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Discussione: Tribes Ascend

  1. #226
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ZaeN
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    omfg l'infi con il coso del raider

  2. #227

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Stevich Visualizza Messaggio
    l'arx buster a controllo remoto è uber in mano a uno che può rendersi invisibile

  3. #228
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Beko
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    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    ho iniziato a giocarci da qualche giorno e mi diverte non poco, son solo capace con il pathfinder


  4. #229

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    all'inizio consiglio il soldier
    che è più multi ruolo

  5. #230
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Beko
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    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    si ma gotta go fast

  6. #231
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ZaeN
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    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    comunque ero in riflessione.. con il pacco dell'infiltrator hanno aggiunto nuove armi e le skin.. vediamo quanto ci mettono a introdurre roba allucinante e smerdare il gioco sullo stile di TF2

  7. #232

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da ZanZa Visualizza Messaggio
    comunque ero in riflessione.. con il pacco dell'infiltrator hanno aggiunto nuove armi e le skin.. vediamo quanto ci mettono a introdurre roba allucinante e smerdare il gioco sullo stile di TF2
    Anche se TF2 ormai è diventato osceno per tutte le schifezze che ci hanno aggiunto, penso che per un free to play, se non vuole venire presto a noia, sia importante introdurre nuove aggiunte.

  8. #233
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ZaeN
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    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    ma hanno migliorato gli hitbox o qualcosa di analogo? ho fatto un paio di game e col nova blaster del sentinel ho beccato colpi che prima non avrei mai sperato di beccare o___O

    ..oppure piano piano esco dalla nabbagine
    Ultima modifica di ZaeN; 27-03-12 alle 23:18:10

  9. #234

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    Tribes Beta Version 0.1.866.0 Patch Notes

    Significant Items

    • Spinfusor projectiles now travel at the same velocity, though Spinfusor weapons still vary in damage, radius, and fire rate.

      • Increased Juggernaut's SpinfusorD projectile velocity by roughly 5%.
      • Increased Soldier's Spinfusor projectile velocity by roughly 3%.
      • Increased Brute's Heavy Spinfusor projectile velocity by roughly 8%.
    • Brute's Light Sticky Grenade damage against Generators increased 125%, better matches the Infiltrator's Sticky Grenades.
    • Fixed an issue where Soldier's AP Grenade did too much damage against Shrikes (reduced by 75%).
    • Damage increased on Brute's Nova Colt by roughly 5%.
    • Time for inactive reload reduced from 6s to 5s.
    • Increased the distance from the flag the Rage Perk will activate by 50%.
    • Damaged caused by early in-air detonation of Infiltrator's Jackal rounds reduced by 50%. Knockback from in-air detonation also decreased by 50%.
    • Damage against armored targets with Infiltrator's Jackal rounds increased 20% (Fixed an issue where full damage was not being applied).
    • Fixed an issue where the sticky explosives from the Infiltrator's Jackal could not be destroyed with bullet based weapons.
    • A variety of backend changes preparing for the introduction of future functionality.


  10. #235

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

  11. #236
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ZaeN
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    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Stevich Visualizza Messaggio
    Tribes Beta Version 0.1.866.0 Patch Notes

    Significant Items

    • Spinfusor projectiles now travel at the same velocity, though Spinfusor weapons still vary in damage, radius, and fire rate.

      • Increased Juggernaut's SpinfusorD projectile velocity by roughly 5%.
      • Increased Soldier's Spinfusor projectile velocity by roughly 3%.
      • Increased Brute's Heavy Spinfusor projectile velocity by roughly 8%.
    • Brute's Light Sticky Grenade damage against Generators increased 125%, better matches the Infiltrator's Sticky Grenades.
    • Fixed an issue where Soldier's AP Grenade did too much damage against Shrikes (reduced by 75%).
    • Damage increased on Brute's Nova Colt by roughly 5%.
    • Time for inactive reload reduced from 6s to 5s.
    • Increased the distance from the flag the Rage Perk will activate by 50%.
    • Damaged caused by early in-air detonation of Infiltrator's Jackal rounds reduced by 50%. Knockback from in-air detonation also decreased by 50%.
    • Damage against armored targets with Infiltrator's Jackal rounds increased 20% (Fixed an issue where full damage was not being applied).
    • Fixed an issue where the sticky explosives from the Infiltrator's Jackal could not be destroyed with bullet based weapons.
    • A variety of backend changes preparing for the introduction of future functionality.

    hanno più o meno buffato varie robette secondarie del brute insomma.. in fin dei conti mi sembra giusto dato che imho alla fine della fiera è una delle classi meno caratterizzate
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Nightmare619 Visualizza Messaggio

  12. #237
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ZaeN
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    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend


    Hi-Rez Studios Finally Fixes Bug That Creates Skiing Within Tribes: Ascend
    Posted on April 1, 2012 by HirezMaria

    ImageATLANTA. April 1st, 2012. Today, Hi-Rez Studios announced that they have finally identified and corrected the ‘skiing bug’ within the popular Tribes gaming franchise.

    The infamous bug was introduced in 1998 with the release of the original Starsiege: Tribes. A defect deep within the game’s physics subsystem allowed players to slide or ‘ski’ very quickly across wide-open terrain. For over 13 years, and across numerous Tribes sequels, this exploit has been used by players to gain incredible movement speeds – earning Tribes a reputation as the World’s Fastest Shooter.
    Now, thanks to the debugging skills of Hi-Rez developer Don Zubis, skiing in Tribes has been eliminated.

    “No more skiing! Tribes players can now travel at the more comfortable walking speed found in other modern shooters”, explains Todd Harris, Hi-Rez Studios Chief Operating Officer. “With this bug finally behind us, our dev team can move onto new gameplay mechanics including Super-Slow Walk, Go Prone, and the highly anticipated Crawl.

    The release date of Tribes: Ascend remains April 12, 2012. And Hi-Rez would not confirm whether this bug fix would indeed make it in time for that release build.

    There remains significant risk that, on release day, Tribes: Ascend players will be able to go very, very fast.

  13. #238

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    possibile che 7 volte su 10 becco temple ruins? ok che non piace a tutti come mappa ma son stanco di giocarla sempre! a voi non capita?

  14. #239

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Stevich Visualizza Messaggio
    possibile che 7 volte su 10 becco temple ruins? ok che non piace a tutti come mappa ma son stanco di giocarla sempre! a voi non capita?
    Fatto giusto oggi qualche partita ma è capitata una sola volta
    In compenso sono riuscito a provare SunStar che è veramente bella!

  15. #240
    La Nebbia
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    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Stevich Visualizza Messaggio
    possibile che 7 volte su 10 becco temple ruins? ok che non piace a tutti come mappa ma son stanco di giocarla sempre! a voi non capita?
    Eheh non è delle piu accativanti temple

    Cmq mi chiedevo se qualcuno aveva voglia di giocare in gruppo , io gioco con altri 3 amici comunicando via skype per coordinarci , giochiamo sempre a Ctf e senza organizzazione duri poco ... a volte becchiamo cerce squadre davvero penose ,e per rimediare volevamo creare un gruppo di amici per spaccare tutti

    Fatemi sapere !

  16. #241

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    io mi chiamo Stevich in game! se vuoi aggiungimi che facciamo un paio di fraggate!

  17. #242

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    siccome la hirez ci crede tutti bianchicci con la nuova patch ha trasformato i nostri monitor in lampade abbronzanti

  18. #243

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BenG_P87 Visualizza Messaggio
    siccome la hirez ci crede tutti bianchicci con la nuova patch ha trasformato i nostri monitor in lampade abbronzanti
    Che hanno acceso? Shaders vari?

    comunque, Patchnotes della 1.0
    Tribes: Ascend Patch Notes - Version 1.0.905.0

    Major Highlights
    With this patch, Tribes Ascend has dropped the "Open Beta" moniker. The game will continue to evolve and improve with regular updates after this patch, but we now have moved to Version 1.0! Progress made by players during the beta period is preserved.

    Players who reach at least Level 10 in Beta will earn the "Veteran" Badge with an XP reward upon their first login following the official game launch time (Thursday, April 12, at 2:00 PM US Eastern).

    A new CTF map, Raindance, has been added to the Quick Play rotation.

    A new gametype, Capture and Hold, has been added with three initial maps (Katabatic, Raindance and Outskirts).

    Significant additional functionality has been added under a "SOCIAL" menu. Among the changes:

    People that have friended you now appear on your Social menu as "Followers". Followers may be friended reciprocally, or blocked.
    You may now send a message to online Friends and Followers. When typing in the chat console, use the format "@playername <message>" to send a message to a specific player. Block a player to avoid receiving messages from them. You can universally block the hud notifications for new messages using the NOTIFICATIONS section under SETTINGS.
    A variety of other cleanups and feature enhancements to improve the friend functionality have been implemented.

    Players can now test unowned weapons and classes in the Target Practice map under Training. Classes and Weapons will still appear locked on your menu, but if you select them, you can try them.

    All gametypes have a warm-up timer lasting 20 seconds after a second player has joined the match.

    The HUD now shows the status of player deployables.

    An early Sneak Preview of upcoming Custom Server functionality has been included in this release. Additional functionality is expected in future releases. During the Sneak Preview:

    Hi-Rez will operate a limited number of Custom Servers that players may join that take advantage of customized game rules. You may browse the list of available Custom Servers from the PLAY menu. Note that this server browser includes only Custom Servers, and not regular public matches accessed through the Play menu. Some servers reserved for competition play or other purposes may only be accessed using a password. Additional servers will be added regularly during the Sneak Preview period to test various Custom Server functionality.
    Players will not yet be able to rent and configure their own servers. This functionality will be coming in an upcoming release.

    Capture and Hold Gametype

    Capture and hold the various Control Points. Each Control Point is labeled A, B, C, etc.
    A Control Point is captured by touching a Control Point's switch. A successful capture will result in your Tribe's icon hologram switching and the switch's HUD marker will blink blue as it becomes "held."
    Once a Control Point is been held for five seconds, the owning team gains a score. Any Control Point defenses, such as Inventory Stations, Repair Stations, Base Turrets, and Radar Sensors also become owned by your team when a point is considered held.
    Damaged defenses will return up to half-health when a point is successfully held by a team.
    Held Control Points generate a score every 5 seconds.
    The team that reaches the goal score wins the match.
    Weapon/Balance Items
    Increased Doombringer's Heavy Bolt Launcher Projectile speed by roughly 3%.
    Added a 6% base increase to energy regeneration for equipping Pathfinder or Sentinel Energy Regeneration Packs. Reduced each upgrade on the packs to +4%. Still the same maximum bonus fully unlocked.
    Thrown flags now only bounce once, then slide on second contact with the ground. This helps players predict where a dropped flag will go and allow for easier pickups and team passes.
    Increased the distance a player throws a flag.
    Fixed an issue in which projectiles would not do damage to game objectives when the firing player had died.
    Fixed an issue where friendly players could damage their own objectives (when not in a custom server with friendly fire on).
    Fixed an issue where Light Turrets could deal four times the normal amount of damage to Shrikes.

    New VGS Commands

    VGS commands are now filtered depending on the game mode.
    [VFQ]: "I'll retrieve our flag!"
    [VUG] (CTF only): "Upgrade our generator!"
    [VUS] (CTF only): "Upgrade our sensors!"
    [VUT] (CTF only): "Upgrade our base turrets!"
    [VSUG] (CTF only): "I'll upgrade our generator."
    [VSUS] (CTF only): "I'll upgrade our sensors."
    [VSUT] (CTF only): "I'll upgrade our base turrets."
    [VA1] (C&H only): "Attack point A!"
    [VA2] (C&H only): "Attack point B!"
    [VA3] (C&H only): "Attack point C!"
    [VA4] (C&H only): "Attack point D!"
    [VA5] (C&H only): "Attack point E!"
    [VD1] (C&H only): "Defend point A!"
    [VD2] (C&H only): "Defend point B!"
    [VD3] (C&H only): "Defend point C!"
    [VD4] (C&H only): "Defend point D!"
    [VD5] (C&H only): "Defend point E!"
    [VSA1] (C&H only): "I'll attack point A."
    [VSA2] (C&H only): "I'll attack point B."
    [VSA3] (C&H only): "I'll attack point C."
    [VSA4] (C&H only): "I'll attack point D."
    [VSA5] (C&H only): "I'll attack point E."
    [VSD1] (C&H only): "I'll defend point A."
    [VSD2] (C&H only): "I'll defend point B."
    [VSD3] (C&H only): "I'll defend point C."
    [VSD4] (C&H only): "I'll defend point D."
    [VSD5] (C&H only): "I'll defend point E."

    Additional Items

    Players who are referred by another player through the friend referral system will now earn the "Pay it Forward" badge when they reach Level 6 (includes an XP reward).
    A number of cleanups and fixes have been made to several maps.
    Enemy stations no longer draw to the HUD, unless it is spawned from a Supply Drop call-in.
    Fixed an issue in which the # of players playing each class would not show correctly on first spawn into a match.
    Fixed an issue where the Infiltrator's Jackal was stacking the damage numbers for damaged targets directly on top of each other, making it seem like only one of the projectiles was damaging the target. Now each projectile's damage number on a target is represented.
    Fixed an issue where players could interrupt a melee attack or belt throw with a weapon switch using the direct switch keys (i.e., '1', '2', etc.), allowing for an exploit of quick weapon switching.
    Fixed an issue where if all the players from a team left an Arena match, during a round transition, the game would not autobalance, leaving the other team stuck in the round transition indefinitely.
    The whiteout effect from the Raider's Whiteout Grenade no longer persists when a victim respawns.
    Projectiles that can stick to surfaces no longer can stick directly to the flag.
    Adjusted the position of the first person flag model (it was facing sideways in first person view).
    Fixed a bug in which the game client would crash if you attempted to change your name to a 15-character name.
    Shrike now has a horn!
    Added announcers to Arena.
    Fixed issue where announcer messages would overlap.
    Damage fall-off is now applied to Supply Drops.
    Fixed an issue where the smoke grenade would not properly stealth a player in certain situations.
    Fixed an issue where Jackal rounds were not properly sticking to players.
    Fixed an issue where placing a deployable in Training would cause you to lose weapons.
    Stealthed friendlies will now have their player model rendered and pulsed for better visibility.
    Fixed an issue where fast-switching weapons using the default bind of "1" and "2" would break the zoom effect.
    Fixed an issue where fast-switching weapons using the default bind of "1" and "2" would cause the BXT1 to charge even without being scoped.
    Fixed an issue where a Supply Drop called in on a friendly would cause them to get stuck.

  19. #244

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    se provi a giocare suncoso quella con lo scudo tonto con i setting al massimo il sole della mappa di abbronza

  20. #245

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    oltre al fatto che hanno cambiato contrasto e gamma al gioco
    config che dal game non puoi modificare e mi fanno male gli occhi da quanto sono intensi i colori
    provo a vedere se sul forum qualcuno ha fixato

  21. #246

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    ma domani esce la versione definitiva?

  22. #247

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    spero di no è solo quella ufficiale

  23. #248
    La Nebbia
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    Io ho compensato in tempo zero con il monitor e problema risolto ,dipende da che monitor hai cmq una bella mappona chem i fa dire " Cazzo che bella "la devo ancora vedere ,potrebbero fare di meglio con le risosrse che hanno, ma come si dice ,a caval donato ..

  24. #249

    Predefinito Re: Tribes Ascend

    beh ma con il mini fix .1 hanno ridato la possibilità di togliere certi effetti dall'ini, credo che vogliano fare i setting hardcoded, avvrebero ragiona basta che almeno: Bloom, DepthOfField, MotionBlur, Distortion, LensFlares; restino disattivatili

  25. #250

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