Mi fa piacere perchè parte di Heretic vive in questo lavoro, vi lascio indovinare in quale delle tre immagini qui sotto mi riferisco

PsychoPhobia is a new Doom2 campaign for GZDoom


- new weapons (at the moment 28 weapons. Most of the weapons have an alternative fire)
- new monsters (altogether 89 monsters [= 71 new + 18 from Doom2])
- new textures (many)
- new music
- new sounds
- new decorates
- new maps (~57)
- new Episodes 3 + 1
- and many other different things

- all decorate things are now breakable (also the original of Doom2)
- all monsters can be split (it means, they have a XDeath [the XDeath is not a sprite animation])

- Episode 1: "Rise of a Psycho" (8 maps) (location: Earth future)
- Episode 2: "unknown yet" (8 maps) (location: Earth in medieval times)
- Episode 3: "unknown yet" (8 maps) (location: Hell)
- ZBloodpack SE: (This is the second edition of our first mod ZBloodpack for Doom2. It also contains new monsters and weapons and profits of the new features of PsychoPhobia.)
- Arena: (Arena is an example map for the new stuff. But this map contains a real arena. You can let fight monsters each other. There are many options in this map. )

-- modified lights.wad (adds light effects to all new monsters, weapons and other objects)
--- Psychophobia is playable only with gzdoom (in opengl mode [the software renderer is not supported])

Arena description (a very funny map):
The following options are included:
- spawn multiplier [x1, x3, x5, x10, x30]: Spawn more monsters at ones [useful for battles in the arena and battle field]
- spawn position [normal, arena, battle]: normal is a predefined position (only one monster per position), arena is a big arena with 12 position per group (you can spawn what you want in it), battle is a small arena with 60 position per group (you can spawn what you want in it)
- always fight [on, off]: That is a script that runs in a loop. It let hate the both groups each other every 3 seconds
- monster status [active, inactive]: active == monsters are active (they walk and fight), inactive == monsters are inactive (they are frozen and do nothing)
- affinity [GroupA, GroupB]: You can chose, which group membership the spawned monsters shall have
- fight [fight]: let the spawned monsters fight each other [GroupA vs. GroupB]
- clear [clear]: clear the arena from all spawned monsters
If you ask, why are in the big arena only 12 position per group. It is so because the big arena is for big monsters. And they need more space. And the spawn space is limited.
They are many buttons to spawn the monsters.

To see the actual progress go to our Homepage: http://cobalt-pit.de

The Authors are: Cobalt & Butcher

http://www.wadsinprogress.info/?a=listwa ds&wad=780