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  1. #76
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Vabbeh,ora però Steam mi sta facendo alterare.

    Passi che con gli ultimi update non mi parta più nulla che vada con il Source........

    ........ma cosa diamine hanno fatto con HL?3 giorni che per NS vedevo solo 2 server.Oggi quello è tornato a posto,entro in un server...E mi trovo tutti i comandi non assegnati,con l'aggiunta del fatto che ora non ho più nessun mirino,ne quelli degli alieni ne quelli dei marine

  2. #77
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Fenris ha scritto lun, 03 ottobre 2005 alle 19:28
    Vabbeh,ora però Steam mi sta facendo alterare.
    diciamo piuttosto che sono gli update della Valve, steam non fa altro che installarteli...
    quando poi sono di una certa grandezza c'è sempre qualcosa...

  3. #78
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Blood ha scritto lun, 03 ottobre 2005 alle 20:07
    Fenris ha scritto lun, 03 ottobre 2005 alle 19:28
    Vabbeh,ora però Steam mi sta facendo alterare.
    diciamo piuttosto che sono gli update della Valve, steam non fa altro che installarteli...
    quando poi sono di una certa grandezza c'è sempre qualcosa...
    Si,ho scritto steam per brevità (con la piattaforma non ho niente da dire,anzi,la apprezzo molto)

    Ma con sti mannappola di aggiornamenti la valve mi sta facendo girare le bolas...Ora NS con i marine è ingiocabile (già con il mirino prendere gli alieni non è così automatico........).

  4. #79
    Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    io ho inziato a giocarci da poco tempo, ma devo dire che è molto bello come gioco forse un pò sbilanciato verso gli alieni...
    cmq esiste anche un plugin che permette di giocare senza l'ausili del commader, in pratica c'è una barra di esperienza che con le uccisioni si riemepie e una volta piena vi da un punto abilità per incrementare qualcosa (esempio fucle a poma, o l'aumento del danno)

  5. #80
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Non è un plugin,quella è la modalità Combat ed è inclusa di base da alcune release della beta []

    Il vero NS però resta l'altro

  6. #81
    Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Cmq in alcuni casi la preferisco...anche perchè a volta con la versione normale lo sbilanciamento è eccessivo, alcune volte i fade sembrado dei terminetor, oppure gli onos, fermala una carinca di questi 4

  7. #82
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Concordo.Infatti anche se a malincuore non gioco su mappe NS da quando è uscita la 3.0

  8. #83
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    In the meantime, big changes are afoot with NS:Source. It looks like a whole lot more work than even we anticipated and so we're rethinking things. With our two big "competitors" (Counter-strike and Day of Defeat) both having a full-time professional team making them, we have a lot we're up against. Of course, those two projects also got access to Half-life II before it was released. When it comes down to it, "porting" NS to Half-life II is really more of a rewrite, with all the art and levels being redone. We expect a lot of the code and game design to remain intact, but there are even chunks there that will need to be recreated. We're currently trying to figure out a way we can get a top-quality NS:Source done in a reasonable amount of time with no funding. We're talking to publishers and investors without a lot of luck yet. Anyone have any other ideas?
    santa verità...

  9. #84
    Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Nessuno vuole aiutare chi ha talento, si tirano tutti indietro. me li immagino quello che gli rispondono i publisher.

  10. #85
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Mauro Rosati ha scritto sab, 22 ottobre 2005 alle 21:38
    Giusto Blood.
    mi stai prendendo n giro o sei d'accordo?

  11. #86
    Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    No no, sono d'accordo pienamente con te, anche perchè li capisco al 100%, nessuno ti dà una mano.

  12. #87
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    beh, non è tanto questione di dare una mano. il progetto è loro ed è normale che siano loro a doverlo sviluppare.
    Il punto è che comunque al giorno d'oggi sviluppare qualcosa che non sia una cavolata richiede una mole di lavoro impressionante. Basta pensare che HL1 è stato sviluppato da circa 15 persone mentre HL2 da circa 80... e hanno una durata estremamente diversa.
    E' da parecchio che i tizi di Natural Selection cercano qualcuno che li supporti economicamente senza trovare nessuno. Anche con la valve stessa mi pare ci siano stati tempo fa degli screzi per il poco supporto al mod rispetto a cs e dod, poi comprati.

    Il progetto futuro, dopo NS:S prevede un Natural Selection 2 sviluppato con un motore di futura generazione e venduto nei negozi. Sempre se troveranno qualcuno che gli supporti economicamente l'acquisto di una licenza e trovoni un qualche publisher interessato.

    Essendoci Steam di mezzo a fare da distributore non mi meraviglierei se tentassero l'approccio chiedendo una distribuzione a pagamento di NS:S su Steam rimettendoci solo una percentuale sulle vendite, magari comprensiva anche di qualcosa per l'utilizzo del Source.

  13. #88
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    ma ns ha solo tre anni? è del 2002? così giovane?
    vedo sul sito che festeggiano i tre anni di ns...

  14. #89
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Nemesis88
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    è uscita la versione 3.1

  15. #90
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    ma sopratutto: questi sarebbero screen di una nuova mappa della versione 3.1?

  16. #91
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Arrivo in ritardo ma a pc fuso non si comanda ^^

    Le mappe.Beh,potrebbero benissimo essere,non sono molto diverse dalle solite (un po di miglioramento sulle textures ci vedo ma forse son solo mie allucinazioni)

    Ed ora,commentino in breve sul changelog

    New features
    O Skulk wallwalk has been improved:
    - Skulks can now vault from walls. When attached to a wall, pressing jump will make the skulk jump in the direction the player is facing.
    - Precision wallwalking: While holding +speed (aka walk) the skulk will stick to walls much more rigorously then before. This makes it possible to navigate difficult architecture.
    - Wallwalk is now disabled when walking on the floor.

    O Implemented teammate query icons:
    - Invoking a query from the popupmenu ("Follow me", "Covering you", "Weld/Heal me") displays an icon over the player issuing the query. This lasts for 6 seconds.
    - The invoking player may look at another player to issue that order directly to their target. The query will pop up in the upper middle of the target player's HUD.

    O Added Fade eye icon next to NS in the Steam games list

    Gameplay changes
    O Hand Grenades significantly reworked:
    - Reduced their research cost: 20 res -> 10 res (Classic Mode only)

    - Reduced the time between throw and detonation: 2.0s -> 0.75s
    - Hand Grenades can now be thrown before the prime grenade animation has finished, allowing faster throws.
    - Number of Hand Grenades equipped upon spawn has been increased: 1 -> 2

    O Changed Alien gestation times (times are given for Classic Mode and are in seconds, they are scaled down in Combat):
    - Skulk 7 -> 3
    - Gorge 17 -> 10
    - Lerk 20 -> 15
    - Fade 23 -> 25
    - Onos 38 -> 35

    O Shotgun pellets now spread randomly: five pellets in an outside 20 degree cone, and five pellets within a 7 degree cone

    O Duck toggle implemented:
    - Bind "toggleduck" to a key to use
    - While duck is toggled, pressing +duck will unduck and releasing will revert the player to a ducked state
    - This also allows reverse wallwalk; where pressing duck enables wallwalk and releasing it drops you from the wall

    O Set Alien base Cloaking opacity from 10 to 0 (aka 100% Cloaking)
    O Armory now consistently supplies 10 health with every use (once per 0.9 seconds)
    O Added some client-side consistency checks for sprites (e.g. muzzleflash)
    O Mines can no longer be placed on players or structures
    O Mines can't be placed within 15 units of each other (to avoid exploits)
    O Commander created structures now dropped from 4 units above the floor (should help with some sinking structure issues)

    O The commander can now see the health for all buildings and marines, even when not selected, as transparent health circles. Health circles for selected buildings and marines are rendered as normal.

    O Mines and Hand Grenades moved to weapon slot 5
    O All sayings from the popupmenu now have a cool down time of 3 seconds, to prevent them from being spammed.
    O Changed the popupmenu to better reflect the new teammate orders.
    O Commander waypoints and orders now pop up in the receiving player's HUD.
    O Placing a structure does no longer automatically give selected marines a waypoint to it.
    O Structure health is now always visible to maintenance players (players having a welder or healspray set as their active weapon).
    O Hive sight range increased: 1500 -> 3000 units
    O Players now have to press f4 twice within two seconds to go to the readyroom as a safety measure.

    Cosmetic changes:
    O Weapon upgrade level is now ignored when determining how much to shake the screen while firing - it is now constant for Pistol, LMG, HMG, and Shotgun.
    O Heavy Armor Player model fixed; now stands on floor correctly
    O Buildings produce less smoke and more sparks when recycled
    O Updated light and heavy HMG model with new sound calls, including new reload sounds (thanks CoolCookieCooks!) *devsentirlprimdigiudic*
    O Cleanup of titles.txt
    O Slight change to the LMG draw sound timing *idem*
    O End game notifications now display in the center of the screen for 10 seconds with a 2 second fadeout.

    Bugfixes: ( (in toto)
    O Players can now climb up ladders without having to face up or jump on to them (thanks Soylent Green!)
    O Fixed loss of lastweapon information when user makes a redundant weapon selection
    O Updated Light marine model, removes phantom shotgun cocking sound present in the models' sound calls
    O Fixed a bug where a crouching player on an IP would not be killed
    O Structures can no longer be dropped in vents in which they would sink
    O Fixed bug where the Onos would not properly uncloak while charging
    O Fixed bug where some items in the marine popupmenu ("Start", "Weapon", "Orders", "Comms", etc) would be disabled after exiting the command chair
    O The shotgun now properly fires an empty click sound when under water and emptied
    O Fixed bug where a dead player would not respawn while a key bound to a +command was depressed
    O Releasing duck quickly after pressing it will no longer make the player bounce
    O Improved client side alien attack animations.
    O The installer no longer checks whether Steam is running or not, as it does no real harm if it is.

    Son curioso di vedere come han rifatto le mappe "storiche"..Ogni volta che ci han messo mano le han imbruttite,speriamo sia la volta buona....

    P.s:è uscita la 3.1.1 nel frattempo

  17. #92
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Come si è evoluta la situazione in questi mesi?

    Devo ammettere che non ho avuto modo di seguire gli sviluppi (ed effettivamente ho praticamente azzerato anche il tempo di gioco),un aggiornamento rapido non sarebbe male ^^

  18. #93
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    poco si sà.
    Di importante c'è un annuncio di un paio di mesi fa in cui finalmente sembrano aver trovato qualcuno disposto a supportarli economicamente per fondare la tanto agognata software house.
    Come al solito è confermato sia lo sviluppo (in corso) di Natural Selection: Source e di alcuni piani per un NS2 futuro su qualche motore next-gen...

    poi se qualcosa si cambiato nei loro piani non c'è dato saperlo...

    piuttosto, tu che sei un fan di NS, dai un'occhiata a Nuclear Dawn che dai commenti letti in giro pare riprendere non poco lo stile di gioco di selezione naturale.

  19. #94
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Se riesco a trovare il tempo ci darò un occhio

  20. #95

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    In other news, we are preparing for imminent, earnest work on Natural Selection: Source! I wasn't sure which direction it should go, but after seeing some of the upcoming technology and features in Source, everything has become clear. There won't be any announcements until we are financially stable, but now I'm sure that's going to happen, it's just a matter of when!

    For the record, NS:S will be released through Steam and will cost money ($19.95?) and will be a standalone game. From the beginning, the idea has been to create Natural Selection, give it away and then sell the sequel. Back then, I thought the sequel would be much bigger and for retail, but a lot has changed in the past almost five years since starting work on NS. Now the sequel will have a smaller scope and will be sold online, but we will retain more control, will need less money up-front and will get paid more for every copy sold. It's not what I was expecting, but it's definitely no worse! The only thing I can say about the game itself right now is that if you liked NS, you will love NS:S.


  21. #96
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0


  22. #97
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Speriam bene

  23. #98
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Riferimento: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Last night we opened up testing of the new NS website to members of the NS community. Namely, everyone who has signed up on the NS forums since the dawn of time (since we opened the forums in 2002). Those people (about 30,000 of them) have been e-mailed the location and password of the new site. It has uncovered some small problems so far but nothing major. Once we're confident that the site is ready for the public, you will see it here.

    Shortly after launching the site to the public, we plan on announcing the first details of the next NS game, which will be writen for the Half-life II engine and be released for sale over Steam. We're starting to prototype some new ideas and we're getting excited. We can't wait to share them with you!
    Boh, vuole almeno due caratteri anche con un quote... eccoli!

  24. #99
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Si ma che si sbrighino

    Intanto ho ricominciato a giochicchiarci dopo 10 mesi che non ci mettevo mano

    O hanno reso più buie le mappe o son diventato totalmente cieco,non riesco a veder nulla con gli alieni ancora me la scampo usando la "flashlight",con i marine son i disastri più assoluti (uccido più onos con lo shotgun che skulk....Non un buon segno)

  25. #100
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Blood
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [MOD MP] Natural Selection 3.0

    Natural Selection 2 is the next wave in the war for survival between humankind and the Kharaa. Natural Selection 2 is the next evolution in multiplayer action/strategy gameplay and will be targeted for both competitive and public play. New features include dynamically changing environments, a new resource model, flexible game scripting and modes, and new weapons, abilities and upgrades. Natural Selection 2 will be a stand-alone commercial game for release on VALVe software's digital distribution service called Steam (http://www.steampowered.com).

    Natural Selection was released on October 31st of 2002 and since then has been played by 300,000 players for over a billion player-minutes. It won Gamespy's Mod of the Year and became the most popular independent "mod" for Half-life. Natural Selection v3.1 is available for download free from the Natural Selection site (http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns). Unknown Worlds Entertainment, Inc. (http://www.unknownworlds.com) is a self-funded independent game company based in San Francisco, CA.

    We'll be releasing lots more information on the game, the features and the technology via our site news and frequent updates to our new game development blog.

    Also, as you have now noticed, the site is baaack! Not only is it back but it's been completely redone. After well over a year and half a dozen programmers, it's finally operational. It's not perfect, but is completely functional. Please let us know if you find a problem with the site so we can fix it. Don't spread it around to your buddies so they can have their way with us and put us out of commission for another year. It was a huge amount of work, but you'll see every message from the past 4 years is still here. We just couldn't bear to let 1.5 million posts get flushed down the drain. There are new YouTube trailers, mailing lists and much better admin tools to keep the riff-raff out. Let's hope it was worth the wait.

    As promised, we are going to start testing NS v3.2 with Constellation members later today. You will receive an e-mail today or tomorrow with full instructions. Remember to try to withhold judgment on changes until you've played a few games! The Constellation system isn't functional yet so if you haven't donated previously I'm afraid you're out of luck and you'll have to wait until the public release.

    One of the big problems that we had when the site went down was funding. Primary funding for future NS development came from the Constellation program and when the site went away so did that. I had to put future NS work on hold to pay the bills. I also wrote a small game called Zen of Sudoku to bring in some money more quickly. Zen is feature complete and will go live on some big portals (including Steam) shortly. Between Zen and some other funding we've secured, we can safely announce our next game! It's taken a long time, but it's great to be in a position to self-fund our own games instead of relying on publisher or investor interests. We'll be able to make the game we want to make and won't have to compromise for anyone.

    It's also my pleasure to announce the new Technical Director for Unknown Worlds! Max McGuire helped out on NS in v2.0 days, but his day job was writing the engine, tools and technology for Titan Quest. Max has been writing game engines since his early days in high school and was the Lead Engine programmer on Titan Quest. He was also the first employee at Iron Lore. Max will now apply his formidable talents to Natural Selection 2 and our future games. Welcome, Max!

    We are also planning on releasing a technology demo (like we did with NS) as soon as possible so level designers can start making maps for official inclusion in the game. We know that you die-hard players will download that and probably figure out some way to play it as well

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