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  1. #1

    Predefinito [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

    Visto che non c'è il topic (almeno non mi è parso di vederlo) ecco un nuovo RPG annunciato pochi giorni fa da EA,sembra un titolo promettente viste le persone che ci sono dietro:

    - Lead Designers: Ken Rolston (Redguard, Morrowind, Oblivion), Mark Nelson (Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3)
    - Lead Narrative Designer: Erik J. Caponi (Oblivion, Fallout 3)
    - Lead Systems Designer: Ian Frazier (Ultima 5: Lazarus, Titan Quest, Dawn of War: Soulstorm)
    inoltre sono stati assoldati anche R.A. Salvatore e Todd McFarlane.

    SDCC 10: A Reckoning Comes from the Master of Elder Scrolls

    Most gamers may not know the name Ken Rolston, but chances are they've played one of his games. Rolston worked on Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Now he's bringing his considerable talents to a new venture, teaming up with 38 Studios (with the likes of Curt Schilling, Todd McFarlane and R.A. Salvatore). While there's little of the game to show at this time (just a CG trailer), there was plenty for Rolston and his cohorts to discuss.

    38 Studios has teamed with Big Huge Games to make Reckoning, an RPG set in the world of Amalur. This new land was created by Salvatore (he's a writer… of books). He's part of what could be considered an all-star team. Salvatore creates the world -- even wrote a 10,000-year history -- and Todd McFarlane helps set the visual tone. Admitted game-aholic Curt Schilling provides his own mix of ideas, enthusiasm and (we'll assume) financing. And Rolston handles the overall game direction.

    Expect something similar to Oblivion but, as McFarlane put it, they will "turn up the volume a little bit." What's that actually mean? McFarlane wants more consequences when you're going between quests and less time when nothing is happening.

    Rolston agrees. "I want to steal the good parts [of an action game] for my vision of a roleplaying game," he told a captive crowd at Comic-Con. "I want to increase the pace."

    If you've played Oblivion or Morrowind, you have an idea of what Rolston likes. Big open worlds with a vast narrative. For Reckoning, he wants to smooth out what he calls the "clunky" elements of RPGs. We tend to accept the poor animations and moderately good combat system of Oblivion because it's an RPG. Ralston isn't accepting that excuse anymore. Reckoning needs to look good, play brilliantly and have all the expected elements for those who loved Oblivion. Uh, yes please.

    If you needed any further convincing that Rolston has a vision for what makes a great RPG, he set all doubts to rest. He explained the secret to making great games like Oblivion. "It's giving you a powerful, compelling story," he said, standing to make his point. "Powerful enough to be a great movie and a great novel and then giving you a world with so many things to distract you from getting to the ending." He knows he's succeeded if he can "sucker you into the dark world where that story isn't, because you don't want it to end."

    McFarlane, who admits he's not a gamer, but says he observes people playing games, is confident they can deliver something special.

    "We will kill some people in this game better than anyone has ever killed anyone in a videogame," he promised.

    Now that's one way to hammer out your problems! Get it?
    His role isn't just to design some creatures, but to oversee all aspects of the visual world, including how creatures move and interact with the world. When you take on a big creature, it requires you to make big, exaggerated moves. If you're going to kill something, you go all out. He demonstrated by standing on the table, swinging wildly, and frightening several small children. But the basics are spot on. You want to feel the scale of the world and when you come across something big and nasty, you want the earth to shake beneath its feet.

    This design philosophy goes from big picture to basic character creation. There's more than one type of mage, for example.

    "Some mages and some wizards are poets, if you will," McFarlane said. "And it's almost like ballet. Then there's the angry wizard -- still got his music, but he shoots magic like he's fighting. He will step, launch the same magic, but the sequence and way he delivers that will be different than the other mage."

    In some of the screenshots and concept art, we got to get a look as some of the creatures being created. These aren't signature McFarlane monsters. In fact, I don't know that most would even pick them as being from McFarlane without knowing in advance. But they do have some scale. One image shows a horrendous creature, easily as big as a house, crawling out of a pit with its giant pincher arms. Its single eye fires a green beam at some haggard-looking heroes. Two riders have chains lashed around the beast, tugging to control it. Who knows how that will actually play out in the game (or if the gameplay will be any good), but it certainly looks promising.

    While Rolston handles the gameplay and McFarlane tackles the look, it's built on the base that Salvatore's created. "I want a place to care about, to call home, worth defending," Salvatore said. He created this vast history and then let the designers determine when the story should take place. They settled on the Age of Arcana.

    The narration in the teaser trailer states, "All that lives must die. One birth, one death. For each life a reckoning." During the Age of Arcana, something interesting has happened to the world to change this. The Well of Souls is allowing people to be resurrected. Reckoning examines the consequences of this. "What happens in the world when you break that bargain?" Salvatore asked, referring to the basic human compact that we only live once. "What about the NPCs around the character? How do they feel about it?"

    That's a question that will be taken into account throughout your time in Reckoning. But the bigger questions for gamers remain a mystery -- how will the game play and will it be any good? With Reckoning slated for a Fall 2011 release, it may be a while before we find out.

    But as far as Rolston is concerned, we shouldn't be worried.

    ecco i primi screens:

    trailer in CGI:

    YouTube- Kingdoms of Amalur : Reckoning - Official Comic Con Reveal Trailer [HD]

  2. #2

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    immagini scialbette, ma tant'è

  3. #3
    Il Nonno L'avatar di EddardStark
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    mio dopo aver visto il martellone gigante: rullezza:

  4. #4

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    nuovi screens:

  5. #5
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di DagonCultist
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Per un attimo ho letto Kingdoms of amauri

  6. #6

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Ecco un paio di anteprime su questo promettente gioco dei neonati 38 studios, al cui interno militano Mike Friedly e Mark Nelson, ex bethesda, insieme a Ken Rolston (che i più ricorderanno come lead designer di Morrowind e Oblivion, ma nel passato ha collaborato a numerosi gdr cartacei vincendo anche un premio per Paranoia); al gioco stanno collaborando Todd McFarlane per la parte di design grafico, e R.A. Salvatore per la storia e ambientazione.



    ne parlano decisamente bene.

    Di carne al fuoco ce n'è tanta, sembra davvero molto promettente: ma il 2011 è l'anno della rinascita degli RPg??

    ho bisogno di un clone per trovare il tempo per giocare a tutta la roba interessante in uscita

  7. #7

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    altre info e screens:


    •It is the Age of Arcana and magic is on the rise
    •Everyone that is born into the world of Amalur has a fate, a “destiny,” that is chosen for them. This destiny ends in death.
    •You are the first to have been brought back from death via the Well of Souls.
    •The Well of Souls is a magical edifice built by a gnome named, Fomorious Hughes.
    •You are brought back without a fate, without a destiny and can shape it as you see fit.
    •There are massive social and political implications behind the possibility of being able to change your fate.

    Character Creation
    •There are four races to choose from (Almain, Varani, Liosalfar, and Dokkalfar).
    •The two human races are the Almain and the Varani.
    •The two elvish races are the Liosalfar and the Dokkalfar.
    •Each race comes with specific stat bonuses.
    •You can play as a male or female without any impact on gameplay.
    •Each races comes with a choice of spiritual sign that gives other stat bonuses. This choice varies depending on your race.
    •You can fully customize the look of your character.

    Talent Trees
    •There are three talent trees: Might, Finesse, and Sorcery.
    •You gain talent points as you level.
    •You can place points wherever you see fit.
    •Where you place points unlocks certain destinies, granting further stat bonuses.

    •A single button is used for attack.
    •There is a hard-core statistical underpinning to your effectiveness in combat.
    •Combos are triggered based on timing and set up (i.e. attacking out of a block, pausing, holding down the attack button, attacking out of a dodge...).
    •Parrying is possible with a shield or magical Talisman.
    •Parrying is based on a timed response to an attack dealt by your foe.
    •Dodging and Teleporting are utilized for defense.
    •Fate-shift attacks are finishing moves that grant some kind of bonus that affects your destiny.
    •You can equip two weapons at a time, and can change between them mid-combo.
    •Spells are chosen via the distribution of talent points.

    •The game features a Diablo-style loot system.
    •Over 2 million possible permutations in the loot.
    •Unique gear is available.
    •You can equip gear directly from a side-by-side comparison in the loot window.
    •Gear has a durability value.
    •We saw two different long swords, a great hammer, an ice staff, and the dual-weilded Shokrum in the demo.

    •Three known types of crafting exist: Blacksmithing, Sagecrafting, and Alchemy.
    •Sagecrafting incorporates the socketing of gems into weapons, thereby granting further bonuses to gear.

    •Reckoning is an open world game.
    •You can go wherever you want.
    •There is a main quest line and, of course, side quests.
    •There is “hundreds” of hours of gameplay for someone who wants to accomplish everything.
    •There are over 100 dungeons in the game.
    •There are five main areas and the demo only covered a very small portion of one of them.
    •In the demo, the areas we saw were the Well of Souls, Dalentarth, the town of Didenhil, and the dungeon Urul-Tusk.

    Monsters (seen in the demo)
    •Faer Gorta: skeletal warriors.
    •Assassins: dual weilding, human fighters.
    •Boggarts: small, mask-wearing pests.
    •Banshaen: the brood mother of the Murgan.
    •Murgan: trident-wielding warriors, capable of summoning lighting alongside the Banshaen.
    •Kobolds: low level cave-dwellers that throw fire and spears.
    •Troll: a massive mini-boss weilding a huge wooden club.

  8. #8

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    a me stilisticamente non dispiace affatto. Però mi piacerebbe sapere come sarà impostato.

  9. #9
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Lo Zio
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    mmm un po' troppo colorato.. WoW style

  10. #10

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da NEO-GEO Visualizza Messaggio
    a me stilisticamente non dispiace affatto. Però mi piacerebbe sapere come sarà impostato.
    Si, stilisticamente non dispiace manco a me (anche se non è che sprizzi originalità), quantomeno sono curioso di vedere che storia può essere tirata fuori con R.A.Salvatore incaricato della sceneggiatura/lore.

  11. #11

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

  12. #12
    Il Nonno L'avatar di EddardStark
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    tnx!! mi garba assai

  13. #13
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Alastor_Tiziano
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    Nella soffitta degli Smith ( o a Potenza )

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Sembra wow, mi piace

  14. #14

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    non vorrei essere blasfemo ma.... perchè tutti i rpg di questo mondo devo avere solo ambientazioni fantasy?

    ok che si presta bene al genere, ma cavoli un pò di "fantasia" non guasterebbe, sarà che io odio le ambientazioni fantasy ma così tutti dannatamente uguali

  15. #15
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Alastor_Tiziano
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    Nella soffitta degli Smith ( o a Potenza )

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da CX3200 Visualizza Messaggio
    non vorrei essere blasfemo ma.... perchè tutti i rpg di questo mondo devo avere solo ambientazioni fantasy?

    Non hai tutti i torti

  16. #16

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da CX3200 Visualizza Messaggio
    non vorrei essere blasfemo ma.... perchè tutti i rpg di questo mondo devo avere solo ambientazioni fantasy?

    ok che si presta bene al genere, ma cavoli un pò di "fantasia" non guasterebbe, sarà che io odio le ambientazioni fantasy ma così tutti dannatamente uguali
    Io vado lamentandomi di quest'aspetto da anni ormai. A parte i jrpg della Atlus e qualche altra eccezione che propongono setting diversi dal fantasy, sci-fi e fricchettoni vari, per il resto il genere degli RPG in quanto ad ambientazioni e originalità sta stagnando di brutto da parecchio tempo.

    E' come se i publisher e gli sviluppatori avessero il terrore di provare a sperimentare nuove ambientazioni, nuovi contesti sociali, e allora via a rifugiarsi nel solito calderone di fantasy riciclato e rimescolato.

    Poi per carità se al pubblico sta bene così amen, ma io personalmente ne ho un po' le scatole piene.

    Detto questo, l'interesse per il gioco rimane, non tanto per l'ambientazione quanto perchè sono curioso di vedere che storia e che tipo di interazione verrà fuori.

  17. #17

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Un bel fantasy all'asilo stile contact o earthbound!

  18. #18

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da NEO-GEO Visualizza Messaggio
    Un bel fantasy all'asilo stile contact o earthbound!
    Earthbound rulla.

    Io onestamente ho tanta nostalgia di un gioco ambientato in qualche universo alternativo che sfrutti uno specifico periodo storico (per esempio, Sakura Wars e il suo universo alternativo degli anni '20 del 1900).

  19. #19
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Aton
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ronove Visualizza Messaggio
    Earthbound rulla.

    Io onestamente ho tanta nostalgia di un gioco ambientato in qualche universo alternativo che sfrutti uno specifico periodo storico (per esempio, Sakura Wars e il suo universo alternativo degli anni '20 del 1900).
    ma magari... ogni tanto mi viene da pensare ad un gioco steampunk con un'ambientazione in stile europa di fine '800... ma sono pochissimi quelli che osano ambientazioni originali, si rigira sempre tra le stesse tre o quattro...

  20. #20
    La Borga
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    E che dire di un rpg western? Ne ricordo solo uno nella storia del videogaming...

    Mi piacerebbe vederne uno non gay però.

    EDIT: rimessa l'immagine
    Ultima modifica di Bourbon; 27-03-11 alle 15:59:14

  21. #21
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ____RAZIEL____
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Bourbon Visualizza Messaggio
    E che dire di un rpg western? Ne ricordo solo uno nella storia del videogaming...
    Che io sappia, c'è questa serie che non è male(jrpg però):

    Lost Odyssey come ambientazione è bello e direi anche originale
    Sennò come dice Ronove, i vari giochi atlus e shin megami.
    Comunque in questa gen non ho ancora trovato un jrpg o rpg che mi abbia fatto dire "capolavoro"

  22. #22
    La Borga
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Avevo già messo un'immagine di wild arms, ma ovviamente è sparita

  23. #23

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    bello vedere che non sono l'unico a pensarla così, avevo paura di essere crocifisso in sala mensa per aver detto qualcosa di blasfemo

    ci sono molte ambientazioni che sarebbero perfette per un rpg

    per questo ho semplicemente adorato mass effect, nonostante non fosse un gdr perfetto e con molti difetti, almeno era un'ambientazione nuova

    ok finisco l'ot chiedendo esistono rpg o jprg con ambientazione futuristica o spaziale?

  24. #24
    La Borga
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Ci sono, ma tendono a essere spazio-fantasy con le cyberspade e gli orchi e goblin siderali, roba tipo Phantasy Star o Rogue galaxy, raramente sono scifi classico e puro alla mass effect o kotor.

    Mi viene in mente il classico anachronox (che oltre a essere scifi è pure cyberpunk) ma a parte quello...

  25. #25
    La Borga L'avatar di covin
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS360] Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, nuovo RPG da EA

    Anachronox è un capolavoro, peccato che su Win 7 64x non parte.

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