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Discussione: PREY - Topic ufficiale

  1. #251
    Il Fantasma
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Scusate ma cosa diavolo devo installare oltre al QT per vedere sto video??? Sento solo il sonoro.. il QT è aggiornato all'ultima versione ...

    EDIT: Risolto , quello di gamershell non me lo leggeva.. quello su doom3maps si!

  2. #252
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Prey ha una data di uscita

    Lo sparatutto targato 3D Realms uscirà il 10 luglio su PC e Xbox360, perlomeno in USA.

    3D Realms, che insieme a Human Head è sviluppatore del gioco, ha confermato le indicazioni dei giorni scorsi (fornite dai rivenditori americani) circa l'uscita nei negozi di Prey.

    Lo sparatutto in soggettiva per PC e Xbox 360, in lavorazione da quasi dieci anni, arriverà esattamente il 10 luglio, in contemporanea su entrambi i formati.

    La data si riferisce ai soli Stati Uniti, ma la versione europea non dovrebbe ritardare oltre qualche giorno.

    by Nextgame.it

  3. #253
    L'Onesto L'avatar di xSys
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Finalmente una bella notizia!

  4. #254
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Prey Pre-Order Details Revealed

    2K Games today announced an incentive based Pre-Order program and Limited Collector's Edition for Prey for PC and the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.

    The Limited Collector's Edition is available for both the Xbox 360™ and PC editions of Prey and includes a special metal packaging upgrade, two die-cast pewter figurines including the lead character Tommy and the alien Hunter, a free download to a Prey soundtrack, and "The Art of Prey" book featuring collected conceptual and development images from the artists behind Prey. In addition, the PC Limited Collector's Edition will include an upgrade to DVD media from CD-ROM.

    Customers who pre-order either the Limited Collector's Edition or standard edition of Prey on either Xbox 360 or PC will receive a die-cast pewter figurine of Mutate. The Mutate is a melding of the DNA of human and alien victims of the living Sphere, possessing a massive claw that it uses in-game to impale its enemies in a spinning attack. All four versions of Prey will be released simultaneously this July.

    The Prey Limited Collector's Edition is a single production run available on a first-come, first-served basis. Both the Limited Collector's Edition and the Pre-Order program are available while supplies last at participating retailers.

    Customers who have previously pre-ordered Prey are automatically "grandfathered" into the incentive based Pre-Order program. Prey is developed by Human Head Studios and Venom Games and produced by 3D Realms.

    Pre-Order incentive Mutate pewter figurine

    Limited Collector's Edition

    ...la Limited Collector's Edition e già prenotata!!!

  5. #255
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Nerevarine
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Cavoli, pare davvero bella!!!!

    Che sia la seconda collector's della mia vita, oltre a quella di Oblivion??????????

  6. #256

    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Bella davvero

  7. #257
    La Nebbia
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    http://www.3drealms.com/prey/preorder.ht ml

    In fondo alla pagina dice :

    "The pre-order program and the Limited Collector's Editions are for North America only."

    Ora, non sarò un fenomeno con l'inglese, ma mi sembra di capire
    che la collector's sarà disponibile solo negli states e compagnia, un pò strana sta cosa.
    La collector's di Oblivion l'hanno pubblicata dappertutto e il publisher è lo stesso di Prey, la Take-Two.

    Se le cose stanno così chi vuole comprare la collector's di Prey non la può certo prendere al Media World, ma solo in rete
    sui vari EB GAMES, GAMESTOP, ecc., non mi sembra una gran genialata.

    Boh !!

  8. #258
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Vedrai che sarà distribuita anche in Europa

    Prey Countdown to Release Gameplay Trailer

    Available now on Gamespot is a new Prey trailer which is being released as part of the "Prey Countdown to Release" video series. This new video totals 3:23 in length, and is teeming with gameplay footage. Of course, if you don't want to see that, and want to experience the gameplay for yourself when you buy the game, then you'll want to skip this.

    But it does look cool - and it sounds.. awww you don't want to listen to me. Go to Gamespot and check out the video. It is listed on their page as the "Official Prey Trailer #3". If you're a Gamespot Complete member, you can download a 133Mb HD version of the video, too! If you're not a member, you can still check out and download the video. Go!!!

    Potete scaricarlo anche da qui:

    DOWNLOAD Prey Countdown to Release @ Doom3Maps (37.58 MB)

    Il video è allucinante e mostra i vari percorsi veramente da "capogiro",portali strani che ci proietteranno anche in mini-mondi e per finire ci mostrano degli alieni disgustosi...guardatelo che fate prima!!!

  9. #259

    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    felix1 ha scritto sab, 29 aprile 2006 alle 15:07
    http://www.3drealms.com/prey/preorder.ht ml

    In fondo alla pagina dice :

    "The pre-order program and the Limited Collector's Editions are for North America only."

    Ora, non sarò un fenomeno con l'inglese, ma mi sembra di capire
    che la collector's sarà disponibile solo negli states e compagnia, un pò strana sta cosa.
    La collector's di Oblivion l'hanno pubblicata dappertutto e il publisher è lo stesso di Prey, la Take-Two.

    Se le cose stanno così chi vuole comprare la collector's di Prey non la può certo prendere al Media World, ma solo in rete
    sui vari EB GAMES, GAMESTOP, ecc., non mi sembra una gran genialata.

    Boh !!
    spero che non sia così

    ps: sono in dowload nosfe.

  10. #260
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale


    Prey Weekly Development Update #16

    Hey all,

    Welcome to the 16th edition of the Prey Weekly Update. Today, we're covering many of those great Ask Prey questions that people send to us. A huge thanks to everyone for writing in with your questions. A few things to mention first:

    *We received our shipment of the pewter figurines that will be included in the collector's edition of Prey. They're pretty kick-ass little figurines. Very nicely detailed. They look great sitting on my desk.

    *We're gearing up for E3. It's coming at a really weird time, though, as we're deep in crunch. On a positive note, there isn't a special E3 crunch going on like last year. This year, it's as easy as making a special copy of the game to take along for demoing.

    *We're planning on releasing regular videos of Prey, as we count down to release. The videos will be anywhere from a minute to three minutes long, each showing off some cool sections of gameplay. The first one (which was released an hour ago) showcases a number of things, including wallwalking, portals and planetoid gravity. You definitely have to check it out.

    *Hey, VoodooExtreme has had a Prey poll going on this whole week. Quick swing over there and vote!

    Anyway, on to the questions:


    Hi, may you can tell us what inside the collectors edition?

    Markus Beier (Germany)
    PS.: good luck - for a fast release!!!

    Answer From Chris:

    Hi Markus,

    It just so happens we announced the contents of the collectors edition yesterday. The quick version is that the collectors edition is in a kick-ass metal box, comes on DVD, contains two pewter figurines (Tommy and the Hunter) and also had an "Art of Prey" book which contains some of the concept art from the game.

    Check out http://www.3drealms.com/prey/preorder.ht ml for more details and the longer version.


    just wanted to ask the simple question:

    Do dead bodies stay forever in the level or does they soon disappear? Is there a Cheat Code or can i modify a file to let them stay on ground forever?

    Thank you very much!

    Greetings from Germany!
    Roman Masic

    Answe From Chris:

    This is something we experimented with for a while throughout Prey's development. We originally wanted the bodies to stay around forever, but realized that we would run into framerate issues (especially in combat heavy areas where the player is assaulted by waves of enemies).

    In the early parts of the game, the bodies stay around forever. In later level (after the player has obtained the ability to SpiritWalk) the body will dissolve after the player retrieves the creature's lifeforce.

    Amusing story about this -- a couple of years ago, a few of us were having an impromptu design meeting over dinner. Just discussing the game and some lingering issues that hadn't been resolved. One of them was the body dissolving. We knew we needed it, but we wanted a rational explanation for it.

    We came up with all sorts of ideas, things like: alien tentacles that came up from the ground and sucked the body down, little creatures that would scurry out and consume the bodies, dark spirits that would come out and pull the body away (much like the unfortunate end of the bad guy Carl in the movie Ghost). But, all of those ideas had reasons why we couldn't use them (plus, I really wanted something that could be easily explained).

    Someone suggested simply dissolving the body -- but only when the spirit was picked up. Simple, elegant, and easily done. Forgetting that we were in a crowded restaurant, I loudly exclaimed "Finally, a way to get rid of the bodies!" Which of course, caused the neighboring tables to give us some pretty freaky looks.

    Such is the world of game development.


    Dear Madam/Sir,

    I have quick question regarding spirit-walking in Prey. I havent been able to find much information on it, but can spirit-walking be done anywhere in the game (like in Soul Reaver for example when you shift to the spectral realm) or can it only be done in specific places?

    I hope you get time to answer my question, and I look forward to finally (!) getting to play this game. I remember reading the cover feature of it on an old Ultra Game Players mag in 1997!

    And I'm still looking forward to it.


    Answer From Chris:

    Hi Patrick,

    SpiritWalking is one of the key features of the game -- so you can do it anywhere you want (well, after you've actually obtained the ability to SpiritWalk, of course).

    We experimented with a lot of different ideas for the SpiritWalk mechanic, but finally ended at making it something the player can do all the time for as long as they want. There's no time limit to SpiritWalking, as there are some puzzles you have to solve while only in Spirit mode. It was confusing and frustrating for testers to be almost about to solve a puzzle when the time runs out and they are kicked back to their body.

    Because of this, it sets up an interesting mechanic, where you can explore for quite a distance in Spirit mode I've seen some testers go into Spirit mode before every single room of the game. They drop their body in a safe location, and scout ahead - trying to dispatch any enemies they encounter using the Cherokee Bow.

    This doesn't mean that you can just run thorough the whole game in Spirit, though. The player is limited in other ways -- doors won't open for Spirit players (because the proximity detection for opening doors is based upon the proximity of a living entity).

    Similarly, the Cherokee Bow is limited -- the Bow is only available if the player has Spirit power (obtained from the lifeforces of fallen enemies). Spirit power is depleted by using the Bow, or by taking damage from enemies.


    Christopher Wilson writes:

    Will Prey be able to make full use of the Creative SoundBlasterX-Fi? I mean, will it be able to utilise both the on-board RAM and EAX 5?

    Answer From Chris:

    Hi Christopher,

    Yes, definitely. We support the X-Fi through OpenAL, so we have pretty cool EAX support in the game. Interestingly enough, Liam Byrne from Creative Labs is here at Human Head today, working with us on level-specific EAX implementation issues.


    Is there going to be a pre-release demo of Prey? If so, when will it be released?


    Answer From Chris:

    Hi Meharry,

    There will definitely be a demo for Prey. The timing of it has yet to be fully determined, as it may be shortly before the game is released or it might be shortly after. Regardless, it will definitely be around the time the game is released.

    I've never understood the idea of releasing a demo so much later than the game -- by that I mean like two months later. Seems that you should get the demo out at least around the time that the game comes out. I can understand that a lot of people might be on the fence about a given game, and a kick-ass demo might be just the thing to convince them to buy that game.

    That said, as a developer I can understand how difficult it is to try to create a demo at the same time that you are crunching to finish the game in the first place.


    Hi again

    Thanks for answering my questions.

    I got a bit old PC, like over 3 years old: 2000+ cpu, 512 mb ram and a geforce ti 4200 128 mb ram graphic card. I've played DOOM 3 to the end with this PC, so I'm hoping that I can play Prey on it too.

    I'll admit that I did experience some lag with DOOM 3, but I managed it anyways.

    So my question is: Will Prey run on my pc ?

    I'm thinking about buying more ram and a better graphic card. As a real 3D Realms fan, I don't care that much for the graphics, as long as the game has some cool gameplay. And it sure sounds like Prey has some fun gameplay!

    Keep up the good work.


    uhm...yeah...hoping to see duke on E3 or a trailer of duke nukem forever on the Prey dvd.

    Answer From Chris:

    Hey Kreg,

    Your PC should be able to handle the game, although parts of it are getting outdated. If Doom 3 was a bit laggy on your system, then Prey will be even more so. Our system requirements are higher than Doom 3's were.

    What you identified there are too good places to target: More RAM is always a good thing, and getting a better video card will definitely help, too.

    I certainly hope you like the gameplay in Prey. We've spent a lot of time developing it, and tuning it to be unique and fun. But, you'll have to be the final judge of that yourself!

    DNF at E3: Not this year -- 3DR wants to concentrate on hyping Prey at this point.



    I'm webmaster from czech web site about pc games and I made game section Prey. I like your game very match, becouse has someting different, then other. I have a few questions to next weekly update.


    - You said. We can meet creatures, who won't be always enemys and helps us in game. How it will be make? How we can recognize on the first meet up who is enemy and who isnt(?

    - Doom 3 was disapproved to small arenas in Multipaer Maps with small variability to play and have a fun. In Quake 4 it was be better, but not incomplete. You promise fights in arenas with changing gravitation and teleports. But, do you thing about Quake 3 Arena(Q3A)? It is steel one of the best multiplayer game, and fans stay playing Q3A although Qauke 4 more modern and have newes technical processing. Are you shure, you will not do same mistake?

    - When do you publish official hardware requirements?

    - How long will game takes in hours for a play?

    - When do you make new screenshots for fans? Because there are only few places of whole game which we can in screens saw.

    - And last qauestion. Are you preparing some mapeditor, or modding material for community?

    Thaks you for answers.


    Answer From Chris:

    Hi Vokr,

    Whoa...quite a few questions here. Let's see if I can answer all these decently:

    - Friendly characters in the game: We haven't really been talking about these friendly NPCs, primarily because we don't want to give away too much of the story. Suffice it to say that you will most definitely know which characters are friendly or not. Mainly because the friendly characters actually help you through the game.

    - Prey's Multiplayer: I'm a huge fan of Q3A's MP. That was damn fun and highly polished and balanced. It still has some of my all-time favorite MP maps. I can understand why it is still the favorite of so many people out there.

    But, we didn't try to model Prey's MP after Q3A, so you really can't compare them. They're both DM and Team DM based, but they definitely have a different feel to them while playing. We've taken all of the single-player core elements and carried them over to MP: SpiritWalk, WallWalk, Gravity Flipping, Portals, etc. All of these show up in DM, so it really gives the game a different feel and gives us a lot of opportunities for unique situations.

    - Hardware requirements: We'll be putting this out very soon. Up until now we've essentially said that if you can run Doom 3 or Quake 4 decently, you should be able to run Prey. Our requirements are slightly higher than theirs. Of course, you could also get the 360 version (which is running very smoothly -- Venom is doing a kick-ass job).

    - Gameplay hours? Depends upon the player. I think the average player will be in the 12-15 hour range. Some people who crank through the game will get through in less than that. Other people who really take their time will go over that.

    - Screenshots: Man, we have something much cooler coming -- we're planning to release regular gameplay videos of Prey. So many things in the game just have to be seen in motion. A single screenshot just doesn't convey the experience of walking around on a mini-asteroid while sniping enemies.

    - Map editor/mod stuff: Yes, absolutely. We plan to release all of our tools with the PC version of the game. I'm very much looking forward to seeing what people do with portals and gravity. There'll be some pretty wild mods out there!


    Hey Chris,

    First time writer, long time reader (sorry had to write that hah). Just a quick question.. when you guys first started Prey in late 2001 did you expect the end result (or near end result of course) to look like what Prey currently looks like now? Are there things that you guys have had to drop because current tech wouldn't allow?

    If so any that you can mention?


    Answer From Chris:

    Hey ADM,

    Great question. The game looks better and plays better than we originally conceived. There was a long learning curve to the tech, and a lot of experimenting. In fact, I recently looked at a build of the game from late 2002. It's remarkable how much it has changed (maybe someday we'll release some screenshots from that old version for a laugh).

    As far as things that were cut along the way -- many of the ideas cut were due to overreaching and inappropriate planning. We tried to do too much too soon right away (the original plan called for some 40 levels or so). We quickly realized that was way too much for the scope of this game.

    One of the big things we dropped that I really wished could have been in the game is multiplayer co-op. The original design called for it -- and in fact, we have most of the puzzles and battles planned around what would happen with multiple players in them. But, there were some tech issues we ran into -- issues that would have required some significant changes to the code. At that point, we decided to shelve co-op in favor of putting our resources towards making stronger single-player and competitive multiplayer experiences.


    Shival Sheran Sooknanan writes:

    Really excited about the game, but is there going to be a "making of" video documentary as an unlocakbale or feature?

    Answer From Chris:

    Great question -- but, no, there will not be a making of video included in the game. There will be the "Art of Prey" book included in the collectors edition, though.


    Alexander writes:

    Since Prey has lot's of dialogs and oneliners, will there be an option to turn on english subtitles? To lighten the understanding of the speech itself for non-english speaking gamers.

    Answer From Chris:

    Yes, there definitely will be this ability. The game doesn't actually have foreign language voices, it's always English, but with the option for subtitles for each language. And, of course, English subtitles will be available.

    On a similar note, one of the people who tested the game for us is deaf, so we received some invaluable feedback from him on the subtitles about ways to make them less confusing for someone who is deaf or who doesn't speak English.


    Adam Konrad writes:

    Can you tell us a little more about the multiplayer component? How many player models will the game contain? Is there an autodownload (from http or game server) and punkbuster support? What about server scripts and configuration? Do you plan to make some guide for these things?

    Answer From Chris:

    This answer is actually from Rich Whitehouse, network programmer on Prey:

    We have a total of 13 multiplayer models to choose from. We have retained the autodownload functionality from Doom 3, which allows downloading via HTTP and directly from the game server. We've also worked with Even Balance in getting PunkBuster fully integrated, and it will be right there and ready out-of-the-box. As for scripts and configuration, we still have the custom map cycle script (among other things), so all of those surprisingly robust things that were in Doom 3 will be ready for tinkering.Generally, Doom 3 and Quake 4 server guides will answer all of your questions about setting up a Prey server, but we'll certainly be making sure we get info out there on anything that is Prey-specific.

    *Again, a huge thanks to everyone who wrote in with questions. I very much enjoy reading these and talking to people interested Prey. It so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day issues with game development, so it's nice to be reminded what this is all about: You, the game player.

    Next week, we'll have something new and interesting, I'm sure. Scott Miller had a few ideas for a weekly update, so we'll see if next week is a good time to unveil those.

    Make sure you watch GameSpot tonight, too!

    Until then, stay out of trouble....

    Chris Rhinehart - Prey Project Lead
    Human Head Studios

  11. #261

    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

  12. #262

    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale


  13. #263
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    bellaLI! ha scritto sab, 29 aprile 2006 alle 22:30


    Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard’s Throne
    Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII
    Disciples 2: Dark Prophecy
    Doom 3
    Etrom: The Astral Essence
    Kult: Heretic Kingdom
    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
    Need for Speed Underground 2
    Privateer’s Bounty: Age of Sail 2
    Rune: Halls of Valhalla
    Stronghold and its expansion Stronghold: Crusader
    Terrorist Takedown
    ...e ovvimente come titolo di lancio Prey

    Anche...anzi soprattutto videogames "vecchi"

    Qui l'Homepage che è in costruzione!!!


  14. #264
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Per capire meglio la differenza tra la Collectors e la versione Normale per le 2 piattoforme PC e Xbox360 ecco una spegazione in ITALIANO

    La Collector's Edition di Prey

    I giocatori americani possono preordinare una confezione di lusso per il lungamente atteso sparatutto 3D Realms.
    Disponibile sia per la versione PC che per la quella Xbox 360, la Limited Collector's Edition di Prey è adesso disponibile in preordine per gli Stati Uniti successivamente in Europa. La scatola, che potete ammirare nelle foto allegate a questa notizia, contiene due modellini metallici raffiguranti il protagonista del gioco, Tommy, e un Alien Hunter.

    Incluso nella confezione vi è anche un libro contenente gli artwork realizzati durante la lavorazione del gioco, caratterizzato da una elegante copertina simil-rettile. La sola versione PC, infine, conterrà il gioco in versione DVD invece dei CD-ROM della confezione normale - mentre le due edizioni Xbox 360 saranno entrambe su DVD.

    Chi comprerà il gioco in preordine, sia in edizione normale che da collezione, riceverà un terzo modellino metallico, raffigurante il Mutate - una fusione di DNA umano e alieno. La data di pubblicazione rimane fissata per il 10 luglio, salvo imprevisti.

    by Nextgame.it

    Come dice l'INFO se preordiniamo la Collectors avremo in piu un altro pupazetto del MUTANTE,il problema è che non si sa se anche in Europa ci sarà questa "promozione":

    Limited Collector's Edition

    I 2 pupazzetti (TOMMY e L'HUNTER),che troveremo nella Collectors:

  15. #265

    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

  16. #266
    La Nebbia
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    NoSf3rAtU ha scritto dom, 30 aprile 2006 alle 20:12
    Per capire meglio la differenza tra la Collectors e la versione Normale per le 2 piattoforme PC e Xbox360 ecco una spegazione in ITALIANO

    La Collector's Edition di Prey

    I giocatori americani possono preordinare una confezione di lusso per il lungamente atteso sparatutto 3D Realms.
    Disponibile sia per la versione PC che per la quella Xbox 360, la Limited Collector's Edition di Prey è adesso disponibile in preordine per gli Stati Uniti successivamente in Europa. La scatola, che potete ammirare nelle foto allegate a questa notizia, contiene due modellini metallici raffiguranti il protagonista del gioco, Tommy, e un Alien Hunter.

    Incluso nella confezione vi è anche un libro contenente gli artwork realizzati durante la lavorazione del gioco, caratterizzato da una elegante copertina simil-rettile. La sola versione PC, infine, conterrà il gioco in versione DVD invece dei CD-ROM della confezione normale - mentre le due edizioni Xbox 360 saranno entrambe su DVD.

    Chi comprerà il gioco in preordine, sia in edizione normale che da collezione, riceverà un terzo modellino metallico, raffigurante il Mutate - una fusione di DNA umano e alieno. La data di pubblicazione rimane fissata per il 10 luglio, salvo imprevisti.

    by Nextgame.it

    Non per fare in rompipalle di turno, ma Nextgame.it non parla
    assolutamente di Europa .....


    La Collector's Edition di Prey

    I giocatori americani possono preordinare una confezione di lusso per il lungamente atteso sparatutto 3D Realms.
    Disponibile sia per la versione PC che per la quella Xbox 360, la Limited Collector's Edition di Prey è adesso disponibile in preordine per gli Stati Uniti. La scatola, che potete ammirare nelle foto allegate a questa notizia, contiene due modellini metallici raffiguranti il protagonista del gioco, Tommy, e un Alien Hunter.

    Incluso nella confezione vi è anche un libro contenente gli artwork realizzati durante la lavorazione del gioco, caratterizzato da una elegante copertina simil-rettile. La sola versione PC, infine, conterrà il gioco in versione DVD invece dei CD-ROM della confezione normale - mentre le due edizioni Xbox 360 saranno entrambe su DVD.

    Chi comprerà il gioco in preordine, sia in edizione normale che da collezione, riceverà un terzo modellino metallico, raffigurante il Mutate - una fusione di DNA umano e alieno. La data di pubblicazione rimane fissata per il 10 luglio, salvo imprevisti.

  17. #267
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    ...che ti devo dire l'avranno corretto,anche io faccio copia e incolla

    Comunque a mio avviso la Collectors arrivera anche in Europa!!

    Behhh!!! Visto che sei cosi acuto la prossima volta postale tu le news

  18. #268
    La Nebbia
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    NoSf3rAtU ha scritto mar, 02 maggio 2006 alle 15:00
    ...che ti devo dire l'avranno corretto,anche io faccio copia e incolla

    Comunque a mio avviso la Collectors arrivera anche in Europa!!

    Behhh!!! Visto che sei cosi acuto la prossima volta postale tu le news
    No tranquillo, lascio molto volentieri a te il post delle news .... anche perchè tra le altre cose mi mancherebbe il tempo materiale (basta vedere il numero dei miei post !!).

    Cmq sono convinto anche io che uscirà anche da noi, per il semplice fatto che la Take-Two sarebbe veramente "masochista" ("pecunariamente" parlando) a non pubblicarla .....

  19. #269
    La Nebbia
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Questo è dal sito della 3D REALMS per bocca di Tim Gerritsen, un capoccia degli Human Head Studios (gli sviluppatori di Prey), riguardo a una versione della collector's europea in risposta a un ragazzo spagnolo che chiedeva se sarebbe uscita anche dalle sue parti:

    Re: How about Spain?

    As we mentioned in another thread, we don't really know what the status of the LCE is in other territories. At present, we only know that the announced Collector's edition is for North America. We've asked 2K if they could please find a way to repeat the collector's edition in Europe, and they are trying, but it has to be worked out with retailers in Europe. At present, there will be DVD versions sold in Europe and they will have a metallic case, but we don't know on the Collector's edition. You can pre-order from a US vendor who will import it to Spain. Even the US version will allow you to pick the language you want to play in.

    As for the worldwide release, yes, Spain is part of that release date and 2K Spain is getting theirs the same time as the rest of Europe and North America. We are also localizing the menus and subtitles into Spanish (though in all regions, the spoken voice will be in English).

  20. #270
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    ...e che dice quella risposta???Che sarà disponibile anche in Europa la Collectors "metallica"???


    Prey Weekly Update #17

    I'm not Chris Rhinehart. That's my usual greeting when meeting people, not just the opening of this weekly update. I just like to make sure there's no confusion. My name is Jason L Blair, though, and I'm the Director of the Adventure Game Division here at Human Head Studios.

    Chris asked me to write this weekly update because, as you can imagine, everyone here is going through a hardcore crunch right now--not only with finishing the game, but preparing for next week's computer and video game extravaganza, E3.

    Prey will have a strong presence at this year's E3. It will be shown not only at 2K Games' booth but Creative Labs' and Microsoft's booth as well. All three spots are amazing traffic centers and I'm confident folks will be blown away by what they see.

    Both the PC and Xbox 360 versions will be shown at E3. A MultiPrey tournament will be going, showing off Prey's mind-bending Death Match experience. As you're reading this, you are probably fully aware that Prey plays hell with gravity, wall-walking, and even allowing your spirit to leave your body during game play. Not only is that an amazing part of the single-player game but it opens up entirely new dimensions in MultiPrey. You'll have enemies coming at you in true three-dimensional space. The potential to frag and be fragged by people behind you, in front of you, above you, and underneath you cranks up the tension and anxiety that make Death Matches so much fun. And be sure you stash your body someplace safe if you decide to let your spirit roam.

    The Xbox 360s that will be running the game will also be sporting a snazzy Prey faceplate, made exclusively for the show. There is a picture of what this faceplate looks like at the bottom of the update. Future public availaibility of this item has yet to be determined (in other words, we don't know if you can buy them or not), so there's your answer before you ask it.

    If you're a person who is not going to E3, like me *ahem*, you needn't worry about missing out. Prey will be receiving full coverage by the major video game news outlets and I'm sure Chris will be back next week with a full summary of everything that happened.

    As part of finalizing Prey, we've had some beta testers from 2K Games in the office the past six weeks. This is an official shout-out to Larry and Darren who did phenomenal jobs in working first-hand with the development staff to knock bugs out of the game. While, yes, this made more work for the poor developers, it also helps make Prey that much more of a great gaming experience.

    My main job is creating and overseeing the development of board, card, and roleplaying games for Human Head, and I am a writer at heart - that's my passion - so I felt very fortunate to be brought in on some of the writing of Prey. With a script already in hand, the task of the in-house team was to focus on bringing together the artistic "big vision" of Prey's story with the technical realities of creating the game.

    The core story of Prey is a classic hero's tale so the work that needed to be done was punching up the dialogue and making Tommy's transition from reluctant hero to possible savior smooth, gripping, and dramatic. Tommy is a guy with a lot on his plate and, working with the original script, the in-house team was able to fully meld the narrative with the game aspect of Prey.

    Of course, Prey is also a love story and it is Tommy's love for Jen that propels him into the world of Prey and, once in, even more starts to unfold as he encounters obstacle after obstacle and even becomes embroiled in another, overarching plot that truly puts the weight of the world on Tommy's shoulders.

    As a gamer and a writer, I find Prey fully satisfying. Folks may think I'm biased but this isn't my game. This is just a game I was fortunate enough to assist with - from helping with dialogue, to writing ad copy, to writing the manual. But the game play experience is what I'm talking about here, and Prey delivers. I'm excited to read and hear the reactions from E3 and, later, from gamers and reviewers who get a chance to play the final game.

    This is going to be an exciting time for Prey, from E3 on through gold, now is the time where Prey truly gets to shine. I can't wait for you guys to see it.

    I'd be remiss not to talk about what I do here at Human Head. As stated above, I'm the Adventure Games Director and it's my job to produce our company's traditional games. This spans from the latest entry in our GOTHICA line of horror-themed board games, released last year, to VILLAINY - The Supervillainous Card Game, coming in July, to our upcoming pen-and-paper roleplaying game, NORMAL, TEXAS. You can read more about what I do at http://www.humanheadgames.com.

    So, that's the update; the outside-insider's view of Prey. Thanks to Chris for asking me to write this and thanks to me for giving Chris this update off to get back to the grind.

    Thanks to you for reading. Chris will be back next week, exhausted from all the debauchery at E3. If he doesn't have pictures, I'll kick him for you.

    Jason L Blair
    Adventure Games Director
    Human Head Studios
    (aka Not Chris Rhinehart)

    The Xbox 360 Prey Faceplate created exclusively for E3 2006

  21. #271
    La Nebbia
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    [quote title=NoSf3rAtU ha scritto sab, 06 maggio 2006 alle 16:42]...e che dice quella risposta???Che sarà disponibile anche in Europa la Collectors "metallica"???

    Dice che la Collector's attualmente è solo per il mercato americano, mentre in Europa ci sarà un edizione DVD con case metallico, tipo quella di Halo 2 per intenderci (ma che non sarà la Collectors' americana, cioè non ci saranno nè artbook nè "pupazzetti"). Inoltre sembra che la 2K Games stia cercando di portare la Collector's anche in Europa, ma perchè la cosa funzioni dipende anche dai nostri rivenditori, quindi non ci rimane che sperare ....

    Tra l'altro sui vari rivenditori online (Amazon.co.uk, Walmart, Best Buy, EB Games, Gamestop, ecc.) la Collector's PC non è ancora disponibile, a meno che non sia orbo; c'è su Amazon.com, peccato che ci sia proprio scritto che fuori dal territorio americano non la si possa ordinare ....

  22. #272
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    Azz!!! Speriamo che 2K Games ci riesca,quoto il fatto che su alcuni siti/rivenditori Americani la Collector's si puo prenotare,io l'ho prenotata da EbGames,che mi ha dato conferma.

    Prey "Portals and Gravity Flipping" Video Trailer Released

    Available now on IGN is the second "Countdown to Release" Gameplay trailer. This new trailer (dated 05/05) is a new trailer which is being released as part of the "Prey Countdown to Release" video series. This new video totals 2:30 in length, and is has plenty of gameplay footage, focusing this time on 'portals & gravity flipping'.

    Of course, if you don't want any of this spoiled for you; wanting to experience the gameplay for yourself when you buy the game, then you'll want to skip this video. You can get to this video by clicking on the image below.

    http://media.pc.ign.com/media/008/008926 /vids_1.html


    http://doom3.planet-multiplayer.de/downl oad.php?view.652

    Bellissimi gli enigmi dei portali e delle varie stanze tridimensionali

  23. #273
    La Nebbia
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    Predefinito Re: PREY - Topic ufficiale

    NoSf3rAtU ha scritto sab, 06 maggio 2006 alle 23:16
    Azz!!! Speriamo che 2K Games ci riesca,quoto il fatto che su alcuni siti/rivenditori Americani la Collector's si puo prenotare,io l'ho prenotata da EbGames,che mi ha dato conferma.
    Non voglio allarmarti, per carità, ma la versione PC di Prey
    che c'è sul sito di EB Games (o di Gamespot visto che sono la stessa cosa) non è la collector's, bensì la standard su CD-ROM. Di questa cosa ne parlano tuttora anche sul forum di Prey della 3D Realms, ma a quanto pare EB Games ha fatto un pò di casino (volutamente o inconsciamente non lo so) con la storia della collector's perchè sul loro sito hanno listato la versione CD-ROM con il titolo "PREY DVD WITH BONUS" a 49,99 dollari, infatti l'hanno ordinata parecchie persone convinte che fosse la versione collector's per pc visto che negli USA la standard esce su CD-ROM e la collector's su DVD, poi evidentemente qualcuno deve averglielo fatto notare e hanno cambiato il titolo in "PREY WITH BONUS" .... su EB Games per adesso ci sono la versione CD-ROM, la standard XBOX 360 e la collector's XBOX 360. Se fai caso poi sul sito di Prey nella pagina dedicata al pre-order ci sono vari link a rivenditori online e per quanto riguarda EB Games o Gamestop non c'è nessun link a una collector's per pc (per ora almeno). Probabilmente
    la aggiungeranno più avanti .... sempre sul forum della 3D Realms c'è un tipo che l'aveva ordinata su EB Games e ha chiesto
    conferma sempre a EB Games che fosse veramente la collector's, prima gli hanno detto di sì, ma dopo un pò di mail hanno finito per dirgli che "molto probabilmente" era la standard e non la collector's, a sto punto ha cancellato l'ordine e l'ha pigliata da un'altra parte ... quindi controlla bene ...

  24. #274
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Nuove immagini di Prey

    2K Games ci regala oggi una serie di nuove immagini dell'atteso FPS Prey, in sviluppo per PC ed Xbox 360. Il gioco ci farà indossare i panni di Tommy, mandato in missione per salvare il pianeta da una misteriosa forza d'invasione, che dovremo eliminare grazie ad una varietà di potenti armamentari. Tommy non sarà però in missione solo per la salvezza del pianeta, ma anche per un motivo ben più personale: il salvataggio della sua fidanzata, che è stata rapita dalle forze aliene.

    Quache immagine lascia a desidera per quando riguarda qualche texture,ma sicuramente sono state fatte non al massimo del dettaglio,visto che ci sono altre immagini che dimostrano texture di alta qualità.

  25. #275
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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