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Discussione: Medieval Major

  1. #1
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Medieval Major

    Qualcuno sa che fine ha fatto questo gioco? Doveva uscire quest'anno ma e' stato pubblicizzato poco :( E' dai creatori di Pharaoh, Zeus etc quindi mi aspetto grandi cose!


  2. #2
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Medieval Major

    Ah cancellato


    Hey all,

    First my deepest apologies for not updating things sooner or more regularly - I guess I was hoping I'd have some better news to post. So I'll get right to it - after careful and painful consideration we've decided we need to put our beloved Medieval Mayor on hiatus.

    It's not at all that we don't believe in and cherish this game, it's just that various other project commitments as well as the usual funding challenges have caused the process to move so slowly that it's not fair to you and not viable for us to keep going with it right now.

    I can't say when we will return to Medieval Mayor - the wheels just need to line up right - and I sincerely hope and believe that will happen. I just don't want to keep our fans hanging out there any longer.

    We do have some other projects in the works, but I'm not going to release any information about that until things are more certain. We do hope to bring you a new game in the near future.

    You guys have been great - better than we hope for and probably deserve. I can't tell you how much we appreciate your ongoing support and faith in us, and your patience (and also your lack of patience when that is appropriate - you know who you are!!).

    Medieval Mayor is not dead, just... taking a nap, so we'd love to continue to hear your great ideas and thoughts for the game, and we'll keep the forums open for that. Hopefully it won't be long before we're back to it.

    Once again my sincere thanks to all of you.


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