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Discussione: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

  1. #126
    Il Nonno L'avatar di maboscol
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    45°13' N e 12°17' E, (VE)

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    ah no? avevo capito di si

    vabbè, comunque avevo provato ffxi per pc e non era male solo che l'ho preso dopo molto tempo dalla sua uscita e quindi di gente niubba non se ne trovava e mi ha stufato, però aveva delle potenzialità

  2. #127

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    versione PC in arrivo a settembre, PS3 invece a marzo:

    PC version hitting European shelves on September 22nd; PS3 SKU arriving March 2011

    Square Enix has announced that the PC Collector’s Edition version of MMO Final Fantasy XIV will be released in Europe on September 22nd. The standard SKU will hit retail on September 30th.

    The PS3 version of the game will not be released until March 2011, with pricing to be announced at a later date.

    The PC Collector’s Edition includes a behind-the-scenes DVD, a special branded security token, a FFXIV branded tumbler, map, a travel journal including concept art, the Onion Helm in-game item, a 30-day free trial period for the game and a pass that allows a guest to play for free for a limited time.

    The monthly subscription fee will be £8.99 (€12.99) with additional characters available for £2.10 (€3.00) a month. A maximum of eight characters can be registered on any one account.

    Each account is eligible for one free retainer (a non-playable character that maintains item sales and storage when users are logged out) with each additional retainer costing £0.70 (€1.00).

    A beta version of the PC game will go live some time in early July. It will become available to pre-order with key retailers at some point today. Those who pre-order will receive another in-game freebie – a pair of Garlond Goggles that increases the speed at which characters progress.

    Those who register their FFXIII Campaign Codes will receive the Asuran Armguards DLC, an extra that improves the effectiveness of tools.

    “This September, players around the world will join together to explore the fascinating and exciting realm of Eorzea,” the game’s executive producer Hiromichi Tanaka stated.

    “We’re presenting players with a new style of online gameplay, that we know will please avid fans of online games, but welcome more casual gamers as well with the variety of gameplay and story-driven content.”

    The specs for the PC version are as follows: Windows XP/Vista/7, Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2GHz, 2GB of RAM, 15GB HDD space, NVIDIA GeForce 9600 512MB or ATI Radeon HD 2900 512MB and DirectX 9.



  3. #128
    King Odoacre

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Bishop76 Visualizza Messaggio
    PS3 invece a marzo
    Ancora non s'è visto, e con i problemi al PSN dubito si vedrà a breve...

  4. #129

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    E chi lo vuole vedere un gioco che va bene giusto per pareggiare la gamba storta del tavolo?

  5. #130
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Howl
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    Uomo di poca fede

  6. #131
    King Odoacre

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    Se lo abbandonassero sarebbe un peccato dopo tutti i soldi che hanno speso per lo sviluppo. Graficamente mi dicono sia molto bello, ma richiede dei PC veramente potenti e forse è questo, unitamente al gameplay totalmente da rifare (hanno cambiato il team di sviluppo apposta), che sta rallentando lo sviluppo su PS3. Certo che se i problemi del PSN continuano...

  7. #132
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Howl
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    Per allora i problemi del psn saranno risolti , la carta del lancio ps3 la giocheranno quando il gioco p2p, ovvero quando avrà una qualità decente

  8. #133

    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    A quanto pare alla Square hanno fatto tesoro di tutti i feedback e lo stanno rifacendo da zero: uscirà una versione 2.0 per il primo quarto 2013 per Ps3.


    Read all at the link.

    Also, the letter from YoshiP XX (Producer) describing his feelings and philosophy on the game changes beyond the current 1.19 patch: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/t...333#post390333

    Tons of new artwork/concept art for the new content:

    Comprehensive update log:

    Outline of future plans:

    Development timeline/roadmap:

    General Summary of Content:

    -PS3 version release coming Q1 2013, with the closed beta beginning in Q4 2012.

    -Subscriptions are back between late November to Early December.

    -Worldwide launch of a new promotional trailer at E3 2012.

    -They've been hard at work basically recreating the entire game since April 2011.

    -Planning of that recreation took place from January 2011 - March 2011.

    -The new revised version of the game includes a complete design of current repetitive maps, implementation of a new graphics engine, a new server system designed for increased speed and performance, a fully renewed user interface, and an expansion of in-game community content.

    -The world reshaping will take place via an event only available to current players/those who are playing before the world is forever changed.
    -Areas will implement more than one theme to give all areas more variety
    -Areas will contain unique themes to each area.
    -Complete overhaul of enemy and object placement.
    -New server system is being built to support a worldless model. Essentially cross-realm play for party/content matching. Also will bring significant speed increases all around and to improve the overall performance and stability of the game's servers.

    -A new graphics engine will be in place to help further the detail of the game on PC and will help the devlopers optimize the PS3 version beyond what they've been able to do with the old engine. They also plan to include a much larger breadth of graphical settings.

    -Because of the new engine, different objects and other things will change, thus all current players will be offered re-customization of their current characters (including race, gender, and appearance).

    -Fully re-designed user interface. Besides just the regular aesthetics of a new, more responsive, and easier to use interface, they also plan to open the door for the creation and use of user-made-addons (PC only for this last part). Also included are full support for KB/M users as well as gamepad users. (This will be much better than the non-standard gamepad mapping system they currently have)

    -Implementation of PvP content. Concept art (Frontlines) looks like a green version of Helm's Deep.

    - Additional in-game community options. (Free company establishment, growth, and competition)

    -In-game delivery and mail systems.

    -Player housing.

    -Revamp of retainer system and markets (the pseudo auction-house/bank-storage type systems currently in place).

    -Implementation of an Achievement System.

    -Implementation of in-game cutscene replays.

    An image of what appears to be a group of people (named after FF characters) fighting an NM in Coerthas. New UI is present with a full party. There are a TON of changes in there.

  9. #134
    La Borga
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    Sono francamente stupefatto da questa dedizione.

  10. #135
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Howl
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    Si, ben difficilmente un altro produttore avrebbe messo tanto impegno, anche se questo è un brand di bandiera.
    Gli ultimi aggiornamenti sono stati ottimi e hanno mantenuto in pieno quello che avevano promesso, quindi sono abbastanza sicuro che l' anno prossimo avremo un gioco con i controcazzi '-' i pdf nell' articolo sono molto interessanti, consiglio di leggerli anche se del gioco vi frega niente

  11. #136
    La Borga L'avatar di covin
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [PS3] Final Fantasy 14

    Più che versione 2.0 dovrebbero chiamarla 1.0, minchia, ricordo la beta di FFXIV come una delle esperienze videoludiche più penose della mia vita, qualcosa di talmente osceno che non son riuscito a capire chi è il pazzo che ha dato l'ok nel pubblicare un simile scempio.

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