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  1. #1

    Predefinito [3DS-PSVita-PSP] Time Travellers

    Anche questo titolo è stato annunciato durante il Level 5 Vision, si parla di un "suspense title"

    Developed by Jiro Ishii of Chun Soft and 428 fame. Jiro Ishii formerly of Chun Soft is the director and it's LEVEL 5's first "suspense" game. We see a video of this girl standing on the train in full 3d polygon (It's a 3ds title). The lights start to flicker in and out, and some sort of skeleton ghost guy appears behind her. he starts to count down and then you choose whether you want to either turn around or not. she does and some crazy numbers appear around her.
    Man, the graphics are pretty great. The girl seems to be transported into the future? There are a lot of modern looking buildings destroyed in the background.
    She then jumps off a building and the trailer ends.
    The trailer was full in game footage. Ishii explains they are really focusing on the story and that if you are familiar with his other games the story int his one will not let you down.

    trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0ebK-dEt3k

    Ultima modifica di Bishop76; 19-10-10 alle 14:26:02

  2. #2
    Banned L'avatar di Uzi Rider
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [3DS] Time Travellers


  3. #3

    Predefinito Riferimento: [3DS] Time Travellers

    ma mi dico serviva per forza il 3ds per far smuovere il culo ai programmatori?

  4. #4

    Predefinito Riferimento: [3DS] Time Travellers

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ruka-san Visualizza Messaggio
    ma mi dico serviva per forza il 3ds per far smuovere il culo ai programmatori?
    Nintendo ha promesso una console di successo come il DS, ma senza la pirateria. Era prevedibile che tutti si mettessero a investirci sopra.

    Adesso però bisognerà vedere se sarà davvero di successo (a quel prezzo non ne sono sicuro) e se davvero sarà senza pirateria (e su questo ho qualche dubbio in più).

  5. #5

    Predefinito Riferimento: [3DS] Time Travellers

    arriverà anche su PSVita e PSP:

    qualche info in più:

    Level-5 is set to share its upcoming plans at Level-5 Vision later this week. But a few bits have started to leak out of this week's Famitsu.

    The big news we're hearing is that Time Travelers is now a multiplatform title. Originally announced for just 3DS, the game is due for PlayStation Vita and PSP as well.

    Famitsu also has first game details. The game is set in 2031 Tokyo. It will be fully voiced. A release is planned for 2012.

    Time Travelers was one of the main announcements from last year's Level-5 Vision. The game instantly received attention because of the involvement of Jiro Ishii of Chun Soft and 428 fame.

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