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  1. #101
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Gil-galad, Re degli Elfi
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Novità Mensili

    Bof, se quella fosse davvero la direzione presa mi dispiacerebbe un po'. Avevo sperato in un mega-codex (stile quello degli SM) contenente tutte le forze dei tre ordini dell'Inquisizione con le loro camere militanti.

  2. #102
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Novità Mensili

    Non ci metterei la mano sul fuoco,su questi rumors.
    Sono oramai mesi che escono rumors sui GK in continuazione,molto infondati la maggior parte delle volte.
    Basti pensare che per un po' si è creduto uscissero prima dei Dark Eldar.

  3. #103
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Giubbo
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    Il Ducato

    Predefinito Riferimento: Novità Mensili

    Se quelli sono rumors questi che cosa sono

    They delete me some post about the posiblity of plastic adeptus arbites, and I still dont know why. Like MadCowCrazy says, people go there for the rumours, but if they continue being so strict with the rules...

    But Ill stop this warseer nonsense and talk about something more interesting. Several weeks ago I was able to get some info. Now here is the point, the next info could be perfect valid or perfect fake and I really dont know what is the answer. The only reason why I havent shared yet is because it could be a full mountain of crap. So take a cube full of salt and read this:

    Edit: By the way, they are questions/answers to a supposed worker from GW, from the fluff department.

    * Why do you hate Epic?
    - The higher-ups hate Epic because it doesn't sell as well as the main game.
    Yes, they're the money-grubbing bastards you've been led to believe they are, but on the flipside,
    the company's had to do a few minor layoffs for some of it's lesser-known writers and employees lately.
    Even with the money of the 13-year-olds the staff here are constantly told to cater to, we're hemoragging money like no tomorrow.
    If the company goes belly-up in the next fiscal year, or otherwise needs to have some intellectual property sold, I won't be surprised.

    * What is the codex lineup? Do you know what is going to be released and when?
    Any talk of: 1. New =][= Codex? 2. Necron codex? 3. Salamanders codex?
    - Not associated with the codex lineup myself, but a coworker tells me the new Inquisition codex is slated for sometime after the Necron codex,
    which is set for release in 2011. So, y'know, fingers crossed.

    * What happend to Squats?
    - Squats 'canonically' got eaten by the 'nids. They don't like to talk about Squats around here.

    * plastic sisters y/n?
    - y

    * What can you tell us about Grey Knights?
    - Gray Knights will be getting their own codex, from what my coworker tells me. No word on a release date, so that's all up in the air.

    * Why do you insist on using a shitty and outdated idea like the phase system?
    - Well, considering I do fluff most of the time, I can safely say the continued use of the phase system is NOT my brainchild.
    A couple of employees who actually play 40k have complained about it around here.

    * Is there any plans to further the 40k fluff?
    Some of the recently codex's seems to be hinting the end time has finally come.
    Will we be seeing a big campaign again? Or at they officially dead due to no one wanting to advance fluff?
    - Believe it or not, there ARE a few plans to further 40k fluff. We're finally getting the picture that some of the fans would
    like to see something of interest happen, and we don't want a clusterfuck like the Eye of Terror campaign.
    That's in the works; As much as I want to spoil it for you guys, I'll just say 'yes' and move on.

    * What do the working-level staffers think of Jervis?
    (Personally, I think his thoughts on tournament play have come close to ruining 40k forever,
    but would love to hear how far the cancer's spread.)
    - A lot of the bottom-level folks here aren't fans.

    That's putting it lightly.

    * What's the big money eater? (talking about the GW having some money problems)
    - It's not so much a big money-eater as it is a bunch of little ones, and not enough income to really cover
    everything that they're trying to do. It's not that there's some big costly project(except MAYBE the Ultramarines movie),
    so much as 'we don't have enough customers because they keep walking away from the hobby before even starting.'

    * Who the hell let C.S. Goto write for you?
    - Yeah, that was my boss's bad.

    He regrets it every day.

    *Will there ever be expansion on the Adeptus Mechanicus and all their neat toys?

    Also, do you have any hand in what goes on with Rogue Trader/DH? Can you give us any word on what's next?
    - RT/DH is all done by FFG, so we actually don't have a big hand in that. Guys like me occasionally need to tell them
    'hey, this needs a bit of tweak, here's what REALLY happens when THIS happens.' That kind of thing. They usually get it right.

    * When are squats coming back?
    - Well, right around the time 40k stopped being 'tongue-in-cheek' and started getting GRIMDARK, they saw fit to remove the Squats.
    They wanted people to start taking the fluff a bit more seriously, and possibly a little in-depth. The removal of Squats is one thing I never really got, but it's office-policy to not discuss them.

    * Which Primarches are considered alive, and what can you tell us of the two missing primarches?

    If not anything offical, at least some ideas floating around the office.
    - The 'missing Primarchs' have been the subject of a lot of debate among the writers. A few want to flesh 'em out, others want
    to say 'let's leave it ambiguous for the fans to fill in the blanks and speculate. That's always fun for them'

    Personally, I'm in the 'let the fans fill in the blanks' camp. A few ideas were a Primarch who wanted to go out of his way
    to annihilate the Necron threat after discovering a Tomb World back during the Horus Heresy, but he could never get
    the word out to the Big E before Horus ***** everything up.

    * Will there be any new Races or armies coming out? An Alien Hunters Codex? A totally new race or something like that?
    - With the recent intent to advance 40k's 'plot', there has been some discussion of a new race or two, but nothing solid yet.

    * SoB their own codex? Or as Inquisition? 2011 release?

    - SoB and Inquisition are confirmed to be in the same Codex, but Sisters will be fieldable as a competitive army,
    capable of functioning on their own. Inquisition will be the same way; They're basically getting rules to allow them to
    function as allies, and be efficient at it. Both options will be totally viable.

    * Will there ever be expansion on the Adeptus Mechanicus and all their neat toys?

    Also, do you have any hand in what goes on with Rogue Trader/DH? Can you give us any word on what's next?
    - Oh, the AdMech will be getting A LOT of attention, sometime in the next couple of years. Again, I want to spoil it for you,
    but they'll come up more than once, and that's all I can say.

    * So you guys hate Jervis, Goto and Ward. Anyone you DO like? Gav?
    - Gav is one of the ones that the staff really like. Dan's up there too, and I've actually spoken with him at length about a small series of Guard novels focusing on another regiment besides the Tanith. The reason we keep letting Ward and Goto write for us is because they're actually under contract to write a few more books for the line.

    They'll get booted or transferred, or whatever. Soon as that ends. Promise.

    * Which Primarches are considered alive, and what can you tell us of the two missing primarches?

    If not anything offical, at least some ideas floating around the office. Please say Vulkan, Khan and Russ...
    - Russ is alive. Khan's in...a state.

    Vulkan's in the same state as Khan.

    Guilliman will be dying soon.

    * Is Emprah actually a godlike being in the warp currently
    - No, but when the Golden Throne finally **** out, things will 'improve' for the Imperium. Or at least the core worlds, closer to Terra.

    * So, is the "Warp Portal behind the Throne" fluff still in effect?

    Will we get an Adept Custode army if the Emperor DOES die?

    Will we be seeing anything more about the Custode? God, I love the Custode...
    - Warp Portal behind the throne NOT in effect, actually. Custodes will be getting no attention whatsoever, as playable units, I'm afraid.

    * Vostroyans... dead in the water or are they ever going to officially flesh them out more?
    - The Vostroyan writers have no plans in motion. Sorry, Vostroyanfriend.

    * What exactly is the state of the Emperor, according to contemporary fluff?
    The only thing that has gone even remotely in depth so far was the Starchild thing, with dubious modern canonicity.
    -Dying, and going to die. Star Child theory is NOT in effect, here.

    We're gonna throw the fanbase a curve ball for that one.

    *Also, was there ever a time when Sigmar was thought to be a Primarch, and Warhammer Fantasy just a warp-storm'd world?
    -That was something a lot of the writers around here wanted to do behind closed doors, but the higher-ups vetoed it for the
    purposes of avoiding the alienation of the Fantasy fanbase.

    A lot of writers on both sides liked the idea, but they had to be party-poopers.

    *Is there something about Demiurgs ?
    -There's actually going to be a bit about Demiurgs in the next Tau codex.

    You know how the Tau couldn't travel so fast through space because of their lack of Warp navigation?

    Yeah, guess what?

    *So I know you just do fluff, but it would be really cool if 40k/Fantasy switched to d10s and used the entire stat line.

    Also, I know that the company is public and needs to show results, etc to investors,
    but is there any chance of them actually listening to players regarding gameplay, fluff, etc?
    -Probably not. They're working with what they've got. Personally, as a Guard player, I wish they hadn't released this latest edition and taken out the Doctrines.

    * With the recent intent to advance 40k's 'plot', there has been some discussion of a new race or two, but nothing solid yet. << Do these ideas have anything to do with already established but codex-less races like Fra'al, Xenarch, Cythor Fiends, Barghesi etc?
    -Actually, no. Sorry, bro.

    *Is the intention in codex design to keep the Imperial armies always slightly superior to Chaos and Xenos in the tabletop game?

    The lackluster Tyranid codex and "ally" rules popping up and allowing, say, Guard to cover its weaknesses (lack of psychic defence etc) seems to imply that much.
    -The Codex staff keeps ***** that up. The Imperials are consistently ending up superior, despite them claiming this isn't their intent.

    They just keep screwing up, not deliberately ***** you guys over.

    * Will we ever see the gods take a more hands on approach?
    -The Chaos Gods will get a bit of attention, we've confirmed that. We're still bickering over WHAT to have them do.

    * Is there a timeline on releasing a new Ork codex? Are there any ideas being floated on how to make Orks stop sucking so much?
    -Ork codex isn't for a good long while, anon. Sorry. But, we've got a few ideas, namely a return of the biggest Ork warboss ever.

    Yep. He's back in action, and Yarrick's coming after him.

    * wait a minute.... rowboat girlyman dies, and the emperor dies?

    please for the love of all that is holy please, please tell me the two events are completely unrelated, and that matt ward will have nothing to do with it.
    -The Emperor just dies because the Throne craps out on him. Guilliman dies because of a certain event that Matt wanted to avoid. Badly.

    He's not exactly happy with being over-ruled by our Council of Rowboat's Demise.

    * Can we have a custodes vs ghazghkull fight? It'd be a great way to showcase both their powers without ***** anyone else over
    -Custodes vs. Da Big Boss?

    Answer unclear, ask again later.

    * (About Matt Ward.)
    -The higher-ups like him, but not as a fluff-writer. I've spoken to one of the guys in charge, and he's admitted that transferring Ward from rules to fluff, and from Fantasy to 40k,
    was an XBAWKZHUEG mistake, and that Ward will be going back to Fantasy rules as soon as their little contract ends.

    Goto's just going to get the boot.

    *have you read "The Dornian Heresy?"

    If so, what are your thoughts on it, and do you think aspects of it could be incorporated into the current 40k universe?
    -Doubtful. Horus was the one who ***** everything up, and that's one thing we all agree on.

    *Can Psychic Hood affect psykers in transports? The entry says that it becomes usable after model
    passes a psychic test in hoods range but if the psyker is inside a metal box the model isn't on the table and therefore not in hoods range.

    *Are Alpharius and Omegon loyal to the Emperor or not?

    And is Fulgrim still "alive"? And if so, is he still loyal to the Emperor?
    -Loyal to the Emprah, confirming it now. It's part of why the Imperium of Man doesn't collapse under the sudden fucktons of Tau Fire Warriors striking deeper into the Imperium, and the sudden surge in Dark Eldar raids, and the Emperor dying. Fulgrim is 'dead.' Sorry to disappoint.

    * will there be any love for the IRON HANDS in the future?
    -Iron Hands will be getting a whole lot of love. They need some attention after the clusterfuck Ward made of the Space Marine codex.

    * Is gorgutz going to get a mention in ork fluff?
    -Yeah, he'll come up in the Ork Codex and will have a few special rules for him. We're still sorting that out.

    *So Farsight is the Tau version of Dread Pirate Roberts?
    -He's going to be. That's something we've had in mind for Farsight and the Enclaves for a while.

    *Farsight Enclaves Subcodex?

    ABOUT ***** TIME.

    Can we have suicide drones? Or at least Heavy Weapons drones that are upgrades for Fire Warriors?
    -There's going to be a lot of 'Ork-style' improvised gear for Enclave Fire Warriors. Expect to see Earth Caste Combat Engineers, and Heavy Weapon Teams ala the Imperial Guard for the Farsight Enclave Infantry.

    *>Alpharius and Omegon are seriously ***** things up in the background for just about everybody.

    Oh, so Cypher is a baddie then? Damn, he was much more awesome as a good guy / antihero.

    -Cypher will be a bad guy. NOT my idea. I don't like it. A and O will be personally responsible for killing Guilliman. The Tau surge will result in Ultramarines being called in from Ultramar to go deal with it.

    >It's going to be part of why Guilliman dies

    Hang on.. "why"... not "how"?

    TL;DR - Is Cypher an actual baddie? This, I must know OP!
    -This is because A and O speak with Tau Ethereals behind closed doors, and convinced them to let the Demiurgs do their thing.

    This will be followed by the Alpha Legion heading RIGHT FOR ***** ULTRAMAR and taking Guilliman out.

    * Chaos Codex?
    - Chaos Codex, 2011, sometime in the third quarter.

    Oh, and for the record: The Tau will be getting the ***** kicked out of them.
    çThe Imperium's learned it's lesson about the Tau and isn't about to let them drive forward with Demiurg-navigated ships.
    This is part of what's up with the AdMech. Expect Skitarii Tech-Guard and AdMech-specific vehicles to be part of the war on the Eastern Fringe.
    That's getting a lot of attention.

    * What are the plans for Ahriman specificly and Thousand Sons in general?
    -Ahriman will take another shot at the Black Library. Thousand Sons are still kicking, but they won't get tons of attention.

    *GW staffer, if you're still around, a plea - for God's sake DON'T advance the fluff.

    Yes, there's a noisy wing of people who want "progress", but the thing about people is that people are idiots, and people are fickle.
    If you try to change the setting all you'll get is a storm of outrage as they throw it back in your face for not
    conforming to their vision of how the future 'should' be.

    The Dark Millenium as a setting and a background works well - works brilliantly, in fact. Don't spoil it with a misguided attempt to pander
    to the internet forums.
    -Oh, don't worry. We're advancing it, but not a whole lot. 41k isn't what we're going for, here.

    *Will Marneus Calgar be allowed to continue as the super sue Ward made him, or will he be toned down/brought low in the future?
    I remember seeing an idea that had him seceding the Ultramarine pseudo-empire from the Imperium as a whole. I'd kind of like to see that.
    - We're still discussing what to do with Calgar. We're thinking of having him be offed right along with Rowboat,
    and making the Ultramarines some kind of desperate, dirty-fighting Space Marine chapter. Ward is NOT happy with this,
    but the Ultramarines will end up either irrelevant, or a bit better for it all as far as fan-reactions go.

    *GW writter, what happens to the astronicom once the Emp goes down?

    Do we find out we don't NEED him to power it?

    What will happen to the outer worlds once the Emp dies?
    -Well, for one, the outer worlds of the Imperium will fracture into smaller kingdoms, with the worlds closer to Cadia,
    Terra, and the like all remaining under Imperial control. The Astronomicon is something we're still discussing, but we have a few ideas for how it could remain active.

    *Why is the Emperor dying a good thing for the Imperium? I thought the Emperor was stopping demons from spilling into the warp and the real world?
    -That's what they WANT you to think.

    Seriously, the Emperor isn't really the reason why the Warp Gods haven't spilled over into reality yet. There's a few reasons, but the Emperor isn't on the list.

    He's nothing more than a psychic lighthouse on life support, and that life support's breaking down.

    * Grey Knights. When? How? who are the other fodder soldiers?
    -Grey Knights will not be changing a whole lot. Fodder soldiers will include units from the Ordo Hereticus who can be added as allies,
    so for the most part, they'll be a small army of 'Holy ***** What Just Happened' all over your enemy's face.

    * (about the outer worlds fracturing) Sounds like a really shitty idea to be honest. The Imperium just becomes this piece of ***** that gets raped by Xenos, its just replaying what happened before the Age of Strife. OP said the Imperium gets better, how does getting smaller help it?
    -Hey, I said the Emperor dies.

    I didn't say what happens next. We've been kicking a few ideas around. The Imperium will make a comeback later, and re-absorb all those lost worlds.
    We MIGHT fall back on the Star Child theory after all, but for right now, we've written that off. We've confirmed the Emperor will die, and something will happen to keep the core worlds of the Imperium together.

    Either way, the Imperium will make a comeback. We're still discussing how. In fact, give me some ideas, I'll pitch them to the others.

    *I'm really interested in necrons. Love their fluff about ancient betrayal and what not. Will there by massive changes in fluff? I remember somewhere reading about Necrons using warp to move and that C'tan are gone. PLEASE tell me that is false.

    Also what new models might they get and when released?
    - Couple of new models. There's that Tomb Stalker, but that's a Forge World model. We're going back to the Necrons' original inspiration for some model ideas, breaking out Ancient Egypt for inspiration. There won't be huge numbers of new models, but there's going to be a few.

    As for the Warp, and the C'tan getting retconned. Short answer, no. Long answer, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

    * Well if I had suggest the Emperor becomes a type of Chaos God to associated with things like order and honour, kind of a typical bible feel to him. If the Imperium has to shrink then at least just have it shrink West rather than the whole Imperium fading into this ***** ass tiny little Empire like the Tau or something. The way I see it the writers just want to turn the Imperium into a Rome.
    -Imperium = Rome is actually something we've been shooting for. For a good long time.

    You're forgetting, it's been fighting a constant, ongoing war on multiple fronts for 10,000 years, with a dying ruler/figurehead.

    It had this coming.

    *The guy already has no arms, legs, and is missing part of his brain.
    He's damn near more robot than most Techpriests.
    And while I do think that the Smurfs need to be brought down a peg (I'm a smurf player for some years), I don't think that just because Ward got silly, that they should be wholesale eliminated as a face. Hell, I thought the only reason that the Ultras held so much Imperial space is because they were the sole Imperial presence so far out on the Eastern Fringe, and needed to be self sufficient to hold their ground?
    -Oh, they'll still be the 'face' of the setting. But damned if they won't suffer a change in playstyle. Yes, we intend to release a PROPER Space Marines codex, with the Ultramarines getting their own later with some special rules that show 'hey, we just got our asses kicked. Here's what we can do NOW.'

    *Who will come first Tau or Necrons?

    In terms of codex and model release.
    -Necrons first, both models and codex. Tau will follow. After the Chaos Codex, we'll send out the Farsight Enclaves minicodex.

    *night lords. anything regarding them?

    also, the throne of lies audio-book was awesome. you planning on keeping future audio-books of equal quality?
    -Night Lords. Huge fan, they'll get a bit of attention. Nothing seriously big, since we have other ideas.

    *Will GW ever plan to make pre-built models (plastic, most likely) for people who wouldn't mind forking over an extra $40 so long as they didn't have to ***** around with OH GOD DAMMIT MY BASE FELL OFF AGAIN TOURNAMENT OVER?

    Also, ideas for the Imperium making a comeback:
    One of the "kingdoms" of the Imperium ending up locating a large collection of STC designs. Uses them to gain control over the other factions, and begins steamrolling back to the top.
    -Possible. That's not my department.

    *And what about the mecha and the jetbikes?
    -Mechas and Jetbikes will be getting some aesthetic revamps. Not my department, again, but expect the Eldar designs to change ever so slightly.

    * (about the Ultramarines turning to some kind of dirty-fighting chapter)
    Only thing that quirks about that with me is that Ultras are all about textbook warfare (literally), being good chaps and whatnot, and they have a great deal of pride from what I can tell. I can see them doing small, elite unit type stuff to represent that they had their ***** ruined and so only the hardest of them are left, but not so much turning into power armored savlar chem dogs.

    Or am I missing this entirely?
    -We're trying to make it a fall-from-grace. They end up needing to break all the rules their leader made so that the chapter can survive.

    * When the emprah dies is he gone for good? Or are there plans for him to return in some way?
    -Like I said, we're bouncing around plans to somehow allow the Imperium to reunify and keep the Astronomicon running and everything. Not too sure on the Emperor himself.

    *So grey knights in power armor might be available again... when? (plastic perhaps?)

    I've been hearing plenty of rumor about changing about the daemonhunters/witchhunters. Maybe even making them into either one big inquisition faction (with ordo xenos too). Any truth to that?
    -The Inquisition will be covered in three seperate codices.

    * So necrons are first. But who is directly next after Dark Eldar. Is it Inquisition? <random colour space marine> or is It necron? Then who?
    -Dark Eldar, Necrons, and then so on from there.


    Any idea where the Adeptus Sororitas fluff is heading? Any major or semi-major changes on the horizon?

    Also: Is there going to be any more Sisters of Silence fluff?
    -Sisters of Silence are a hot-button topic around here. We're not completely sure where to go with them. Sisters of Battle won't be getting a lot in the way of changes.

    * Well cool, I guess the ordo xenos will get some love then. Was figuring on some inquisition line getting made since they're apparently featuring in dawn of war 2.
    -Speaking of which (Dawn of war II)...


    Guess who's taking Failbaddon's place?

    What, you think that's stupid? We've had this planned for a while. There's a reason he's called Eliphas the INHERITOR. Between this, the spectacular failure of the thirteen Black Crusades, and Failbaddon's track record, the Chaos Gods are taking a bit of an offense to their champion having no arms.

    *Hmm. Abaddon. Age old character with tons of fluff about him, imprinted within the minds of all chaos fans.

    Replaced by some random guy from a video game.

    Me thinks you are lying and are dirty filthy troll.
    - How would you feel if I said he had control of the one weapon that could kill C'tan?

    Remember? Blackstone Fortresses? There's still one left.

    * WAIT, is Eliphas and Abaddons relationship going to be become a parallel to Eberrus and Horus?
    - We've actually considered this. Nice little cycle we've got going. Everything old is new again and whatnot.

    How does Abbaddon die?

    Please... give him a glorious end. Something amazing. He kinda deserves it.

    It'd be cool if he snapped and started just killing everything near him. Rips the spine out of the Black Legion in his death throes
    - We're still deciding how he dies.

    Probably epic backstab from Eliphas himself. Makes sense, Chaos is practically built on that kind of Klingon-promotion mechanic.

    * Before this 404s, do you know about Warhammer 50K? What do you think of The Ship?
    - I have no knowledge of this 50k or 'The Ship.'

    Sorry, anon.

    * Hmm. Gorgutz in ork codex. Eliphas the new main chaos guy. Not a bad move I would actually say. Anything about Blood Ravens being an offical chapter with rules and models?
    - Yeah, they'll be getting some stuff. They won't be center-stage, though, like in the DoW games.

    * Anything about The Outsider and The Void Dragon?
    - Outsider is Outside.

    The Void Dragon? Yeeeeah, remember when I mentioned the AdMech, and them getting into the game with their own army-lists?

    ....Yeah, see, the Void Dragon's going to start kicking, but he won't exactly be on his feet yet.

    * Any new races added to the tau? Dark Eldar got new races.
    - The Demiurg really come into their own in terms of fluff, but in terms of actual tabletop gameplay, no dice bro. Sorry.

    The Farsight Enclaves will make up for this, with them making a lot of new innovations with older tech, and having advanced down another technological development path from the Tau in the mainstream Empire. This will be shown through the Earth Caste Combat Engineers and Fire Warrior Heavy Weapon Teams I mentioned.

    * Are Tau Gonna have a huge aesthetic change? Will battlesuits become more or less Japanese?
    - Mainstream Tau will maintain their usual aesthetic. The Farsight Enclaves will be noticeably more 'piratical' and their aesthetic will appear a bit more brutal, and possibly even Orkish compared to the main Empire's Tau. That red paintjob with bone-white stripes will appear a little sinister on certain models.

    Also, expect Farsight Shas'la to start packing IG-style bayonets.

    * Since Tau are getting Farsight Enclave book, any chance Orks or Chaos Marines might get their Clans and Chapter armies returned to them? Being reduced to mere color schemes was pretty lame..
    - We intend to bring that back. That's bugged the crap out of a lot of us lately, and we want to try and bring it back to the tabletop.

    * So are mainstream Tau gonna have heavy weapon teams? Also will etherals be useful for once?
    - Ethereals, sadly, will still be useless. On the side, only the Farsight armies will be getting heavy weapon teams. That's strictly a Farsight Enclaves innovation. Burst Cannons and some Fusion Blasters wielded by Fire Warriors will be something the Enclaves will be packing frequently.

    * What happens to the Emperors soul when he dies. The Emperor has a pretty bright ***** tastey soul.
    - This kind of ties in with the 'what are we doing if the Emperor dies' discussions floating around the office lately. We'll come up with something in this vein.

    * Will farsight enclaves use kroot n *****?
    - No. The Farsight Enclaves will be fielding other Castes in place of alien auxiliaries. They're strictly Tau, and the fluff will explain their 'racism.' But, basically, constantly fighting Orks and some other alien races out in that region kind of desensitized them to playing nice with the other races in their vicinity.

    * Question on crons again. Any info on force organisational charts? Will Flayed ones be troops? Whats this about everyone deep striking ive heard?
    - Not 100-percent certain about the deep-striking, but Flayed Ones WILL be Troops.


  4. #104
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Predefinito Riferimento: Novità Mensili

    Mi sembrano una bella marea di wish list o peggio,più che altro .
    Poi come mai tanto odio per Johnson,e piacere per colui che veniva apostrofato "il Thurpe" dato che si lamentavano tutti i proprietari degli eserciti che finivano sotto la sua ala di game's developer? Praticamente nessuno di quegli eserciti ne uscì competitivo,da qui il brutto nomignolo .
    Quanto all'inzio,quando cita la possibilità che Epic o qualche proprietà intellettuale "abbandonata" ,gli Specialist insomma, trovino un nuovo padrone più attento,bhè,sembra una frase uscito da un MIO desiderio !

  5. #105
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Altri rumors da Bols di dubbia origine,anche se appaiono ben più plausibili e nient'affatto brutti:

    "I had a chance to have a chat with Jes Goodwin today and got some more info regarding DE release schedule.

    He said that they will have 90% of the Dark Eldar models in the Codex released by June next year, so no more than 7 months.

    Basically people have waited so long for this release and as it looks set to be so popular he wanted to get everything out quickly.

    There are 4 new plastic kits coming next year, he wouldn't say exactly what they were but that the Venom is definitely coming soon and they have models for both flyers listed in the Dex on ready to go (but he wouldn't confirm if these were part of the 90%).

    He said that the models which would take longer were the special characters, so these may form the missing 10% which means we have a lot of new models coming soon.

    He is still working on a few bits, something he wants to do is have Haemonculi passengers/hangers on the Raider but isn't sure how best to do that.

    The Wych passengers/hangers on for the Raider will be included in the plastic Venom kit, but there isn't another suitabe release to make up Haemonculi equivalents.

    He also said that now that rapid prototyping and CAD technology has progressed the design team can use 2 ups instead of 3 ups which means that making larger apocolypse style kits (Stompa and Baneblade) in plastic is now more possible.

    This means that they are currently working on one of these types of kits as the sales for the Stompa etc were very good, but wouldn't say whether they had decided on what this would be, although I got the impression he wanted it to be Eldar.

    Talking of Eldar he said that producing the Dark Eldar had fired up his enthusiasm for a new Craftworld Eldar Codex and models, and he has lots of ideas for this. However this hasn't even started yet so a new Eldar Codex is a long way off.

    He is still trying to work out how best to tackle plastic Sisters of Battle but they are still being problematic.

    He also mentioned that he would love to produce an Ad Mech Codex but said it would be very unlikely for GW to produce it as there isn't room in the range for them at the moment. However he said it was possible that Forge World would do them at some point, and his take on the concept was "Vampire Counts in space". In other words Necromancers and zombies, which sounds cool."

    -le unità mancanti dei Dark Eldar usciranno tutte quest'anno,ed è un bene
    -lavorare sui Dark Eldar ha solo che riacceso la voglia di Goodwin di lavorare sugli Eldar degli Arcamondi,ed è un bene perchè immaginate che Guerrieri d'Aspetto figherrimi che possono venir fuori,ora!
    -le nuove tecnologie CAD etc. permetteranno la produzione di altri superpesanti,ed il lato collezionista di me giubila,il portafogli no
    -Si lavora alle sorelle guerriere in plastica,logicamente è un bene,anche se hanno problemi
    -Il buon Goodwin vorrebbe fare un codex Adeptus Mechanicus,ma i tromboni a capo della GW no,quindi forse lo farà la FW. Anche se spero che la storia dei "Conti Vampiro nello Spazio" sia solo per indicare un po' la meccanica di gioco,tipo i Magos che controllano vita,morte e miracoli dei Servitor!

    QUALORA SIANO RUMORS VERIi,sono molto interessanti,a parte le ali tarpate al codex Mechanicus,anche se avere il Goodwin a volerlo promette almeno modelli(quasi sicuramente FW ) molto interessanti e fedeli!

  6. #106
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Gil-galad, Re degli Elfi
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    Io sinceramente spero che presto si mettano a rilasciare un hydra di plastica. Sto pensando di iniziare un esercito di guardia imperiale e non avrei tanta voglia di imbottire le tasche della FW

  7. #107
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Già,hai ragione, ma potresti provare ad attaccare nel vano del Chimera il quad autocannon di DeepStrike,oppure potresti incollarci altre torrette,vediamo:
    purtroppo non sò quanto siano piccole le torrette,forse troppo.

  8. #108
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Giubbo
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    GK terminator come troop .

    Cosa razzo ci mettono come elite ?

  9. #109
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Questa dovrebbe essere la Stormraven:

    Come si può notare,non hanno agito di molta fantasia,bensì han fuso la prima parte e la coda della ThunderHawk! La torretta superiore penso sia stata infilata la perchè semplicemente sotto dava fastidio quando si voleva far atterrare il veicolo,e poi in effetti avrebbe falciato i Marine che scendevano dalla rampa anteriore .

    Comunque dovrò trovare un modo di spostare avanti quelle ali, fino a farle stare sopra le uscite laterali.Dovrebbe essere fattibilissimo,e porterebbe la Stormraven ad avere un'aspetto più simile al veicolo odierno che probabilmente ne ha influenzato gli autori: l'Apache!

  10. #110
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Giubbo
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    ..........Mi sa che non riesco ad evitarlo

  11. #111
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Nel senso che non riesci a non schifartela, od all'opposto a non prenderla?
    Perchè su Bols la stanno massacrando,ed in effetti è molto "puffettosa",ma...è... così COCCOLOSA che è adorabile !
    Certo,una cannoniera NON DOVREBBE esselo, adorabile !

  12. #112
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Giubbo
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    Non riesco ad evitare che mi arrivi in casa

  13. #113
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Neanche a me,giocando BA almeno qualche volta la voglio usare,e tirando avanti le ali guadagna molto,a mio avviso

  14. #114
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Giubbo
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    Non so anche con questo look mi piace parecchio, da molto l'idea di una piccola navetta per attachi ed estrazioni veloci

  15. #115
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Giubbo
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    Comunque oggi ho fatto un salto dal mio spacciatore di fiducia e mentre ordinavo vulkan he'stan ho trovato un iron father, una rarità ormai .

  16. #116
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Il cappellano/Techmarine delle Mani di Ferro?

  17. #117
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Giubbo
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  18. #118
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Ma quanto siamo Nerd

  19. #119
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
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    Oggi passato in negozio....

    ...vedere una scatola da 10 modelli GW a meno di 20€ m'ha fatto una certa impressione

  20. #120
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Tra l'altro bellissimi.
    Per non citare che 5 Incubus o Mangragore in METALLO costano MENO che cinque Angeli Sanguinari IN PLASTICA ,evidentemente vogliono spingerli a vendere!
    Pure i PG speciali costano solo 12,50! Sono l'esercito più economico della GW!

  21. #121
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Giubbo
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    Altra tornata di rumors sui GK e inquisizione http://bloodofkittens.com/blog/2010/...rumors-part-1/

    OMFG GK Grand Master
    Ultima modifica di Giubbo; 01-12-10 alle 17:51:38

  22. #122
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Alors,è tempo di novità!
    Siori e siore (sì,fantascienza ), sono in preorder la Stormraven, la trimurti di Super Dreadnought,sì insomma il kit che permette di fare Furioso,Bibliotecario e Morituro, lo battaglione abbastanza inutile e per mail order il buon Calgar in power armour ed altre simpatiche cosette,come 2 Guardie d'Onore degli Ultramarine!
    E qui la Stormraven a 360 gradi,ma senza (?) i ganci per il Dreadnought!

  23. #123
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Ah,vale la pena dare uno scorcio alle news di Forgeworld.
    Ci sono i nuovi Aspect Warriors degli Eldar e qualcos'altro di Eldar e Marine.
    Tra quest'ultimi,in particolare,vedrete un uomo che ha I PUGNI,nelle mani !
    Ed ha anche 4 motosege e gli artigli ad energia !

  24. #124
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Gil-galad, Re degli Elfi
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    Certo che qualcosa di più brutto del modello della stormraven è difficile trovarlo
    Ultima modifica di Gil-galad, Re degli Elfi; 21-01-11 alle 16:07:43

  25. #125
    Il Nonno L'avatar di bashar
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    Boh,sarà che ci ho fatto il callo,oramai non mi sembra molto male
    Mentre voglio convertire il Dreddy morituro in un Dreddy Cappellano!
    Regole del normale Dreddy Furioso,naturalmente

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