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Discussione: The Technomancer

  1. #1

    Predefinito The Technomancer

    Un nuovo Action RPG post-apocalittico sviluppato dagli Spiders (gli sviluppatori di Mars: War Logs):


    Spiders and Focus Home Interactive announce continued partnership for a new RPG: The Technomancer

    Spiders are back with The Technomancer, a new post-apocalyptic RPG set in a cyberpunk world for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC set on Mars during the War of Water
    , where an aspiring Technomancer faces a myriad of questions as his future grows threatened by the secrets of his past.

    An RPG, The Technomancer will offer players action-oriented combat gameplay along four different skill trees, focusing on 3 different fighting styles and the destructive electric-focused powers of the Technomancers. But all situations aren't necessarily to be dealt with brute strength, with dynamic conversation dialogue playing a deep role in quests, changing the story depending on the decisions you make. Craft equipment, weapons and armor for yourself and for the companions you'll recruit along your adventure, nurturing relationships with them.

    On the run from the Secret Police and confronted by the harsh realities of the Red Planet, you must undertake a quest that takes you through tribal communities, cities lost under the ice, and dystopian shanties sprawled across Mars' dusty embrace.

    Faced with the cruelty of Mars' iron-fist enforcers and wild-life, can you survive long enough to uncover the truth behind The Technomancer?

    • A unique and thrilling science-fiction RPG experience set on the Red Planet.

    • Bond with numerous unique and interesting companions and reveal secrets about their past.

    • Manage their inventory and level up your companions.

    • Up to five different endings for many quests changing the conclusions and rewards - even the people you'll meet and journey with!

    • A dynamic crafting system that changes the visual appearance of weapon and armor.

    • Play as a Technomancer - a combat proficient warrior with use of cybernetically enhanced magical abilities.

    • The Technomancer is slated for a 2016 release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

  2. #2
    L'Onesto L'avatar di michele131cl
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    Barletta (BT)

    Predefinito Re: The Technomancer

    Prime immagini per The Technomancer

    Spiders Studio e Focus Home Interactive hanno diffuso una serie di screenshot relativi al nuovo gioco di ruolo The Technomancer. Ambientato su Marte, il gioco segue le vicende di un aspirante tecnomante impegnato a far fronte a una serie di sfide che metteranno in discussione il suo futuro andando a scavare nei segreti del suo passato.
    The Technomancer arriverą su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One nel corso del 2016. Il team di sviluppo ci dą appuntamento all’imminente E3 dove verranno svelati ulteriori dettagli sul gioco.


  3. #3
    Menion Leah

    Predefinito Re: The Technomancer

    Dopo Bound by Flame ho perso le speranze.

  4. #4

    Predefinito Re: The Technomancer

    Nuovo trailer:

  5. #5
    Menion Leah

    Predefinito Re: The Technomancer

    A occhio e croce sembra uguale ai loro precedenti lavori con grafica migliorata.

  6. #6

    Predefinito Re: The Technomancer

    Gamescom Trailer:

    Spiders' sci-fi RPG for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC comes to life in a dramatic new trailer for Gamescom 2015.

    In this video, supported by music from renowned composer Olivier Derivičre (Remember Me, Assassin’s Creed IV – Freedom Cry...) who composes the game's Soundtrack, we watch our hero Zachariah attempting to communicate with Earth, as he is chased by Mars’ illusive secret police, tasked with hunting down the rogue Technomancer across the post-apocalyptic red planet. A relic of Mars’ ancient human history, your journey with Zachariah starts long after human colonization of Mars, with its artefacts sprawled about the Martian landscape – including hordes of humans physically scarred by cataclysms of the past.

    Mars’ world holds many secrets, and The Technomancer’s quests yield many results depending on how you choose to solve them. Learn more about the world by interacting with the companions who join your party, and level them up as you build friendships with them. An RPG, The Technomancer features 3 exciting combat styles and many ways to improve both melee combat and your Technomancer lightning abilities, intertwined with the melee combat in the game.

  7. #7
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Absint
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    Predefinito Re: The Technomancer

    Bo mi segno, mo non ho tempo per vedere i trailer pure di questo

  8. #8
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di manuč
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    Predefinito Re: The Technomancer

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Bishop76 Visualizza Messaggio
    Un nuovo Action RPG post-apocalittico sviluppato dagli Spiders (gli sviluppatori di Mars: War Logs)
    no gazie, mi č gią bastato l'altro

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