dovendo installare una scheda wireless usb con chip ralink, mi sono fatto aiutare da jack, ma senza successo.
Sono così passato da un driver scritto dal produttore ad uno scritto "from scratch" da un gruppo di smanettoni

sul loro sito non c'è nessun tutorial per ubuntu/debian e così mi sono dovuto arrangiare con l'howto basato su Fedora Core 3 (quanto amo le 300 distribuzioni di linux che sparano le stesse cose in posti diversi!)

forgiato da questa esperienza ed in pieno trip da open source community ho scritto questo tutorial base copiando pezzi da quello scritto per fedora

prima di inviarlo agli autori del driver ho pensato di fargli dare un'occhiata da voi così mi potete aiutare a correggere errori ed imperfezioni
l'howto su cui mi sono basato è alla pagina rt2570_fc4_howto.html

Ubuntu “Breezy Badger 5.10” rt2570 Basic Installation HowTo

Ubuntu 5.10 HowTo for Ralink RT2570 USB sticks

by Donato Sardella (written using the Fedora Core 4 rt2570 HowTo on this wiki. Thanks to the author!)

This HowTo has been written to guide you throuigh the installation of a RT2570 usb card, It's only a BASIC INSTALLATION GUIDE, because I will not talk about the wpa configuration (I haven't still configured my system yet ).

Until I (or somebody else) will write something about the wpa thing, please refer to the Fedora Core HowTo and the iwpriv manpage.

My system is an ordinary x86 desktop PC with an AthlonXP 2000+ processor, Running Ubuntu 5.10 kernel 2.6.12-9


1)Open a terminal and gain superuser privileges

# sudo su

After you inserted your password you'll have super user privileges.

2)Download the latest version from x.php/Downloads

and decompress the archive file wherever you want (I left all the stuff on my Desktop )

3)Make sure you have the following stuff installed on your system by checking the packets with Adept or Synaptic:




4)Open the terminal and moove to the driver's directory, after that we'll compile the driver from the source!

# cd /home/donato/Desktop/rt2570-1.1.0-b1/Mod ule (remember that i left all the stuff on my desktop )
# make
# make install
5)Now the module will have probably been placed in

this is wrong and you can't modprobe if you leave it there, so we need to move it to

/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-xxyourkernelvers ion)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/

# cp /lib/modules/2.6.12/extra/rt2570 /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-xxyourkernelvers ion)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/
# insmod /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-xxyourkernelvers ion)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rt2570. ko
# depmod -a
The depmod -a is necessary after you've juggled around modules, as far as I understand.
Since everybody seems to be rebooting at this stage, I did too, and I therefore advice you to do it also. If you don't reboot at this point, you probably know why...

6)After Rebooting open up another root terminal when the PC comes back up. Type this to make

sure the module is loaded ok, if no error is returned then it looks like we're
# modprobe rt2570



System > Administration > Network

Select the wireless interface and click on the “properties” button

Enable the connection and set your network parameters.

Now you'll have the Wireless Card working in managed mode with no encryption.

For further configuration use the command-line tool iwconfig.

The Howto ends here and I hope that this howto was useful