This month in code-land, we finally implemented the AIs keeping track of their needs and wants and reacting to them, so when they get hungry they can go buy a burger, if their bladder is full, they go relieve themselves (and potentially get arrested for public indecency). If they are stressed, they can go find somewhere to unwind.
Mike even fixed the bug where your agents could get hungry in the middle of a battle and suddenly run off to join the queue at a noodle bar.
Mike has also been battling with cramming the whole city into memory at once and keeping the performance up. We are running in about 1GB at the moment, so he is pretty happy with that.
Chris has been working on the quest system, which gives you things to do other than just causing chaos. Some of the main objectives (like breaking into the big facilities to steal gear, technology and weapons) have already been set up, and will lead onto some of the more procedurally-generated objectives for you to discover or unlock. This system goes hand-in-hand with the VIP system, giving some civilians VIP status, which allows them to have extra info/items for you, blackmail opportunities, or access to key-codes or special software upgrades.
Also zipwires! You can now find sneaky routes into compounds with the zip-wire ability.
And lots of bugs, both fixing them and adding new ones.