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  1. #1
    La Borga L'avatar di Uff
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    Arrow [Semi-OT] A Grand Prix Legends movie

    E' un qualcosa di particolare quello che vi segnalo in questo topic: si tratta fondamentalmente di un film, intitolato "A Day In Heaven", realizzato con GPL. Qui sotto potete leggere la presentazione da parte dell'autore. Io sono ancora in download, ma sono proprio curioso di vedere com'è!!!


    It all began in the autumn of 2004: I found an old dust covered CD-Rom of the Computer game "Grand Prix Legends" in my cluttered attic.
    It is a racing game from the year 1998 (and I knowingly refer to it as a game and not a simulator, because gaming for me implies enjoyment and fun times).

    After many good games, and thoroughly re-immersing myself in the world of Grand Prix legends, I also stumbled across Grand Prix Legends Films - Machinima. GPL-Films from Barchetta, Kinst VonSterga, GXTracker, Kevin Clark and many others like them have inspired me deeply to create my first, own Machinima: "DQ".

    During a long bicycle ride in the countryside, I came upon a landscape that was reminiscent of the virtual race course "Dundrod Ulster TT". That was all the inspiration I needed for a new film: "A day in heaven."

    During the course of the next few months, I re-watched films like "Grand Prix" and "Le Mans" and concluded that this genre actually manages to sustain itself without great plot lines...

    A race driver (Morton Endahl), who years ago was traumatized by the death of his friend, returns to the scene of the accident and stages a dramatic race against the old opponent of his late friend (Ryan Phillips). However, an encounter with a woman unexpectedly and irreversibly changes his life.

    In order to create this film, I was forced to learn many new computer programs, languages and methods, with which I had absolutely no previous experience.

    That is probably also the reason the project took 2 full years to complete, despite daily work and attention. This would not have been possible without the amazing support and encouragement of my wife, for which I am truly grateful.

    Rudolf Goertz, Hamburg in the Spring of 2007


  2. #2
    Il Nonno L'avatar di aga04
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    Predefinito Re: [Semi-OT] A Grand Prix Legends movie

    Carino, un bel machinema (spero che si scriva così) basato su GPL. Trama tutto sommato semplice e situazioni un pò poco realistiche (più che a Dundrod, dove non si corse mai per il mondiale, avrei preferito Charade, che come tipologia di pista era piuttosto simile) sono gli unici veri difetti che si possono trovare.

  3. #3
    Il Nonno L'avatar di BoNI
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    Vicino Milano...

    Predefinito Re: [Semi-OT] A Grand Prix Legends movie

    mah.. apprezzo lo sforzo, ma per conto mio, il tempo che ha impiegato per farlo poteva dedicarlo ad altro...

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