Post dello sviluppatore:

Coold00d ha scritto gio, 08 giugno 2006 alle 17:59

i need help
iam new to edge, and need help, ive got an idea for an adventure mario type wad
iam using edge
i need help with mapping for edge
and also some coding for speech, i dont no how to import that into the ddf or into game
so far ive got 3 mario STYLE levels [thank you to cutmanmike and cl ]
i need some experienced people to edge [as i have only just moved over from zdoom!]
to help me create word coding and a level that resembles Peach's castle from Super Mario 64
i will sort out the textures afterwards
thank you very much,
any help will be appreciated
if any one is willing to help me
with this adventureTC
i could get to work,
i can script for player/enemies n stuff
i just need some similar levels from mario games and other coding for speech etc, doesnt matter about the textures just any sort of stuff you could help me with? well thank you!
il reply later, or email [email protected]
thank you again i will look forward to your ideas! astleSM64.jpg

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