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  1. #126
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di kurt
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    Monkey Island

    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    a ecco, scusa non avevo visto ^^

    K, thx

  2. #127

    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    GeeGeeOH ha scritto dom, 30 ottobre 2005 alle 21:56
    Spike79 ha scritto dom, 30 ottobre 2005 alle 21:21
    Scusa MA ma io credo che tu abbia capito male quello che kempo voleva dire... non mi sembra sia mai entrato in merito di sviluppo del gioco durante la beta, nè ha mai detto che si è sempre pensato che questo avrebbe avuto il cap di 60.

    Ok, tu avrai seguito lo sviluppo di WoW per tanto tempo e avrai visto innalzare via via il cap, ma che il gioco finito (così come è arrivato sugli scaffali, quindi coi discorsi beta e progettazione assolutamente superati) fosse bilanciato intorno al livello 60 è assolutamente innegabile.
    Il gioco finito sugli scaffali aveva Onyxia come "fine" (non vorreri ricordarmi male), e non credo che solo dopo l'inscatolamento abbiano iniziato a pensare cosa fare. Ora c'è ne Nefarius, con la prossima patch un qualche ragnaccio a silithius... con l'espansione Illidan, prima o poi forse tocca pure ad Arthas, ed il tutto è già pianificato... mettetevi il cuore in pace che se qualcuno sa per quale level wow è bilanciato (ma che vuol dire poi? mah) è stipendiato Blizzard.
    Attenzione, non ho mai detto che secondo me alzare il cap sia una tragedia o sia sbagliato. Difendevo solo la posizione di kempo.
    Onyxia era il top? Ora è nefarian? Good, il gioco si è evoluto. Ma è sempre un gioco per livelli 60... magari equippati sempre meglio ma comunque per livelli sessanta. Questo credo volesse dire kemper e questo volevo sottolineare.

    Il fatto che innalzino il livello (in modi ancora tutti da vedere) non mi fa nè caldo nè freddo. L'espansione poteva sia lasciare tutti al 60 (aggiungendo livelli di sfida sempre maggiori in altri modi) sia innalzare il cap. Hanno scelto la seconda e non vedo perchè questo dovrebbe rovinare il gioco. Semplicemente ora è un gioco per sessanta e dopo sarà un gioco per 70. Non mi sembra questo dramma

  3. #128
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Spike79 ha scritto lun, 31 ottobre 2005 alle 00:45
    Attenzione, non ho mai detto che secondo me alzare il cap sia una tragedia o sia sbagliato. Difendevo solo la posizione di kempo.
    Onyxia era il top? Ora è nefarian? Good, il gioco si è evoluto. Ma è sempre un gioco per livelli 60... magari equippati sempre meglio ma comunque per livelli sessanta. Questo credo volesse dire kemper e questo volevo sottolineare.

    Il fatto che innalzino il livello (in modi ancora tutti da vedere) non mi fa nè caldo nè freddo. L'espansione poteva sia lasciare tutti al 60 (aggiungendo livelli di sfida sempre maggiori in altri modi) sia innalzare il cap. Hanno scelto la seconda e non vedo perchè questo dovrebbe rovinare il gioco. Semplicemente ora è un gioco per sessanta e dopo sarà un gioco per 70. Non mi sembra questo dramma
    Vero: tutto per ora è al 60, ma se vogliono aggiungere roba devono alzare il cap o si "satura" al 60: troppa roba li che rischia di andare appunto a sovrapporsi.

    Il punto è che il gioco lo ha fatto la Blizzard con una certa cura, quindi se decide di alzare a 70 o fare qualsiasi altra cosa si pensa che lo faccia allo stesso modo con cervello ed in modo programmato... non buttato li per allungare la minestra.

  4. #129
    Il Nonno L'avatar di okazaky
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    kurt ha scritto dom, 30 ottobre 2005 alle 22:17

    non state giocando a dungeon siege a diablo o a qualche altro "gdr" hack & slash ecc
    per quanto mi piaccia wow a me pare invece che sia un hack & slash online..
    è un diablo più evoluto e ambientato nel mondo di warcraft.. o sbaglio?

  5. #130
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Colas
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Vabbè niente panda (non sanno che si perdeno ), basta che non mi mettono i Gobbos, giusto perché hanno tinto di rosa l'orda non è obbligatorio che ci tingano di verde l'ally

  6. #131
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di kurt
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    Monkey Island

    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    okazaky ha scritto lun, 31 ottobre 2005 alle 01:23
    kurt ha scritto dom, 30 ottobre 2005 alle 22:17

    non state giocando a dungeon siege a diablo o a qualche altro "gdr" hack & slash ecc
    per quanto mi piaccia wow a me pare invece che sia un hack & slash online..
    è un diablo più evoluto e ambientato nel mondo di warcraft.. o sbaglio?

    e chi ha mai detto il contrario

    Dico solo che è un mmorpg, magari con poco rpg ecc ecc, però pur sempre mmorpg, quindi non statico ( ripeto ) come un rpg, hack & slash in stile diablo ecc ( cioè single player o cmq multi basato sul single o poco + )

    forse così si capisce meglio ^^

  7. #132
    Il MA rulla veramente di brutto L'avatar di MA
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    here & now

    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    il fatto che la maggior parte dei giocatori abbia visto il gioco per la prima vlta quando la sua "fine" era al 60 non signifia nulla - significa solo che la gente è stata abituata a pensare al 60 come limite massimo. del resto arrivato al 60 cominci a perfezionare il tuo equip, elimini prima tutte le verdine e poi elimini (piano piano, ma molto!) tutte le blu, affronti instance che diventano sempre più difficili e mob sempre più grossi ma senza livellare. il fatto è che qui si confonde causa con effetto: non potendo andare oltre al 60, la blizzard si è ritrovata a dover agiungere contenuti per chi già era "alla fine" (molten core e onyxia in origine) che fossero fattibili senza alzare il level cap subito ma che fossero fuori portata dei 60 "verdi". la concentrazione inusuale di contenuti al 60 è quell'unico elemento che fa svegliare la vostra fantasia e dire "non si può superare il livello 60" ma a parte quello non c'è nessun motivo. alzato il cap faremo molten core in dieci, blackwing e ahn'qiraj in 15 e le nuove instane raid (segare illidan, per esempio) in 40 cappati al 70, con le skill al 350, con le nostre brave borse epiche da 20 e così via. molto probabilmente verrà proposto anche un nuovo "giro" di oggetti tra l'epico e il leggendario, così che l'epico sia "il nuovo blu" e gli oggetti arancioni rimangano davvero "leggendari".

  8. #133
    Il Nonno L'avatar di okazaky
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    MA ha scritto lun, 31 ottobre 2005 alle 07:34
    il fatto che la maggior parte dei giocatori abbia visto il gioco per la prima vlta quando la sua "fine" era al 60 non signifia nulla - significa solo che la gente è stata abituata a pensare al 60 come limite massimo. del resto arrivato al 60 cominci a perfezionare il tuo equip, elimini prima tutte le verdine e poi elimini (piano piano, ma molto!) tutte le blu, affronti instance che diventano sempre più difficili e mob sempre più grossi ma senza livellare. il fatto è che qui si confonde causa con effetto: non potendo andare oltre al 60, la blizzard si è ritrovata a dover agiungere contenuti per chi già era "alla fine" (molten core e onyxia in origine) che fossero fattibili senza alzare il level cap subito ma che fossero fuori portata dei 60 "verdi". la concentrazione inusuale di contenuti al 60 è quell'unico elemento che fa svegliare la vostra fantasia e dire "non si può superare il livello 60" ma a parte quello non c'è nessun motivo. alzato il cap faremo molten core in dieci, blackwing e ahn'qiraj in 15 e le nuove instane raid (segare illidan, per esempio) in 40 cappati al 70, con le skill al 350, con le nostre brave borse epiche da 20 e così via. molto probabilmente verrà proposto anche un nuovo "giro" di oggetti tra l'epico e il leggendario, così che l'epico sia "il nuovo blu" e gli oggetti arancioni rimangano davvero "leggendari".
    oh la

  9. #134
    Austin Punisher

    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    MA ha scritto lun, 31 ottobre 2005 alle 07:34
    il fatto che la maggior parte dei giocatori abbia visto il gioco per la prima vlta quando la sua "fine" era al 60 non signifia nulla - significa solo che la gente è stata abituata a pensare al 60 come limite massimo. del resto arrivato al 60 cominci a perfezionare il tuo equip, elimini prima tutte le verdine e poi elimini (piano piano, ma molto!) tutte le blu, affronti instance che diventano sempre più difficili e mob sempre più grossi ma senza livellare. il fatto è che qui si confonde causa con effetto: non potendo andare oltre al 60, la blizzard si è ritrovata a dover agiungere contenuti per chi già era "alla fine" (molten core e onyxia in origine) che fossero fattibili senza alzare il level cap subito ma che fossero fuori portata dei 60 "verdi". la concentrazione inusuale di contenuti al 60 è quell'unico elemento che fa svegliare la vostra fantasia e dire "non si può superare il livello 60" ma a parte quello non c'è nessun motivo. alzato il cap faremo molten core in dieci, blackwing e ahn'qiraj in 15 e le nuove instane raid (segare illidan, per esempio) in 40 cappati al 70, con le skill al 350, con le nostre brave borse epiche da 20 e così via. molto probabilmente verrà proposto anche un nuovo "giro" di oggetti tra l'epico e il leggendario, così che l'epico sia "il nuovo blu" e gli oggetti arancioni rimangano davvero "leggendari".
    quest'uomo è saggio, del resto è dell'orda

  10. #135
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Ruri
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    kurt ha scritto dom, 30 ottobre 2005 alle 03:25
    Ruri ha scritto sab, 29 ottobre 2005 alle 23:47
    kurt ha scritto sab, 29 ottobre 2005 alle 13:51

    bli bli bli
    bla bla bla

    Ma che non vivono + a pandaria e che si difendono dagli orchi dove l'hai letto ?

    Io faccio riferimento ai vetusti manuali di Warcraft del RPG cartaceo, fin'ora non mi hanno deluso.

  11. #136
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di four-two
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Su gamespot sono presenti dei video del gioco e delle interviste, in una di questa si da una certa spiegazioni del passagio al orda dei Blood Elf:

    http://www.gamespot.com/pages/video_play er/popup.php?sid=6136898&pid=928901& amp;rgroup=undefined

  12. #137
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Ruri
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Angels ha scritto dom, 30 ottobre 2005 alle 22:06
    Godo niente panda.
    Io non godo per niente.
    Scambierei un pandaren di primo livello con il mio nano di 52 in un attimo.

  13. #138
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Ormone
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    il liv 70 è necessario....siamo arrivati al limite delle istanze e dei boss fattibili al liv 60....i nuovi boss dell'espansione ( che necessariamente devono essere olto piu' forti di quelli presenti ora ) non sarebbero' fattibili senza questi 10 livelli in piu'...

    e non è finita qui...ho sentito dire, e mi pare una cosa del tutto logica, che il cap finale sara' liv 100, con un innalzamento di 10 livelli per ogni espansione che faranno uscire ( corrispondente a un nuovo territorio o continente):
    1) Outland ( liv 70 )
    2) Emerald Dream ( liv 80 )
    3) Undermine & maelstorm ( liv 90 )
    4) Northrend ( liv 100 )

  14. #139
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di kurt
    Data Registrazione
    Monkey Island

    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Ruri ha scritto lun, 31 ottobre 2005 alle 23:26
    kurt ha scritto dom, 30 ottobre 2005 alle 03:25
    Ruri ha scritto sab, 29 ottobre 2005 alle 23:47
    kurt ha scritto sab, 29 ottobre 2005 alle 13:51

    bli bli bli
    bla bla bla

    Ma che non vivono + a pandaria e che si difendono dagli orchi dove l'hai letto ?

    Io faccio riferimento ai vetusti manuali di Warcraft del RPG cartaceo, fin'ora non mi hanno deluso.

    mai letti i vari manuali del carteceo ^^

  15. #140

    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Questo viene da WoW guru, fonte incerta. Qualcosa di interessante c'è, niente di confermato comunque.

    This is to help a few strays with some questions. By doing this hopefully we'll cut down on a lot of new threads showing up about the same things. I'll start out simple and get more intricate as I go.

    Q: What is Outland?
    A: Outland is what remains of the Orcs homeworld. This place used to be called Draenor. After some nasty events in Warcraft II, Draenor shattered as a planet and is now drifting in the Twisting nether.

    Q: Why is there a night elf leader on Outland?
    A: Illidan (the NE guy) gathered an Army in Warcraft III Frozen Throne. He escaped to Outland by working for Kil'jaeden.

    Q: Who is Kil'jaeden?
    A: Kil'jaeden (pronounced as Kill-jay-den) is the second highest member of the Burning legion. He is second only to Sargeras.

    Q: If Illidan has Blood Elves following him, why can we kill him in the expansion?
    A: The playable Blood Elves in the game do not work for Illidan. Many people believe this concept of playing Blood Elves is Lore-breaking, when in fact, it was the Blood Elves in Warcraft III that made no sense. The PC Blood Elves are obviously intelligent. They are aware that the Burning Legion is what was wrong with the world. It wasn't the Orcs that destroyed Stormwind, it was the Burning Legion, it wasn't the Scourge that ravaged the Sunwell and Dalaran, but the Burning Legion. Realizing this, they have no problems with siding with the Horde. Now, the WarIII Blood Elves obviously didn't think deep enough to realize that their current masters are the same that destroyed their homeland, and began their suffering of withdrawl.

    Now, with all that in mind, we have a group of Playable Blood Elves, who have said to be using the Horde to reach their brethren in Outland. It's my guess that the PC Blood Elves wont be happy to find out their Kin are working for the wrong people.

    Q: What are the new Instances for the Expansion?

    * Caverns of Time - The Black Morass.
    * Caverns of Time - The Liberation of Thrall.
    * Caverns of Time - The Defense of the World Tree
    * Kharazan - Medivh's Tower.
    * Dungeon belonging to Lady Vashj - Leutinant for Illidan and leader of Naga in Outland.
    * 4 Quadrant Instance belonging to Kael'thas - Leutinant for Illidan and leader of Outland Blood Elves.
    * Weird named city with no prior knowledge or involvment in Warcraft history.
    * Illidan's Castle in Outland.

    Q: What are these expansion mounts?
    A: There will be a quest to be done at level 70 to get a flying mount. It has not been stated if you will be able to control all 3 axis. It has been said they won't be as fast as flying transportation currently existing, but faster than current epic mounts. These mounts will only be usable in Outland.

    Q: Did you just say level 70?
    A: Yes, the level cap will be raised to level 70.

    Q: But what will that do to existing Talent Trees?
    A: Blizzard is giving every class, for every tree, 2 new tiers. It's been hinted that 1 of these tiers will be inserting in the middle of the existing trees. Effectively bumping the others down. Then another tree to be inserted upon the bottom of the trees, giving players purpose to progress down into it.

    Q: Can I rant about how worthless all my existing armor is going to become in this thread?
    A: NO!

    Q: What is the new Alliance race?
    A: I don't know. No one on these boards know. It's been guessed that even Blizzard doesn't know. There is a lot of speculation about this subject, but no one has yet to bring hard evidence to the matter. Argueing seems pointless, considering even the most educated guesses are failing to be accepted.

    Q: Do I have to buy the expanions?
    A: No you do not. While still owning the vanilla, you will be able to group with the new PC races, and see the new items and armor. However, you wont be able to venture into any of the new zones and instances. it hasn't been said how the new Tradeskill will affect current players.

    Q: What else happens between 60 and 70?
    A: Blizzard has actually gone all the way back to level 40 for new content. If you notice, for most classes, new spells stop at level 40, which become new ranks of spells beyond. In the expansion, each class will gain access to new spells for these 30 levels.

    Q: Kor, you seem like the uber-ist guy i know. How can I become your minion?
    A: Why, just let the link in my signature guide you.

    Q: What is the new mount for the Blood Elves?
    A: Again, an unanswered questions, but one with more accepted educated guesses. These guesses have gone on to say, Young Dragonhawks, Unicorns, Variation of the NE mounts, or Felhounds.

    Q: What are all of the new zones?
    A: We have Sunstrider Isle, which acts as the 1-10 zone for the Blood Elves, along with the Ghostwalker woods (forgot the actual name, and took a shot in the dark). The woods being a 10-20 zone. While I think it's possible to have Zul'Aman be a 20-30 zone, it was said that its more probable to be another Zul'Gurub. I'm not happy with that decision, but thats just me. Outland is hard to say, but if it resembles the map of Draenor in Warcraft II, then there is a potential of 6+ new zones.

    Edit: New Questions part 1

    Q: Why was Blizzard so lazy, they just gave the Horde pale Night Elves?
    A: Totally a farce. If you look at both models in a comparing manner, you'll see how different these races actually are. The men are much more skinny, and have a lot less muscle mass than the NE counter parts. BE ears are upward, NE ears are backward and curved. BEs are shorter than NEs. Basically, blizzard will still have to redo every armor graphic to fit the new BE race. They can't just recycle the NE graphics as they are shaped to different.

    Q: You said something about a new profession?
    A: Jewelcrafting is a new profesion. In the expansion, some armor and weapons will gain slots, in which a jewel will be inserted, in a similar manner to enchanting. I personally think of this like the Final Fantasy VII materia system. It's been compared to the Diablo system, though I can't comment, sense I have no experience in the Diablo world.

    Edit: New Questions part 2

    What are we looking at for a release date?
    A: Very tricky questions. Most educated and well accepted response is May 2006. This guess appears to be made mostly by magazine companies with no real backing information to support it. Now, judging by the video for the Expansion, you could easily just say, "very far off." The Video for the expansion is mostly concept art, with about 15% of ingame footage. This shows how early into concept we really are.

    Q:What are the new dances for the Blood Elves?
    A: While nothing official has been said, Blizzard CMs have stated they've seen the auditions for the new dance. However, they also said that it isn't set into stone, and they are willing to listen to ideas from the community. If you have a great idea, head to the official forums and post it. Rumors are surfacing, alongside videos of the 'Twist'

    Q: What is your idea for the Blood Elf Dance, Kor?
    A: Glad you asked. I personally think the male Blood Elves would look perfect in the Vanilla Ice, Ninja Rap, dance from Turtle 2.

    Q: What are the Blood Elf racials?
    A: Right now there are two racials. First being a drain attack, like syphoning mana. This doesn't restore mana, but actualy adds Mana "combo points" to the character. The second racial, Arcane Torment, silences enemies within 8yds for 2 seconds, and also restores mana based around how many mana combo points there are.

    Q: Wow, don't those seem a bit overpowered?
    A: Honestly, yes... and I say that about very little in this game.

    Q: How are the Blood Elves supposed to contact the rest of the Horde? Go through Eastern Plaugelands?
    A: Well, if the Alliance can have a tram to connect their cities, thus avoiding very high level content, I see no reason why the Horde can't have a similar mechanism. Somthing as simple as a boat that travels from their 10-20 zone to a new dock on Ratchet would work perfectly.

    Q: So are there any High Elves left in the world?
    A: Yes, despite what the trailer says. Even though the Prince of the High Elves renamed his people, many of the HE citizens reject the title. High Elves consider themselves better than BE, due to the will power to resist the magic addiction to some degree. These HE still have bonds to the Alliance, and can even be found throughout Stormwind and Theremore.

    Q: So how can I tell the difference?
    A: I would say the clothes, but that only applies to most NPCs. The easiest way to tell would probably be the eyes, assuming you have the time to look. High Elf eyes are normal colored eyes. Blood Elves have a glow affect, much like NEs, except green.

    Q: So when can I get to Outland?
    A: As soon as you can get to the Blasted Lands. Outland's lowest zones will actually be in the early 50s. This will provide many alternatives for leveling, considering everyone is getting pretty sick of Sunken Temple...

    Q: So what about these new quests?
    A: Not every new quest revolves around the new instances and zones. There are some quests that have been put into existing places, throughout all level ranges.

    Q: Since we're at 1.8 does that mean after 1.9 we should expect the expansion?
    A: No. Neither Blizzard, nor most software companies use that format. This is not a decimal system. 1.9 will turn into 1.10, followed by 1.11.

    Q: Speaking of 1.9...
    A: Said to be released in early December. This was said during Blizzcon. Whether they meant the test realms or live is up for debate.

    Q: Kor, do you work for Blizzard?
    A: No, but I would be more than willing to take a job offer and move to California to take one with them. Unfortunately, I'm enlisted in the Military, and have a little less than 4 years of service left... I am a computer programmer though, if that gives me bonus points?

    Q: So what did Draenor/Outland look like before the explosion?
    A: Draenor during Warcraft II

    Q: ___________________________
    A: 42

    Q: So do we know when we'll be informed about the Allinace race?
    A: It was said sometime after BlizzCon. Judging from Blizzard's behavior of withholding information. I'd say we know before Xmas this year.

    Q: So what do you think of the Pandaren pictures floating around?
    A: I think, good for the Artist that took the time to do that. Whether its a Blizzard Employee, or a kid in his basement. Either way, its good artwork. However, until Blizzard says anything official, I'll just hold my own opinions.

    Q: What do you know about the Pandaren though?
    A: The Pandaren have been along for just about as long as the Night Elves have. Bothered by the NIght Elves, the Pandaren left their society and took their trade routes with them, becoming totally independent. In Warcraft III it was said the Pandaren live in a Society somewhere in Stonetalon Mountain. This was changed shortly after to the Island of Pandaria, which is somehwhere west of the continent of Kalimdor. Within the past 100 years or so, something has caused the Pandaren to begin dying out. They're losing numbers, and aren't sure why. (Perhaps, lack of effort to mate...)

    Q: LOL... you said "mate" as if they can't have sex.
    A: ...

    Q: So what about new Classes?
    A: Good Question... Officially Blizzard has said they don't want to put in any new classes, since they don't consider any of the existing ones to be finished. I find this very dissapointing. I honestly was hoping for a Spell Breaker, ever since the first word about Blood Elves. I'm really hoping they have something up their sleeve for this, but thats just me I guess.

    Q: Why is the Level cap now 70, why not 75?
    A: Blizzard actually said that 70 almost felt like too much. They said 75 was just absurd, that it would both feel and look like they were just tossing it in their.

    Q: Any information as to what will happen with the current endgame instances, particularly Blackrock Spire, and the three raid instances currently in-game?
    A: BRS will just be what Maraudon is now. A well ranged dungeon, do-able at 60 with 15 people, or some level 60+ groups in the amount of 10 or less. As for the new raid instances, Blizzard hasn't said anything about changing them, and I see no reason they should. It's not like a PUG will be able to take on Onyxia with 15 people at level 17. The current raid instances will still requite 30+, well-geared, organized people. For those that already have these instances accomplished and full sets of Tier 2 equipment. This just means they're job of getting to 70 is going to be a lot easier.

  16. #141
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di DeGeNeRo
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade


    - Mages issues: it was aknowledged that Onyxia, MC and BWL are not fire-friendly and that the problem with Fire in PvP is because of the ammount of FR gear present in the game especially because of above mentioned instances; this is one of the reasons for which ZG and Ahn'Qiraj were made fire-friendly.
    - caster itemization will improve, especially Mage itemization
    - Mages will get a talent review
    - Mages will get Invisibility between levels 60 and 70
    - Hero classes will definitely appear before new classes will be implemented(and no, I didn't have time to ask about Water Elementals )
    - Expansion: each class will get 3-4 new spells between levels 60 and 70
    - XP points currently accumulated after getting to level 60(through completion of quests) will not count toward higher levels
    - Talent trees and the additional 10 talent points: the talent trees will be expanded, to reach to a 41 point talent; you will have free reign over how you spend your additional 10 points, but their intention is to make it really, really a difficult choice if you decide to use those 10 points to move "laterally" in the trees, instead of advancing deeper in the tree; basically, for the Mage, he said "Sure, you can go 31 Arcane and 30 Frost, but, I will put at 41 Arcane such a cool talent, that it might not make that much sense to go 31/30"(and the same will be done for each class)

    - it's possible that we will start seeing items that will be tailored for certain talent builds(the example given was an item that would help a Fire Warlock and an item tha twould help a Shadow Warlock)
    - Ahn'Qiraj will be opened through a server-wide effort, where every player will be able to contribute(think "Cloth Rep" quests, but server wide and not with cloth; basically, everyone will be able to donate something until a quota has been met); this process was estimated to take 3 weeks; if by any chance the player base on a server is so "weak" that they can't do squat as far as opening AQ through their own efforts, then Blizzard has certain things in place that eventually will open AQ for that server. After the "contribution" effort has been achieved, there will be a war/battle and, upon victory, AQ will be available(the designer said that the war/battle would be epic in proportion and numbers)
    - Tier 2 equipment: very minor improvements will be done to stats, but certain Tier 2 set bonuses will definitely get a review
    - AQ: no Tier 3 in AQ, but some items from AQ will better than Tier 2

    Target date "area" for expansion is March-May 2006. Beta is estimated to last 4-6 weeks. The beta code is for the Expansion beta, since Starcraft:Ghost is console only.

    - Expansion will have several dungeons, some of them will be intended to be done in the early 60s, some of them intended to be done as many times as you want, when you have reached 70. Hellfire Citadel(early 60s). Tempest Keep(level 70 dungeon, final boss Kael'Thas Sunstrider). Black Temple(level 70 dungeon, final boss Illidan).
    - DM and Maraudon where designed as to favour warlocks
    - Bloodlord Mandokir can only level up 5 times
    - Very, very likely that max raid size will remain 40 for a long time, maybe for good.


    - Random Item Properties upon creating an item will eventually be implemented
    - Enchanting: Enchanters will be able to create Wizard Oil, so that they can benefit from the AH too. Wizard Oil will give a 30-minute +22 damage buff on a weapon(the slide mentioned it would be applicable 5 times)
    - Epic gear will dissenchant into 1-2 Nexus Crystals, in addition to Large Brilliant Shards. Nexus Crystals will be required components in high-level new enchants
    - Expansion will alow for specialization in Alchemy and Tailoring
    - Jewelcrafting: you will be able to make Rings, Necklaces and Trinkets. It will use mystic gems(maybe new ones too?)
    - we will see more items for casters with procs on heals or spell hit
    - 1.9 will introduce(review?) Spell Penetration
    - Expansion will introduce socketed items. Not likely that current items will become socketed. A socketed item will basically allow for an additional "minor" enchant on the object, but the "socketed" enchant will happen through a stone/gem. Examples given: a stone that would add +5 Stamina, or a stone that would add +10 damage
    - Bag size issue has been acknowledged. No promises made.
    - Cooking will get a review at some point
    - as far as gear art, they want to avoid placeholders for the future.
    - Mail gear with more Agility will happen
    - Socketable items will stack with Enchants and Poisons. As an example, you would have a +5 Agility in the socket, Crusader as the Enchant and Mind-Numbing poison as the poison.
    - possible that Ahn'Qiraj drops will allow for spell upgrades

    - in patch 1.9, the King of SW is gone from the island; the story will be developed more at some point in the future
    - all 5 heroes that closed the Dark Portal from Outland are alive and well; it was implied that they might help for some encounters in Outland
    - raid to defeat Arthas? YES, but much later after level 70(the answer was literally "Dude, Arthas is not level 70! No way!")
    - 1.9 will bring interraction with the dragon at Caverns of Time(this was in response to "We've killed dragons left and right, when do we get to talk to some of them?")

    - Caverns of Time will have a battleground(in addition to 2 instances and an additional type of instance where it was implied that you would get to help in the Battle of Mt. Hyjal)
    - Group duels might happen, faction only(so, only Alliance vs. Alliance or Horde vs. Horde)
    - the expansion will bring changes to the PvP system and the Honour system
    - 1.9 will alow you to sign up for multiple queues for battlegrounds(so, basically, you can sign up for WSG, AB and AV and you will get in the first that opens up)
    - 1.9 will introduce a re-queue timer if you leave/AFK the battleground before it has ended

    l'ho preso da mmorpg.it, non so la fonte.

  17. #142
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Angels
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Non resta che aspettare e vedere.
    Le notizie sul mago mi fanno ben sperare.

  18. #143
    Il Puppies L'avatar di eskhata
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    "Finally, someone asked about Arthas. When are players going to get to beat him down? Metzen seemd to relish the prospect. "Oh yeah, he's gonna get his!" he said. But it's not going to happen anytime soon. "At level 70? No way!" Metzen said, "The game has to catch up to him." So yeah, that's one massive villain that players won't get to hammer on for quite some time... but he's out there, a looming presence, sneering in the distance. Someday friends! Someday."

  19. #144
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Obi-Fran Kenobi
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    DeGeNeRo ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 08:12

    - Random Item Properties upon creating an item will eventually be implemented
    Questo spero vivamente di no, sennò ci ritroveremo con i problemi che ha Star Wars Galaxies, ed è veramente uno stress.

  20. #145
    Festonio da Trolla L'avatar di Kurtz
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    eskhata ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 10:21
    "Finally, someone asked about Arthas. When are players going to get to beat him down? Metzen seemd to relish the prospect. "Oh yeah, he's gonna get his!" he said. But it's not going to happen anytime soon. "At level 70? No way!" Metzen said, "The game has to catch up to him." So yeah, that's one massive villain that players won't get to hammer on for quite some time... but he's out there, a looming presence, sneering in the distance. Someday friends! Someday."


  21. #146
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Angels
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Kurtz ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 12:17
    eskhata ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 10:21
    "Finally, someone asked about Arthas. When are players going to get to beat him down? Metzen seemd to relish the prospect. "Oh yeah, he's gonna get his!" he said. But it's not going to happen anytime soon. "At level 70? No way!" Metzen said, "The game has to catch up to him." So yeah, that's one massive villain that players won't get to hammer on for quite some time... but he's out there, a looming presence, sneering in the distance. Someday friends! Someday."

    Non vedo l'ora di fare un bello screenshot di fronte al suo cadavere.

  22. #147
    Festonio da Trolla L'avatar di Kurtz
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Angels ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 12:26
    Kurtz ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 12:17
    eskhata ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 10:21
    "Finally, someone asked about Arthas. When are players going to get to beat him down? Metzen seemd to relish the prospect. "Oh yeah, he's gonna get his!" he said. But it's not going to happen anytime soon. "At level 70? No way!" Metzen said, "The game has to catch up to him." So yeah, that's one massive villain that players won't get to hammer on for quite some time... but he's out there, a looming presence, sneering in the distance. Someday friends! Someday."

    Non vedo l'ora di fare un bello screenshot di fronte al suo cadavere.

    Mah... per me ci vorrano minimo minimo ancora 2 anni prima di vedere norhtrend implementato, sperando non sia in una seconda espansione (non credo, la tendenza blizzard è sempre stata 'un'espansione e bon' ma non si sa mai).

    Vabeh che tanto 1, 2 o 3 espansioni non mi tange, le comprerei tutte lo stesso

  23. #148
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    Kurtz ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 12:28

    Mah... per me ci vorrano minimo minimo ancora 2 anni prima di vedere norhtrend implementato, sperando non sia in una seconda espansione (non credo, la tendenza blizzard è sempre stata 'un'espansione e bon' ma non si sa mai).

    Vabeh che tanto 1, 2 o 3 espansioni non mi tange, le comprerei tutte lo stesso
    La Blizzard ha fatto sempre una sola espansione per i suoi giochi, ma non erano MMORPG... mi sa che per WoW ne fanno più di un paio.

  24. #149
    Festonio da Trolla L'avatar di Kurtz
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    GeeGeeOH ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 12:34
    Kurtz ha scritto mer, 02 novembre 2005 alle 12:28

    Mah... per me ci vorrano minimo minimo ancora 2 anni prima di vedere norhtrend implementato, sperando non sia in una seconda espansione (non credo, la tendenza blizzard è sempre stata 'un'espansione e bon' ma non si sa mai).

    Vabeh che tanto 1, 2 o 3 espansioni non mi tange, le comprerei tutte lo stesso
    La Blizzard ha fatto sempre una sola espansione per i suoi giochi, ma non erano MMORPG... mi sa che per WoW ne fanno più di un paio.

    Mah, tu dici?

    Effettivamente Northrend e il lvl 80 varrebbero i miei soldini ma è meglio che resto coi piedi x terra.

  25. #150
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Napolinelcuore
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    Predefinito Re: Trailer WoW:The Burning Crusade

    anche perchè scrivere a testa in giu la vedo dura

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