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Discussione: Zone Livellaggio

  1. #1
    Il Puppies L'avatar di spycom
    Data Registrazione
    Si4nO (SA)

    Predefinito Zone Livellaggio

    Tortage L1-20
    White Sands Isle (dungeon)(SOLO)
    Underhalls (dungeon)(SOLO)
    Acharonian Ruins (dungeon)(SOLO)

    LVL 20

    Khopshef Province L20-36
    (Da Old Tarantia -> Khemi -> Khopshef Province)

    Conall's Valley L20-32
    (Da Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley)

    Wild Lands of Zelata L20-38
    (Da Old Tarantia -> Wild Lands of Zelata)
    The Maze* L25+ (dungeon)(SOLO)
    Border Ranges* L29+ (dungeon)(SOLO)
    Spider Caves L25+ (dungeon)(SOLO)
    Sanctum of Burning Souls (Dungeon) (PARTY 35+)

    LVL 30

    Overflow Tunnels (dungeon)(SOLO)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Tarantia Sewers)

    Blessed Cave (dungeon)(SOLO)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khemi -> Khopshef Province -> Blessed Cave)

    Black Castle (dungeon)(SOLO)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khemi -> Khopshef Province -> Black Castle)

    Sanctum of Burning Souls (Dungeon) (PARTY 35+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Wild Lands of Zelata -> Sanctum of Burning Souls)


    Sewer Catacombs L40-66
    (From Old Tarantia -> Tarantia Noble District -> Sewer Catacombs)

    Armsman Tavern / Arena L40+
    (From Old Tarantia -> Tarantia Noble District -> Armsman Tavern / Arena)

    Field of the Dead L40-50
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead)

    Tarantia Noble District L40+
    (From Old Tarantia -> Tarantia Noble District)

    Frost Swamp (Dungeon) (PARTY 40+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead -> Lacheish Plains -> Frost Swamp)
    ***Quest in Brannoc Village***

    Imirian Ravine (Dungeon) (PARTY 40+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Wild Lands of Zelata -> Poitain -> Imirian Ravine)
    ***Quest in Caenna Village***

    Oasis of Zaara (Dungeon) (PARTY 40+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khemi -> Khopshef Province -> Purple Lotus Swamps -> Zaara Oasis)
    ***Quest in Nasten Village***


    Eiglophian Mountains L50-60
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Eiglophian Mountains)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead -> Lacheish Plains -> Eiglophian Mountains)

    Ice Cave L50-52
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Eiglophian Mountains -> Ice Cave)

    Cannibal Caves (dungeon)(SOLO)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Eiglophian Mountains -> Cannibal Caves)


    Atzel's Approach L60-75
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead -> Atzel's Approach)

    Thunder River/Os Harku L60-70
    (From Old Tarantia -> Thunder River/Os Harku)

    Acheronian Cave (dungeon)(SOLO)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Thunder River/Os Harku -> Acheronian Cave)


    Kheshatta L70-80
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khopshef Province -> Kheshatta)

    Ice Ruins (Dungeon) (PARTY 70+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead -> Atzel's Approach -> Ice Ruins)

    Scorpion Cave (Dungeon) (PARTY 70+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khopshef Province -> Kheshatta -> Scorpion Cave)

    Atzel's Fortress* (Dungeon) (PARTY 70+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead -> Atzel's Approach -> Atzel's Fortress)

    Thoth Amon's Stronghold (Dungeon) (PARTY 75+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khopshef Province -> Kheshatta -> Thoth Amon's Stronghold)

    Caravan Raider's Hideout (Dungeon) (PARTY 75+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khopshef Province -> Kheshatta -> Caravan Raider's Hideout)

    Onyx Chanmbers (Dungeon) (PARTY 76+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khopshef Province -> Kheshatta -> Onyx Chanmbers)

    Chief Kykikkis Crypt (Dungeon) (PARTY 80+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead -> Chief Kykikkis Crypt)

    Chief Toirdealsbachs Tomb (Dungeon) (PARTY 80+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead -> Chief Toirdealsbachs Tomb)

    L80 (non-raid)

    Onyx Chanmbers (Dungeon) (PARTY 80+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khopshef Province -> Kheshatta -> Onyx Chanmbers -> Soul Chambers)

    Yakhmar's Cave (Dungeon) (PARTY 80+)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Eiglophian Mountains -> Yakhmar's Cave)

    L80 (RAID)

    Black Ring Citadel (Dungeon) (RAID 80)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khopshef Province -> Kheshatta -> Black Ring Citadel)

    Vistix's Lair (Dungeon) (RAID 80)
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead -> Atzel's Approach -> Vistix's Lair)

  2. #2
    Il Puppies L'avatar di spycom
    Data Registrazione
    Si4nO (SA)

    Predefinito Re: Zone Livellaggio


    Lacheish Plains L20
    (From Old Tarantia -> Conarch Village -> Conall's Valley -> Field of the Dead -> Lacheish Plains)

    Poitain L20
    (From Old Tarantia -> Wild Lands of Zelata -> Poitain)

    Purple Lotus Swamps L20
    (From Old Tarantia -> Khemi -> Khopshef Province -> Purple Lotus Swamps)

  3. #3
    La Borga L'avatar di Kyo Kusanagi
    Data Registrazione
    Firenze Lampredotto City

    Predefinito Re: Zone Livellaggio

    Ottimo mi è tornato molto utile il suggerimento di Zelata poca gente e tante quest

  4. #4
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di -J65-
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Zone Livellaggio


  5. #5
    La Borga L'avatar di Kyo Kusanagi
    Data Registrazione
    Firenze Lampredotto City

    Predefinito Re: Zone Livellaggio

    Mi sa che me la stampo così la metto accanto al Monitor

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