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Discussione: gunbound revolution=?

  1. #1

    Predefinito gunbound revolution=?

    mi è arrivata 'sta mail

    Gunbound Revolution - Announcing a Exclusive New Features!

    In addition to improved interface, new graphics, and better stability and security, Gunbound Revolution will feature new Avatars and Items exclusive to the North American servers!

    Gunbound Revolution will also feature improved league play through the Home Team League system! Each player is automatically assigned to the Home Team that represents their home State/Province/Territory in the US or Canada, or Country outside the US and Canada. Represent your Home Team and check the Gunbound Revolution site for updates on how your Home Team ranks within US, Canada, or World!

    Finally, Gunbound Revolution features a new and improved guild system that is scheduled for launch on July 21st! If you create or participate in one of the first 100 guilds to be created, you will be eligible for great prizes as part of the Gunbound Revolution Guild Event! Unfortunately, because of the server change, we will be unable to transfer old guild data to the new service.
    ora, dalle prime righe mi pare di capire che stanno facendo un nuovo gunbound, chiamato gunbound revolution, che soppianterà l'attuale gunbound world champions, come fece lo stesso gbwc con il primo gunbound

    è così o sono io che ho capito male quello che c'è scritto?

  2. #2

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

    Gunbound Revolution - Account Details, Troubleshooting

    As part of our July 7th launch, we'll be transferring all of the US and Canadian characters and accounts from the Korean Gunbound servers to the new North American Gunbound servers. Don't worry, all of your current character and account information will be preserved on the new servers, so you'll be able to continue playing your current characters seamlessly! To get things started, simply launch Gunbound using your old Gunbound World Champion launcher or sign in at the new Gunbound web site, http://gunbound.ijji.com, on or after July 7th activate your old account!

    For those of you outside the US and Canada, we apologize, but we are unable to transfer your character and account data to the new North American servers, so you will have to create a new Gunbound Revolution account to try the new service. However, whether or not your are playing from within or outside the US and Canada, everyone is eligible to win prizes during our Grand Opening Event!

    It is possible that you may experience difficulty with the character transfer or account setup process when Gunbound Revolution first launches. We apologize for any confusion or difficulty that you do experience, and we urge you to use the Contact Help Desk function at http://gunbound.ijji.com/help.nhn to contact us with any and all inquiries. We will do our utmost to get back to you as soon as possible to resolve any issues you may be having. When you contact us, please be sure to include 1) your old Gunbound World Champion Login ID, 2) Gunbound World Champion Game ID, and 3) your Gunbound World Champion email address. Please remember that WE NEED ALL THREE PIECES OF INFORMATION TO VERIFY THAT YOU ARE THE OWNER OF THE CHARACTER AND TO SEND YOU OUR RESPONSE TO YOUR INQUIRY.

    If you are having trouble using ijji.com's Contact Help Desk function, please try the following steps:
    If you are not already signed in to the ijji.com service, sign in. Try signing in with your Gunbound World Champion login id and password. If this doesn't work, please create a new ijji.com account for the purposes of logging your inquiry and sign in.
    Once you are signed in, please go to http://gunbound.ijji.com/help.nhn.
    When you are at the Contact Help Desk's "Ask a Question" page, please follow these steps: 1) select appropriate Category; 2) select appropriate Subcategory; 3) input Subject; 4) input Question, and include your Gunbound World Champion Login ID, Gunbound World Champion Game ID, and your Gunbound World Champion email address.

    e qua se ho capito bene, per poter giocare al nuovo gbrevolution bisogna validare il proprio account su un fantomatico ijji. com? ho letto anche di ijji coins

  3. #3

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

    qualcuno mi può spiegare che cavolo sta succedendo? che devo fare?

  4. #4

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

  5. #5
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Mr.Flo
    Data Registrazione
    Casa mia

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

    Da quel che ho capito sembrerebbe un cambio di server x gli americani a noi non dovrebbe cambiar nulla

  6. #6
    Suprema Borga Imperiale
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

    Alex '89 ha scritto sab, 15 luglio 2006 alle 09:22
    Da quel che ho capito sembrerebbe un cambio di server x gli americani a noi non dovrebbe cambiar nulla
    anche a me e' sembrata una cosa del genere, north america only.

  7. #7

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

    quindi gli americani hanno un nuovo server e noi ce ne stiamo coi peruani?

  8. #8
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Ero-Senin
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

    ale89 ha scritto sab, 15 luglio 2006 alle 14:20
    quindi gli americani hanno un nuovo server e noi ce ne stiamo coi peruani?
    mica scemi gli americani!

  9. #9
    Suprema Borga Imperiale
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

    Ero-Senin ha scritto sab, 15 luglio 2006 alle 15:26
    ale89 ha scritto sab, 15 luglio 2006 alle 14:20
    quindi gli americani hanno un nuovo server e noi ce ne stiamo coi peruani?
    mica scemi gli americani!
    il sud america e i paesi latini hanno gia' il loro server da un sacco di tempo cmq.

  10. #10

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

    chk ha scritto sab, 15 luglio 2006 alle 16:20
    Ero-Senin ha scritto sab, 15 luglio 2006 alle 15:26
    ale89 ha scritto sab, 15 luglio 2006 alle 14:20
    quindi gli americani hanno un nuovo server e noi ce ne stiamo coi peruani?
    mica scemi gli americani!
    il sud america e i paesi latini hanno gia' il loro server da un sacco di tempo cmq.
    l'inutilità dei peruani rimane comunque imperiosa

  11. #11

    Predefinito Re: gunbound revolution=?

    i peroni vengono apposta nei server comuni per farsi insultare

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