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  1. #26
    La Nebbia
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]


  2. #27
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Enoa ha scritto gio, 30 marzo 2006 alle 01:10
    Ops sarò io fesso, ma non riesco a scaricare il file! Qualcuno mi spiega come si fa?

    Ragazzi anche se non riuscite a capire come si istalla un MOD o come si scarica o qualunque altra cosa che fa riferimento a quest'ultimi aprite per favore un altro Topic o controllate che non c'è ne sia uno con una richiesta simile...QUI gli elenchiamo SOLO,se no si fa confusione,grazie per la Collaborazione!!!

    Comunque già che ci sono te lo spiego,almeno dalla fonte che li prendo io si fa cosi:

    Una volta nella schermata del LINK scende giu nella pagina e troverete 3 Mirror con bandiere di nazianalita diverse,cliccate su Download Now,vi ritroverete su FileFront,ora ricliccate su Download Now e vi apparira una schermata Free Public Servers! con vari Mirror,scegliete ad esempio il primo (SERVER: FileFront / US Distro #10 / WAIT TIME: No Wait e quindi cliccate su DOWNLOAD...dopo un po di secondi sentirete una suono e comparira una scritta: Your download is ready. Please click this link to start the download....cliccate su click this link e vi comparira la finestra del download definitivo in automatico.

    Per istallare il MOD,estraete il file decompresso e poi come succede con tutti i file d'estensione .esp copiatelo e incollatelo nella cartella DATA,ecco il percorso (x:\Programmi\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data)...avviate Oblivion e prima di cliccare su GIOCA cliccate su FILE DI DATI,visulizzereta una schermata,dove potrete scegliere il MOD che avete appena incollato selezionatelo e via a giocare

  3. #28
    La Borga L'avatar di Wizard2k
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    In quel ramo del lago di Como...

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    La correzione della traduzione Italiana di Bossex la potete trovare qui: http://www.my-game.it/site/?q=node/134 così evitate di dover usare rapidshare

  4. #29
    Il Puppies L'avatar di Elbryan
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Scusate l'intrusione.. volevo solo farvi sapere che ho provato qualche mod..

    Due di aggiungevano delle skin per gli occhi.. (PA ed MD eyes..)

    Ho notato con entrambi problemi audio: se sono abilitati quei plugin i dialoghi non si sentono..

    Non so se sia un bug o solo un mio problema, ma prima che qualcuno scleri è meglio farlo sapere.. peccato, perchè erano carini

  5. #30
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Ragazzi per L'ENNESIMA VOTA anche se non riuscite a capire come si istalla un MOD se ha dei PROLEMI di ogni tipo PRIMA e DOPO l'istallazione o come si scarica o qualunque altra cosa che fa riferimento a quest'ultimi aprite per favore un altro Topic o controllate che non c'è ne sia uno con una richiesta simile...QUI gli elenchiamo SOLO,se no si fa confusione,grazie per la Collaborazione!!!

    Elbryan come tanti altri,potete aprire un altro Topic o meglio usare il Topic presente in prima pagina "Richieste e commenti plugin (mod)"...dai non ci vuole molto,basta dare un occhiata:

    http://www.***************.it/forum/forum/index.ph p?t=msg&th=297408&start=0&ri d=21550

    Grazie per la Collaborazione!!!

  6. #31
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]


    Tempo's Oblivion Cheat Mod (2.1)


    This mod is simply a cheat mod for those of you who want to be the uber-1337 character in Oblivion without working your way up the ladder. It adds a chest in the prision cell you start off in which contains very powerful custom items (No new textures or models).

    The modder leaves us this message-

    Have fun, and remember: Cheating is for WeakLings.


    Copy TeMpO.esp to your game\Data folder. When you start the game, select "Data Files" and then TeMpO. Players that have 2.0 can safely overwrite it with 2.1.

    NEW in 2.1

    - I Changed the players Encumbrance to allow carrying a lot more stuff.

    - This mod provides a chest full of very powerfull custom made items, located inside the prison cell where the game begins.

    - There`s also a new BirthSign (TeMpO ability) wich confers a permanent bonus of 500 points to Fatigue and 200 points to Health and Magicka.

    - This is a CheatMod, and i advise to use the items only on ocasion so that the game doesn`t get too easy.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/T empos_Oblivion_Cheat_Mod;59548

    Races Mod (1.0)


    This mod allows you to become a daedra or a vampire at the beginning of the game during the character creation process. The modder warns that selecting a female will cause the game to crash. The dialogue the prisioner across from you that speaks will not be based on your character, but an orc.

    Play as either a Dremora or Vampire oh the game crashes if you choose a female vampire or dremora.
    One more thing the guy that speaks too you at the start will talk too you as if your an orc since there is no dialogue for a dremora or vampire
    if someone knows how too fix this let me know thanks.


    Just Place the Races Mod.esp file in your Oblivion\DATA folder and then run the game and click on data files then tick the races mod and play the game.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/R aces_Mod;59549

    Arena-Loot (1.0)


    This mod allows you to take the belongings off the defeated combatants in the arena you fight.


    Extract the "Prox - Arena Loot.esp" file to your
    "<drive>/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion/Data" folder.

    Once the file is extracted launch the Oblivion Game Launcher and select "Data Files".
    Enable "Prox - Arena Loot.esp (Player File)" and press OK.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/A renaLoot;59550

  7. #32
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Brother's Help


    So, You've decided to join "The Family" of the Dark Brotherhood. This mod adds a special gift from Vicente before the "Accidents Happen" quest.

    You recieve your Ring from Vicente. If you have passed this point in the game,
    then you may console the ring into your inventory using 'player.additem 01000CE6 "1"'.


    Unzip BROTHERSHELP.ZIP to your Oblivion/Data Files directory.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/B rothers_Help;59597

  8. #33
    La Borga L'avatar di x119
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    dove batte il sole...

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Modifica al gioco ke migliora notevolmente le texture slavate lontane senza perdita di fps.

    http://www.***************.it/forum/forum/index.ph p?t=msg&th=298693&start=0&ri d=19165

  9. #34
    Moderatore BI BI DA L'avatar di Jaqen
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    http://www.tescreens.be/oblivionmodwiki/ index.php/Chargen_With_Numbers
    Questo mod uscito da pochissimo inserisce dei numeri accanto agli sliders (non ancora tutti) durante la creazione del personaggio. Utile per aiutare la creazione di facce personalizzate

  10. #35
    Banned L'avatar di Vaikus
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]


    il tanto atteso mod per la casa che è situata all'entrata est di cheydinhal !

    This will put a house right next to the East gate in Cheydinhal.
    It's impossible to miss it. There a lot of large desks and display cases that are perfect for showing of your massive collections. You'll also notice my tribute to Morrowind just inside the front door.

    http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php? id=2013

    aggiunto al mod per arredare dentro e modifciare gli interni è stupendo..


    l'armatura nanica incominciava a pesare...

  11. #36
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Beasts of Burden: Death Inc. (1.0)


    what this does:
    This mod gives you a chance to be visited by death when you die. If he comes for you, he will resurrect you and teleport you back to the area outside the beginner dungeon. This gives you an alternative to reloading. You will, of course, leave all your stuff(except quest items) behind with your corpse, which you can go back for later - providing it doesn't get looted or rots away.


    If you are using an existing character, You must start the quest by going into the console and typing StartQuest bobdeathinc.


    -Meet DEATH. woooo.....
    -Stolen items keep thier stolen tags
    -Quest items stay with you.
    -Support for multiple player corpses with seperate inventories, for those of you who just don't know when to stop..


    -There is allways a chance that HE WHO TALKS LIKE THIS will not visit you, and you will die normally and have to reload. There is nothing I can do about this, as it's a gamble as to whether my scripts or the games' hardcoded death functions gets run first when you die. The script is set to run every frame, which is as fast as you can get a script to run with Oblivion.

    -When you get teleported, there is a chance the game could put you somewhere funny(like up in the air) - I have no control over this. (Have only noticed this if you die a second time right where it teleports you to)

    -There might be a chance that your corpse would spawn in some inaccessable location(like under a rock). There's nothing I can do about that either. (I haven't seen this though)


    Unzip Beasts of Burden.ZIP to your Oblivion/Data Files directory.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/B easts_of_Burden_Death_Inc;59674


    Arena Loot (1.1)


    "Arena Loot" enables you to loot all the gear off fallen enemies in the arena.
    Both corpse-loot and separate weapon/armor loot.

    Mail me with any bugs, suggestions, questions or comments at .

    Feel free to redistribute this plugin in your own mods if you find it useful. If you do
    please send me a mail with a link to your plugin.


    Extract the "Prox - Arena Loot.esp" file to your
    "/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion/Data" folder.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/A rena_Loot;59678

  12. #37
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Mr°Bax
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Cheydinhal PetShop


    - Questa mod aggiuge un negozio a Cheydinhal che vende animali da compagnia (pet).

    - Quando comprate un pet, vi viene dato un osso grazie al quale potete richiamare il vostro animale nel caso si fosse bloccato o perso. Per usarlo basta gettare a terra l'osso e raccoglierlo subito dopo; comparira un messaggio che vi chiedererà se volete richiamare il vostro pet.


    Orso -statistica principale Forza- : può lanciare una volta al giorno una magia per aumentare la forza.

    CaneLupo -statistiche medie- : Lancia Night Eye quando vi trovate all'interno di dungeon ( non l'ho testato ).

    Puma- danno in combattimento basso -: Può usare l'abilità furtiva


    - Quando comprate un pet esso sarà del vostro stesso livello ( se siete di livello 2, il pet sarà di livello 2 ).

    - Ogni 5 livelli il pet aumenterà di dimensione ( fino ad un massimo di 30 ).

    - I pet possono seguirvi o fermarsi.

    - Si possono avere più pet a patto che non siano della stessa razza ( non si possono avere 2 lupi ).

    - Se colpite accidentalmente qualcuno il vostro pet non attaccherà.

    - Dato che non ci sono pozioni di resurrezione, se il vostro pet muore in battaglia potete usare la console per resuscitarlo scrivendo il comando resurrect.

    - Bisogna tenere sempre d'occhio il proprio pet! soprattutto all'interno delle foreste dove possono bloccarsi, perdersi, etc.
    Ricordatevi che non possono scalare.

    Aggiornamento alla versione 1.1

    - Aggiunto nuovo pet! Imp:
    Può lanciare magie.
    Ogni 5 livelli acquisisce nuove magie.

    Migliorie nuova versione(1.1)

    - Cliccando sul proprio pet si accede alla finestra 'pet management'; Segui, Aspetta, mangia e raccogli l'osso, sono le azioni che l'animale può compiere.

    - Ora i vostri pet dovranno cibarsi regolarmente!!

    CaneLupo: Si ciba di carne di cervo ( preparate arco e frecce ).

    Orso: E' giotto di more ( nessuno è perfetto eh!).

    Puma: Mangia carne di topo!

    - Potranno passare al livello successivo, solo se voi riposerete.

    - L'orso, il cane e il puma ora possono respirare sott'acqua.


    Sarà possibile acquistare i pet solo quando la signora che gestisce il negozio si troverà dietro il bancone. Nel resto della giornata pranzerà, dormirà, andrà in chiesa e si riposerà.

    http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php? id=2054

  13. #38
    La Borga L'avatar di Wizard2k
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    In quel ramo del lago di Como...

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Aggiornato il mod di Bossex che corregge la traduzione italiana,lo trovate qui: http://www.my-game.it/site/?q=node/143

  14. #39
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ViolentKop
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    OK, questi dovrebbero essere compatibioli tra loro...aggiungiamo un po' di realismo tra le lande (di solito desolate) di Cyrodill

    Wilderness Creature List
    http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=307955
    Wilderness Creature List
    This mod adds many new creatures to all of the wilderness level
    lists. It allows more of each type to spawn, harder ones to spawn
    at lower levels, and a small chance for pretty hard stuff to spawn
    that you will not be able to kill and should probably run away from.

    Natural Wildlife
    http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=320723
    Natural Wildlife
    I always found it strange that every
    living beast, mud crab or lion, should attack me on sight.
    Also, I didn't want them to be passive all the time, like they
    do if you turn the aggressiveness down too much.
    To accomplish this a script is run by each animal (rats, bears,
    boars, mountain lions, mud crabs, dogs, and wolves) when they
    are created, which adds a random factor to their aggressiveness.
    Values are based on what I believe is somewhat realistic.

    Hunter Mod
    http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=301008[/url]
    Hunter Mod
    This mod is for Oblivion players who love to hunt out in the
    wilderness of Cyrodiil. Have you ever wished that you could get more
    meat from a fresh kill for making healing potions? Have you ever wished
    that you could skin the deer you kill and sell thier skins for cash? Don't
    you think its stupid that a Wolf Pelt weighs 1 and is worth 10, when a
    Mountain Lion Pelt is also worth 10 but weighs 5! Mountain Lions are harder
    to kill so why are thier pelts worth less per pound? This mod makes hunting
    more profitable and rewarding without being unbalancing.

    Combat behavior Mod
    http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=303754
    Combat behavior Mod
    What it does:
    -Changes the A.I's combat/fighting behavior, and absolutely nothing else.

    -Now, what exactly do I mean, and have I done that relates to the terms
    "behavior", "during fights" ?

    Some creatures/NPCs will:
    -Block more/less often.
    -Do more/less and different Power Attacks.
    -Do more/less Strafing around you as you Block with a Shield, or from a
    distance while targeting you with ranged attacks.
    -Do more/less regular Attacks.
    -Do more/less Rushing Attacks.
    -Adds/removes a given amount of Recoil/Stagger Bonus to Attacks
    -Disable Fleeing before/during a fight (Demorilize spells can still affect
    fleeing behavior)

  15. #40
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Museum Manor (1.0)


    Using this mod will change the layout of the ground floor of your manor in Anvil. The changes allow you to lay out your gear on tables for display. Note that using this mod will still allow you to complete the quest "Where Spirits Have Lease" as the quest urn is not removed.


    Simply drop MuseumManor.esp into your "Oblivion/Data" folder and select "MuseumManor" as a data file.


    This file may not be redistributed on CD, DVD etc, resold, modified or "plugged" into a mod without notifying me.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/M useum_Manor;59736

    Mythic Dawn Wearable Armor (1.0)


    Have the opportunity to wear the armor of the Mythic Dawn. Available only at The Best Defense. Armor stats have been improved for the player, but they do not effect the armor stats of the Mythic Dawn NPC's.


    No 1st person armor model.Weapon appears to be floating when in 1st person view. Bethesda never created a model for the 1st person because it was never intended to be worn by the player, but it makes a great addition to any mannequin mod.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/M ythic_Dawn_Wearable_Armor;59737

    Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul


    I decided to make this mod after realizing that Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion suffered from significant gameplay and "realism"
    problems that, in my view, detracted from the potential enjoyment of such a beautiful and massive RPG. Creating, balancing,
    and testing the needed changes was a time-consuming task, but the result is a more rewarding experience that I hope also
    helps those of you that found the game wanting upon release.

    The following list describes the problems and how I addressed them:

    *The first major issue is that of linearity of challenge. In Oblivion, quests and combat encounters are "leveled" relative
    to the level of the player's character. This concept, while offering some good gameplay elements (freedom of choice,
    gentle learning curve, etc.) was implemented too indiscriminately. The sense of accomplishment in improving one's avatar
    suffers because the world is constantly changing to meet a pre-designed level of challenge. Also, "realism" and "immersion"
    disappear when the player notices glitches in the continuity of the world (Town guards so high in level that one wonders
    why they need a "hero" after all; lowly creatures that can suddenly give High-Chancellor Ocato a senseless beating, etc.)

    *The goal of this mod is to increase the overall challenge of the game, to increase the chances of the unexpected to happen,
    to reduce the flaws that hurt the "realism-factor" of the "leveled" system, to tweak item rarity and presence in the world,
    to add some new content and, lastly, to change some of the variables of the game system to balance its gameplay.

    To preserve the positive aspects of the "leveled" system and remedy the negative ones, this mod changes the following:

    I went through every NPC and creature in order to cap their max level. In general, the caps fall mostly between 4 and 40,
    with some special cases. Every modification allowed a range where the creature or NPC can level relative to the level of
    the player; those that were capped or static by default I left untouched. The criteria to choose the level of caps took into
    account the relative power of the creature, the frequency, the status (named, boss, occupation), the relevance for the
    main quest and guild quests, the lore of tamriel, etc. Also, most of these changes also included a minimum level. This
    will enhance the sense of danger when traveling into unknown areas, it will also add to the realism of the game's
    world and, finally, provide a sense of accomplishment when what once was a threat becomes a hunt for sport. A complete list
    would be too large for a readme file, here are some of the most significant and common changes:

    1 Daedra remain unchanged except for capped levels. Also, their spawn lists were changed to give a more random chance of
    encountering weaker daedra at higher levels. For example, Fire atronarchs, clannfears and scamps can appear in oblivion
    areas, gates, special dungeons, etc, regardless of the level of the player. The higher level daedra have a slightly
    higher chance of spawning, to keep the player on guard.

    2 Dremoras are now significantly more powerful. Markynaz and Valkynaz have their levels capped but with a range where they
    keep up with the player. Every leveled list that included dremoras is now updated, even quest ones. This means that some
    quests, specially the main quest, will be more difficult and the player will not be able to complete them at low levels.
    Roughly, a level 20-25 will stand a chance, anything below that and it will be a world of hurt. At a player level of 40+
    almost all dremoras will be lower than the player, with the exception of some special cases. At lvl 50 the player should
    be able to mop the floor with just about every creature in Cyrodiil. (Example: Kynval are lvl 12, in most cases they will
    not spawn unless the player is level 13--the intervals of Dremora reach near lvl 40)

    3 Vampires are very different now. There are four different types of vampires: regular, fearsome, deadly and ancient.
    They all have an interval where they will appear in the usual vampire havens and dungeons. The space between the intervals
    allows the player to experience both challenge and a good ol-fashioned vampire-killing spree. For example, at lvl 16 there
    is a good chance that you can clean up a vampire nest with ease (except if patriarchs or matriarchs are around) Anything
    below level 8 will have a very tough time against the regular vampires. Deadly and ancient vampires carry specially good
    loot, but they will not show up until level 25 or so. Again, some surprises are in store for the daring adventurer. The
    most powerful vampires are the ancient patriarchs and matriarchs. These will appear in the late stages of the game provided
    that you have not cleaned every other regular patriarch or matriarch in Cyrodiil, something hard to do unless you reach mid
    twenties. Some dungeons will become "re-occupied" if you clean them early on. Rumor has it that a very powerful vampire lord
    has brought to Cyrodiil a feared relic in order to cleanse it of its power with the aid of other elder buddies of his kin.

    4 Goblins of different tribes vary now in power. Some are rather scrawny, others are now very strong in comparison. All
    of their levels and loot tables are capped and adjusted accordingly, plus a new item here and there if you can find them.
    regular, run-of-the-mill gobbies are also capped and tweaked, the warlords will give you a good beating unless you are a
    seasoned adventurer.

    5 Mythic creature leveled lists are modified so that there is a chance that lower level critters will spawn even at high
    levels. This is specially prevalent in wilderness areas, where now there is also the chance that powerful creatures may
    surprise the wandering player. That is, there is now the slight possibility that you will run into very tough fights while
    exploring the wild. The more remote and inaccessible the area, the higher the likelihood of an untimely encounter. The
    strongest of mythic creatures, the Minotaurs, are capped but can put up a fight even against the experienced player.

    6 Undead are mostly untouched, except for level caps on their strongest versions: wraiths/Lichs. Some skeletons are a bit
    stronger but they remain among the weakest of the undead, alongside zombies. Leveled lists for undead are modified so that
    there is now the chance that they will spawn weak undead regardless of the level of the player. Again, higher level undead
    have a greater chance of appearing in these situations.

    7 Bandits, Marauders, Conjurers and Necromancers are capped, their loot lists adjusted and spread at variety of level ranges
    so that some difference between them is apparent. Bandits can be very low level and reach early twenties. Some exceptions
    are the bandit bosses and the infamous Black Bow Bandit crew. Marauders tend to be slightly more powerful. Necromancers
    and Conjurers will give some trouble to the inexperienced adventurer, but later on they will easily become cannon-fodder.
    However, the boss versions are rather powerful. The expulsion of necromancers from the Mages Guild has bred resentment.
    Necromancers of Tamriel, under the guide of the experienced Fayth Noor, gather in Cyrodiil to plot against the Archmage.

    8 Every guard in game is now level-capped. They are not lowly beginners, but you will not get the feeling that they are so
    powerful that your presence in Cyrodiil is a nuisance. At high levels you will be able to school most guards. Some towns have
    stronger regiments, others are weaker. Guards in the stages of the main quest are leveled appropriately, stocked with some
    healing potions and ready to rumble. Still, powerful enemies will take them down more easily than they can do the same to
    you. This also applies to the blades and the imperial guards.

    9 Every citizen of Cyrodiil, friendly or not, is level capped, when possible, in-synch with the difficulty of the quests
    with which they are associated. I have tried to give them a generous level range so as not to stiffle or demean the quest
    progression. With that said, a lot of npcs involved in quests have minimum level caps which means that you may not be able
    to finish the hard guild quests early on. A great feature of this change is that you will no longer get your ass handed
    down to you by a hoe wielding punk of a farmer after you pilfer his house clean or take his daughter to the "barn."

    10 The levels of the Arena fights are completely changed. They do not simply scale according to your level. Now, each
    batch of fighters has its own level range, increasing up until a much more epic fight with the Grandchampion. You will
    not be able to beat the Arena unless you are highly experienced and decked out. This is a significant change from the
    original, where the Grandchampion of Cyrodiil, capital of Tamriel, was a fearsome level 10 warrior! Morituri te salutan!

    11 Finally, every loot table and NPC-gear table has been adjusted to match their occupation and status. You will not find
    hardly any npcs with Elven, Ebony or above, except in some cases to flesh out the mysteries of Tamriel. The same applies to
    monsters, except powerful ones, and Bandits, Highwaymen and Marauders. Also, even at higher levels they will not constantly
    sport chainmail, mithril, dwarven and orcish. They will still appear in leather, iron, fur and steel on a regular basis.

    *Those changes addressed some of the problems that I found with the "leveled" system. I believe that the game's atmosphere
    and gameplay improve greatly with them. I added a few more changes for the sake of rounding the mod, also with the aim of
    improving realism, tweaking lackluster skills, birthsigns and a few other issues.

    The changes are:

    1 Every loot table for armor, weapons, gems, jewelry and special items has been revamped, except most of the quest-related
    ones. The aim here was to make items more scarce and rare until higher levels. For example, Dwarven will not appear at
    lvl 6, but lvl 13+; Daedric will not begin to drop until around very early thirties. The same formula, scaled appropriately,
    I applied to the remaining lists. Powerful items will be more special and not simply lying around at every corner after
    level 20. (As an aside, the editor for Oblivion has a few bugs, one of which affects how items and levels in lists are
    organized, I went through the lists as many times as I could before going completely bananas--you try going through hundreds
    of items across hundreds of cross-referenced lists--but inconsistencies may remain here, some by design, others by bug and
    yet others because I didn't feel like tweaking them any longer.)

    2 The value of gems, jewelry, silver house-wares and pelts is now higher so that thieves have a greater enticement in
    risking their neck than the measly gold coin that they can squeeze out of a silver fork.

    3 A few new items now appear near or in powerful NPCs. These are not mighty or common enough to imbalance the game, but
    they add some flavor to the also new NPCs.

    4 Birthsigns have changed. I have kept the original spirit of each constellation but I have modified their effects, and
    added new ones, to balance them out. Unless you are interested in roleplaying a cursed character, very few people would
    choose the sign of the Lord (90 hit point heal spell, 25% weakness to fire) over the Mage (50 points of Magicka, as much
    as a 25 bonus to INT would give, without penalties)

    5 The skills of Hand to Hand and Sneak have some modifications. Hand to Hand was sorely lacking at release. Its range is
    very short, its damage can't hold a candle to powerful weapons, its rate of block was half of wielded weapons and the player
    cannot use gauntlets to add offensive on-hit spell effects as with every other weapon. Now, hand to hand damage max is
    higher, its rate of block also went up (although still lower than that for weapons), it has a longer reach and its staggering
    chance while blocking was adjusted upwards. Sneak Attacks now do slightly higher damage at Journeyman and Expert ranks, x7
    and x8 respectively. Marksman Sneak attacks in the same ranks are x3.5 (displays just as the normal x3) and x4 respectively.
    Also, disarming chances of Special Attacks and Blocks are now higher than a poor 5%, which meant that only 1 out of 20 blows
    would actually disarm an opponent. The chances to Knockdown and Paralyze with Marksman Special Attacks also went up slightly.

    6 Descriptions for the notices of Mastery achievement in-game are re-written now to reflect a higher sense of pride and
    accomplishment, rather than the same old text used in the prior perks' notices. Descriptions of Birthsigns differ so as
    to include the changes and additions. Finally, changes to the perks of Sneak also appear in the notices brought up when
    a player reaches a new rank.

    7 The speed of arrows and magic attacks increases by 20% and 10% respectively. This is done to offset the ease with which
    one could avoid the ranged attacks of NPCs and monsters by timing sidesteps.

    8 The minimum levels necessary to receive Daedra Lord quests at their shrines is now higher for most of them--anywhere from
    lvl 15 to lvl 20. This change obeys two reasons. First, it did not make a lot of sense to me that a Daedric Lord would grant
    a lowly lvl 2 the honor of serving under them with the promise of an item of power. Now, in order to be a worthy champion,
    you are going to need to know how to skin some beast other than sheep. The second one is related to acquiring a decent level
    before tackling more dangerous stages of the main quest--a build-up towards a more epic finale.

    9 Fighter's and Mage's Guilds in the main towns of Cyrodiil now have special Storage Chests to stash the player's growing

    10 Last, the day-time length is now doubled. It takes twice as long to transverse between dusk and dawn. This change aims
    at both "realism" and practicality.

    These are the main changes that the mod addresses. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/O scuros_Oblivion_Overhaul;59738

  16. #41

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    In sviluppo!!

    Adventure Middle Earth

    Adventure Middle Earth (AME) is a mod, in fact a Total Conversion, for the game "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" by Bethesda Softworks. Our aim is to build JRR Tolkiens Middle Earth mainly known from the Lord of the Rings.

    We are not making a Middle Earth game like to the ones which have already been made. We will neither only create parts of Middle Earth nor only make some adventures or campaigns for the player. We are creating whole of Middle Earth (from Lindon in the west to the sea of Rhûn in the east and from the Grey Mountains in the north to the River Harnen in the south) using the typical Elder Scrolls freedom giving the player countless options of playing the game. Some features and other information from the FAQ:
    - 660 km² (Oblivion is about 42 km²)
    - 7500-8000 real NPCs (not just dummies or orcs)
    - 8 playable peoples each having its own story (altogether about 250 story-quests)
    - 750 side quests
    - grafical realisation of whole Middle Earth
    - realisation of many battles of the War of the Ring

    Our sources are the books of Tolkien himself, and not the films. We are trying to make a Middle Earth game Tolkien would actually like and about which one can say: "Yeah, this really is Middle Earth, worthy of Tolkien.". So that is our aim, and we hope to reach it. If you want to help us, just contact me ([email protected]). We need 2D- and 3D-Artists, no matter from which language. For textworkers or others we will only accept Germans, as we are a German mod.
    A German Mod?! So not in English? Do not fear. We develop the game in German first and then translate it into English. Our homepage, right now, still is only available in German, but the English version will follow in the next weeks.

    For any further questions just visit our website or post in the forums. I hope you enjoy and like our project.

    P.S.: There have already been two other entries for our project here. The first one had been closed due to a change in game engine from Morrowind to Oblivion about a year ago and the second one has been taken over by a former teammember in favour of his own project.


  17. #42

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    In sviluppo!!

    Ashures Memorial

    What is Ashures Memorial?
    In fact Ashures Memorial is a Total Conversion (TC) of Oblivion. It will be a Story Mod, You could call it as an Cinematic Action Jump'n'Run Game. Rollplaying will there, but its not the main topic of the Mod.

    It will be very Linear, Quests will start and end with movies.

    The Mod will released in 6 Chapters. You are the General of the Curch, and you have to go out.... and come back to destroy the Kingdom of false God to become the King of the Stars.

    Many Informations you will find on our Homepage. .


  18. #43

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]


    XTS - Merchant Mod V1.0

    Yes the XTS Merchant Mod has come to Oblivion, Xtreme the Merchant has managed to get off
    Morrowind Island and moved to the Impireal City. He has set up his shop in the best
    location he could find, right outside the Arena in the Impreial City. He can recharge
    majical weapons, fix armour, weapons, he is a master at Blade and can teach you, as well
    as a realy nice list of weapons and sets or armour to chose from. Go see Xtreme for old
    times sake today !

    ***** You MUST REGISTER on www.XtremeTeamStudios.com to download the mod *****

    The Xtreme
    Founder & Manager
    Xtreme Team Studios


    Un mercante così fa sempre comodo

  19. #44

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    In sviluppo!!


    The void is a lack of anything. It is a space waiting to be filled. A canvas waiting to be painted on.

    The amazing power of modding has changed the way we play games and has opened up entirely new worlds which the original game producers couldn’t have imagined existed. Morrowind, and now Oblivion, is one of the best systems for modding because you can layer as many mods on top of each other as you like.

    'The plan with the Void is to start off with an entirely unformed world' – A big lump of clay as featureless and barren as possible. Designs, plans and guidelines will be posted on this website to show everyone what we’d like to see happen. We will upload the first blank and empty version of the world for everyone to download, then anyone who wishes can add to the world – Be it a house, a model, a sound or with some landscaping work. We will play all of the mods which are sent in, looking for mods which add to the world most and once we have enough we’ll combine them all into one file and release it as the next version of the world. We will then accept a whole load of new mods which add to the updated world and once we’re ready we’ll stick them all together and allow users to down the next version.

    In this way we’d be creating a truly community built world –it would allow anyone who wishes to contribute a chance at carving out a small part of the world without committing to a huge workload. The tiny details you leave behind might make someone else’s contribution even more amazing, likewise if you prefer to carve out mountains and seed forests you may be fascinated by the way other people choose to build upon the ground that you created. And once the world really begins to take shape and your playing it through to enjoy a different experience to Oblivion you may turn and glance upon a flower which you remember placing by the side of a street – secure in the knowledge that you have helped build a new world.

    From the centre of the world a city will bloom, an oriental and beautiful place with an ancient past. In order to create a new world the focus will be on creating somewhere which reflects a feudal Japanese society. But this doesn’t mean that we’re not open to suggestions, very little will be set in stone and the only requirement for the world will be that it represents a very different experience to Oblivion and that it be a tougher and more deadly world. And in this world, honour is incredibly important – your choice of weapon, your activities in private and public and even the company you keep will reflect your honour rating which will operate behind the scenes. Sometimes, the easiest path will prove to be dishonourable – which will effect how others will treat you.

    The player will begin his journey as he regains consciousness amidst the wreckage of a ship, his crew mates having already been removed from the area and thrown in a jail; (Sounds familiar? It’s roughly based on Shogun, a book by James Clavell.) Which way the player chooses to survive in a foreign and dangerous land is entirely up to them, but all paths will lead eventually to an overall plot dealing with a child emperor who is threatened from all sides. Will you be the one to save the child? Or will your blade be the one that ends his life? Will you triumph in battle, storming the gates of the palace or will you creep into his dormitory at night and put an end to him with poison? The choice will be yours.


  20. #45
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Attack and hide


    Se si è nascosti mentre si effettua un attacco, il nemico non ti troverà automaticamente come se avesse un radar ma ti cercherà, e tu avrai la possibilità quindi di fuggire e nasconderti nuovamente prima che ti trovi.Trovete maggiori informazioni nel file .info del Mod


    Estraete e incollate il file.esp nella Cartella DATA,avviate Oblivion e selezionate nel menu prima dell'avvio l'opzione FILE DI DATI,confermate la modifica e avviate definitivamente.


    Attack and hide


    Cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sul LINK e salvate l'oggetto con nome per scaricare il Mod.


    Natural Wildlife (1.1)


    Tra tutti i mod che modificano il comportamento animale arrivata alla versione 1.1, questo credo sia il migliore e il più realistico. Ora gli animali non attaccheranno a vista, ma non è neanche detto che non vi attaccheranno. Per ogni animale l'autore ha messo una sorta di probabilità di attacco (che ruolisticamente parlando potrebbe corrispondere al fatto se l'animale è o meno affamato o qualche altra gabola) cosicché ad esempio un orso ha una probabilità del 20% di attaccarti quando ti vede. Non solo: se un animale ti attacca e ci sta prendendo gli schiaffi, non rimarrà lì a morire ma, realisticamente, se la darà a gambe.


    Estraete e incollate il file.esp nella Cartella DATA,avviate Oblivion e selezionate nel menu prima dell'avvio l'opzione FILE DI DATI,confermate la modifica e avviate definitivamente.


    Natural Wildlife (v1.1)


    Cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sul LINK e salvate l'oggetto con nome per scaricare il Mod.

    Horse stay put


    Per la gioia dei ladri incalliti e di una esperienza più realistica, ora i cavalli rubati non torneranno lentamente alla stalla come automi.


    Estraete e incollate il file.esp nella Cartella DATA,avviate Oblivion e selezionate nel menu prima dell'avvio l'opzione FILE DI DATI,confermate la modifica e avviate definitivamente.


    Horse stay put


    Cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sul LINK e salvate l'oggetto con nome per scaricare il Mod.

  21. #46
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ViolentKop
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    BTMod vers.: 2.20

    http://gamingtown.net/oblivion-mods/96-r elz-btmod-v2-20-a.html

    Improves many aspects of the stock Oblivion UI:
    • Increase the amount of the Inventory, Magic, Container(Looting), Repair and Alchemy Ingredients listings to 12 or higher *
    • Increased area to view Local and World Maps
    • Increased area to view Quests and Journal
    • Increased area to view Skills, Factions and Accomplishments
    • Added percentage display to HP/MP/FA display †
    • Added Durability status under the Weapon Icon on the Main Hud †
    • Enabled and cleaned up Spell Effect durtation timers †
    • During Custom Class Creation, increased the size of the enterable name
    • Mapped Arrow Keys to various Menu buttons ‡

    Support for removing Marker/POI icons from the Compass and Local/World Maps
    • 3 ESP files to control MarkersPOI icons on the Compass
    • Map Config entry to control the Quest Marker on Local/World Maps

    Configuration files to tailor the UI to your personal tastes
    • Each Menu has it's own file(s) to control layout of icons, windows, graphics and more
    • Future releases can use your previously altered Config files to keep your settings

    * The amount of items able to fit on screen could depend on setup of alternate fonts
    † These items can be toggled on and off with the Config Files

  22. #47
    Banned L'avatar di Vaikus
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Fast Horse

    FastHorse è un MOD destinato per aumentare la velocità di un cavallo basato su tempo lo guidate. Ogni 10 secondi circa che siete su un cavallo, l'attributo di velocità del cavallo aumenterà di 2 e fino ad un massimo di +8 se non mi sbaglio. Ciò lavorerà ai 5 tipi principali del cavallo (pezzato, della baia, nero, Chesnut e bianco.) Se smontate il vostro dal cavallo sarete ripristinati a 0 e la velocità originale del cavallo sarà regolata al relativo difetto.


    scaricate il mod dal seguente link e salvatelo sul vostro computer.
    selezionate ed estraete il file nella cartella Oblivion\Data.
    clikkate sull'icona di oblivion sul desktop.
    clikkate sulla sezione Data files o File Dati nel menù di lancio e selezionate il mod appena scaricato.
    dopodichè avviate il gioco.

    : http://www.fileplanet.com/hosteddl.aspx? /planetelderscrolls/fms/files/oblivionmo ds/87/FastHorse.zip

    Sinceramente mi sembra un mod utile perchè i viaggi a cavallo spesos diventano mooolto lenti e ci si annoia ma almeno così si può andare al galoppo e risparmiare del tempo per chi come me non gradisce usare il viaggio rapido.


  23. #48
    Banned L'avatar di Vaikus
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Elven Mages Companion


    Con questo mod ora aggiornato alla versione 1.1 è possibile avere un compagno di viaggio,Vir Dalvilu, un elfo mago da come ho sentito non avendolo ancora provato ma ritenendolo interessante.Questo compagno quando siete nelle rogne può essere molto utile.

    cambiamenti versione 1.1

    -Vir Dalvilu sale di livello in base al vostro livello di infamia.
    -Segue ogni tuo Ordine.Quando aspetta si lava,mangia,legge ect.
    -Ha voci di dialogo.
    -Potrebbe rubare dai NPG o dai cadaveri se ha bisogno d riparazioni di armi, di mangiare ect.
    -Il compagno elfo secondo il suo livello di salute potrebbe scappare dallo scontro.
    -Può andare a cavallo.
    -Il compagno se verrà sopraffatto verra steso e non ucciso.
    -ridotta la distanza tra il tuo PG e il compagno quando quest'ultimo segue.
    -Cambiata locazione ove trovare il compagno (università arcana...dovrebbe essere li davanti...)
    -Due nuove razze di compagno : elfo dei boschi e elfo supremo (Bosmer e Altmer)


    : http://www.fileplanet.com/hosteddl.aspx? %2fplanetelderscrolls%2ffms%2ffiles%2fob livionmods%2f175%2fElvenMagesCompanion.r ar


    Cosa c'è da dire se non che può essere molto utile e divertente avere un compagno in più che se aggiunto agli altri mod può essere parte di una gilda errante? PROMOSSO!

  24. #49
    Moderatore BI BI DA L'avatar di Jaqen
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    [size=big]Lighter Alchemy Ingredients[/size]
    Categoria : Alchimia, Tweak, Ribilanciamento
    Link al sito dell'autore
    Effetto : Un mod che ribilancia la pesantezza degli ingredienti alchemici, in media dimezzandola
    Commento : Lo ho provato, funziona, credo sia un must, visto che molti ingredienti e piante pesano in modo davvero assurdo
    Bug Conosciuti : Ci sono problemi con la versione italiana del gioco, apparentemente i nomi degli ingredienti diventano quelli inglesi.

    [size=big]Color Map Mod[/size]
    Categoria : Interfaccia
    Link alla pagina di Tessource
    Effetto : Un mod (in realtà è un pacchetto di texture da scompattare) per avere la mappa globale di oblivion a colori.
    Commento : Eccellente
    Note : Perfettamente compatibile con BTMOD.
    Bug Conosciuti : Nessuno.

  25. #50
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ViolentKop
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Best "Tweak" Mods List, For those (not so) subtle Oblivion changes
    http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=324335

    Lista ordinata di tweak vari ed eventuali...

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