Il comunicato nel suo blog su MySpace:

Well's a very sad time, I have to tell you all that I've resigned from Rare. This Friday (18th) will be my last day at the company. Recording the stuff in Prague with Robin for Banjo has been my last task before I leave.

Needless to say my time at Rare has been the most amazing and rewarding experience imaginable and I'm going to miss not being there.

Nearly 13 years ago now, Rare gave a long haired metal fan a chance that no-one else would and I am forever in their debt.

I've worked with some fantastically talented people and it's their creativity that has spurred me on to write and create the stuff I have.........I really can't put it into words.

I wish the company and people there all the luck in the world!

forse si sarà rotto della MS e degli avatar?