ripeto, MP.

This is, from a gameplay point of view, a very pedestrian set of Free For All maps. They are all symmetrical, and though there is nothing inherently wrong with them, there's nothing that sets them apart from the dozens upon dozens of FFA mapsets being run on various servers. You could do much worse than these, but could also do a lot better. However, aside from some odd weapon placement on certain maps (Why is there a bumpable plasma in MAP02 when it's easier to simply grab the one in the middle?), they're passable.

In terms of graphics, however, these maps are a bit of an eyesore. Due to limitations of Doom's palette, tan textures do not really fade well at low light levels. Considering a good majority of the textures featured in the mapset are either tan or greyscale, the whole thing ends up very looking very washed out. The sprite work ranges from neat (flames) to amateurish (the flame stands, see MAP05 for details). A very mixed bag.

Now, this would be fine, if it were not for the technical gripes I had with this mapset. There is nothing in this mapset which requres anything better than a Boom compatible port, yet in ZDoom 1.22 there were some levels where I could walk through walls, and prBoom simply gave up completely when I tried to play a map. ZDaemon itself ran all maps without issue, but it's discouraging to see how little care the map makers put into the groundwork behind the scenes. Also, for what it's worth, MAP04 has a few lines with nonexistent textures, so if your source port complains about that, tough luck.

All in all, once you get over the fact that it uses an Egyptian texture set, there's nothing too spectacular about it. Personally, I'd give it a pass.