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  1. #1
    Harlan draka

    Predefinito [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    Mi servono 2-3 volontari per un folle gioco.... una cronaca stile Real Life (http://www.***************.it/forum/...ead.php?t=7117) ma come tema una "Caccia" Predator o l'Invasione Alien su un'astronave corporativa

    in Caso se un secondo DM vuole collaborare potremmo fare due cronache concatenate: una per Predator ed una per Alien

    Lo straniero (Predator)
    Dark Sephirot
    Ultima modifica di Harlan draka; 14-10-07 alle 16:31:03

  2. #2
    Lo Zio L'avatar di BlackZombie
    Data Registrazione
    Verdello (BG)

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    C'è da chiedere? Io c'è XD

  3. #3
    Harlan draka

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator


    che tipo di alieno preferisci interpetare? acido o rasta? XD

  4. #4

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    anch'io, anch'io!! (si vede che sono a digiuno di cronache..)
    Io preferirei il rasta

  5. #5
    Lo Zio L'avatar di BlackZombie
    Data Registrazione
    Verdello (BG)

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    Rastafaiano mi va bene, ma non disdegno manco l'acido

  6. #6
    Harlan draka

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator


    preferite partire in 2 o aspettare l'arrivo di un terzo?

  7. #7

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    punto sul terzo

  8. #8
    Lo Zio L'avatar di BlackZombie
    Data Registrazione
    Verdello (BG)

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    Est Indirrent
    Ego Sum

  9. #9
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Dark Sephiroth89
    Data Registrazione
    Dentro il Monitor

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    Io farò l'umano sfigato

  10. #10
    Harlan draka

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    va bene

  11. #11
    Harlan draka

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    si può partire?

  12. #12
    Lo Zio L'avatar di BlackZombie
    Data Registrazione
    Verdello (BG)

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

  13. #13
    Harlan draka

    Predefinito Re: [Harlan Draka] Alien VS Predator

    intanto vi posto il codice dei Predator, dal manuale in inglese di un GDR

    The Yautja Code

    1. Hunt worthy game. When hunting, the Hunter must be sure that his prey is considered game, and lawful to kill.
    Sometimes the Hunter will equal the odds (not using the plasma-caster or some other weapon). Worthy game must fill the following criteria: Can defend itself and/or is able to kill the Hunter himself, of age (killing children is considered the height of bad manners) not linked to other lives (so that removing the prey will not doom another, e.g. pregnant women) and unwilling to be hunted (what honor in killing one who wants to die?).

    2. Not fail in the Hunt. If the Hunter fails in his Hunt he usually takes his own life, preferring to die than to live in shame. However, some cowards prefer to live in obscurity rather than die. This is considered to be dishonorable and suicide is then "assisted" by an Arbitrator.

    3. Not claim the kill of another Hunter. To take the trophy of another Hunter, living or dead, is considered to be a great insult. For example, two Unblooded go on their first Hunt. One Predator takes on an Alien and both are mortally wounded. While the wounded hunter is dying, the other hunter conveniently finishes off the prey and claims the kill as his own, abandoning the wounded Predator. This is the most embarrassing crime, and the hardest to prove.

    4. Never murder another Predator. To kill another Predator intentionally. This excludes self-defense and killing a foe in a wrestling match to settle a dispute. This is the worst crime.

    5. Never kill while cloaked. It is very dishonorable for a Hunter to kill prey while he is cloaked. It ignores all laws of fair and honorable hunting, and giving the prey a fighting chance. A Predator who is discovered doing this is usually banished from the Clan, and is considered fair game for other Hunters. The only exception with this is to "remove" anything standing between the Hunter and his prey, or if a creature attacks the Hunter that he is not Hunting.

    6. Never harm the innocent. Those who have done no harm should have no harm done to them.

    7. Only kill the weak when hunting for food. This is to purify the species' line.

    8. Show honor to another's kill. When coming upon game wounded by another hunter, and the animal is dying without sport. If the game still shows sport, it is to be a joint trophy.

    9. Will not join another's hunt, or hunt in their territory, without their permission. All trophies taken by this manner are stolen trophies, and shall be dealt with by the rightful owner.

    10. Will treat those who defeat them in a fair hunt and show mercy as equals. Predator must either kill their opponent and themselves, or treat their opponent as an equal.

    11. Destroy any Predator who breaks the Code. Those who break the Code are renegades, and no longer considered to be a Predator.

    siata armati con: disco intelligente, artigli da polso resistenti all'acido, lancia estensibile resistente all'acido e cannoncino al plasma.

    il vostro equipaggiamento contiene anche l'armatura standard con bioelmetto (visioni ad infrarosso, ultravioletto, intensificatore di fonti luminose, visione notturna, sensore EM e visore di radiazioni gamma), sistema stealth, computer da polso con traduttore, sistema energetico e sistema di autodistruzione, medikit e kit di sopravvivenza.

    sei armato con: Coltello da combattimento USCM M142, Pistola USCM M4A3, mitragliatore inteligente M56 e 5 granate a mano USM M220 (http://www.alien.it/p-homep.html)

    inoltre sei equipaggiato con: Armatura leggera da combattimento USCM M3, Elmetto Tattico e sistema Telecomunicazione USCM M3
    Ultima modifica di Harlan draka; 15-10-07 alle 18:04:28

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