Ebbene l'idea è di legion X , leader di recall to Hell , durante questi mesi le squadre dei vari mod hanno fatto esperienza e hanno imparato molto dal loro impegno sulle TC di DooM III , questa conoscenza potrebbe essere utile alle altre squadre meno esperte e che in futuro potrebbero decidere di fare un mod e anche a quelle più blasonate scambiandosi esperienze e consigli, magari un concetto sfuggito agli utenti di Recall to hell può essere stato compreso meglio dalla squadra di Facing Hell che potrebbe spiegare loro come fare per migliorare e viceversa, insomma l'idea pare proprio buona, speriamo!

Il post originale con il link su DooM3World:
La compagnia dei mod

We would like to invite all current Doom³ modifications [DarkMod, SapphireScar, Facing Hell, Dungeon Doom, and all others] to a little pilot project:

Over the course of the past months every modteam has developed special strong points and expertise in certain areas, but they might not be as experienced or simply understaffed in others. Furthermore, some problems might occur in handling the rather sensitive and nitpicky Doom³ engine. For instance, it took us quite a while of experimentation to satisfactorily integrate models into our maps. We think it possible, that you might be facing similar or different problems, which might already have been solved by other teams. It means a loss of precious time if each modteam has to reinvite the wheel for itself and try around on their own for months.

We would like to offer a place, in which exclusively active Doom³ modders will meet and discuss among themselves, give tips and maybe lend a hand here and there. Each one brings in his strengths and in the end, everyone will benfit from it. We want to point out, that each modification will persist uniquely and independently with all their individual traits and innovative ideas. But we think it’s important that all the active modifications on Doom³ support and assist each other in such a way.

For this purpose, we have created a small forum – from Doom³ modders for modders. Away from the public, it’s also possible to discuss some more or less closed concerns, support or sometimes directly lend a hand with some tasks. Like this all teams can move a little closer together and help each other – for less time consuming experimentation, more efficient work, direct tips and support and a faster mod release.

So we would like to invite all members and modders of Doom³ modifications [DarkMod, SapphireScar, Facing Hell, Dungeon Doom, and all others] to this small forum:

Just please drop a short line here: http://recalltohell.d3files.com/wbb2/thr ead.php?sid=&postid=24844#post24844 below in this thread, telling at which modification you're currently working. We will give you access to the forum asap.