AeroChili Waffle Gun (0.95 Beta)


This mod is a part of an upcoming mod that is very messed up. The Plasma Gun has been modified to shoot out waffles, simple as that. For the final version, the waffle gun will have a different model and syrup will rise out of the waffles instead of more waffles.

Instalation and Uninstalation:

If you dont know how to do this, then ask someone who does! Its very damn simple.

Fixed glitches:

All bullet holes look like waffles. Not so much rediculous damage.
Any additional bug info should be sent to darkchili DOT tim AT gmail DOT com or aero_fang at yahoo DOT com

Download: ;4a516f1748bd2442;91ec923575af0dee2409c2 ef3767621d55820bd779b74829d63b906f6e1db9 8222e1cd041b0a1c54