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Discussione: The Lost Pisces

  1. #1

    Predefinito The Lost Pisces

    Praticamente la Sirenetta cyborg, mossa da Unreal Engine 4, con una spruzzata di metal gear rising.
    Il kickstarter partirà il 20 febbraio, ecco i primi dettagli:

    It’s this reimagining of Hans Cristian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid, where we take the literal mermaid away and replace her with this machine, this blank slate of a creature that’s just terrified of disappearing one day, and I think that’s something everyone can connect to,” Rutkowski says. “This is the Hans Cristian Andersen version, it’s a little bit darker. The idea behind The Little Mermaid, when he wrote it he had a strictly Christian background, and there’s this notion that nothing except for human beings have souls.

    ...The story goes, that PISCES is The Little Mermaid, this machine that’s suddenly found a tiny bit of consciousness and she, no matter what, wants to gain a soul. She becomes terrified that at the end of her days, she might live for 300 years being a machine, but there’s nothing for her to go on to, no possibility of an afterlife.”

    ...“PISCES takes place at the end of a technological Atlantis,” says Rutkowski. “The idea is that everything is being flooded and everyone’s moving up and up into high altitudes. So there’s a lot of snow, a lot of water. It’s not a tropical environment or anything like that. It’s not a desert either. It’s kind of this imagined space, that doesn’t geographically go anywhere.

    Despite not being the sole emphasis, PISCES does involve combat. Battles are large scale and strategic, requiring careful planning to avoid a swift demise. “It’s a paced game,” says Rutkowski. “You have your quiet time figuring out how to defeat the larger enemies that you’ll see. It’s sort of a strategy time mixed with the moments of action. I don’t want to give away too much about it, but way I’d describe it is if you’ve played Shadow of the Colossus. It’s less of the action side of Colossus, half the time. We try to take the misery of dying over and over again out of defeating a larger creature by giving the player time to, almost like a puzzle, figure out what you have to do. To set traps is the best way to describe it.

    ...One of the things that we’re going to show in the KickStarter is how powerful the PISCES character actually is. She can manifest these black shards that float around her and she can cast them out. Those shards can pull across the ground and create massive boulders that you can use to bash against the larger robots. As she turns more and more human, the thing is that she loses that ability, so she becomes weaker and weaker. What will happen is you will see her as more and more human. She’s evolving beyond just being a machine, and you have to take up the slack, up to the gamer’s character to fulfil that role.”

    The enemies in PISCES are really big. “You always need an antagonist in a game, and they’re the driving force you’re going against with PISCES,” Rutkowski says. “The enemy AI is this lumbering, it’s not a dumb AI, but it works off the Lovecraftian idea that human beings are these small, insignificant things next to these gigantic elements in the universe. It’s not like these elements really care about the tiny little ants, we’re just existing on their plane, and they’ll crush us, not maliciously, but just because we’re like ants to them. But if you do piss them off enough, they will hunt you down.”

    Non si sa il KS sarà rivolto anche alle console, vedremo il 20.

  2. #2

    Predefinito Re: The Lost Pisces

    Cavolo, sembra figo.
    Tengo d'occhio il kickstarter, sperando di vedere un video con qualcosa di più che mi convinca a sostenerli.

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