] - Decals (marks from weapons etc.) higher than the specified size in pixels will be removed straight away. Raising this value can improve performance during heavy gunfire for example, at the cost of some realism depending on how high this value is raised.

    r_decals [number] - Specifies the maximum number of decals possible at any one time. The higher this number, the greater the potential for getting slowdowns during large firefights as large numbers of decals are generated. Reducing this setting can improve performance in such situations.

    r_drawdecals [0,1] - If set to 1, decals are drawn. If set to 0, no decals are drawn at all improving performance but greatly reducing realism (cheat).

    r_drawflecks [0,1] - If set to 1, small chunks of rubble and dirt will be thrown up around bullet impact points. If set to 0, these 'flecks' will be disabled, reducing realism but improving performance.

    r_drawmodeldecals [0,1] - If set to 1, decals can be drawn on models, which are pretty much everything excluding walls and floors. If set to 0 these decals will be disabled, improving performance during weapons fire for example, but reducing realism.

    r_maxmodeldecal [number] - If r_drawmodeldecals is enabled, this number determines the maximum number of decals which can be drawn on a model. The higher the setting the greater the performance impact when firing at models.

    r_drawparticles [0,1] - If disabled, particle effects - which includes smoke and explosions - will not be drawn. This can greatly improve performance around such effects at the cost of a great deal of realism.

    r_DrawRain [0,1] - If set to 1, rain effects will be rendered, however if disabled no rain will be drawn. This improves performance in levels where there is visible rain, however realism is greatly reduced (cheat).

    r_drawropes [0,1] - If set to 1, all ropes and rope-like objects (e.g. powerlines) will be drawn as normal, however disabling this setting will remove such objects, perhaps improving performance in places where they exist but reducing realism (cheat).

    r_drawskybox [0,1] - If set to 0, the sky textures will be completely removed, improving performance but resulting in visual anomalies in the sky and a large reduction in realism.

    r_drawtranslucentrenderables [0,1] - If set to 1, all objects which are translucent, such as the Combine energy shields, will be drawn. If set to 0, these objects will not be drawn, improving performance around them at the cost of realism (cheat).

    r_dynamic [0,1] - If set to 1, enables dynamic lighting. If set to 0, disables dynamic lighting which can boost performance without a dramatic impact on realism.

    r_farz [-1,0,1] - Controls the far clippling plane, which determines what is not rendered when it is determined not to be visible to the character. A value of -1 is normal, higher values can result in normally visible objects suddenly disappearing from view (cheat).

    r_lod [-8 to 8] - Determines the rate at which level of detail (lod) is stripped from objects as they recede away from the player. The lower the value, the more detail remains visible on objects as they progress into the distance, reducing performance but increasing image quality.

    r_maxdlights [number] - Determines the maximum number of dynamic lights visible on the screen. The larger this maximum, the more chance of slowdowns during scenes with multiple dynamic light sources. Reducing this value can improve performance in such situations.

    r_modellodscale [0-1] - This setting is not the same as the Model Detail setting under the in-game options. You can use this value to fine tune model details, with values below 1 reducing the model details, improving performance at the cost of realism.

    r_occlusion [0,1] - If set to 0, disables the occlusion system in the game, which can increase performance at the expense of image quality.

    r_WaterDrawReflection [0,1] - If set to 0, disables all reflections on top of water. This will boost performance at the cost of realism however you may experience graphical anomalies on the water.

    r_WaterDrawRefraction [0,1] - If set to 0, disables all refraction - that is images which appear distorted under the water. This will boost performance at the cost of realism, however you may experience some graphical anomalies on the water.

    sv_robust_explosions [0,1] - If set to 0, explosions will be less spectacular, but this may improve performance around explosions without a significant drop in realism.

    fog_enable [0,1] - If set to 0, will disable fog which can improve or reduce performance depending on whether your graphics card has issues with rendering fog.

    fog_enable_water_fog [0,1] - If set to 0, removes all underwater fogging which can result in a performance boost but unrealistic water appearance.

    r_waterforceexpensive [0,1] - If set to 1, the highest quality water will be used. If set to 0, performance may improve without a noticeable reduction in water quality.


    dsp_off [0,1] - If set to 1, disables audio DSP (Digital Signal Processing) in Half Life 2. This may improve performance (cheat), but will reduce the richness of audio effects.

    dsp_enhance_stereo [0,1] - If set to 1 enhances the stereo effect, making sound richer and more atmospheric for a slight performance hit.

    dsp_slow_cpu [0,1] - If set to 1, reduces the quality of dsp sound effects, improving performance on systems with slower CPUs.

    dsp_volume [volume] - Determines the volume of the background dsp effects. If the volume is increased, the impact of dsp enhancement will be exaggerated with no performance impact.

    snd_profile [0,1] - If set to 1, shows dsp usage stats in the console.

    snd_mixahead [value] - Set between 0 and 1, the higher the value the less stuttering and more synchronized sound will be, but performance may be reduced. A value of 0.5 to 0.7 will help reduce stuttering in the game. If you experience no stuttering, lower this value to gain some performance.

    snd_async_fullyasync [0,1] - If set to 1, sound may go out of synch with actions but you will experience reduced loading pauses and stuttering. Usually best left disabled.

    Demo Commands

    record [demoname] - Starts recording a demo of the current gameplay under the specified filename. The demo will be saved as demoname.dem in the \Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[username]\h alf-life 2\hl2\ directory along with all its associated files.

    stop - Stops recording the current demo.

    demoui - Opens a small demo user interface which looks like a media player, but makes the opening and playing of demos much easier, including the capability to FF, REW and skip to specific points in the demo.

    playdemo [demoname] - Plays back a pre-recorded demo of name demoname.dem.

    stopdemo - Stops playback of the currently playing demo.

    demopause - Pauses playback of the currently playing demo.

    demoresume - Resumes playback of the currently paused demo.

    listdemo [demoname] - Provides details of the specified demo file.

    demo_recordcommands [0,1] - If set to 1, records any commands typed at the console into demo files.

    startmovie - Starts recording movie frames, stored in the \Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[username]\h alf-life 2\hl2\ directory as .tga files.

    endmovie - Stops recording movie frames.

    Benchmarking Commands

    timedemo [demoname] - Plays the specified demo and reports performance information upon completion, including frames played, time taken, average FPS and FPS variability. Also records the information in a file called sourcebench.csv in your \Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[username]\h alf-life 2\hl2\ directory.

    timedemoquit [demoname] - Plays the specified demo as per the timedemo command and then exits the game to desktop.

    bench_start [filename] - Starts benchmarking your current gameplay and writes information to the specified file in .csv format.

    bench_end - Ends any benchmarking.

    bench_showstatsdialog - Shows a dialog box displaying the most recent benchmarking results.

    bench_upload - Uploads the most recent benchmarking stats to the Valve servers.

    benchframe [framenumber] - Takes a snapshot of the specified frame of a timedemo.

    perfvisualbenchmark - Runs a series of benchmarks on the current scene.

    perfvisualbenchmark_abort - Stops the benchmarking and prints the results for various aspects of the rendering system in average FPS in the console.

    View Commands

    firstperson - Switches to firstperson (from Gordon's eyes) point of view, which is the default for HL2.

    thirdperson - Switches to thirdperson (behind Gordon) point of view. Note in thirdperson view Gordon appears as an incomplete grey model.

    centerview - Centers the character's view on the middle of the screen (only when bound to a key).

    force_centerview - Centers the character's view on the middle of the screen whenever used.

    fov [angle] - Specifies the character's Field of View (fov), i.e. the total angle which can be viewed at once. Default is 75, higher values create more of a "fish-eyed" view, lower angles create a zoomed view.

    default_fov [angle] - Determines the default Field of View in HL2. Default is 75 (cheat).

    gameui_hide - Hides any visible portions of the game user interface, e.g. the console. Primarily used prior to taking a screenshot.

    hidehud [0,1] - If set to 1, hides the Heads Up Display (HUD) from view (cheat).

    cl_drawhud [0,1] - If set to 1, the HUD is drawn on screen, if set to 0 the HUD is not rendered, which can improve performance (cheat).

    Information & Diagnostic Commands

    bug - Opens a bug reporting user interface which makes the reporting of game bugs to Valve simple, such as being able to take a screenshot and attach it to the generated report automatically.

    cache_print - Shows the amount of memory used by cached information, and the total cache capacity currently used by the game.

    cl_precacheinfo - Shows the files which have been precached.

    cl_showpost [0,1] - Displays the player's position on the current map in X, Y and Z co-ordinates the top right corner if set to 1.

    developer [0,1] - If set to 1 shows Developer messages in the top left corner.

    fs_printopenfiles - Shows all files currently open.

    listmodels - Lists all models currently loaded.

    mat_info - Shows material system information.

    mat_reloadmaterial - Reloads all materials which can take quite a while but may resolve any temporary graphical glitches.

    mat_wireframe [0,1] - Displays materials in wireframe form (cheat).

    mem_dump - Writes memory statistics to the file memstats.txt.

    perfui - Opens a user interface which allows easy access to performance tools.

    r_drawlightinfo [0,1] - Shows the source of all lights in the current scene and their associated information (cheat).

    showbudget_texture [0,1] - If set to 1 displays a detailed control panel which graphs the memory usage for various types of textures.

    soundinfo - Shows information about the current sound output device.

    soundlist - Lists all known sounds.

    snd_restart - Restarts the sound system which can take a while but may clear any temporary audio glitches.

    snd_memasync - Shows sounds currently loaded and the memory used by each.

    snd_show [0,1] - If set to 1 displays information about sounds loaded (cheat).

    stopsound - Stops all sound effects currently playing.

    stopsoundscape - Stops all soundscapes currently playing.

    surfaceprop - Shows information about the surface currently under the cursor.

    Cheat Commands

    The sv_cheats 1 command must be used before cheat commands can work

    sv_cheats [0,1] - Toggle. Enables the use of cheat commands in single player or on a multiplayer server if set to 1

    god - Toggle. The player becomes invulnerable.

    noclip - Toggle. The player can fly and move through solid objects.

    notarget - Toggle. The player becomes invisible to NPCs (Non-Player Characters).

    ai_disable - Disables all Artificial Intelligence (AI) for NPCs and puts them into their idle animations. Can be used to test the performance hit of AI, or to freeze NPCs.

    impulse [code] - Generates objects, e.g. Impulse 101 gives the player all weapons.

    buddha - Toggle. Player can take damage but won't die.

    map [mapname] - Starts playing on the specified map (see maps command for mapnames).

    sv_unlockedchapters [chapternumber] - Allows access to the specified chapters of the game. Chapter number are shown under New Game in the main menu (e.g. sv_unlockedchapters 3 unlocks the first three Chapters of the game).

    npc_create [npctype] - Creates an NPC of the given type if that NPC is available on the current level.

    npc_destroy_unselected - Destroys all the NPCs not currently specified.

    npc_kill [npcname] - Kills specified NPC, or NPC currently under the cursor if none specified.

    npc_speakall - Forces the current NPC to speak all their possible responses.

    setpos [x y z] - Moves player to the specified co-ordinates on the current map.

    Multiplayer Commands

    Half Life 2 doesn't have a true multiplayer component so these commands are provided primarily for the benefit of other Source-engine games

    addip [ipaddress] - Add an IP address to the ban list.

    banid [userid] - Add a user ID to the ban list.

    changelevel [mapname] - Change server to the specified map (see maps command above to find out mapnames).

    cl_allowdownload [0,1] - Client downloads customization files.

    cl_allowupload [0,1] - Client uploads customization files.

    cl_cmdrate [packets/sec] - Max number of command packets sent to server per second.

    cl_lagcompensation [0,1] - Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.

    cl_rate [bytes/sec] - Max bytes/sec the host can send data. Default is 10,000.

    cl_resend [seconds] - Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt.

    cl_timeout [seconds] - After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself.

    cl_updaterate [packets/sec] - Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server.

    clientport [port] - Host game client port. Default is 27005.

    connect [serverip] - Connect to specified server.

    disconnect - Disconnect game from server.

    hostport [serverip] - Host game server port. Default is 27015.

    ip - Overrides IP for multihomed hosts.

    kick [username/userid/userslot] - Kick a player by slot, userid or name.

    killserver - Shutdown the server.

    listid - Lists banned users.

    listip - List IP addresses on the ban list.

    writeid - Writes a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg.

    writeip - Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg.

    maxplayers [playernumber] - Change the maximum number of players allowed on this server.

    mp_allowNPCs [0,1] - Allow NPCs on the server if set to 1.

    mp_allowspectators [0,1] - Toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not.

    mp_chattime [seconds] - Amount of time players can chat after the game is over.

    mp_fraglimit [frags] - Frag limit for deathmatch games.

    mp_friendlyfire [0,1] - If set to 1, friendly fire is enabled.

    mp_timelimit [minutes] - Game time per map in minutes.

    mp_weaponstay [0,1] - If set to 1, weaponstay is enabled.

    net_fakelag [milliseconds] - Lag all incoming network data (including loopback) by this many milliseconds (cheat).

    net_fakeloss [percentage] - Simulate packet loss as a percentage of total packets.

    net_graph [0,1,2,3] - Draw the network usage graph if set to 1 (More details of usage here).

    net_maxfragments [bytes/packet] - Max fragment bytes per packet.

    net_showdrop [0,1] - Show dropped packets in console if set to 1.

    net_start - Initializes multiplayer network sockets.

    password [password] - Current server access password.

    ping - Display ping to server.

    rate [bytes/sec] - Max bytes/sec the host can receive data. Default is 20000.

    rcon [command] - Issue an rcon command.

    rcon_password [password] - remote console password.

    removeid [userid] - Remove a user ID from the ban list.

    removeip [userip] - Remove an IP address from the ban list.

    retry - Retry connection to last server.

    say [string] - Display player message.

    say_team [string] - Display player message to team.

    slist - List servers on your LAN.

    spec_player [playername] - Spectate player by name.

    sv_allowdownload [0,1] - Allow clients to download files if set to 1.

    sv_allowupload [0,1] - Allow clients to upload customization files if set to 1.

    sv_alltalk [0,1] - Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions if set to 1.

    sv_filterban [0,1] - Set packet filtering by IP mode.

    sv_lan [0,1] - Server is a lan server (no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses, 9999.0 rate, etc.).

    sv_maxunlag [seconds] - Maximum lag compensation in seconds.

    sv_maxrate [rate] - Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited.

    sv_minrate [rate] - Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited.

    sv_maxupdaterate [updates/sec] - Maximum updates per second allowed.

    sv_minupdaterate [updates/sec] - Minimum updates per second allowed.

    sv_password [password] - Server password for entry into multiplayer games.

    sv_specnoclip [0,1] - If set to 1, spectators cannot fly through objects.

    sv_timeout [seconds] - Number of seconds without a message from a client before client is dropped.

    sv_voiceenable [0,1] - Enable voice on the server.

    users - Show user info for players on server.

    Ultima modifica di liPillON; 09-06-07 alle 19:37:44

  8. #8
    Il Puppies L'avatar di Dedox
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    Here are a few suggestions for fixing the sound skipping problem.

    1. Download the latest drivers for your video card.
    2. Turn down (or off) anti-aliasing completely. Many cards should be defaulting to no AA.
    3. Drop your video resolution down one step.
    4. Drop texture level down one setting. This will slightly degrade the visual quality of the textures in the game.

    The Settings for 2-4 can be found by going to the Options -> Video -> Advances Settings screen from the main HL2 menu.

    If you Still Have Problems
    Please send us in an MSInfo32 report by using the ask a questions tab at the top of this page.

    To run MSInfo32 and capture a snapshot of what is running on your system:

    start > run > msinfo32 <enter>

    It will come up to a panel, make sure the topmost item is highlighted: "System Summary"

    then go to:
    file > save > save to a file " msinfo32.nfo" on your desktop.

    Attach this file to your problem description when you "ask a question".

    Here is how to attach the msinfo32.nfo file:

  9. #9
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    per non avere piu' la compenetrazione fra gli oggetti (e i nemici), aggiungere al file autoexec.cfg:

    cl_ragdoll_collide "1"

    in questo modo molti oggetti non si compenetreranno più con i corpi, nè tra di loro.

  10. #10

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    Dopo alcune prove mirate a diminuire l'effetto stuttering ho trovato questa combinazione che elimina (nel mio caso) completamente la scattosità durante il gioco.
    cl_forcepreload      1 
    sv_forcepreload      1 
    cl_smooth            0 
    dsp_slow_cpu         1
    snd_mixahead         0.7 
    snd_async_fullyasync 1
    inserite il testo qui sopra in autoexec.cfg che si trova nella cartella:
    Valve\Steam\SteamApps\<nome account>\half-life 2\hl2\cfg
    Per il significato delle variabili vi rimando alla guida relativa

  11. #11
    Il Puppies
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    http://www.tgmonline.it/forum/index.php? t=msg&th=194258

    per le geforce fx

  12. #12
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    giacche' a molti utenti il link di sopra per attivare i riflessi dx9 per schede nvidia ecc non funziona, ecco un link alternativo che a me ha funzionato:

    http://uploaded.fresh.co.il/2004/12/04/8 5157103.rar

  13. #13
    Il Niubbi
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)

  14. #14
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Iscariah
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)

    http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/Half Life_2_Tweaker_V10;33673#Download

    un programmino x tweakare hl2

  15. #15
    La Borga L'avatar di Wizard2k
    Data Registrazione
    In quel ramo del lago di Como...

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    Riporto il post di zakspeed per ripristinare correttamente i backup fatti con Steam

    zakspeed ha scritto ven, 26 novembre 2004 alle 23:10
    (Provato sulla mia pelle )

    Visto che il salvataggio di backup di STEAM ha dato e da problemi a molti (tra i quali il sottoscritto), mi sono scervellato per trovare un metodo per farlo funzionare.....e a me ha funzionato!

    Premetto che avendo io scaricato HalfLife2 da un pc con ADSL al lavoro, mentre a casa ho un misero 56k, ho fatto fare a STEAM il suo bel backup versione cd (visto che il pc al lavoro non dispone di masterizzatore DVD).
    Inoltre il pc del lavoro viaggia con soli 128mb di ram, quindi non ne vuole sapere di avviare HL2.

    Da un primo momento di disperazione, sono passato hai tentativi.

    Vi spiego il procedimento:

    Dopo aver scaricato HL2 completametne (100%) e aver fatto fare la copia di backup a STEAM, ho ovviamente masterizzato tutti i files di backup (5 files per la versione CD).
    Inoltre ho messo su un cd tutta la cartella steam presente sul computer al lavoro (ovviamente senza la cartella BACKUP, ne tanto meno i file .cgf di halflife2, visto che superano abbondantemente i 700 mb di spazio di un cd.
    A casa ho copiato tutti i file di backup in una cartella sull hd, ho installato STEAM e poi ho bellamente sovrascritto la cartella c:\programmi\Valve\Steam con la copia che mi sono portato dal lavoro.
    A questo punto basta avviare il file eseguibile di halflife2 contenuto nella cartella di backup.
    Dopo il laborioso procedimento, la procedura mi chiede di inserire un 6° file di backup o_O????
    Quello che bisogna fare a questo punto è questo: lasciate stare il procedimento così come è; andate in c:\programmi\valve\steam\steamapps e quì potete vedere tutti i file ricreati dal processo di ricostruzione dei backup.
    Questi files hanno un estensione .tmp cioè sono files temporanei che il procedimento cancellerà se non va a buon fine.
    E cosa facciamo noi? Semplicemente rinominiamo l'estensione (abilitate la funzione in windows per vedere l'estensioni dei files), o meglio basta cancellare la parte finale .tmp e il simbolino iniziale che somiglia a una specie di S messa per orizzontale.
    Tutto quì. Ora basta dire ANNULLA alla procedura che era rimasta interrotta per farla terminare.
    Avviamo STEAM online e vediamo che per qualke secondo il nostro gioco HL2 rimane fermo al 99%, ma in breve arriva di nuovo al 100%.
    Avviamo il gioco .....et voilà!

    La stessa procedura si può fare anche per chi ha messo il bacckup su DVD.


  16. #16
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    da steampowered un tweak che a me ha funzionato (anche se in maniera diversa, com e' accaduto anche ad altri utenti del forum in questione, ma lo spiego alla fine...)
    Il tweak consiste nel....

    "Reducing the process priority of hl2.exe from "normal" to "low" in the Windows task manager.***

    ...don't ...ask ...me ...why. It just works for me. And at least one other forum visiter who has tried it.

    On a "playability" scale of 1-10, where before doing this would be about 5, changing this setting makes it around 9. The unbearable stuttering is now reduced to an occasional mere hiccup. I can wait no longer for a patch to enjoy this amazing game, so this will have to do for now.

    I am posting this for those of you desperate for a fix, willing to try something new. I hope it helps at least a few of you.

    If you are unfamiliar with how to do this, here is a walkthrough (it's quite easy, I promise):

    -With HL2 loaded at the menu screen, hit the keys "ctrl+alt+delete". This will minimize the game and bring up the Windows task manager.
    -In the task manager, select the "Processes" tab, locate "hl2.exe" in the list of processes below, right-click, and select "Set Priority > Low".
    -Close the task manager and bring HL2 back to the front. It will take about 30-40 seconds for the game to regain control.
    -That's it!"


    COME DICEVO ALL'INIZIO, a me come anche ad altri utenti che hanno postato nel topic in questione (il link non ce l'ho ma si trova facilmente in steampowered.com sotto il nome "Yet another temporary "stutterbug" fix until patch release...") le prestazioni e anche lo stuttering residuo sono migliorati tantissimo non abbassando la priorita' di hl2 da normal a low (come appunto descritto in inglese sopra...), ma alzando la priorita' di hl2.exe da normal a supNormal. ho provato tantissime volte questo tweak, e praticamente mi rimane solo pochissimo stuttering, oltre a poter giocare hl2 in maniera molto fluida anche su un athlon 2000 mhz , 512 mb ram e gef 5900xt con tutti i dettagli alti (ma senza aa)

    dunque, per chi vuole provare, in parole povere basta far partire hl2, premere alt-tab, (si va al desktop), premere ctrl-alt-canc (appare la schermata dei programmi in "azione" tramite windows), scegliere steam.exe (o hl2.exe per chi ha effettuato "magie" varie sulla sua copia originale di hl2....), cliccarci sopra con il tasto destro, scegliere "imposta priorita'", settare la priorita' su "bassa", se non dovesse dare risultati positivi scegliere supNormale (o provare anche le altre..), ritornare al gioco (non e' complicato da fare, basta farlo 1 volta ad ogni avvio di hl2, questione di 3 secondi..)

  17. #17
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Gordon86
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    Questo tips evita l'errore della memoria di tipo read:

    1. destro mouse su risorse del PC / proprietà /avanzate / impostazioni e cliccare sul pulsante prestazioni / avanzate / memoria virtuale / cambia / qui selezionare nessun file di paging e cliccare su imposta / OK / OK e riavviare
    2. una volta riavviato destro mouse su risorse del PC / proprietà /avanzate / impostazioni e cliccare sul pulsante prestazioni / avanzate / memoria virtuale / e selezionare Dimensioni gestite dal Sistema cliccare Imposta / Ok / Ok e riavviare.

    Sul sottoscritto ha funzionato

  18. #18
    Il Fantasma
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)

    Vi posto la mia esperienza ^_^!
    Se dovete formattare e avete in altre partizioni il giochillo in questione una volta formattato e reinstallato l'os basta rievocare l'exe di steam inserire i dati di log-in e selezionare la lingua ita dal prog di config di steam..

    Dunque per bakuppare half life 2 fatevi un bel rarrone splittato in + dvd ^_^!

  19. #19
    Il Nonno L'avatar di [MiStO]
    Data Registrazione
    Montpellier, France

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)

    pak ha scritto mer, 01 dicembre 2004 alle 14:57

    Dopo alcune prove mirate a diminuire l'effetto stuttering ho trovato questa combinazione che elimina (nel mio caso) completamente la scattosità durante il gioco.
    cl_forcepreload      1 
    sv_forcepreload      1 
    cl_smooth            0 
    dsp_slow_cpu         1
    snd_mixahead         0.7 
    snd_async_fullyasync 1
    solo per segnalare che a me,questo autoexec mi dava problemi(scattava parecchio di +), ma una volta rimosso,il gioco sembra andare decisamente meglio,migliore anche di prima del "tweak"!
    meglio così,ma chi ci capisce qualcosa è bravo...

  20. #20

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    Avete due alternative:
    • aggiungere l'opzione -console ai parametri di avvio di HL2 (modificando il collegamento presente sul desktop, oppure specificandolo nelle opzioni presenti per HL2 nella lista giochi di steam)
      • si evita anche il caricamento delle mappe di sfondo dei menu
      • una volta chiusa la finestra della console non è possibile riaprirla
    • configurare il gioco in modo tale che la console sia richiamabile a piacimento con la pressione di un tasto. Seguite questi passaggi:
      1. avviare steam
      2. avviare HL2
      3. aprire le opzioni di HL2
      4. nella sezione "controlli" cliccare sul pulsante "avanzate"
      5. nella finestrella assicurarsi che "console sviluppatore" sia attivata
      6. uscire da HL2
      7. aprire la cartella .\Steam\SteamApps\<proprio account>\half-life 2\hl2\cfg\
      8. col blocco note aprire il file config.cfg (o ancora meglio: crearne uno con nome autoexec.cfg ed aprire quello)
      9. aggiungere la riga bind "\" "toggleconsole" e salvare il file
      10. avviare HL2
    Ultima modifica di liPillON; 09-06-07 alle 19:30:44

  21. #21

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    si fa tutto quello che si deve fare con steam e hl2 (installazioni.. aggiornamenti.. ecc.ecc.)
    una volta accertato che tutto quanto funziona...
    1. si esce da hl2
    2. nelle impostazioni di steam si seleziona la lingua in cui si vuole sentire il parlato
    3. alla richiesta di riavvio di steam si risponde "riavvia"
    4. con steam in esecuzione (in inglese, a questo punto) si lancia hl2
    5. nelle opzioni audio del gioco si sceglie "subtitles (dialogs only)" (o una cosa del genere)
    6. si esce da hl2
    7. si esce da steam
    8. aprire la cartella .\Steam\SteamApps\<tuo account>\half-life 2\hl2\cfg\
    9. si crea il file autoexec.cfg (o lo si modifica) inserendo la riga cc_lang "italian"
    10. si riavvia steam
    11. si lancia hl2



    scoperto un modo molto più semplice che permette anche di lasciare l'italiano come lingua di steam:
    1. si lancia steam in modalità online
    2. si lasciano aggiornare sia client che giochi
    3. se steam non è in italiano, ne si cambia la lingua e lo si riavvia
    4. dalla lista giochi si aprono le proprietà del gioco desiderato
    5. dalla scheda "generale" si clicca su "imposta opzioni di avvio"
    6. alle evenutali opzioni esistenti va aggiunto +english 1 +cc_subtitles 1 +cc_lang italian
    7. si lancia hl2 per verificare che tutto funzioni


    con le modifiche al client steam dovute al varo della community steam, è stata aggiunto un settaggio configurabile nelle proprietà dei singoli giochi.
    anche questo metodo evita di dover cambiare la lingua del client
    1. si lancia steam in modalità online
    2. si lasciano aggiornare sia client che giochi
    3. se steam non è in italiano, ne si cambia la lingua e lo si riavvia
    4. dalla lista giochi si aprono le proprietà del gioco desiderato
    5. dalla scheda "lingua" selezionare quella desiderata
    6. si lancia hl2 per verificare che tutto funzioni

    forse perchè le nuove funzionalità non sono ancora rodate del tutto, mi è capitato che il metodo di luglio funzionasse con con HL2 mentre per EP1 fosse necessario utilizzare quello settembrino... provate...
    Ultima modifica di liPillON; 26-09-07 alle 17:28:03

  22. #22

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)

    Ultima modifica di liPillON; 01-11-07 alle 10:58:27

  23. #23

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    Here's some info on how to spawn different NPCs and how to have fun with them. I'm pretty much certain it's incomplete so contribute anything I've missed and I'll edit it into this post with credit.

    The Basics

    To spawn an npc (with a few exceptions), look at the area of ground where you want it to spawn, then open up the console (~ key for most, below esc for all) and type "npc_create [npc name]". You can also spawn them aimed away from you using npc_create_aimed, but I haven't been able to make this command work without having an npc of the same type spawned normally first.

    To give your npcs weapons, you have to use the npc_create_equipment command. If you wanted to spawn alyx with a shotgun for instance, you'd type "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun; wait; npc_create npc_alyx".

    To bind a spawning command to a key, type "bind "[key]" "[command]"".

    Now you can create some huge zombies vs antlions vs combine vs alyx clones battles. When positioning troops for battle, type "ai_disable" to stop them fighting until you're done positioning. Type it again to turn ai back on.


    NPCs all have inputs which you can activate using the ent_fire command. Some inputs are common to all NPCs, some are unique to one or two NPCs. To list all the inputs (and outputs, although I don't know if they're much use) of an NPC, type "ent_info [npc name]". As far as I can see, all the inputs listed above setrelationships are specific to certain NPCs.

    If you want to actually input something to an NPC, you have to name it first. To do this, type "ent_setname [name]". Once you've named an npc, you can then type "ent_fire [name] [input]" and do cool stuff like set them on fire.

    To set things on fire, type "ent_setname [name]; wait; ent_fire [name] ignite". I found that code posted by somebody on another forum and it made me want to find out other similar things I could do, and find out I did.

    A couple of other useful global inputs are kill and sethealth. There's also a skin input which I'm guessing changes the model or textures but I have no idea how to use it, so if anybody can help with that it'd be much appreciated.

    NPC List

    Where inputs are blank I've found nothing useful, but I might have missed something (or I might have omitted something you would have found useful).



    Combine Soldier: npc_combine_s

    Metrocop: npc_metropolice ____ Inputs: enablemanhacktoss - I haven't been able to get this to work. Maybe you'll have better luck.

    Sniper: npc_sniper

    All of these remain stationary
    For these use give rather than npc_create. They will spawn above you, rather than underground/inside the ground.

    Strider: npc_strider ____ Inputs: setcannontarget - kills things - usage "ent_fire [name of strider] setcannontarget [name of target]" | setminiguntarget - useless, aims at feet of target ____ Notes: Targets must be named using ent_setname. On some levels you have to noclip upwards a little to spawn a strider because it will sink into the ground otherwise. If a strider impales an antlion guard it will fly away.

    Dropship: npc_combinedropship ____ Notes: Lots of inputs, the ones I tried didn't work. Test out more if you can be bothered.

    Gunship: npc_combinegunship ____ Inputs: dogroundattack - shoots a laser at the ground directly beneath it. Will continue to do so as long as enemies of the combine are beneath it.

    Helicopter: npc_helicopter ____ Inputs: dropbomb ____ Notes: Lots of inputs, lots crashed the game. Test out more if you can be bothered.

    Scanners and manhacks are spawned on the near side of the wall pointed at

    Scanner: npc_cscanner ____ Inputs: equipmine | deploymine | disablespotlight | inspecttargetspotlight - usage "ent_fire [name of scanner] inspecttargetspotlight [name of target] | inspecttargetphoto | <set/clear>followtarget | setflightspeed ____ Notes: Targets must be named using ent_setname.

    Manhack: npc_manhack

    Rollermine: npc_rollermine ____ Inputs: respondtoexplodechirp - makes it explode

    Stalker: npc_stalker ____ Notes: Does nothing but waddle around a bit. Shot me with a laser once in the three times I spawned one. Crashes game when killed. Not recommended.



    Antlion: npc_antlion ____ Inputs: <hear/ignore>bugbait - buggy. will alternately attack you and love you. | burrow | unburrow

    Antlion Guard: npc_antlionguard ____ Inputs: setchargetarget - usage "ent_fire [antlion guard name] setchargetarget [target name]" | clearchargetarget | setshovetarget | ragdoll - makes it die ____ Notes: Targets must be named using ent_setname.

    Zombies and Headcrabs

    Zombie: npc_zombie

    Fast Zombie: npc_fastzombie

    Poison Zombie: npc_poisonzombie

    Headcrab: npc_headcrab ____ Inputs: burrowimmediate | unburrow

    Fast Headcrab: npc_headcrab_fast

    Poison Headcrab: npc_headcrab_poison


    Vortigaunt: npc_vortigaunt

    Citizen: npc_citizen ____ Inputs: giveweapon - usage "ent_fire [name of citizen] [weapon {eg weapon_shotgun}]" | setmedic<on/off> | setammoresupplier<on/off> | setreadiness<low/medium/high>

    setexpressionoverride is an input which allows you to make a character enact any scene. The usage is "ent_fire [character name] setexpressionoverride [file path of scene]". For example, to make alyx perform the gman's closing speech, you would name alyx alyx and type "ent_fire alyx setexpressionoverride scenes\citadel\gman_out".

    Alyx: npc_alyx ____ Inputs: setreadiness<low/medium/high> | outsidetransition - places her in front of you | setexpressionoverride

    Barney: npc_barney ____ Inputs: setreadiness<low/medium/high> | outsidetransition - places him in front of you | setexpressionoverride

    Breen: npc_breen ____ Inputs: ____ setexpressionoverride

    Dog: npc_dog ____ Inputs: setexpressionoverride ____ Notes: There are lots of inputs to do with playing catch that I couldn't get to work properly. Dog's AI without
    scripting is "run away".

    Eli: npc_eli ____ Inputs: setexpressionoverride ____

    Gman: npc_gman ____ Inputs: setexpressionoverride

    Kleiner: npc_kleiner ____ Inputs: setexpressionoverride

    Father Grigori: npc_monk ____ Inputs: setexpressionoverride | perfectaccuracy<on/off>

    Mossman: npc_mossman ____ Inputs: setexpressionoverride

    Those are all the npcs I currently know of. To find the name of an npc while playing you can type "ent_show_response_criteria" and it'll come up with their name (along with some other stuff if developer is set to verbose).

    There are more things to input to than NPCs. Type "ent_fire " and a list of non-NPC entities with inputs will appear under the console. I think these differ from level to level, and they let you do things like stopping the antlions spawning at the beginning of Highway 17.

    I have no idea how to spawn explosive barrels etc or whether it's even possible, but hopefully someone will find a way.

    I think that's about it. Hope it's of some use.

    Heres my list:

    Well now that most of us have finished the game I thought we
    could have a little fun with the characters,enemies, and such.

    Below is a list of all the spawning commands that I know of, feel free to add more in a post.
    All commands are listed so that you can just copy and paste them into your config located in

    steam/steamapps/your account/half-life2/hl2/cfg

    You can also use them in game from the console but take note that if you bind them while in the game they will not save and must be re-entered.

    To enable the console go to your options menu, click keyboard,click advanced, and check off the Enable developer console option.

    Note: for best spawning abilities set "sv_cheats 1", god, notarget, noclip and impulse 101 for all weapons.
    If you wish to "pause" the action set ai_disable and you will be free to set things up without the ai attacking each other.

    Quick explanation of commands

    npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1 (gives the npc your spawning a weapon to use. Replace smg1 with the weapon of your choice. Working weapons:smg1, ar2, shotgun, crowbar, rpg, annabelle, alyxgun)
    Note: The annabelle and alyxgun can be picked up or spawned using the give command.
    The annabelle is Grigori's shotgun and is 100% accurate. The Alyxgun is glitchy and "floats" in front of you when used.

    Give (gives you any item you specify or spawns an npc inside you sv_cheats must be set to 1)

    npc_create (spawns the npc of your choice inside your reticule)

    IMPORTANT: When using the npc_create command, the npc will always spawn wherever your reticule is pointing at as long as it is a solid object.
    The give command will always spawn things inside of you.(striders for example only work with the give command)

    Here are the commands that I know of (change key to your key of choice)

    Combine Soldiers
    bind "q" "npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2; wait; npc_create npc_combine_s"
    bind "s" "npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1; wait; npc_create npc_combine_s"
    bind "u" "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun;wait;npc_create npc_combine_s"
    bind "x" "npc_create_equipment weapon_rpg;wait;npc_create npc_combine_s"
    bind "c" "npc_create_equipment weapon_annabelle;wait;npc_create npc_combine_s"
    bind "v" "npc_create_equipment weapon_alyxgun;wait;npc_create npc_combine_s"

    Resistance Fighters
    bind "w" "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun; wait; npc_create npc_citizen"
    bind "b" "npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2;wait; npc_create npc_citizen"
    bind "n" "npc_create_equipment weapon_rpg;wait; npc_create npc_citizen"
    bind "m" "npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1;wait; npc_create npc_citizen"
    bind "o" "npc_create_equipment weapon_crowbar;wait; npc_create npc_citizen"
    bind "p" "npc_create_equipment weapon_annabelle; wait; npc_create npc_citizen"
    bind "r" "npc_create_equipment weapon_alyxgun; wait; npc_create npc_citizen"

    bind "[" "npc_create npc_headcrab"
    bind "]" "npc_create npc_heacrab_fast"
    bind "\" "npc_create npc_headcrab_poison"
    bind "y" "npc_create npc_poisonzombie"
    bind "a" "npc_create npc_zombie"
    bind "t" "npc_create npc_fastzombie"

    bind "e" "npc_create npc_antlion"
    bind "k" "npc_create npc_anlionguard"

    Important Characters
    bind "j" "npc_create npc_eli"
    bind "h" "npc_create npc_kleiner"
    bind "g" "npc_create npc_dog"
    bind "1" "npc_create npc_barney"(Can be armed using the equipment command)
    bind "2" "npc_create npc_alyx"(Can be armed using the equipment command)
    bind "3" "npc_create npc_breen"
    bind "4" "npc_create npc_gman"
    bind "5" "npc_create npc_monk" (Father Grigori)(Can be armed using the equipment command)
    bind "6" "npc_create npc_mossman"
    bind "7" "npc_create npc_vortigaunt"(Attacks enemies)

    Glitchy/Nonworking spawns
    bind "key" "npc_create npc_stalker"(Experimented people you see in Nova Prospekt,walk slowly and fire lasers at you or enemies)WARNING: If killed the game will crash.

    bind "key" "npc_create npc_combine"(Most likely the big blob you see Breen talking to)WARNING: Game crashes when attempting to spawn.

    bind "key" "npc_create npc_ichthyosaur"(Spawns the old HL monster inside the ground unless you use the give command which cause the monster to "fly" in circles towards the ground)

    bind "key" "npc_create npc_barnacle" (Creates a barnacle that hovers about one inch from the ground, the give command works best but causes the game to crash)

    bind "key" "npc_create npc_strider"(spawns a strider in the ground unless used with the "give" command,strider is immobile but will shoot at its enemies and impale any hapless citizen if they get too close)

    bind "key" "npc_create npc_manhack"
    bind "key" "npc_create npc_crow"
    bind "key" "npc_create npc_pigeon" (Flies away when spawned)


    Like I said these are all the spawns that I currently know of, if you know how to spawn furniture and such please post.

  24. #24
    La Borga L'avatar di Wizard2k
    Data Registrazione
    In quel ramo del lago di Como...

    Predefinito Prendere ScreenShot


    Per fare screenshot senza utilizzare programmi esterni seguire questi passi:

    1) Vai nel pannello Opzioni/Tastiera e nella configurazione dei tasti (dove ci sono i comandi come Salva partita e Carica partita) c'è anche il comando "ScreeenShot", dove puoi assegnare il tasto che preferisci per questa funzione...se non ricordo male di default dovrebbe essere F5. Ovviamente le immagini vengono salvate nella cartella ScreenShots di HL2.

    2) non dimenticare di creare una cartella "screenshots" sia in ".\SteamApps\account\half-life 2\hl2\" che in ".\SteamApps\account\half-life 2\hl2_italian\"

  25. #25
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Iscariah
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: TWEAK Half Life 2 (SOLO SEGNALAZIONI)


    avviate il gioco desiderato con il parametro -console, poi quando scende nel menù principale NON CHIUDETELA, ma bindatela a un tasto differente da \ : in alcuni sistemi può dare problemi!

    Scrivete bind "tasto" toggleconsole (io ho usato la freccia in su che corrisponde a UPARROW, quindi bind "UPARROW" toggleconsole)

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