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  1. #1

    Predefinito [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Non si sa mai cosa un Invocatore potrebbe estrarre dal suo cilindro. Un Elementale della Terra? Un Carnagor? Oppure una Maledizione di Brom? Qui possiamo discutere di quale ventaglio di abilità sia più adatto per un buon Invocatore, e magari narrarci le proprie esperienze in proposito

  2. #2
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Obi-Fran Kenobi
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    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Al momento (livello 26) la build che mi ha convinto di più è quella più offensiva.
    Una manciata (dai 4 ai 6) di elementali di fuoco (potenziati -al momento di 6 punti-), uno della forza a prendere le veci del Carnagor e due tossici che fanno un male maledetto (ad area), e l'Orditore, con qualche punto in Colpo Spettrale (invece la seconda abilità non mi ha convinto).

    Attributi pompati su Volontà, ovviamente, e qualche punticino a Resistenza se si trova particolare equipaggiamento sgravo ma esoso in requisiti.

    Motto della build: distruggi tutto quello che si muove prima che arrivi a toccarti.

    Pro della build:
    - nelle situazioni con nemici mediamente forti, gli elementali e l'Orditore fanno quasi tutto il lavoro sporco da soli, e tu sei libero di succhiare vita in giro, lanciare maledizioni o andare in bagno.
    - Tutto tende ad esplodere in mille pezzi. Il rosso del sangue si mescola all'arancio del fuoco e al verde del danno tossico in un bellissimo affresco di morte e distruzione.

    Contro della build:
    - tutti i punti attributi devono andare necessariamente sulla volontà, che non è comunque mai abbastanza.
    - tocca tenere COSTANTEMENTE un occhio sul numero di elementali, perchè muoiono più spesso della build con il Carnagor, e vanno rievocati al volo.
    - dipendenza stretta dai minion.

    Diciamo più o meno una roba del genere, anche se i punti agli elementali son messi a caso, non sapendo a quanto si può arrivare di Volontà a quel livello.

    All'inizio ho provato anche a usare una formazione più "classica", con il Carnagor a tankare e gli elementali a sparare ranged... Le abilità del Carnagor sono belle e funzionano bene, ma mi piace molto di più vedere esplodere in mille pezzi i nemici.
    Ultima modifica di Obi-Fran Kenobi; 10-12-07 alle 18:24:00

  3. #3
    Il Niubbi L'avatar di Deadeye
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    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Direttamente da forum ufficiale la guida al summoner http://forums.hellgatelondon.com/showthread.php?t=23150
    l'utente in questione propone svariate possibili build per ogni tipo di gioco
    (pve,pvp,solopve) e diverse tattiche per affrontare i vari livelli.
    Personalmente la trovo molto completa....(mi sono quasi invogliato a farmi un summoner) a voi la sentenza

  4. #4
    Il Niubbi L'avatar di Deadeye
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    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Per coloro che dovessero avere problemi con il forum copio incollo direttamente

    A Summoner's Guide

    "Answers await for all who seek them."

    ToC (Table of Contents):
    Skill Abilities List
    Skill Point Allocation
    Possible Summoner Builds
    Game Overview: In the Eyes of a Summoner
    Summoner Minion Abilities
    Game Tactics
    FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
    Power Costs

    Hello, I am Kyoji, better known as Fiss in the gaming community. I am here today to provide some information on the class I feel has been overshadowed by other classes; the Summoner. The builds I present in this guide are by no means for everyone to try and are things I have personally made up through my discussions with others from my guild Xen of Onslaught and from the general HG:L community. My mindset is that of an offensive PvP and group orriented build but will try and throw in a few solo and run-of-the-mill PvE builds. I will try and entertain possibilities from all standpoints and not just from my own. I would love to hear feedback, comments, and dicussion about my guide so that I may update it to further help the Summoner Community. With that being said, lets get started...

    Some Level 50 Screenshots of my Level 50 Summoner

    Please do not flame excessivley, as this is a guide I made up of my own free time and took some time to make for people like you to view. Not everything I say will be agreed upon, please remember this is just what I think.

    Warning: This guide is long and may cause severe head hemorrages and excessive eye bleeding. Reades be forewarned.

    Skill Abilities List:
    Here I will discuss the skills and abilities open for the Summoner and the Pros and Cons to each mind-set the way I see them. Again, this is in no way definite and is based off what I have experienced/and or read and heard. I have included dashes ( - ) to represent the levels to which you must procede in order to gain that ability. You will see each spell broken into Group PvE, Solo PvE, and PvP the three main categories of the game thus far. Each category will have a number range such as (1/10) menaing the power provides little utility for that area where as a (10/10) means the power is essential for that area. The useful numbers are categorized and ranged from 1-10.

    Please Note: that (7/10) is NOT how many points to put into the ability but how useful it is on a scale of 1-10! We will cover how many points to put into each skill later on when we discuss build ideas and concepts.

    Support Tree:

    Afterlife - Drains life from a nearby corpse to regain HP. Generally considered to be a staple power for many since its required for Blink, Elemental Drain, Brom's Curse, etc.

    * PvP - (1/10) Not useful in PvP as its generally 1v1 and there will be no corpses to drain life from, however is very useful for getting Blink or Elemental Drain.
    * Group PvE - (8/10) Useful for regaining health not only in small teams but larger ones as well so you can keep up your grind. Very useful.
    * Solo PvE - (8/10) More useful than in groups as you will not have anyone to heal you as you progess further into the level and relying on your Witch Doctor would be ill-advised, especially if playing in hardcore mode.

    - Blood Surge - A tool used to transfer health into arcane power. Something that can be useful if you have a power-intensive build.

    * PvP - (3/10) More often than not you will be low on power, however, taking away your own life force is a bad thing in more ways than one. This power can be useful in situational standpoints in conjunction with Blink, however, by itself is nearly useless.
    * Group PvE - (4/10) Same with the PvP aspect, it just doesnt bring anything useful to the table. Its a tradeoff, not an advantage. Gicing away your HP for power is something that should not be done often, especially in situations where you may actually need to do such a thing, however, is a bit more useful in Group PvE as you can have someone back you up.
    * Solo PvE - (3/10) It just isnt worth the fact that you must give up your own HP for a spot of power to which is highly situational.

    - - Blink - Ability to teleport foward several meters.

    * PvP - (8/10) Blink is one of those powers where it helps you to get away from someone, especially melee, disorient them and make you not such an easy target to hit. It is worse than the Evokers version in the sense that we have a much lower power pool, even though out net power is the same, we have elementals to cast out which drains from our power source thus limiting the number of spells we can cast. A Niche build we will talk about later is one that utilizes this and Blood Surge. Read the FaQ for more info. Putting at least 1 point into this will help greatly against melee classes.
    * Group PvE - (2/10) When grouped it is not nearly as useful as PvP simply because your pets dont travel with you, thus your damage is al but with you as you travel. The Warper will travel with you but NOT due to the skill blink, only due to his own accord. If group PvP is what your wanting to do then this is not the power for you.
    * Solo PvE - (6/10) much better than Group PvP. This allows you to escape and regenerate and even 1 point can mean the difference between life and death while your health injector is recharging. If you decide to pick this ability up I would only throw 1 point into it for "Oh, crap" situations.

    - Drain Life - An ability that well, drains life from an opponent.

    * PvP - (6/10) When utilized in PvP this may prove to be of some use in staying alive for just a bit longer. This should not be relied on too much but, when you are forbidden to use Health Injectors in duels this can sometimes make all the difference. The only bad thing is the power/per second.
    * Group PvE - (6/10) Not as useful in Group PvE since you can always have an ancillary healer and you are not relying on yourself as much to stay alive, however is still nice.
    * Solo PvE - (7/10 A useful thing for solo grinding. Although not as useful as Afterlife it is useful to pick up, especially since you will probably want to go Elemental Drain anyway.

    - - Brom's Curse - Attacking a target will give you HP back. HP given back is based off your health as already mentioned and can only be gained once every 1 second.

    * PvP - (5/10) This comes to somehwhat useful, however, the amount recieved depends on the total HP uou, the caster. While some discount the idea of Broms Curse I personally have found its effects to be of some use when fighting bosses and I can therefore make a reasonable assumption of its use against other players. Don't waste too any slots here but, again if your picking up Elemental Drain then you dont have much of a choice anyway.
    * Group PvE - (7/10) What would seem to be completly useless, it allows you to recieve HP/ per hit which if grouped you will easily be grabbing up and killing more than 10 targets. This works very well with a Warper/Spectral set which uses aoe's. This will help keep you alive much better than if you did not have this.
    * Solo PvE - (8/10) Updated; while you may have to spam the ability it will keep you alive very well and will let you grind out entire rooms a if you were a tank. Combined with Word of Fear this can make to be a very powerful combination.

    - - - Elemental Drain - A widely used power, it reduces the targest elemental defence while raising yours.

    * PvP - (6/10) A very useful tactic in PvP, a reduction as significant as this is one that need not be passed up. 1 slot will reduce the targets elemental defence by 25% and boost yours by 60% a must when fighting evokers and other summoners. Not as useful until resistence/defence becomes more of an issue. Does not seem to work atm.
    * Group PvE - (7/10) Looking ahead if there are any noteworthy bosses then this will come in very handy and will boost your damage as well as everyone else who uses elemental damage. Not needed in Nightmare Mode but, perhaps if they implement raiding?
    * Solo PvE - (6/10) Least useful out of the 3 but, still useful for bosses and harder mobs which you will see in later levels, especially in Hardcore and Elite mode.

    Word of Fear - Fears the enemy causing demons to flee in terror.

    * PvP - (1/10) Completly useless, with 1 point it does nothing...all the time. Works on people, but wont actually send them running. Needs to be tested more for a definitive answer.
    * Group PvE - (5/10) Useful for getting rid of adds and reducing damage taken by reducing the number of mobs attacking your group.
    * Solo PvE - (8/10) Very useful for solo grinding, its a very useful lifesaver and staple to any serious solo build.

    Elemental Tree:

    Fire Elemental - Conjure these to fight for you. Reduces Power Pool by 35 as of the latest patch. Does fire damage and damage over time.

    * PvP - (10/10) Generally speaking DoT's are worse than direct damage because people can mitigate more DoT's than direct damage. However, since you have to put a point in here and since they do good damage, even after the ignite damage has been reduced, this is a worthy place to add a few points. Fire > Storm.
    * Group PvE - (9/10) Even better in groups since you dont have to worry about the little buggers dying on you causing gaps in DPS. They push out a constant stream of damage.
    * Solo PvE - (9/10) Due to thier low health they die fast, even after the patch. They will sometimes cause gaps in your damage but, picking up a few of these early will give you a hige advantage in early leveling as they will be your primary damage source.

    - Mastery of the Flame - A passive ability that increases Fire Elemental damage.

    * PvP - (10/10) Want more bang for your buck? Tired of having low power pools? Want to use a blink setup? This is the eay to go in combination with fire elementals could very possibly prove to be one of the most devastating builds for summoners out there. Did I mention it wa a passive? Great!
    * Group PvE - (9/10) Not nearly as useful as if you were solo and had to use more casting spells to save your butt such as blink or drain life, however still very good for nuking down mobs at a quick rate. If you go with fire, go all the way!
    * Solo PvE - (910) A good way to stay alive and use multiple things such as drain life, blink, summoning circle, etc. This will free up some power space allowing you to cast more. Very useful as it buffs damage by 100% when slotted fully.

    Spectral Elemental - Conjure these to fight for you. Reduces Power Pool by 64 as of the latest patch. Power Cost scales with levels. Uses dark energy damage.

    * PvP - (2/10) Gave it a 4 out of 10 because its weak, it does aoe damage and is primarily a close range combatant. The plus side is that it phases enemies which in turn increases damage amongst other things. Not as good as the other because you have to slot him for him to be really useful. In trials conducted with 1 slot it never hit a player.
    * Group PvE - (9/10) A nice utility for groups which it does a nice amount of AoE damage and with a group is less likely to bite the dust as fast.
    * Solo PvE - (8/10) Not as good as groups but always one of my favorites for solo play. He generally has more HP than the fire elementals so he doesnt die as much as them but, does some sick aoe damage that helps whittle away mobs. A very nice addition.

    Force Elemental - Conjure these to fight for you. Reduces Power Pool by 95 as of the latest patch. Uses physical melee damage.

    * PvP - (8/10) Melee damage that is designed to tank. You wont pull aggro off a player using standard tanking techniques. They do low damage, lowered even more after the patch and are only useful for Nova spamming. Very useful for stunning your enemy. Each hit will have a very high chance to stun, vene on guardians! You will ONLY need about 2 but no more than 5.
    * Group PvE - (7/10) Again, you will most likely have a tank on your team or blademaster to absorb damage so these guys wont be needed as much. They do low damage but are useful for Nova spamming. useful for keeping multiple enemies busy.
    * Solo PvE - (9/10) Almost essential for solo builds they use the ability to tank rather than your carnagor and you can nova spam, cant do that with a carnagor. Much better choice for tanking. 2 of these guys will replace a carnagor.

    Storm Elemental - Conjure these to fight for you. Reduces Power Pool by 55 as of the latest patch. Uses Electric damage.

    * PvP - (410) - With the nerf in the patch, they do not match up to fire's damage...even when attacking ranged targets. Put slots into fire and master of the flame, otherwise be prepared to be disapointed. It may be a wise investment to pick up 1-2 for various proc stacking.
    * Group PvE - (7/10) Something that works so well as to deal damage, take a moderate amount of damage, and has a shock ability can't be too far off from good. These guys will help perform your job as a DPS machine more easier assuming that is the job you wish to take.
    * Solo PvE - (6/10) Again, they will allow you to stay alive more so than the fire elementals and will do good damage, they are a staple to any build.

    Toxic Elemental - Conjure these to fight for you. Reduces Power Pool by 35 as of the latest patch. Uses Toxic damage.

    * PvP - (7/10) Not much is known about these guys and thier effects on mobs. They have toxic attacks which will do some DoT's and leave behind a toxic residue which will damage enemies. there has been speculation on whether they slow or prevent healing, not much is known at this time on that subject. They are your third string damage dealers and after the patch could easily take second string with thier nice abilities, damage, and HP, plus they dont cost very much to bring out. I could be under-rating these guys some so please use your best judgement when coming to a conclusion.
    * Group PvE - (9/10) Provide more options than regular fire elementals and can dish out some major hurt. Always a nice add to any group. Did I mention they do splash damage as well?
    * Solo PvE - (8/10) Maybe a bit more so needed solo than on a team they do DoT so that could allow mobs to get thier last few hits in which is a bad thing if your solo, but allow for splash damage which is awesome for runing through mobs quickly.

    Elemental Nova - An AoE around each group of elementals (very important here) that causes all elementals to do 100% more special damage over a period of time. Costs 74 power to activate. Allows you to proc more on ignite, etc.

    * PvP - (7/10) Allows you to proc more. Since you will want to stand away from your elementals so they stay safe from aoe's fire elementals, toxic, and storm elementals will often not recieve this unless you can perform some nice moves to get in cast and get out without causing too much damage to your pets. With that being said you should put 1 point into this so you can get Master of Elements which is your true prize at the end of the maze.
    * Group PvE - (8/10) A good ability in group PvE as you can stay near your little pets and make sure you get as many as you can. With a team pressure is taken off to assemble them giving you more time to do this. Since your caster elementals tend to follow you more the closer to action you get the better chance for nbova effecting the mobs. Useful for taking down those high HP mobs (ignite).
    * Solo PvE - (7/10) If you picked up a bunch of force elementals for solo play 5+ then your on your way to having some fun. Only reason it doesnt get a 10 is because damage was reduced in the last patch so if you want to run through mobs you will need more than an army of 10 force elementals and nova.

    - Master of the Elements - Elemental summoning power reduced. This allows you to summon more elementals and is a STAPLE for elemental builds.

    * PvP - (9/10) Pretty much a must if you want to have a bunch of elementals running around doing lots of damage and to keep yourself up with cast spells.
    * Group PvE - (9/10) Not as important in PvP or Solo PvE but still a very nice ability to keep churning out the DPS.
    * Solo PvE - (9/10) A very very nice addition to any solo PvEer who is worth thier proverbial salt. This allows you to cast more saving spells, support spells, and crank out more elementals...your choice, but either way a very good addition to your spell list.
    Ultima modifica di Deadeye; 13-12-07 alle 20:03:15

  5. #5
    Il Niubbi L'avatar di Deadeye
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    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Chiedo scusa anticipatamente per la sequela di post, purtroppo la guida e' troppo lunga, sono costretto a dividerla in piu' parti..il mio non e' spam

    Demon Tree:

    Blood Link - Ability to sacrifice health to a minion to heal said minion.

    * PvP - (1/10) Horrible. Very very situational and so rare I cannot fathom a possibility to where you may need to do this other than some noob attacking your elementals rather than you.
    * Group PvE - (3/10) In a group you wont need to rely on keeping a specific pet of yours alive. So a rare occasion you wont need to slot this othet than to get summoning circle.
    * Solo PvE - (7/10) A very viable option for solo players who just must have thier carnagor, or witch doctor stay alive. because if your pets fall so will you. Still situational, but can happen much more often than not.

    - Summoning Circle - Increases the overall health of minions. ONLY works with Demons

    * PvP - (5/10) It is still useful to keep your pets alive from all the aoes that players have in this game. A PvP must? No, but useful none the less. Again this only works well with Warper for PvP as it stands now.
    * Group PvE - (4/10) Not nearly as useful in group settings as you will be constantly on the move and if your on the right team your pets and you shouldnt take a whole lot of damage.
    * Solo PvE - (7/10) Much more prevalent in solo PvE this is viable when you need to gear up for a big battle or you just aggroed some extra mobs. Grabbing up adds are never fun but with this you wont have to worry about taking the added damage if your running a carnagor, witch doctor or Warper.

    Carnagor - A demon which surpases others in tanking and holding off aggro.

    * PvP - (3/10) Tanking pets are horrid in PvP. if you are serious about PvP find a weapon with a carnagor on it and skip picking him up alltogether.
    * Group PvE - (3/10) Again, on a team you shouldnt be the one tanking, if you want to travel with an evoker lets say then yeah it can be of some use, but I would still go with the Witch Doctor Force Elemental combo.
    * Solo PvE - (10/10) Your bread and butter for solo play, this is your single most important asset in your arsenal. I rarely like to give out 10 points but, this one deserves it. A Witch Doctor is nice but its no carnagor.

    - Meat Shield - Cast ability to make the carnagor to draw aggro and increase rate of movement.

    * PvP - (3/10) Useless in PvP unless it auto-draws attention like a taunt.
    * Group PvE - (3/10) Also pretty bad in Group PvE unless your duoing with an evoker.
    * Solo PvE - (7/10) Useful, but remember, the Carnagor can draw aggro by himself pretty well if done correctly, but only if life were that easy, for everything else there is Walgreens...no there is Meat Shield.

    - Enrage - Increases Carnagor's damage.

    * PvP - (4/10) You shouldnt be using a carnagor, however, if you must then a slot in here wouldnt hurt.
    * Group PvE - (4/10) Same thing as above for PvP, if you must then a single slot in here will suffice for some added damage.
    * Solo PvE - (9/10) Not a must, but it definatley helps...and by a lot. Since you wont have a warper or WD out you need to keep the rest of your minions healed and have your Carnagor dishing out damage. This will help with that. A very useful power for a very useful pet.

    Witch Doctor - A Demon which uses healing abilities to help your crusade, whatever it may be.

    * PvP - (8/10) The hardest choice for a PvPer is my opinion is whether to go with a Witch Doctor or Warper. And unfortunatley for you, I don't have an answer either. A Witch Doctor will heal you and your pets giving you more survivability. Whether you want a Warper or Witch Doctor (WD). One is essential. Slotting this guy will provide a constant stream of energy.
    * Group PvE - (8/10) A very nice addition to any team, he will heal your pets and yourself keeping you out of trouble and allowing you to focus on DPS more.
    * Solo PvE - (6/10) Not as useful as a carnagor but can have its uses in solo PvE venues. Healing makes it nice when AoE grinding.

    - Hand of Nostrum - Allows the Witch Doctor to heal with greater frequency with multiple beams.

    * PvP - (4/10) If you decide to go with a Witch Doctor, and if you are picking this power and have read my guide I will assume you have. Points are better spent on increased rate of heal rather than healing more than 1 target.
    * Group PvE - (7/10) Not as useful as it may be in PvP it is still a very nice power to pick up in a group. It will allow you to keep your pets alive longer.
    * Solo PvE - (7/10) Very nice when used with the Witch Doctor and can be the saving grace of your existence while solo. Keeping you and your pets alibe is priority #1, this helps greatly with that.

    - Dominate - Take control over a demon with a single cast.

    * PvP - (1/10) Unless a player counts as a demon then this isnt a very useful power for a PvPer.
    * Group PvE - (4/10) Allows you to take control over bosses since last patch. Unclear on whether they will change this. However, it allows you to eliminate an enemy from the battle immediatley.
    * Solo PvE - (5/10) More useful than in a group setting for getting out of trouble, but all in all your points would be better spent elsewhere.

    Warper - A damage based pet with ranged aoe's amongst other things. He is your nuker.

    * PvP - (8/10) Useful for PvP with its phasing ability, high damage, and range. Its downsides are its low health. Keep him safe or loose him forever. he will be nuking the enemy while hopefully the enemy is targeting you, although after a few months many will realize to kill it first if it becomes too overpowered for them to fight you while getting nuked.
    * Group PvE - (8/10) Useful in the fact that you wont have to worry about its weakness as much...its low health. this is an awesome guy for groups since he can sit back and nuke while others take aggro. He works well with force elementals. Excellent late game.
    * Solo PvE - (6/10) Carnagor is generally better for solo PvE, however, he has the ability to nuke while force elementals take the damage. So still a viable option, you will just have to micromanage more.

    - Spellstorm - Increases Phase damage.

    * PvP - (9/10) Phase is a wonderful thing, and increasing it makes it all the more sweter. If you pick up a Warper this will be your bread and butter move.
    * Group PvE - (8/10) Phase is awesome, although not as important in groups because the mobs will die faster before phase can really start its usefulness. Still a very nice addition to add in combination with Spectral Strike is a very powerful ability.
    * Solo PvE - (9/10) You will want the extra phasing damage provided with this as well as the range so prepare to grab up spectral strike.

    - Spectral Stike - An ability which increases the damage radius of the warper.

    * PvP - (5/10) Not nearly as important as someother things but if you have the sloting, extra damage radius cant hurt. However, since your only targeting one person the range wont make a difference anyways as he will jsust get as close as he needs to be to kill the enemy. Useful against other summoners.
    * Group PvE - (8/10) More damage, more targets, more mayhem. This shines in group PvE as you will often be grabbing up a lot of mobs to kill.
    * Solo PvE - (7/10) Not as useful as group PvE but still quite useful. It will extend the range or your damage making more enemies feel the pain of the Warper. Make sure your warper doesnt draw too much aggro or you will be re-summoning him after every battle's end.

    Reaper - A demon constructed with high damage, high health but only for a short period of time.

    * PvP - (6/10) A very useful point to be spent here. At the moment he is broken and can be summoned with a 200 second cooldown. This is nice for PvP to some extent, however. if you put points into him put ALL 10, otherwise he will die as you wait to start the duel!
    * Group PvE - (6/10) Unless your tanking bosses, then this guy with his long recharge isnt worth the points spent.
    * Solo PvE - (6/10) Better for getting out of crappy situations than anything he will be your last resort "of crap" button that will have a long recharge (200 seconds). I would stay away from putting many points into him if you can. Excellent end game.

    Skill Point Allocations:
    Here I will discuss where to put your points and how to manage them. The data is gathered from your ability to level 49 times and quest stat changes.

    Your most basic abilities and strenghts come from Willpower which will grant you numerous things. Secondly you will want to throw points into stamina for extra protection with even less in the other stats with accuracy bringing up the rear. The ratio will be:

    3 Willpower for every 1 Stamina and 4 Stamina for every 1 Strength then 2 Strength for every 1 Accuracy.

    So this would look like...


    So out of every 35 points you get, your distribution should look something like the ratio above to where you will end up with something like this...

    Willpower: 260
    Stamina: 80
    Strength: 25
    Accuracy: 12.5

    +/- 2.5 points for any stat of your choosing.

    NOTE: The numbers represent the skill points added, not the entire stat itself.

    (Will update this at a later time)

    Possible Summoner Builds:
    Here I will post some frequent and infrequent builds that one may use and a few pros and cons with each build to help you get on your way to making your final decision or to help guide you on your path.

    Blink Builds - Blink Builds focus on movement and ability to strafe attacks while allowing thier pets to nuke. The plus side to this is that since you dont cast as much as an evoker you get the full benefit from Blink, the downside is you have to micro-manage your power pool so that you have enough to cast, have your pets out and blink around. this tactic can be coupled with Drain Life for the added protection.

    Nova Builds - Primarily useful for PvP and PvE this build uses a lot of Force elementals and Nova to do damage. The downside is that damage is lower since the last patch reduced damage on force elementals and the nova option is less viable for PvP. Also, to nova you have to be in melee range which means the enemy can hit you in melee range as well. Going melee for melee with an actual melee class while your a caster/summoner class is often stupid, however, if you can incorporate Drain Life and Broms Curse. Drain Life to supplement your own life and Broms to suplement your minions from AoE damage. Another downside is that fire elementals will ruin the build since the nova always fires around them so make sure the enemyt is NEAR your fire elementals.

    Stamina Builds - Using your ability to regenerate health as a pre-cursor for being able to stay alive longer. While dishing out a constant stream of DPS from your elementals, your focus is on staying alive through Drain Life, Witch Doctor with HoN slotted. This can also be used with Blink, but not focused around it.

    DPS Builds - These builds focus high damage, using Warper with Storm or Fire elementals as the main damage source with a few toxic and no spectral, and a few force elementals. This build will use the high DPS to kill the enemy before they go down and is often a rush to kill build.

    PvP Builds
    Standard Warper
    Pros: Warper can phase and deal out massive amounts of damage.
    Cons: Warper dies fast and will require more finnese.
    Standard Witch Doctor
    Pros: The build deals out less damage but survivability is increased.
    Cons: Does not have the high burst damage that a warper build might have.
    Fire Mastery Build
    Pros: Ability to focus on one typ eof damage, that being Fire which does massive amounts of damage when combined with fire elementals and fire mastery.
    Cons: Requires more slotting and more micro management
    Storm Mastery Build
    Pros: Requires less points since you do not have to slot mastery as much and allows you to allocate your points in other areas. Less effective since patch.
    Cons: Increased costs for these bad boys. For every 3 of these you could have 4 Fire Elementals.
    Blink Build 1 (Survive Semi-Blink) /Blink Build 2 (Nuke Semi-Blink)
    Pros: Ability to Blink around the map disorienting targets and keeping them off you while you have your pets nuke. Using Nova with your Force elementals will allow you backup plans rather than just blinking.
    Cons: More skilled build which has much less damage than other builds. Stuns will hurt...a lot.

    Took out the other blink builds due to non-functionability.

    PvE Builds
    Standard Carnagor
    Pros: Carnagor is one of the ultimate survival builds and is good for hardcore modes of play.
    Cons: Slow leveling later on and provies little utility for teams.
    Hybrid Carnagor
    Pros: Faster leveling with more options.
    Cons: More dimensions to master including the management of your aggro.
    Force/Nova Build
    Pros: You can use Force Elementals both offensivley and defensivley with Nova making for a powerful combo also allowing your warper more room to nuke due to the extra aggro machines.
    Cons: Tend to do bad on teams and are slow to level.

    There are a hundred different builds with different variants. These are just a few I conjured. I will perfect these as comments flood in and people give me some feedback on them as I have not spent as much time perfecting them as I had wished.

    Will add more...date to be announced.

  6. #6
    Il Niubbi L'avatar di Deadeye
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    III* ed ultima parte..poi mi ritiro nel mio bozzolo

    Game Overview - In the Eyes of a Summoner
    Here I will discuss game progession as you play a summoner.
    Levels 1-10: Primary focus and concern shouuld be finding a gun with carnagor on it or putting at least 1 point into him and focusing on fie elementals to supplement damage.

    Levels 11-20: Here you will casually shift from the carnagor to using more fire elementals to kill the enemy before you loose your elementals. Once you cannot put anymore points into fire elementals put them into Mastery of the Flame. Picking up Spectral early on is also fairly important for early grinding if your not going for a PvP build.

    Levels 21-30: The end game will creep up on you shortly so be prepared with a set of at least 2 force elementals to do some tanking and an army of fire elementals with a supplemntary spectral, at least 1 of each of the following: Storm and Toxic. Picking up a Warper will help greatly later in the game, pick him up ASAP and start slotting him for at least 4 by 30. Also, start decideding and putting a few points into you subsidiary trakcs be it elemental drain, summoning circle, or blink.

    Nightmare Mode: This should be started at no lower than 28, and usually around 30, preferably not over 30 however. After you get done with Holbrook the fun will start. Go ahead and finish up the quests until it asks you to travel to covent station. Now time for grinding. Grind out a few levels in Garden Market and Bloomsbury (preferably not British Museum). After you hit the general level range of around 32-33 start heading to charging cross and read the next part of the guide below.

    Levels 31-40: Starting on your side objectives be it blink, elemental drain, or summoning circle will ensure a smooth ride through Nightmare Mode as you near the finish have at least 1 point into each by the time you hit 30 and clear the game. Clearing the game any sooner than 30 may hurt later leveling, however anything above 28 should have few problems. In Nightmare Mode mobs will jump in levels drastically from train station to train station and will be around 38 by the time you try and hit charring cross and 40ish near green park. Finish every quest you can and get as much xp as you can before moving along, this is where skipping parts will not be acceptable.

    Nightmare Mode: More tips for Nightmare Mode. Here you will be around 32-33 hopefully and we can start our work in Picadilly approach. Mobs there should be level 38 or so and now you know why I had you grind out to 32 in Covent. Here we will go back and forth from Picadilly (first stage ~ not circus unless you can handle it) to garden Market then Bloomsburry and rinse and repeat back to Picadilly. Continue this patern until you reach level 35-36. Now you can start to finish up the Green Park quests you should now have saved up. Head to Green Park station grinding along the way anything and every mob in your path. After you get to Green Park head to Savile Row and get to Oxford Circus Station and grab up those quests. Travel back to Charing Cross station and grind in Picadilly, Picadilly Circus and a Step into Hell (inside hellrift). Then grind back to Green Park back and forth until you hit level 36.5-37. Now we will work on those Green Park quests. Once we finish them we will be able to grind in Picadilly and Admirality Arch until you hit level 37.5-38 which we will switch from Admirality Arch to Craven which should have lvl 42 or so mobs. Picadilly even though they are even level offers great XP for some reason so we continue grinding Picadilly, Craven, etc until you get to 39 or even 40. Once we hit 40 we can start working on Mind of 314. Complete Mind of 314 to get to the next stage.

    Levels 41-50: By now you should have most of your powers that you really want already put in and probably even 1-2 skill points saved up for the deciding facotr you have not quite made yet. This is fine. By now you should plan on looking into the later powers and seeing which direction you went or want to go and if you have no chosen start thinking because end game is coming very soon. The main ways you can go are Blink, Summoning Circle, Elemental Nova, Elemental Drain, Maxing Demon secondary abilities, among a few others. If you have not decided yet, no worries as you can save up these last few points and still be very capable in end-game Hell.

    Nightmare Mode: From the level range of 41-44 I was grinding between Temple Approach, Waterloo, and the general area leading from Charing Cross to Temple Station. No need to start working on quests excessivley because we will start those in a bit. After you knock out 43 and get to 44 you can upgrade and start grinding Waterloo Bridge, Barge House, etc while finishing up as many quests as you can until you hit that road block and need to backtrack. Grind out level 45-46 in the Strand traveling back and forth and once you hit 47 you can continue onwards to the next area. Now once you hit 47-48 grind your way through Monument, specifically in Eastcheap to Temple Palace while visiting the Strand from time to time. Do this until you get to about level 48.5-49 then head to Fenchurch and grind Fenchurch to Aldgate and Eastcheap to Temple Palace. Once you hit 50, you will, well, be level 50...start finishingup the quests, however, fighting level 60's can be strenuous so teaming is your best option here. Find a good guild or team and grind your way to the end game...again and kill Sydonai and claim victory for your character!

    (Will become more in-depth at a later time)

    Summoner Minion Abilities
    Here I will discuss the various abilities your minions get.

    Procs = The chance cast an ability. This means that IF an ability, weapon, armor, etc procs it will do the modifier that to which it represents. For example, a chest piece may have a 5% chance to proc needles to do 20 damage to surrounding enemies or a sword may proc to temporarily give the user a buff of 10 stamina for the duration of the proc or in summoner terms the ability to which an elemental will do "special" damage. This special damage comes in the forms of the following:

    Special Damage Summary Overview
    Fire Elementals - Fire Damage (Ignite)
    Spectral Elemental - Spectral Damage (Phase)
    Force Elemental - Physical Damage (Stun)
    Storm Elementals - Electric Damage (Shock)
    Toxic Elementals - Toxic Damage (Poison)

    Note: Warper does phase.

    Special Damage Defined - (Yes I do have a sense of color)
    Iginite: is a proc ability that will take away 5% of the enemies health per tick.
    Phase: is a proc that will reduce he target's damage by 50% and will increase your damage by 50%. It used to reduce movement by 50% but they changed that and took it out. QQ
    Stun: is an ability that will prevent the enemy from moving, casting, or being able to control thier character while stunned.
    Shock: is an ability that will momentarily stun you and will prevent you from using or casting abillities for the duration of the shock.
    Poison: is an ability which will prevent the enemy from healing and will takw away a small portion of thier HP per tick.

    Important Information: Procs on these abilites Shock, Ignite, Phase, etc do NOT stack. This means that you cannt have more than 1 of any ability casted upon your enemy at any given time. So 2 fire elementals will not dual ignite an enemy taking away 10% of thier total health.

    However, you can stack various proc abilities that are different. For example you can cause your enemy to be stunned, ignited, and phased all at the same time but only one of each type of proc can be casted upon your enemy at any given time as mentioned above.

    Game Tactics:
    For now I can only put out some PvP tactics on the board, but if people would like to help and list a few PvE tactics then feel free. =)

    PvP Tactics

    #1 - Range is key: Don't try to run in and fight close range if at all possible. Even if you dont have Blink you can still sprint and evade as best you can. See #6.
    #2 - Keep your pets alive: Although your life is most important, without your pets you have no damage and without damage you dont have a chance. Keep your Demon alive first and foremost then move down from requirements of how long the re-cast is. If you loose your pets resummon them immediatley and keep a constant flow of damage on your target.
    #3 - Gear/Weapon Choice: Your choice in weapons will play a huge roll in PvP. You should try and find weapons that do -Shield as this will be your bane. Also try and find gear that provides +minion damage, and adds to your power pool.
    #4 - Pets should be in front! Keep your pets in front of you to take care of damage that comes from weapons and casting. They will get hit leaving you unscathed.
    #5 - When firing off Nova make sure the enemy is close by to use it and make sure your elementals are as well.
    #6 - There are times when a summoner may effectivley get in range of an opponent to disrupt LoS (Line of Sight) the modifer needed to hit an enemy. This means jumping around your enemy may cause them to loose sight of you and will hinder them in shooting you.

    PvE Tactics
    #1 - When fighting Lost Ones, the little guys that teleport into you, try and stay behind the walls and inch your way out and if your warper (not sure about other demons) sees it he will proceed to attack it without you being harmed or attacked by them at all. This works wonders in Nightmare Mode where therey add 12 or so together and you die instantly. Remember to stay out of LoS and hidden and have your pets get as close as possible for this to work. Works best in tunnels and I have used this quite effectivley. W00t first PvE tip. More to come!

    #2 - "Although fairly obvious, try to stay away from your enemies- let your army do the work and take the hits! Always keep your pets between you and the evil that lurks throughout London". It's a PvP tactic revised for PvE, a good thing is a good thing through and though. ^^

    #3 - "Always summon elementals as soon as you lose them- you'll fall behind if you don't and find yourself stuck dealing with that nasty 3 sec wait between bringing each one back out thus losing potential damage and taking the risk of leaving yourself without pets to defend you". This means even further for when your elementals get hit with AoE damage and more than 1 die.

    #4 - "As you lose elementals, instead of just summoning them wherever, try to face away from the fight in front of you so that you don't summon your elementals right into the middle of a battle where they could get killed right as they come out. There are a few exceptions to this- Force elementals you probably want summoned into the middle of a battle (maybe spectrals too) and if your elemental nova is up and you have elementals to summon in don't forget you can summon them near combat than hit EM to get all your elementals in on it". This means Fire elementals, storm, toxic, and even the warper should be summoned to the side or behind you such that they dont drop immediatley in battle.

    #5 - Priority! If you have to resummon your pets remember priorities. Force elementals first, followed by your demon class pet (exceptions include Carnagor and to a lesser extent Witch Doctor), If your fighting a mob the regenerates health summon a toxic next, if your fighting flying mobs throw out a storm unless your maxed in fire mastery or have a substantial point system into it, everything else will fall into place after that.

    Thanks to Chillblain for some awesome PvE tactics!

    Frequently Asked Questions:
    Here I will try and clear up common misconceptions and answer a few questions that everyone may be wondering or have been asked.

    Warper vs Carnagor vs Witch Doctor vs Reaper?
    Warper has the ability to do massive nukes but has little health. Essentially this sounds good for PvP, however, if people attack it first then you have to wait before you can resummon. However, the Warper does do phase damage which increases damage dealt while the taret is phased amongst other things. basically the side-effects are really nice and when coupled with the Reaper which does roughly the same DPS, its like having 2 warpers out for even just 20 seconds...thats sick damage. Adds in PvE will get this guy into trouble unless your running quite a few Force Elementals.

    The Witch Doctor has the ability to heal with Hand of Nostrum and as survivability is a key factor in any PvP game can come in very handy. As of now the ability is broken, but when it gets fixed I can surmise that it will be very nice. Although you wont have the damage of the Warper, the WD wont go down nearly as ast either which means more bang for your buck possibly. You will not have to worry about adds with this guy, but he wont be able to kill any of those adds anytime soon either.

    The Carnagor is your best choice for solo PvE play and will be your best friend until you get force elementals. Not much else to say about this guy. He can tank and with Force elementals you will rarely have to worry about drawing agro. Several people have stated that he is even good in Nightmare Mode with Enrage, I have not confirmed this for myself yet, but I figured I would let you know.

    My personal favorite is the Witch Doctor and will be my first build for the reasons explained. Survivabiliy and he wont get knocked out in the first 10 seconds of the battle. The lack of phase hurts but the extra survivability will enable me to do more damage over a longer period of time rather than in short "I hope they dont kill him" bursts.

    UPDATE: Warper is better for end game in my opinion where Nightmare Mode is extremely challenging and is about 35% (random percentage) better in PvP. Solo builds will focus more around Witch Doctor and Carnagor for early game leveling (up to 30). I have noticed that later in Nightmare Mode Warper and Witch Doctor become redundant and both become decent late game, I have not yet tested Crnagor late game.

    You CANNOT summon the Reaper with any other demon.

    Power, Power, Power
    Many people are up in arms about power costs. It is indeed a thing to look out for. Key is to balance out your build in a way that it wont hit you as hard. Things to consider are raising Mastery of the Flame rather than just adding an extra 1 or 2 Fire Elemental. Mastery is a passive that wont require power and it bumps up damage by a moderate amount. Balance between Toxic, Force, and Storm. Having 10 of each just wont cut it. Try to find a number that best represents what your trying to do then work from there. I like having more Storms than Forces and about the same Forces I do Toxics. Fire elementals are tricky as they can be combined with Mastery to make bold new dimensions into damage and the game to help balannce power. Dont have enough to run more Storms at your next level? grab up another Fire and wait till next level.

    The main thing is to NEVER follow a static build. Builds are just guidlines for you on your leveling process. Following a guide or build too far may end up ruining your build, fun , and experience. The key thing is to have a dynamic build that changes as you change, learn more information, and come to new conclusions.

    Yes, I do have a lot of blink builds...and yes I did give blink a fairly bad rating. Blink is an iffy power that can only be used when you have a sizeable power pool to work from. With all the elementals you will loose a lot of that. You will be sacrificing damage for mobility. If you can get it to work then it could prove to be more effective than an Evokers Blink because we do not need to cast as much to do damage. We can Blink and let out pets nuke at the same time. The key is to watch out for your power pool and manage it with care. Again, it has the potential to be an awesome build, but you have to decide if the sacrifices are worth it. This is from a PvP and a PvE standpoint. Your pets/minions will NOT blink with you, only the Warper can warp "teleport" next to you.

    Toxic and Healing
    Yes, there is a correlation between toxic and not being able to use health injectors, use healing abilities, etc.

    Fire Elementals vs Toxic vs Storm Elementals
    Fire elementals are in fact better than storm elementals, and fire elementals are in fact better than toxic elementals. I am unsure about Toxic vs Storm, once more info has been gathered I will update this further. Until then just know that Fire is king of the elementals with only a few slots in Master of the Flame.

    Gun Prefrences
    Stream guns suck horribly bad after beta. Tentacle guns, & splash guns will be your primary choice for leveling. Jade Hydras provide nifty benefits over most guns such as the ability to summon carnagors, warpers, force elementals among others. Toxic Splash and Spectral Splasjh seem to be best and least resisted at the moment. In PvP anything that does Shiled degedation, immobilize, etc such as Harp Pistols.

    Armor Prefrences
    Pick up armor with +minion stats, All Atribute stats, Power Pool stats, Willpowr, and Stamina. It is also best to workj around your build, if you have a nice piee of gear you cannot wear changing out other gear for gear that offers the stats feed that your missing may be right up your ally.

    +Minion effects elementals AND demons.

    How many Elementals can you have out at Once?
    As many as your build can support. If you have armor that increases your power pool then its possible to have more than 12 at level 30 and more than 20 at level 50 when combined with Master of the Elements. The 50 projections are rough estimates but, at level 42 it is possible to summon 17 elementals. There is a better explanation of costs above in the Power Cost section of this guide.

    Summong Circle
    Many have debated over whether Summoning Circle effects Minions in general such as elementals AND demons or just demons. Summoning Circle effects ONLY demons such as Warper, Witch Doctor, and Carnagor and NOT elementals. The power is clearly in the demonology tree i.e. Minion tree and not Mind or Elemental.

    http://forums.hellgatelondon.com/sho...12&postcount=4 (Link to Official Post)
    Thanks to Ronik for the link and confirmation!

    To Max or not to Max!?!
    [color=#c0c0c0]Maxing in this case I am refering to maxing out your skill points many have debated on whether this is a good idea or not and it goes both ways. Good in the sense that you are not overly relying on something to give you +1 to all summoner skills or +2/3/4 to whatever skill you need. This means double for when you hit into the next level of 51+ which wil probably be releasing in the not to distant future. However, giving yourself room to work by saving up a spot or two in each skill that you want to max may be of use for when you find that +1 to all summoner skills mind control weapon. This frees up more spots allowing yourself more to work with. The gun is easy to drop and as a summoner we really dont use guns that often or as a main source of damage so using a mind control weapon wouldnt really hurt the class, but more in effect help us as we now have a few extra points to spend somewere else while still having the abilities maxed out. This gives us an advantage against other summoners as we now have the skill points to add into another facet of our build. Both are good so good luck in designing your build!

    Brom's Curse
    To clarify, Brom's Curse ONLY effects you and will not give your minions any HP back. This works only once every second.

    http://forums.hellgatelondon.com/sho...50&postcount=2 (Link to Official Post)
    Thanks to Chillblain for the clarification!

    Elemental Nova
    Will cast a colored ring of smoke around each group of elementals. green for toxic, red for fire, bluish gray for force etc. Anything within that range will be attacked with double damage.
    Power Cost:
    Numbers represent power cost at level 50! Broken down into each elemental and with Master of the Elements!

    Level 50: (No Master of the Elements)

    54 Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    97.2 Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    75.6 Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    64.8 Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    64.8 Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    Master +1 / Master +2 / Master +3 / Master +4 / Master +5 if you were at Level 50:
    1 Point = 1 Point is Master of the Elements, and 5 = 5 Points into Master of the Elements.

    48.60 (with 1 Point in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    43.20 (with 2 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    37.80 (with 3 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    32.40 (with 4 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    27.00 (with 5 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    87.48 (with 1 Point in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    77.76 (with 2 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    68.04 (with 3 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    58.32 (with 4 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    48.60 (with 5 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    68.04 (with 1 Point in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    60.48 (with 2 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    52.92 (with 3 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    45.36 (with 4 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    37.80 (with 5 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    58.32 (with 1 Point in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    51.84 (with 2 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    45.36 (with 3 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    38.88 (with 4 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    32.40 (with 5 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    58.32 (with 1 Point in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    51.84 (with 2 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    45.36 (with 3 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    38.88 (with 4 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)
    32.40 (with 5 Points in Master of the Elements) - Power used when summoned (deducted from total power)

    ~ Thanks to guildy Steelshanks (XoO) for the info

    I would like to thank everyone that has helped me create this guide including people like Slizarus (XoO), Gibby (XoO), Virus, Sylph, Tel, Ronik, Chillblain, Vorgoz (XoO), and Steelshanks (XoO) who have directly did some Q&A with me about builds. I would also like to thank my guild Xen of Onslaught (XoO) for being very supportive of me while creating this guide. Again this is by no means a definative guide and only represents my ideas/findings. Thank you for reading, feel free to leave comments, rants, ravings, suggestions, questions, etc. I will update this thread as much as I can as I learn new things, until then...see you on the battlefield!

    v.01 - Basic Formate Layout and Information
    v.02 - Updated the Builds section, added tactics.
    v.03 - Ability overhaul, many abilities updated with new numbers and comments along with more FAQ.
    v.04 - Updated Builds, added NEW Proc Abilities & Game Overview sections and added more FAQ.
    v.05 - Added Elemental Power Cost section NOT BASED ON GUESSING!

  7. #7
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Obi-Fran Kenobi
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    Prato Marittima

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Bella grazie! Mi ha tolto un bel po' di dubbi, e la tabellina alla fine è utilerrima!

  8. #8

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Il mio Invocatore ne trarrà grande giovamento. Grazie!

  9. #9
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Caos81
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Ci sono diversi punti della guida su cui non sono d'accordo.

    1) Per il PvP gli Storm Elemental sono molto più importanti di un 4/10. Lo shock è uno se non il più devastante side effect elementale (imho è più rilevante anche dello stun in pvp).
    2) Non metterei mai neanche mezzo punto nei minion. Non fosse altro che è possibile arrivare a un +6 utilizzando 2 armi +3 carna/warper/witch doc nel weapon slot secondario.
    3) I fire elemental sono i migliori. Certo! Costano il doppio degli skill point degli altr elementali (fire mastery + fire elemental). Se non si sommano le due skill fanno gli stessi danni degli storm elemental.
    Detto questo mi sembra ovvio che la scelta dei fire elemental deve essere valutata in funzione della propria build. I forse elemental costituiscono una valida alternativa (imho le valutazioni in questo caso sono molto opinabili. Avrei dato gli stessi punteggi a force e fire).

    Concordo sul discorso warper che può essere molto più utile nell'end game di un carnagor. D'altra parte se serve un tank per situazioni particolar si può sempre tirare fuori dal cilindro un reaper con un'arma che da un +1/+2 ed essere abbastanza tranquilli.
    Per i boss in late nm il carnagor non serve a una mazza. Se non si a un warper che phasa e fà una marea di danni (quasi quanto 8 fire elemental con fire mastery 8 ) si può morire di vecchiaia prima.
    Ultima modifica di Caos81; 18-12-07 alle 13:49:17

  10. #10
    Il Niubbi L'avatar di Deadeye
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Per il pve sto provando la build Hybrid Carnagor, sono al 11 liv e funziona molto
    bene,l'unico appunto che ho da muovergli e quando si trovano nemici ranged
    gli elementali del fuoco crepano che e' un piacere (anche se al momento ne ho solo 5)

  11. #11
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Caos81
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Deadeye Visualizza Messaggio
    Per il pve sto provando la build Hybrid Carnagor, sono al 11 liv e funziona molto
    bene,l'unico appunto che ho da muovergli e quando si trovano nemici ranged
    gli elementali del fuoco crepano che e' un piacere (anche se al momento ne ho solo 5)

    Continueranno a crepare a catena. L'importante è continuare a evocarli appena muoiono e cercare di ripristinarne sempre il numero massimo.

    Io continuo a rimanere scettico sul carnagor. A incubo i mob hanno davvero troppi pf e con solo gli elementali del fuoco, imho, è molto dura andare avanti per 2 ragioni:
    1) Se ci sono più nemici la potenza di fuoco è "spalmata" su più avversari riducendone l'efficacia
    2) Gli elementali del fuoco muoiono con troppa facilità. Anche con un tanker come il carnagor è difficile mantenerne un numero costante e massimizzare i danni.

  12. #12
    Il Niubbi L'avatar di Deadeye
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Purtroppo sulla guida che ho riportato non ho messo i link alle varie build, comunque se si va sul forum (che ho linkato) si trovano.
    In alternativa la build che seguo e questa http://hellgate.ingame.de/skilltree/...00031003000500
    per cui piu' avanti avro' anche altri elementali che mi supporteranno...staremo a vedere

  13. #13
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Caos81
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Deadeye Visualizza Messaggio
    Purtroppo sulla guida che ho riportato non ho messo i link alle varie build, comunque se si va sul forum (che ho linkato) si trovano.
    In alternativa la build che seguo e questa http://hellgate.ingame.de/skilltree/...00031003000500
    per cui piu' avanti avro' anche altri elementali che mi supporteranno...staremo a vedere

    Onestamente ti consiglierei di portare il carnagor solo a 3, giusto per coprire i prerequisiti di enrage. Usa il punto extra per il blood link che è utilissima per curare il pet. Se te lo uccidono hai 30 (o 40 non ricordo bene) secondi di cooldown che sono tanti. Anche se hai gli earth elemental rischi di rimanere scoperto troppo a lungo. Inoltre con afterlife per te è un attimo recuperare i PF che dai al tuo pet.

    Ti consiglio anche di controllare bene il costo totale di mana point che richiede la tua build. Hai davvero tanti elementali e non sono sicuro che tu riesca a evocarli tutti e riuscire anche a castare enrage o meat shield (che costano quasi 100 mana ciascuno). A meno che tu non voglia evocarli in base alle situazioni, il che mi sembra strano perchè già di suo il summoner è molto più versatile ed eclettico di qualunque altra classe (puoi fare il tanker, il dd e l'healer cambiando solo il set di armi).

    Anche summoning circle è molto buona come skill. Innanzi tutto è passiva e poi usata sul carnagor, che è il pet con il maggior numero di PF, ha un'efficacia ancora maggiore.
    Io ti consiglierei di sacrificare almeno i force elemental. Hai già il carnagor con meat shield e non sembri intenzionato a usare la nova.

    E poi ricordati che per evocare i pet tieni buoni i bonus che hai sulle armi perciò tieniti sempre un set di armi con bonus al pet prima di evocarlo.


  14. #14
    Il Niubbi L'avatar di Deadeye
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Mah...l'osservazione del mana mi ha fatto pensare, sulla guida si parla di portare willpower a 260,non saprei se una volta arrivato al 50 si avranno oggetti che danno un bel bonus alle stat.

  15. #15
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Caos81
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Deadeye Visualizza Messaggio
    Mah...l'osservazione del mana mi ha fatto pensare, sulla guida si parla di portare willpower a 260,non saprei se una volta arrivato al 50 si avranno oggetti che danno un bel bonus alle stat.
    260x2 = 520

    Tutti i tuoi elementali, più o meno ti costano 415 quindi ci staresti giusto giusto. Il problema è che per arrivare a 260 di willpower devi mettere esclusivamente o quasi esclusivamente willpower, che non è proprio il massimo. In alternativa devi ripiegare sugli oggetti +xx All Attribute che cmq richiedono resistenza. Saresti molto limtato nelle armi da equipaggiare...

    In teoria è fattibile ma è una build molto estrema... Io se non avessi già l'equipaggiamento adeguato non mi ci lancerei a piombo.

  16. #16
    Il Niubbi L'avatar di Deadeye
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Mmmm mi piacciono le cose estreme
    Willpower: 260
    Stamina: 80
    Strength: 25
    Accuracy: 12.5
    Faro' da cavia....

  17. #17
    Il Niubbi L'avatar di Deadeye
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Allora...finalmente ho finito hgl a normal, intorno al 30esimo liv;sono nel complesso soddisfatto della validita' della build Hybrid carnagor
    gli elementali del fuoco si comportano egregiamente...uccidendo i nemici
    in pochi secondi, gli elementali della terra insieme al carnagor si attirano tutti
    i nemici prendendo le mazzate, quelli elettrici e il tossico (no non e' un drogato) danno un bel fuoco di supporto.
    Ho ucciso praticamente tutti i boss (sidonay incluso) senza morire
    ed in tutta tranquillita'.......
    Adesso viene la parte dolorosa... l'ia dei pet e' scandalosa, si incastrano spesso e volentieri dietro gli ostacoli...e rimangono indietro.
    Contro le magie ad area come fuoco/elettricita' ecc... cadono come foglie secche, con conseguenza di doverli rievocare in fretta e furia per evitare di rimanere scoperti; un mio piccolo appunto...se avessero fatto gli elementali del fuoco immuni al fuoco o perlomeno piu' resistenti ad esso, sarebbe stato piu' logico ,certo un po' sgravato ma meglio di adesso..(vale anche per gli altri elementali tossico,elettrico ecc..)
    Riguardo al fatto di avere pochi punti potere.... mi sono accorto strada facendo che la build prevede l'assegnazione di 5pt alla skill "master of the elements" che ha la funzione di diminuire il costo delle evocazioni di tot pt percentuale, con 5 punti verra' ridotto del 50%..una figata
    Ora ho cominciato a nightmare vedremo se reggera' anche a questo livello di difficolta'

  18. #18

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Deadeye Visualizza Messaggio
    Contro le magie ad area come fuoco/elettricita' ecc... cadono come foglie secche, con conseguenza di doverli rievocare in fretta e furia per evitare di rimanere scoperti; un mio piccolo appunto...se avessero fatto gli elementali del fuoco immuni al fuoco o perlomeno piu' resistenti ad esso, sarebbe stato piu' logico ,certo un po' sgravato ma meglio di adesso..(vale anche per gli altri elementali tossico,elettrico ecc..)
    Quoto con veemenza

  19. #19

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Scusatemi, da pochissimi giorni ho ripreso il gioco in SP e mi son fatto una evocatrice, cosa mi consigliate di sciegliere per abilità e stat? Per ora ho messo solo 2 livelli ai mostricciattoli sputafuoco e uno al carnog, mi pare si chiami. I problemi di cui sopra accennati da voi sono stati risolti ? E' ancora utile mettere tutti i punti stat su willpower? C'è una BUILD più recente di quella messa in precedenza qua?
    Grazie mille

  20. #20

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Io sono ancora dell'opinione che con una sventagliata di punti al Carnagor e svariati elementali a dargli una mano, l'Invocatore vada avanti spedito

    Per poter evocare i suddetti elementali, è d'obbligo avere un sacco di Willpower. Lascia pure bassa l'Accuracy, tanto non gli serve praticamente a nulla. Il resto, beh, è a tua discrezione (fantasia)

  21. #21

    Predefinito Re: [Build] Tutti gli elementali dell'Invocatore

    Ok ottimo grazie allora proverò a seguire i consigli.

    P.s. ieri pome cmq mentre stavo giocando è crashato il gioco ahahahhaha mitico game

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