beh, nel 2005 potevate dirmelo no?
non lo avevo mai notato
beh, nel 2005 potevate dirmelo no?
non lo avevo mai notato
Ci sono dei cambiamenti ,la TC è passata anche in terza personea in modo netto e definitivo credo, ma dalle immagini si vede che saranno disponibili entrambe le visuali almeno per il momento.
ci sono immagini e un secondo download:
Su FileFront
The second public prototype of Ground Zero has been released! Prototype 2?s main showcase is a demonstration of our early constructor toolset.
Primary download:
Moddb: pending, check profile
(we are transitioning to a new host and may experience downtime)
Constructors can be placed like brushes in the Doom 3 editor, which at runtime then spawn complex groupings of other entities (such as characters, walls, lights, debris, weapons, other props, and even other constructors). These entities can inherit determinate and randomized attributes from their constructor, but function as discrete objects once spawned. Combined with Doom 3?s dynamic capabilities, constructors can be used to generate things as simple as a single wall or randomized items on the floor, to entire cities complete with interactive props and characters.
In this mod, you begin somewhere in the area surrounding Springhill, which is occupied by a hostile force of raiders. Each time the map is loaded, you will find a different city in front of you: the size, appearance, and location of structures; the number, strength, and position of enemy fighters; the composition of barricades and furniture; the possibility and distribution of weapons and ammunition.
MAJOR KNOWN ISSUES: We must warn users that this iteration is incredibly demanding on virtually any hardware. Our graphic assets and environment designs are completely unoptimized, and we have if anything gone overboard to probe the limits of environmental detail. Even with a targeted final release sometime in 2007, there are numerous avenues we are researching to bring performance up to a more playable level without sacrificing much in visual quality. Stay tuned.
SOno esterrefatto
a 800x600 non mi superava i 5 fps
a 1280x1024 invece è salito fino a 11, ho capito che è un prototipo, però senza ottimizzarlo è inutile
,non è possibile che va più veloce a 1280x1024 che ad 800x600
POi non riesco a camminare a volte , si blocca, speriamo bene per le versioni future![]()
Provato ,anche a me gli FPS sfasano stranamente del tipo carico il il una situazione mi fa 35 FPS,se lo ricarico sempr elo steso mi fa 50 FPS![]()
ma sicuramente sarà per la versione "primitiva" infatti c'è ancora un bel po da le idee non mancano e comuqnue il tutto è interessante
ma sei sicuro?![]()
vabè che tu hai il crossfire ma non credo che tra la tua e la mia ci siano 50 fps di Differenza, ho pur sempre una x1900xtx
Hexen Third ha scritto mer, 07 giugno 2006 alle 17:23
ma sei sicuro?![]()
vabè che tu hai il crossfire ma non credo che tra la tua e la mia ci siano 50 fps di Differenza, ho pur sempre una x1900xtx
Ma lui ha preso Dio e l'ha messo nel pc!
Si bisogna vedere anche come lo tieni il PC![]()
Le prestazioni non si vedono solo dall'hardware![]()
NoSf3rAtU ha scritto mer, 07 giugno 2006 alle 21:21
Si bisogna vedere anche come lo tieni il PC![]()
Le prestazioni non si vedono solo dall'hardware![]()
Io lo dicevo per un'altro motivo, lo sviluppatore dice che non è un problema di potenza di VGA ma semplicemente hanno inserito troppe "entità" per schermo
, questo significa che come ogni motore attuale (Far Cry- Half Life 2 - DooM III) se il numero di unità "libere" sul terreno supera un certo numero quello che può calcolare un processore attuale (singolo core o doppio core) essendo di questo calcolo responsabile solo il processore il frame cala inesorabilmente anche se la VGa ce la fa, per questo ti avevo chiesto come fosse possibile bene che vada tu hai un 60fx cloccato ma non ce la fa lo stesso
E' anche il motivo per la quale in HL2 ed episodio 1 e nell'espansione di DooM III non tutti gli oggetti si possono prendere, il frame calerebbe in maniera proporzionale agli oggetti presenti su schermo.
A questo punto viva ageia![]()
Ora invece vi posto il loro Blog!Immagine cliccosa
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
l'ultima notizia sul blog è la seguete:
Justin Fitzsimmons - Coder
I've been a member of Ground Zero for quite a while now, but my personal life has been getting in the way of putting a good chunk of time into Ground Zero. Rectently some time freed up, and I threw a hefty chunk of it at the project, so I'm writing a blog entry to introduce myself and what I've been working on for the past week or so. I'm working as a C++ coder, and my first assignment is the backend of the inventory system.
It just so happens that my first project working with the doom3 SDK was to write a more advanced inventory - so it was pretty natural to be assigned such such a similar task for Ground Zero. Unfortunately, the code that I had already laid down with my inventory isn't exactly what Ground Zero was looking for, so I had to re-implement everything from scratch; but the experiences with the SDK and how to represent inventory items in memory are things that carried over from the last project and significantly streamlined the process the second time around.
As it stands, I've finished the preliminary development for the inventory backend. Paul and I discussed how to engineer the inventory, based on a rough specification he had done. The spec saw a lot of change, removing elements that were unnecessary and adding elements that we deemed important. The end result is an inventory system which is still similar to the original concept, but with a modified and streamlined implementation.
For example, the original spec called for items to have a category and hardpoints to have a type, in addition to attach points and in the case of hardpoints, a name. The idea was that an item could attach to the hardpoint if the hardpoint's name was in the list of valid attachpoints for the item, and that the categories matched. Or something like that; I didn't totally understand the meaning of it all, nor did I understand the justification for it. So now, that sort of type checking is handled with names alone.
Another change that resulted from this was increased flexibility for items. Since they don't need to fit into distinct categories anymore, any item can be a container. That is to say, the definition system for items is flexible enough to optionally make anything a container without extra overhead in the code; not that all items are containers. This is neat because (as an example, which may or may not be used in the game), jeans are an article of clothing, but hey, jeans also happen to have pockets! The artist creating the item can easily set the regular properties that are needed for any sort of article of clothing, such as the clothing attach points ("clothing_legs"), the model, textures, etc.; and then a gameplay designer can come back to the same def file and give the jeans additional container properties: "storage_volume" "0.2" and "max_unit_volume" "0.2" - values suitable for storing a wallet, or maybe a handful of bullets.
Any item may also have hardpoints, which makes for quickly adding cool things to other items. An example: adding a flashlight to your gun. We also tossed around the idea of making magazines containers, which would be mounted onto a certain hardpoint of a firearm, which would unload the top cartridge from the magazine and mount it into the firearm's "chamber" hardpoint, assuming the calibre was compatible. This has even more interesting implications, because it could allow the player to order their bullets in their magazine: 3FMJ, 1 Tracer, repeating, for example. None of this is finalized yet, and needs some more thought put into it, especially considering that there would be a lot of memory wasted if every individual bullet in the game was represented as a discrete item. My preliminary thoughts are to make bullets a sort of "singleton" item which only exist in memory once, and are merely pointed to many times. Nothing's final right now, but you'll probably be hearing from one of the team when we do have something hammered out.
Finally, the original spec didn't have any way to keep track of an item's weight. We decided this was fairly shortsighted, and required, despite the increased complexity of having two metrics to take care of when managing one's inventory. Originally, with only volume-based inventory restrictions, a puny 80-year-old scientist would be able to carry as much as a 20-year-old massive ogre-man who makes holes in walls with his fists; assuming that they had comparable storage equipment. So, I added support so that every item now has a weight field, and the inventory tracks the total and disallows adding more items if it would go over the weight restriction, just like many inventory systems currently found in RPGs.
I do admit that I am somewhat nervous about the frontend implementation of the inventory, since doom3's guis aren't the prettiest things to work with behind the scenes (despite their delicious vector graphics on the front). Jon and Paul are quick to remind me that I am not to trouble myself with these sorts of things until they actually become relevant. I understand their reservations, and have focused on the task that has been assigned to me. With that said, I doubt this will be the last you hear from me on the subject.
This week and probably parts of next week will involve heavy testing and debugging of the code I've written, after which I hope to be assigned my next task.
Ho mandato 15 minuti fa un messaggio privato al leader per chiedere quando rilasceranno un'altre beta giocabile![]()
Sembra molto interessante come mod![]()
Nelle prossime settimane verrà rilasciato un altro prototipo della TC
We're preparing another release right now, which will be coming online in the next couple of weeks. A major focus of this prototype is addresing the performance issues of our last demonstration.
E' disponibile un nuovo video per la TC stile RPG Ground zero per DooM III , il video mostra degli ambienti abbastanza grandi e qualche scena di gioco, oltre che il sistema totalmente governato dal mouse , attendiamo una demo annunciata al termine del filmato!!!
Commento dello sviluppatore:
Hey everybody! We've been pretty quiet for the last couple months, but have kept ourselves busy.
We just finished putting together a video demonstration of our current release, which should be ready to play in another week or two. The main thing we wanted to show is some major performance boosts over our last release (cough cough), and other tools we'll be using to make a more expansive and interactive game world for the role playing mechanics.
Sito Ufficiale:
Terzo prototipo per Ground Zero:
Ground Zero è una TC single player per DooM III ambientata ian un futuro dove la guerra nucleare ha devastato il pianeta, non si conosce la data esatta di quando questa guerra è cominciata ma gli eventi che racconta Ground Zero iniziano precisamente 30 anni dopo la fine dell'ultimo conflitto nucleare nel sud degli Stati Uniti.
Questo prototipo(non dimenticate che è una versione ancora primitiva) ci ritroveremo in una città semiidistrutta abitata da una fazione, ii raiders: avremo parecchie armi a disposizione e potremo distruggere praticamente tutto, l'interfaccia sembra originale ma inizialmente ostica da padroneggiare, sarà governata totalmente dal mouse, sia nello spostamento, sia in qualsiasi altra situazione tranne parte la telecamera che potremo allontanare o avvicinare a piacimento premendo i tasti che normalmente usiamo per camminare (WASD). Detto questo credo sia appropriato spendere due parole sulle dichiarazioni finali che troverete nei link sottostanti: Gli sviluppatori asseriscono che nei prossimi mesi lavoreranno alacremente per migliorare ancora il frame e tutti gli aspetti del gioco, da tenere presente stando a quello che dicono, che nel prototipo attuale molti edifici sono incompleti e hanno informazioni parziali o errate che peggiorano le prestazioni , quindi non dobbiamo preoccuparti più di tanto se sul nostro pc avremo problemi di fluidità.
Detto questo vi lascio al link dove potete trovare il download di questo terzo prototipo e le dichiarazioni in lingua Inglese:
DooM3World - Ground Zero
News a questo indirizzo:
Dopo 6 mesi sono disponibili un paio di filmati(di cui ho preso alcune immagini):
Davvero notevole, non c'è che dire...pero a questo punto si devono dare un po una mossa![]()
nuove immagini per questa TC, davvero interesanti!!!!!"![]()
ps: per la traduzione ci vuole un pò di tempo
Originariamente Scritto da jlamb
Hey everybody. It's been a loooong time since we've peeped a word to anyone. The team has undergone a lot of chaotic Real Life changes over the last year.
Our primary contributing 3D artists and myself have each gotten positions at commercial game companies. Our art director/manager has left to focus on building her portfolio in other areas (currently interning on a Hollywood movie by a rather famous director), and Paul, the lone wolf engineer and co-designer, started his graduate studies in AI. It's been a very exciting time for everyone and I'm immensely proud of the opportunity we've had to work together, although it's taken its toll on Ground Zero's progress. However, we are still very much committed to seeing this thing through and want to give a little sneak peak at some tech we've been working on for our next public prototype.
So, Paul found a method of very quickly spawning and rendering simple foliage objects. These objects cannot be lit (must use "blend blend" or similar) and are non-interactive once spawned, but can still be dynamically generated and are ideal for things like dense, non-colliding grass. As long as they all use the same texture sheet, it can pretty much be rendered with a few draw calls. The user can define the groundcover draw distance.
We use greyscale "watermaps" to help model the appearance of plantlife. A combination of local water availability and terrain elevation determines the type and density of foliage appearing. It really isn't demonstrated adequately here due to the limited variety of assets we have. Below are some images that demonstrate the watermaps more directly.
A couple other improvements Paul has made to the terrain generation includes performing vertex coloring based on slope to blend between materials (rock and sand here), and an optimization process that simplifies the mesh where there is little or no change in elevation.
I'll use this debug image to demonstrate height and water maps
Pretty obvious here. This began as 400x400 mesh but much of that is trimmed out. Our implementation can take an image of any resolution and map it to a mesh with user-defined max density.
Here we see where flat and gradually sloping areas can be simplified without loss in quality to reduce triangle count. This still has some significant bugs (a tendency to create "steppes" in borderline areas) but helps quite a bit depending on the heightmap.
Ecco altre:
Originariamente Scritto da jlamb
This demonstrates a change in how aggressively the terrain is simplified. This can in some cases reduce triangle count to half, a fourth, or more. Very bumpy heightmaps do not benefit as much of course.
This is a flat terrain with the same image instead applied as a water map. You can see that it largely affects density here, but each plant is defined with a range of ideal water and elevation values so we could potentially transition from desert scrub to lush jungle given enough assets.
And finally just one more wide angle shot of some rolling terrain that shows off the material blending and subtle geometry optimizations.
We are by the way generating each location from real-world elevation data. The player traverses the game world via a 2d world map divided into a grid of sectors. Each sector's terrain and hopefully foliage are linked to specific segments of satellite imagery to create the illusion of a gigantic persistent world. I spliced this image together from DEM data, the full size is about 20,000x10,000 pixels.
...and although it can't hold a candle to what those crazy guys at Introversion are doing, this last image shows the same test image above applied as a population map. Street sections are laid down to connect population centers. This is solid pavement but will soon be proper blocks of buildings linked by streets (we've shown a bit of that capability in our youtube video preview from last winter).
whaaaa! bellissima questa TC!
Non la avevo mai vista! Ma la beta3 è scaricabile/giocabile?
si ,si scarica, io personalmente l'ho provata ma quando uscì ricordo che non era per niente ottimizzata e il personaggio a volte si impallava, il gioco è di ruolo con le statistiche che aumentano ma non c'era ancora una lista dei tasti, avevo scoperto a caso quella che metteva il menu e permetteva di migliorare mira, prcisione con le armi leggere e varie:
il downlad di questa versione lo trovi qui:;63890
spero che la prox versione esca più completa![]()
Grazie ^_^