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  1. #176
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Generalmente nei primi trenta secondi e più non è che ci sia questo alto rischio di morte imminente dove servono altri 10% di block.

    Io, ora come ora, preferisco metterlo subito per attivare il danno da block.
    Ultima modifica di GeeGeeOH; 30-07-10 alle 13:58:51

  2. #177
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Pare che il feedback "non esattamente positivo" stia arrivando,almeno in parte

    We'd like to give Prot paladins (Ret too) passive spell hit somewhere.

    We'd also like to find a way to bring Shield of Righteousness back, but only if we can find an actual niche for it -- not just "here's another attack." Something like it consuming Holy Power but refreshing Holy Shield.

    Word of Glory has no cooldown. It is limited by Holy Power production.

    Ultima modifica di GeeGeeOH; 31-07-10 alle 07:43:54

  3. #178
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    As it is now, it's worthless. If you like keeping Holy Shield up, there is zero chance of using Word of Glory. The heal for Word of Glory is still insanely gimpy, even with the buff, so it's unlikely that it will be used. It's still impossible to keep Holy Shield up with great consistency.
    I'd buy that if Holy Shield gave you 20% damage reduction or something, but it's 15% block -- at best. You won't even really know if you would have blocked that hit had Holy Shield been up and you could easily keep Holy Shield up and still fail to block. Because it's not 100% dependable, letting it lapse sometimes shouldn't be the end of the world. Sometimes it might make sense to delay that block and heal yourself.

    As far as rotations go, something I mentioned in the live forums is we are trying letting Shield of the Righteous (or whatever we decide to call it) consume Holy Power for more damage *and* refresh Holy Shield. So you would need to get Holy Shield up, but then you could just use your shield hits instead. If you were ever in a position where you couldn't hit the boss, you could always fall back on just casting Holy Shield itself. We'll see how that feels.

  4. #179
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Ha appena postato GC

    Han stravolto tutto un'altra volta

    Giusto per...Con questa in signle target ci son meno pulsanti da premere di prima + un proc
    Ultima modifica di Fenris; 03-08-10 alle 00:18:37

  5. #180
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Here is how Prot paladins are working in our current beta build. You might not see these changes in the next beta build, but in the one after that. Things are still in a high degree of flux however.

    Shield of the Righteous -- Now consumes Holy Power to cause damage.

    Holy Shield -- Now a passive ability that causes your Shield of the Righteous to provide 5% block per stack of Holy Power consumed. In other words, you never click Holy Shield. You just click Shield of the Righteous and buff yourself.

    Hammer of the Righteous -- Now generates Holy Power but shares a cooldown with Crusader Strike. Almost all talents that affect one or the other will affect both. The intention is you use Crusader Strike -> Shield of the Righteous for single target and Hammer of the Righteous -> Shield of the Righteous for multitarget.

    Avenger's Shield -- No real change, but it still hits pretty hard. Both CS and HotR can proc Grand Crusader to lower the Avenger's Shield cooldown.

    Vindication -- can be caused only by Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous.

    Holy Wrath -- With the above changes, we think Prot paladins have enough rotational buttons to hit, so we are downplaying Holy Wrath. Holy Wrath is really intended as a Ret filler spell (for when other attacks are on cooldown). Prot could technically use Holy Wrath, but we aren't providing any talent hooks.

    Consecration -- Now on a 10 sec duration with a 30 sec cooldown. The Hallowed Ground talent makes it cheaper and hit harder -- it does not affect duration. Use Consecration when you need it, but you can't spam it. This is consistent with the AE changes we are making to all tanks.

    With these changes in mind, Prot will be thinking about buttons such as these:

    Single Target: Judgement, Crusader Strike, Shield of the Righteous, Avenger's Shield.
    Multi-target: Judgement, Consecration, Hammer of the Righteous, Shield of the Righteous, Avenger's Shield, possibly Holy Wrath.

    None of this includes things like Seals, Inquisition, defensive cooldowns, Word of Glory, etc.

  6. #181
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Improved Judgement: Still feels crap. 3 points is a lot and 5% damage to a single ability per talent point is definitely not an impact you are going to feel, yet as damage it'd be silly not to take it. I'd like to see it be 2 points to fit the flow of the tree better, and I'd like to see it do something to the Judgement debuff in addition to the damage, if only a minor healing boost or something.
    You'll like the new Improved Judgement.
    Holy Wrath, I like that this now generates holy power. I'm just hoping the devs will implement a mechanic through either a talent, baseline or glyphs that will make sure this doesn't end up being a frustrating filler attack. I'm concerned that the dps will be wasted on fights like Ignis (where any dps on the adds that doesn't exceed 5K when they are brittle is a waste) or times where we don't have an AoW proc and have to let the a GCD go unused to prevent breaking CC.
    We changed Divine Purpose yet again (and probably not for the last time) so that it gives Holy Power on almost all specials. This is one of the major sources of unpredictability in the rotation, so we need to get the numbers right where getting extra Holy Power is fun and that the more skilled players can utilize it better.

    We actually want Holy Wrath to feel like a filler. The reason is that we think it's bad gameplay when players have absolutely no gaps in their rotation. Our encounters get increasingly complex to the point where we often ask you to worry about extra things beyond your core rotation. We also don't want things that break up your rotation (like say a knockback or fear) to be horribly punitive (it can be punitive, but shouldn't destroy your dps relative to someone else's).

    To use the specific example, Ret isn't going to want to skip over a Crusader's Strike or Templar's Verdict opportunity except under extreme duress. But missing a Holy Wrath once in awhile won't be devastating. It might be a dps loss, but it won't crater your dps. We want all of the classes to have the occasional GCD with nothing going on, so long as it is truly occasional and not constant. This is less important with casters because they do have short periods while casting to look around and notice the state of the encounter. With the live DKs for example, there is absolutely no time to do anything but mash buttons, or the whole rotation collapses.

  7. #182
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Well in the latest build, we basically get 2 points with no home (I put them in Pursuit) because theres just no real good place to put em, since those 2 rather bad top tier talents are just not good. We are already using Holy Power for 2 of our major DPS spells, and the other is strictly PvP, as you stated.

    So, that said I feel there could be some new 2 point talent in the tree that is useful for our DPS, or adjusting these two rather useless ones to something we can use.
    The goal is that you have extra talent points that discretionary (for all talent trees). If you could find another dps talent to invest in that was a relative no-brainer, then everyone else is going to find it too and that will be the only build everyone uses. With the model you are describing above, you can choose to be the paladin who does a little more healing, or is a little more survivable or has a little more utility. You can even try different builds without changing your specialization to Holy or Prot.

  8. #183
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Shield of the Righteous is back - Slam the target with your shield, causing 3198 plus 100% of your attack power per stack of Holy Power as Holy damage and refreshing the duration of your Holy Shield.
    The actual tooltip says:

    Slam the target with your shield, causing Holy damage. Consumes all applications of Holy Power to determine damage dealt:

    1 Holy Power: 30% Attack Power
    2 Holy Power: 60% Attack Power
    3 Holy Power: 90% Attack Power

    Shield Slam hits for 100% of attack power, but it's physical damage. On the other hand, it doesn't require a secondary resource.
    And it's also usable every 6 seconds. Are there plans to improve the Holy Power generation of protection paladins? Despite having a 6s cooldown as well, SoR is obviously not usable at full power every 6 seconds currently.
    It's not Shield Slam and it's not intended to fill that role. I was merely offering that so players would have a point of comparison for the kind of numbers their attack should produce.

    We had pulled SoR from the beta because it was one of the things that, in our minds, made the Prot paladin and warrior feel too similar. We wanted to bring it back because paladins like the ability, but we didn't want to bring it back as a Shield Slam clone.
    If the damage scales linearly with holy power (30% ap x HP), is there ever a reason to save it up to 3 HP before using it? If so, wouldn't this just become the "hit this whenever it comes off cooldown regardless of HP" because you wouldn't be losing damage from that?
    If you use Shield of the Righteous with 1 stack, you hit softer, which may not be that big a deal since you can do it again after the next Crusader Strike / Hammer of the Righteous. However a 1 stack Shield of the Righteous only grants 5% block, which may be less than you want.

    To add to my previous tooltip, here is Holy Shield. Remember it's a passive now.

    Your Shield of the Righteous hits increase your block chance by 5% per stack of Holy Power consumed. Lasts 20 sec.

    As far as the burst threat concerns go, use Avenger's Shield. It hits very hard in Cataclysm.
    GC, I know you've said in other threads that "Well there will be times to use other things and it's not like you'd really notice the difference if it falls off, maybe you wouldn't have blocked", but you know in your heart it isn't true. If you're tanking you're locked into 3HP ShoRs, and then maybe a 1pt Inquisition or WoG. There will never, ever be a reason to lower Holy Shield in favor of WoG in terms of damage intake, and surely letting holy shield fall off would essentially make the tank's health continue to fall behind even if the heal were used in an emergency.
    First, there is only darkness in my heart.

    Second, we're talking about 15% block here, not 15% damage reduction. Sure over the course of a fight, you'd notice 15% block. But if you let Holy Shield drop for a few seconds you have virtually no way to know if that would even affect the next several seconds of the fight. Would you have blocked anyway? Great! You didn't need the Holy Shield. Would the boss have hit you even with the extra 15% block? Bummer, you wasted Holy Shield. If it's a dragon breathing on you, then the block does nothing.

    We want Prot to be able to use Word of Glory sometimes and we're evaluating the best way to make that happen. We don't want a model where Prot uses the heal on cooldown because then we just have to assume it's up all the time and it feels more like something you have to maintain instead of something you can use for emergencies.

    We're less sure about Inquisition. It's fine if Ret is designed around keeping it up nearly all the time because they're only spending Holy Power on damage attacks otherwise. With Holy Shield though it might feel like Prot needs to keep two Holy Power-based things running, which is probably two much to ask of a tank. In the prior model you could choose Inquisition's damage instead of Holy Shield's mitigation, but with the new Shield of the Righteous model, we realize that's probably not going to happen so we need to evaluate if that's okay.
    I guess I just noticed the part I underlined. That seems to suggest that ShoR has no cooldown at all. That's a very good thing. It gives you more choice when to use it, since it's limited by holy power anyway.
    Correct. It doesn't need a cooldown since Holy Power provides one. If you don't need the block you could choose quantity of shield smacks over quality.

  9. #184
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Here is the current design we have in our local builds. It might not appear in the next beta build, but could be the one after that. There's also a chance we will have changed it again before you get a chance to try it.

    Holy Shield is a 15% block buff with a 20 sec duration. It no longer has stacks and can be overwritten to refresh its duration. It is caused by both Shield of the Righteous and Inquisition. You can Crusader Strike -> Shield of the Righteous over and over if you'd like, but the Shield of the Righteous will hit for much less without 3 stacks (it will hit softer with <3 stacks than it does today, more like TV does in the beta). Likewise, Inquisition will fall off pretty quickly without 3 stacks (with 3 stacks it lasts 12 sec for Prot and 30 sec for Ret), so there is some motivation to go for the longer buff.

    The idea is that you can use Shield of the Righteous for single targets or use Inquisition to buff a larger variety of abilities when AE tanking. Furthermore, if you ever let Holy Shield drop off, you should be able to get it back up pretty quickly at full strength.

    There is a chance we will allow Word of Glory to also proc Holy Shield, but we're very concerned about the right way to play becoming to just spam heals on yourself. We still don't want you to have to keep up both Inquisition and a 3 stack Shield of the Righteous at once, because we think that crosses the line into being too maintenance-y, and once you can do it, you'll feel like you have to do it.

  10. #185
    Il Fantasma
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Letto ora nel forum di gilda:

    Rets have recieved a gap closer in the newest build of the beta:

    Improved Judgement (2 ranks) Increases the range of your Judgements by 10/20 yards.

    Long arm of the Law (Requires Improved Judgements, 2 ranks) Your judgement has a 100% chance to increase your movement speed by 30% for 4 sec when used on targets at or further than 15 yards from you.


    In addition, Librams now have stats and sockets.

  11. #186
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Fenris
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    In realtà hanno tolto il "gap closer" a ret

    Il judgement of justice è diventato il seal of justice.....

    ...ovvero "devo arrivarti in melee e picchiarti per rallentarti,togliendomi pure il seal che fa danno"

    Il bello è che quando han fatto quella modifica GC era intervenuto con un simpatico "Non vi mancherà mica il vecchio stun-a-random?" e la risposta è stata "Si,perchè questo è ancora più inutile"

    Ora questa...Cosa....E' un tentativo di correggere la prima boiata...Ma nell'insieme è poco utile (non stacka con PoJ per dirne una,quindi gia parte non essendo il 30% in più)
    Ultima modifica di Fenris; 14-08-10 alle 15:58:25

  12. #187
    Il Fantasma
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Si, mi rendo conto che al momento è quasi inutile, ma ho preso la notizia come un "è possibile che stiano finalmente prendendo in considerazione il problema del kiting? ".

    Il judgement of justice è diventato il seal of justice.....
    Heh, ma seriamente? Questa me la sono persa, sapevo del cambiamento al Seal, ma pensavo fosse complementare al nuovo modello di judgment (Light+Justice)...

    Link please?

  13. #188
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ExEcUtIoNeR
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    L'attuale build mi sembra "un filo" buggata, con il pala retri facerollando si trishottano i mob (che ricordiamo hanno 30k di vita).

    Exorcism da 22k

    ieri ho fatto un breve video a Vash'jir per mostrarvi l'esageratazze estrema

  14. #189
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Minastir
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    Somewhere far beyond

    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da ExEcUtIoNeR Visualizza Messaggio
    L'attuale build mi sembra "un filo" buggata, con il pala retri facerollando si trishottano i mob (che ricordiamo hanno 30k di vita).

    Exorcism da 22k

    ieri ho fatto un breve video a Vash'jir per mostrarvi l'esageratazze estrema
    Beh ieri stavo volando per Azeroth...ho attivato Crusader Aura + Aura Mastery e ho volato a velocità supersonica...molto più veloce di quanto si dovrebbe andare con questi buffs.... e il bello è che il buff di aura mastery una volta applicato non terminava mai !!! Spettacolo !

  15. #190
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ExEcUtIoNeR
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    ah si, anche la crusader è buggatissima, si nota specie volando rasente al suolo che è anormale

    anche correndo con la mount terrestre fa ridere

  16. #191
    La Borga
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da ExEcUtIoNeR Visualizza Messaggio
    ah si, anche la crusader è buggatissima, si nota specie volando rasente al suolo che è anormale

    anche correndo con la mount terrestre fa ridere
    Ma che strano: anche in questa beta hanno scazzato coi danni del paladino

  17. #192
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ExEcUtIoNeR
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    Finchè è in beta... Il problema è se va in live

  18. #193
    Il Puppies L'avatar di theddy
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview


    secondo voi non fa poco danno????

  19. #194
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ExEcUtIoNeR
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    I numeri li devono ancora sistemare, per ora si concentrano sulle meccaniche.
    Cmq. si, così com'è fa poco danno.

  20. #195
    Il Puppies L'avatar di MazingaZ
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Nelle ultime patch ho visto solo nerf dal dps del paladino...paura...

  21. #196
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ExEcUtIoNeR
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    In beta sono lvl 82, ora come ora diminuirei il danno di exorcism (che è un proc random) e aumenterei il danno del judgement.

    Però globalmente il dps non mi sembra niente male.

    (sicuramente non puoi più burstare come in wotlk).

  22. #197
    La Borga
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da MazingaZ Visualizza Messaggio
    Nelle ultime patch ho visto solo nerf dal dps del paladino...paura...
    Lol, non cominciamo a piangere prim'ancora della release

  23. #198
    Il Puppies L'avatar di MazingaZ
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    I paladini non sono veri paladini se non whinano e piangono

  24. #199
    Il Puppies L'avatar di Zealot
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Sono discretamente contento della nuova meccanica di Holy Power. Trovo positivo inoltre avere una rotazione per bersaglio singolo ed una per bersagli multipli. CS/HotR come unica sorgente di HP mi sembra un po' pochino al momento ma probabilmente è perchè non sono ancora abituato.

    Le modifiche all' AoE threath però sono traumatizzanti... ho usato più Righteous Defense ed Hand of Reckoning ieri che negli ultimi 6 mesi.

    EDIT: Ardent defender mi sembra un po' deboluccio al momento come talento finale del ramo Protection.
    Ultima modifica di Zealot; 15-10-10 alle 08:54:41

  25. #200

    Predefinito Riferimento: [Cataclysm] Paladin preview

    Ieri ho fatto icc con il pala insieme a dudu resto (vestito con item da dps) e curavo la metà di lui in quasi tutti i boss.... spero di essere nabbo io con le nuove spell

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