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  1. #1

    Thumbs down [Total Conversion SP] : SapphireScar - Fine dei giochi (CANCELLATO)



    Aiuto! troppe notizie belle questa sera, ora svengo!!

    la prima parte della pagina:

    We're a hybrid FPS/RPG team that had originally set up to remake System Shock 2 for the Doom 3 engine, but have since moved on to our own project after complications. We already have over 40 members on our team, since we first got together less than 3 months ago. With the Doom 3 SDK finally out, we are kicking our efforts into high gear.

    Sapphire Scar takes place on the Jovian moon Europa, around the year 2150. A space elevator with mutiple facilities in space, on the surface, and below in the ocean's depths has been built to supply expeditions throughout the Solar System and beyond. But under the surface, deep within the moon-wide ocean lies a mystery that waits to be discovered. Wanting the commercial benefits and scientific insights that would give them an edge, the EMC corporation hosting the facility and its operations proceeds to study, in secret, the life forms from the ocean bottom.

    You are a security officer posted to combat environmental insurgents who have recently just EMPed the installation. A series of events unfolds and you're launched into a battle you never expected to fight; against the EMC, against your comrades, and against yourself.

    Thanks for visiting!

    quache concept:

    Ultima modifica di heXen; 20-09-06 alle 15:32:48

  2. #2
    D.B. Bauer

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    hexen... traducendo si dice che "originariamente nato come remake di sistem shock 2, dopo aver incontrato complicazioni (leggasi, il team di bioshock ha segato le gambine come è successo a duke3dsource), abbiamo deciso di dedicarci ad un progetto tutto nostro"

  3. #3
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Vision83
    Data Registrazione
    I'm Dead, Jim

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    Davide85 ha scritto ven, 11 febbraio 2005 alle 08:20
    hexen... traducendo si dice che "originariamente nato come remake di sistem shock 2, dopo aver incontrato complicazioni (leggasi, il team di bioshock ha segato le gambine come è successo a duke3dsource), abbiamo deciso di dedicarci ad un progetto tutto nostro"
    e te pareva, peccato, in ogni caso......

  4. #4
    Moderatore semipiallato L'avatar di clark kent
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    azz...immagini molto belle a giudicare dai disegni....mi domando come sarà, se ci sarà..., in 3D....

    ....e poi mi ricorda la mimetica ottica di Greyfox in Metal Gear Solid, e qui mi scattano i ricordi...

  5. #5

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    hexen... traducendo si dice che "originariamente nato come remake di sistem shock 2, dopo aver incontrato complicazioni (leggasi, il team di bioshock ha segato le gambine come è successo a duke3dsource), abbiamo deciso di dedicarci ad un progetto tutto nostro
    Argh! Davide85, tanto che ero euforico ,ho letto solo fino a quando ho letto "remake di SS2" ..... ghehehe.....
    uffa la prossima volta quando vedo una cosa del genere cedrò di restare più lucido

    cmq il progetto va avanti anche se personalizzato quindi

  6. #6

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    Sapphire Scar Theme Released

    non è male la musica

    http://doom3.filefront.com/news/Sapphire _Scar_Theme_Released;16221

  7. #7
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    Al pensiero anche io!!!

  8. #8

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    gaaah gahhh sbav sbav

  9. #9
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Marco Cattaneo
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    Hexen Third ha scritto sab, 12 febbraio 2005 alle 15:38
    non è male la musica

    Non è male? Secondo me è stupenda..

  10. #10
    Moderatore semipiallato L'avatar di clark kent
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    bella, l'ho sentita anch'io
    ma chi compone queste musiche, nel senso...privati o qualcuno famoso in campo musicale...immagino siano persone che hanno l'hobby/passione della musica, niente di più (per modo di dire...)?
    se penso che c'è gente capace, mentre a far successo sono sempre i soliti 4 pirlotti, che dimenano il culetto sul palcoscenico e ammiccano....

  11. #11

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    Come faccio a sentire sto brano?

    Mi manda sempre qua http://www.unathez.com/Tawan-Loner.mp3

  12. #12

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    che abbiano cambiato l'indirizzo inavvertitamente?

  13. #13

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    NOVITA' per questo mod

    si lo so che il tedesco non lo sapete , quando inventeranno dei traduttori decenti

    Mehr als zwei Monate sind seit den letzten offiziellen Screenshots der System-Shock-ähnlichen Total Conversion Sapphire Scar vergangen (wir berichteten) und jetzt liefert uns Zakath endlich Nachschub, der beweist, daß man in der Zwischenzeit nicht nur mit Däumchendrehen beschäftigt war.

    Da gibt es zum einen drei neue Concept Arts zu betrachten, die uns einen weiblichen Medic, einen Wissenschaftler und einen grimmigen Bodyguard präsentieren:

    qui le musichette di SC (music track):
    http://doom3.planet-multiplayer.de/downl oad.php?view.432

    Noch mehr Waffenmodels und zwei bereits vom Design her bekannte Levelshots finden sich unter [Weiterlesen...].

    Gameplaytechnisch steht demnächst die Umsetzung des Inventorys, der Stats, des PDA, des Spielerfortschritts und der PSI-Fähigkeiten auf dem Programm - interessant für Coder ist dabei wohl, daß das Mod-Team sich dabei an JavaDoom, einem Kommunikationsinterface auf der Basis von Java, bedient, um das Erstellen und den Austausch von Maps und Models zu vereinfachen. Mehr dazu findet Ihr hier.

    Neben all den visuellen Reizen gibt es zu guter Letzt noch etwas vom Sound-Editor Nachenko auf die Ohren. Der hat nämlich mit "Garden of the Insane" einen hörenswerten Beispieltrack der Musik veröffentlicht, die auch in die Mod Einzug halten wird:

  14. #14

    Predefinito Re: ma questa è Portentosa! SapphireScar!! Remake di System shock 2 per Doom3

    un comunicato per questo mod

    we're just working under wraps. As said after the bigger media update a few months ago, we wont be releasing anything big in the months to come. The site URL has changed yes, I updated it here.

    Gyppi traduci
    e qualche Wallpaper non inserito prima:

    e per chi non si ricordasse cosa è il mod ecco qui:

    We're a hybrid FPS/RPG creating a total conversion for the Doom 3 engine. Originally we were set up to remake System Shock 2, but after complications we moved on to our own project. Our main task is to try capturing the great qualities that made games like Deus Ex and System Shock so popular, and mixing them up with our own creative ideas. We have been working the current project since August of 2004 and our team currently has about 20 members. You can reach us from our irc channel #sscar at quakenet or through the forums.

    Sapphire Scar takes place on the Jovian moon Europa, around the year 2150. A space elevator with mutiple facilities in space, on the surface, and below in the ocean's depths has been built to supply expeditions throughout the Solar System and beyond. But under the surface, deep within the moon-wide ocean lies a secret. Wanting the commercial benefits and scientific insights that would give them an edge, the EMC corporation hosting the facility and its operations proceeds to study in secret, among other things, viral nano technology and life forms from the ocean bottom.

    You are a security officer posted to a facility constantly under a threat. A series of events unfolds and you're launched into a battle you were never supposed to fight. Against the EMC, against your comrades, and against yourself. You have to unravel one of the greatest coverups of our time, with your life hanging on the balance.

  15. #15
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    Sarà tipo System Sock 2 un FPS con elementi RPG

    Anche questo progetto è un bel po che va avanti

    Speriamo bene!!!

  16. #16

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    vero è molto intrigante, SS2 mi piace un sacco

    guarda qusti corridoi sembrano proprio quelli di SS2

  17. #17

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    piccolo aggiornamento:

    Thought that interested parties might want to take a look at the new entry in sapphire public console

    Shappire public console

  18. #18

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    questo mod ha armi realistiche?

  19. #19
    Lo Zio L'avatar di ramonesFAN
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    Lol ..

    Questo mi sta già simpatico ..

  20. #20

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    sanrazzo ha scritto dom, 13 novembre 2005 alle 01:55
    questo mod ha armi realistiche?

    non credo, se ho capito cosa intendi per realistiche

    per le armi realistichè cìè FMJ mod

  21. #21
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.


    Informazioni sulla trama del MOD

    Shappire public console

    As it was speculated Mr. Murdock has been appointed to the CEO of newly formed Extraterrestial Mining Corporation. In the recent press conference Mr. Murdock brought forward some of the visions and innovations EMC will be known of in the days to come, but today in the official appointement ceremony, the public was left cold as Mr. Murdocks speech was hardly a ground shattering one.

    David Murdock, the son of Steven Murdock the longtime CEO of Well resources, has been given keys to the biggest kingdom this world has to offer. As his raise to power has been fast it is not without a lot of achievements and controversy even at his young age of 30.

    David was born 2095, 5 years after the last resource conflict that shattered most of Europe to a new middle age for many years. Raised in a whole family with ambitious parents David grew in an enviroment where power and respect meant the world. Graduating from Harvard 2017 and taking with him an award in business administration and management, he was hired in his fathers company as a division manager to take care of the Commercial tool division which was in deficit by the time. David as a passionate and aspiring young man, wasn't satisfied to this. After putting back his division on balance, he quickly plotted his way to higher positions. The successful disengagement from unproductive mining sites, cunning investment in engineering and scientific facilities of the highest international standards, and creation of a loyal network of subcontractors are all to his credit. His father wasn't giving him anything for free, and these years working on practical levels in the industry taught David a lot of valuable lessons in the industry.

    After Stevens sudden death on the helm of Well resources in 2023 David was there to claim his place. Strengthening his position of major shareholder after buying his father's shares, he was elected as the new co-chairman of the company. The former co-chairman Carl Shekwan was elected as the CEO of the Well resources.

    Now today Mr. Murdock is reaping the harvest of his life long commitment to the company. As the CEO of the newly found company EMC he will have more responsibility than his father ever had should the future visions hold true in the years to come. In his speach David only thanked his loved ones and his Well resources associates for this opportunity and quickly had his leave from the party.

  22. #22

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    Ecco a voi una primissima immagine in-gioco (per non dire in-game asd) di questo mod, speriamo che ne escano rpesto altre perchè no sappiamo come sarà l'HUD finale ma almeno si vede qualcosa

  23. #23

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    Supportato ufficialmente da filefront, era ora.

  24. #24

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    news per questo promettente mod a tema System Shock , un comunicato , anche se è lungo penso che valga la pena leggerlo

    Article from: Bonn Newsday
    Category: Economy/Technology
    Reference number: SR-FFF1806-11A-2130-Q2
    Date:18th of June 2130
    Author:Nicholas Weissmann

    Tech giant EMC has failed to acquire the stock majority in Na-tech

    Despite EMC broadening its business models to include everyday peripherals, it hasn't abandoned the visions and innovations Mr. Murdock promised when he took over the company. The latest indication of this is EMC's push to acquire the stock majority of the Na-tech corporation, which is regarded as the pioneer of Nano Technology, and recently, Self Replicating Nano Technology(SRNT). SRNT is expected to revolutionize the refining and exploiting processes of the Extra-terrestrial Mining Corporation. While the development of Nano Technology is an ambitious plan to increase the gap between its competitors, EMC press-officials didn't hide the fact that the company was interested in the other application fields induced by nano technology. Overall, the company has been increasing its spending on research and development, either in-house or through aquisition.

    A clear indication of EMC's increased focus is the recent hiring of important names linked to Nano Technology research today. Engineer Sonya Clarkson, pioneer in Astro/Aerospace and molecular engineering, and Richard Halson, physicist acclamated for his quantum computing researches, will also be joining forces with EMC. These brilliant young minds working together will ensure a bright future for the company.

    The hiring of these two inviduals started the speculation of EMC trying to take over the much hyped Nano technology industry. The recent buyout attempt of the tech giant Na-tech can be linked to this as well. Na-tech was able to prevent the buyout attempt, even though its resources were heavily drained by their expensive construction project, an expansion of the R&D division in their main facilities in Shanghai. The new construction complex took four years to build, and will support advanced researches in SRNT thanks to state of the art laboratories, massive containment units, and production facilities.

    It is rumoured that the facility will begin a series of grand scale tests next month, and intends to recruit a great number of workers from the neighboruing areas. People of Shanghai are welcoming the company with arms wide open, as the area is fighting with unemployment and the slumping economy. The creation of this modern technological marvel brings new hope of jobs and income to the nearby residents.

    While the upcoming progress in SRNT arouses a growing interest in industrialists and scientists alike, some have expressed their concerns about the emergence of these new types of Nanomachines. Professor Evelyn Bournhill, known advocate of the radical organization FABW, informed to hold a conference in Shanghai which will debate on this subject. Among other issues, the need to put all SRNT researches under supervision of the international community will be discussed. "In comparison with the medical, environmental and ethical implications, this technology cannot be held by private interests", stated Ms. Bournhill. She continued by mentioning the risks of so called "technological blackmail" and possibility of the medical risks and hazards concealed with secrecy by these corporations trying to protect their patents. A message which, although not indicating it, was clearly addressed to Na-tech and EMC.

    While the upcoming progress in SRNT arouses a growing interest in industrialists and scientists alike, some have expressed their concerns about the emergence of these new types of Nanomachines. Professor Evelyn Bournhill, known advocate of the radical organization FABW, informed to hold a conference in Shanghai which will debate on this subject. Among other issues, the need to put all SRNT researches under supervision of the international community will be discussed. "In comparison with the medical, environmental and ethical implications, this technology cannot be held by private interests", stated Ms. Bournhill. She continued by mentioning the risks of so called "technological blackmail" and possibility of the medical risks and hazards on behalf of the corporations. A message which, although not indicating it, was clearly addressed to Na-tech and EMC.

    The CEO of Na-tech Huong Yuen declined the invitation for the confress, arguing that, "The scientific patent of the researches is the economic drive without which research could not be made." She also stated, "our safety procedures are twenty times more drastic than the most strict international standards." On the other hand, the CEO of Extraterrestial Mining Corporation David Murdock expressed his interest towards a debate in his recent press announcement, acknowledging the fact that his company would never put lives in jeopardy, and that their main concern is the safety of both their staff and the people around them. Mr. Murdock continued explaining that Nano technology is but one of the promising innovations of the future for space mining, and surely they will look into it.

  25. #25

    Predefinito Re: SapphireScar! Progetto simile a System shock 2.

    Novità in arrivo!!!!!

    Well well, once again it is that time of the month that we have some new media to show. As you can see from the shots we have got some new inspiration to work even a bit more harder for this project of ours.

    In other news we have hired a new team member leper messiah whose skill you can see with the pistol model in this release. We all are happy to welcome him to be part of the team.

    For future of the project we are still in great need of talent. Our model base is currently increasing with even faster space now that we have few skilled modellers working, but we have problem of not having any animators that would be able to make these babies live. So if you have good knowledge of Maya and you are work in relaxed team of artist and coders please contact us in the forums. If you still have talent in other areas of mod working (Except playtesting, not yet ) you can also contact us in the forums by making a post.

    New site is also in use now. Difference to old one is that you can browse public console directly from the front page and the team members page is made to show you our core team of working inviduals.

    Thats all... here are the images.

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