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Discussione: King Arthur's Gold

  1. #1
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito King Arthur's Gold


    gioco incentrato (per ora) sul multi con grafica in 2d e meccaniche di costruzione/distruzione delle strutture. ci sono armi da assedio e tre classi principali: costruttore, arciere, cavaliere.

    esiste sia in versione gratuita che a pagamento, ecco le differenze:


    sta 8€ su desura.

    dico per ora incentrato sul multi perchè con i prossimi update sono previste modalità PvE oltre al PvP come la modalità zombie (in futuro si combatterà contro un necromante in un castello, almeno inizialmente non giocabile) e orda (i nemici avranno le stesse classi e possibilità dei giocatori). e forse queste modalità avranno la possibilità di essere giocate anche in singolo. il multi sembra mediamente popolato per un titolo indie ancora in sviluppo.

    personalmente preferirei un single visto che sul multi ci si può contare fino a un certo punto e il prezzo non è bassissimo.

    ecco un video di gameplay (ignorate il tipo che parla):

  2. #2
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di DagonCultist
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    Dio ma che spettacolo

    da quel che ho capito ci sono due team, che devono costruire un castello per difendere la bandiera?

    sto scaricando

  3. #3
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    entrambi i team costruiscono.

    ci sono varie modalità e ne sono in sviluppo altre. per ora la principale è il CTF.

    si comincia con un periodo di "pace" per costruire le fortificazioni. poi si va all'assalto difendendo la propria base. la meccanica di base è conquistare terreno e permettere ai builder di avanzare le proprie fortificazioni e spawn point intermedi mentre distruggono quelle dell'avversario con le catapulte o costruiscono tunnel/strutture per aggirarne le difese.

    il gioco è frenetico e le tre classi sono molto specializzate. il builder in combattimento 1 vs 1 è inutile ma è l'unico che può costruire ed usare armi d'assedio oltre a costruire e distruggere le strutture proprie ed altrui. il knight ha lo scudo e l'arma da corpo a corpo. lo scudo è indispensabile e la parata è direzionale (laterale, in alto). l'arciere attacca a distanza, può usare gli alberi per raccogliere frecce o comprarle (il knight può comprare le bombe) ed è l'unico ch può "nascondersi" e fare agguati. infatti è in grado di scalare gli alberi (anche per superare mura nemiche se vicine) e nascondersi tra le foglie.

    non vedo l'ora che sviluppino il PvE e altre novità per il PvP. se ci fossero dei bot decenti (ci sono per provare il combattimento corpo a corpo e c'è una modalità sandbox oltre ad un minitutorial per sperimentare con il builder) potrebbe diventare valido anche in singolo (anche se ovviamente più limitato).

  4. #4
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    girando nei forum ho beccato un link a questo post di un paio di mesi fa:

    Before I get to cut into the juicy bits of this post, we’ve decided that there’s too much ambiguity and not enough oomph in the way we’ve been naming the two versions of KAG.
    We’ve decided that “KAG” and “KAG Premium” are misleading names for the free and paid versions respectively. “KAG” as the free version and “KAG Premium” as the paid version suggests that the free version includes most or all of the content and that the premium version holds a few extra goodies and gives buffs in game or something.
    As such, we’ve decided to dub the two versions “King Arthur’s Gold: Classic” and “King Arthur’s Gold” respectively. The classic game will preserve the older, faster paced and less polished roots of the game in the free to play package. This will serve as a demo for players who aren’t sure if they want to buy the game yet. The full version of the game will contain expansive game-mode changes, more classes, items, mechanisms, zombies, and eventually a fully dynamic adventure-cross-fortress-cross-teamplay gaming feast.
    For what it’s worth, “KAG classic” is nearing completion and will be feature-locked shortly. The full version of the game is unlikely to be finished for quite a while.
    We’ve made a fairly large decision about the direction we’d like to take the main full version game-mode in. If you’re an advocate of TDM or CTF or any other fast-paced mode of play then please bear with me, as we’ll still be supporting them. For those who want a longer, deeper play experience though (me me me me me) we’ve decided that we’d like to make each game into more of an adventure, with much more character attachment than players get in the current game.
    We’re going to do this by rolling out three things:
    • An overworld - each team would set up a base on a randomly generated overworld map. Players could leave their fort to journey out into the world, fighting bands of raiders and wild animals, going spelunking in caves, and even penetrating undead kingdoms to slay necromancers. They could also naturally get a party of allies together to go and lay siege to the enemy’s tower, or form a band of raiders and mug passers-by for their sweet, sweet coins. Each feature of the map would be a “map” in the current sense of the game, with players leaving the map by walking off the edges and entering each map from the overworld by walking into it.
    • Character and team progression. Characters will start the game as a peon with nothing and no-one, unless invited to join the game as part of a friend’s team. They’ll be able to join and leave teams, as well as creating and naming their own civilisation and gathering their own followers. Over time through adventuring, building and much slaughter of zombies and enemy knaves, players will accumulate items and resources enabling them to progress down a potentially deep and complex class tree, becoming a feared juggernaut or a noble lancer.
    • Persistence and permadeath - A player’s character in a server will be persistent, meaning if you leave the game they’ll still be around, you’ll be able to come back the next day and adventure further. Conversely, if a character dies, all progress will be lost, all items dropped and all ties severed. This makes killing the king (or queen) of a nation a massive event as the whole hierarchy of that team would change, and the whole battle dynamic would be quite a lot more serious because of the massive penalty of death. Obviously we’ll be making higher “level” characters take many more hits to kill than they do in KAG currently to make retreat from a battle a viable option for those that don’t want to lose their characters. We fully understand how much anger permadeath would cause with the current quick and bloody battle system.

      I should note that permadeath will be a serverside variable -> not all servers will feature it, and a player with no currently active character would still be able to spectate the world, so you don’t miss the end of a war just because you died in it.

      You’ll also be able to make a new character if your old one dies (…though there might be a setting removing this option, a sort of “hardcore” mode) so that you can continue to participate.
    Here’s a rough concept of how the overworld might be presented:

    (yes those are cavalry units in the background)
    Obviously in-game it’ll be made of sprites and potentially mode7’d into submission for a nostalgia kick for anyone who’s played an old RPG. Something like this but 1024x768 and with a bunch of characters jogging around (this is a shot of Terrigama, copyright Enix 1995 for the SNES):

    These changes will make the default mode of KAG play vaguely like an RPG (though we’d like to think of it more as an action adventure). Hopefully also it encourages playing with people you know and team-play in general. Each server will build up its own history of events and hopefully some epic stories will spring up from each game.
    For those that aren’t keen at all, there’ll always be TDM and CTF for you
    As a side note, this means we can have many, many more players per server without a stupidly high increase in bandwidth usage because the players in each map only need to know about the nearby players. Massive sieges with 64 units per side on one map would still lag as bad as ever, but considering not everyone playing a server would be playing at the same time (-> some characters would be sleeping) and players will usually be dispersed around the world, each additional player wouldn’t double the bandwidth consumed, which is a start.
    Whew, so that’s that. I’ve left out some of the finer points (including “BUT WAHT ABUT GREFIERS!!1! D:< D:<”) but if you post thoughts and concerns in the comments I’ll endeavour to respond to as many as I can.
    Next release is slated for ~2 weeks from now, possibly earlier, possibly later. The featurelist is uncertain at this point, more info coming when we have it.
    essenzialmente un mmorpg action. rimarrano cmq le modalità "veloci" disponibili attualmente. incrocio le dita anche sul singolo con lo sviluppo dell'AI per il PvE.

  5. #5
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    sta per arrivare la zombie update con conseguente aumento di prezzo.

    ecco alcune altre novità oltre agli zombie stessi:

    Next release aka “Zombies Release” will not only contain zombies. It will have numerous significant improvements which we have (briefly) or haven’t talked about really. Here’s some of them:
    • real light and darkness
    • new workshops and rooms
    • new items such as a keg (made in demolition workshop)
    • much better Bot AI with A* path finding
    • archer bots and other AI additions
    • localization/translation files
    Sorry for being so brief but I’m really busy coding. I want this finished as much as you do.

  6. #6

    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da recs Visualizza Messaggio
    sta per arrivare la zombie update con conseguente aumento di prezzo.

    ecco alcune altre novità oltre agli zombie stessi:

    E quando arriverà?

  7. #7

    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    se metteranno una modalità single player con ia decente per alleati e nemici se ne può parlare altrimenti 8 euro. lol

  8. #8
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold


    In a land far far away... evil has spawned from the *deep*... yeah you know what this is...
    If you've paid the 10 bucks it costs you are ready to play it (if not click here).
    Launch the game right now and it will auto-update.
    Run KAG and login at least once, open the Solo menu and select "Zombie Fortress".
    Wait for the night to come and be prepared for all hell to break loose...
    We've been holding this release for a long time, trying to iron out everything. It's still not all ironed out and IT'S NOT FINISHED, we have a whole bunch of stuff waiting to be done more in this mode. But it's gotten to the stage where we just really want to show it to you guys.
    Before you get too exited, zombies multiplayer doesn't work yet. Trust me, we've tried to get this done and dusted (12-16 hour days for the last month) but it's going to take a while longer. Since we'll be off at GDC in San Francisco next week we've decided to give you guys access to the single player zombie fortress mode.Since you can't play with friends yet, we've added something called Party Mode to zombies - you can recruit migrants, control them and give them basic orders. We'll be expanding your control over party members in coming updates (go-to, gather resources orders, re-stock etc.).
    Here's how the basics work in-game:

    Note that you need quarters for migrants to arrive and be recruitable! Basically hold down [R] for a Party Menu or tap it quickly to switch between party members.


    This patch, besides zombies, introduces a ton of other things we added for the free version of the game in CTF. So much has changed that we haven't kept a proper change-log. Here are some highlights:
    • Lighting - castle interiors and caves are dark. You can hide in them.
      Lanterns in full version (will work fully next patch).
    • Workshops have no castle background. This means they can fit anywhere and don't cost stone.
    • Team bubbles stop on the edge of the screen so you can see your out-of-screen teammates crying for help
    • Bomb has changed - doesn't have the bomber-man effect - tweaked bomb jumping
    • Many collision, networking, exploit and security fixes
    • Swordfight is now Deathmatch - a mini-tutorial for training to fight with Knight and Archer
    • AI that can fend for itself! (No more derpy Henries)
    • Randomly generated dungeons and castles (fully moddable, get on it server owners)
    • Rubble from collapsed castles and in ruins
    • Tapping function keys [E] [Q] [V] to perform certain actions is now possible again, most importantly tapping [E] on the tent to quickly swap classes, and F to swap tiles. Long time players might appreciate the return of the first one especially.
    • Player names on cursor show only when close and in full light (to allow hiding)

    Due to some security issues, localhosting wont work, and those on shared IPs wont be able to play at the same time. This really bugs us and we'll be fixing it ASAP, but it's better than the alternative (a nice big security hole).We're keen to see what exploits work (so we can sort out something to deal with them) and what ones dont (so we can laugh at the people who tried them) so we'll be watching the forums keenly.
    We're not raising the price until the multiplayer is in to ensure noone feels cheated; that means KAG is still $9.99 for a limited time. To buy the Full Version of KAG (takes just 5 minutes ) go here.
    Very big thanks to KAG admins, guards and testers! It wouldn't be possible without you.
    Have fun!
    Geti + MM
    uscita la prima implementazione.

    interessante se hanno migliorato i bot, spero proprio che si sviluppi anche il single, sarebbe un'ottima aggiunta.

  9. #9

    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    si può provare?

  10. #10
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    è solo nella versione a pagamento.

    però nella versione gratis si può provare l'ai dei bot nuova.

    gli zombie sono parecchio tosti, per la cronaca, è dura sopravvivere.

  11. #11
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    This week we covered a bunch of bugfixes really, and some movement towards a completely scriptable underlying entity system for the full version. I think I’ve finally convinced MM that forking Classic and Full is a good idea, which means classic will keep the current codebase and mechanics intact and the full version will have a different underlying system. The bonus of this is that we wont have to make considerations for classic every time we want to write a new feature, which will speed up development a whole lot.
    In addition, if we get the systems we’re hoping to in place, every single object in the full version will be modifiable serverside, down to the logic controlling animation and physics. Creating new objects will be trivial. This means that KAG will be usable as a modding platform and that server owners wont be confined to the cardcoded logic of the current system.
    Making new entities will be very much like programming, as we’re currently implementing AngelScript, which has C++ syntax and strongly typed objects, but we believe this is better for us as the game is coded in C++, and better for you because it’ll give you a crazy amount of control over ingame objects (you could potentially rewrite soldat in the scripting language - don’t tell MM
    Everything is component based at this point, which we think is a very nice way to structure things.
    Its early days, but in the 2 days we’ve worked on the system its already possible to code movement and animation entirely in-script. We’re going to automate some of that (so that you dont need to keep track of timers for animation scripts and so forth) but its looking to be insanely powerful. Hopefully we’ll find a simple way of networking everything as well.
    Naturally this will mean that we need some way of filtering modded servers out of the vanilla server list (if anything so that we dont get blamed for some of the less than scrupulous mods that are inevitably going to be made) , but it’ll likely just be a checkbox to swap between viewing and not viewing modified servers.
    tl;dr good news for server owners, players, and aspiring developers alike.
    discussion thread here
    hanno rinnovato il sito e la modalità zombie sta venendo bilanciata un po meglio. ecco un video:

  12. #12

    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    bello. giuro. bello.

    ma non compro + nulla se non provo e a me interesserebbe solo la modalità zombie.

  13. #13
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    nel frattempo si stanno concentrando sui bugfix dopo il rilascio della build 370.

  14. #14
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    Fighting the undead - Now with friends! (Build 393)
    Posted 9 hours ago

    It’s a bad day to be a zombie…

    Fortunately, most of our players aren’t zombies, so they won’t mind.

    This means you can defend your fort with your friends without tampering with the server software too much, without repeated server crashes and with a nice new bot control interface.

    Basically, use the R key to tell bots what to do. We think you’ll like the change, we’re leaning more towards this kind of interface than the pie menus in future. If we can find things to convert, we likely will. It feels much better interacting directly with the game objects.
    A giant swathe of fixes is included, to AI (migrants now 40% less useless - can go through bridges!), to gameplay (reduced fall damage stupidness, reduced building weirdness, a bunch of misc exploits removed, particles getting eaten by bridges fixed, combat “lag” reduced…) and many general bugfixes (slow closing fixed, many server crashes fixed) - see the changelog for more!
    You can also wear a kettle on your head, among other new heads. Hopefully this will help increase the diversity of premium folk’s appearance - We’re working on a skin colour option as well, just requires re-touching all of the actor sprites so I’ve been putting it off…
    Big thanks to the testers for starting to get into the swing of things with testing, a lot of these issues would still be undiscovered and the mechanics unrefined without them!
    Full Changelog:
    “zf” = zombie fortress
    - u_shownames now uses new player name style instead of big stupid one
    - spectators with u_shownames see all player names
    - spectators now see unit counters
    - Fixed single character player names no longer crash the server (and are therefore allowed) (#327)
    - Fixed full name not showing on linux/mac when someone changes teams (#151)
    - Fixed username is not cased correctly after successful authentication. (#237)
    - dropped the materials counter delay
    - the blinks still take a while to go away but the counter is always up to date
    - Fixed broken Connect To…. (#148 and #1)
    - Fixed Looks like red builder is going to build blue tiles (#254)
    - Fixed breaking a shop that is on background tile doesn’t give mats (#253)
    - Fixed setting high duration results in ban for 0 seconds (#266)
    - large bans (longer than 2 years) and bans with -1 time now result in permbans.
    - Added expiry time to listbans
    - Made bans case-insensitive
    - changed/improved/added server side logging of game/player events

    - Fixed - Archers deal massive damage to team catapults (#271)
    - really fixed trap door+back wall = free money (removed hack) (#198)
    - Fixed lost stone on removing trapbridge on background (#258)
    - Fixed GOALTICKS independent ticktime mod operation in director.cpp
    - Fixed Knights attack catapults when they use it (#81)
    - Fixed various potential server crashes while fixing (#327)
    - Various tweaks that may fix small bugs/instability - fixed
    - KAG crash when closing KAG with server browser open (#333)
    - addressed chat box/minibox background hardcoded, now takes center pixel colour. (#157)
    - Fixed the listPlayers() script
    - fixed abusable bug where spectators can block map start (#305)
    - fixed more meaningful autoupdate failure messages for libcurl (#306)
    - fixed the launcher menu text for the various sites sucked and fixed some of the URLs
    - fixed can repair trap bridges with backwall (#205)
    - fixed can repair other team’s door to be your own (only works blue->red) (#76)
    - fixed about 3 related bugs/exploits
    - fixed can’t slash shielded target sometimes (#276)
    - fixed jumping on someone and slashing hurts you (#309)
    - stomping does less damage to the stomper
    - Fixed quarters don’t heal when there’s less than 0.5 hearts to heal (#353)
    - fixed door breaking/fixing (#204)
    - updates to how paper rendering works
    - Fixed catapults dont hurt backwall enough, though haven’t done bridges etc yet (likely related to arrows) (#331)
    - Lowered chat spam timer and inserted anti-spam message if you exceed it rather than failing silently
    - Added sandbox room and tweaked sandbox to include it
    - sandbox now has free items and shops.
    - fixed server segfault due to API error conditions
    - fixed quarters light not acting like a light
    - fixed chests giving light by default
    - bomb in zf costs 10 coins (was 20)
    - more probability of zombie having coin
    - disconnect issue should be fixed, please playtest for a while and see
    - fixed client-side light in blob
    - added constructor to APIPlayer, too much non-initialized vars bugs
    - fixed free full version access
    - bots attack dead zombies
    - removed buildnum from launcher caption to avoid confusion
    - collapse anti-grief doesn’t work for outposts
    - fixed charged arrows dealing no damage when shot through bridge (#321)
    - fixed knights don’t stop when ordered to go to zombies
    - destroying castle blocks in zf doesn’t remove coins
    - bots try to jump over kegs
    - fixed bots not following orders when faced with zombies
    - fixed throwing kegs into walls
    - removed “buying” zombies from Portal

  15. #15
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    Zombie Fortress feels like a whole game in itself but KAG is definitely not finished!
    We are officially heading now towards version 1.0.
    We will be adding (trying to add) all the features that we promised over the months and which you can see on the in-game buy poster or website. Not all of them will probably make it because if a particular feature is not fun or doesn’t really work or is simply not doable we won’t do it. But on the other hand we will add other elements which are better, more fun and more fitting. So expect to get what you desire and expect to get awesome features you don’t expect!
    I’ve started work on water and wooden structures and will be moving on shortly to vehicles and siege machines. This will be exciting! Be sure to come back for updates!
    si continua. io in attesa della 1.0 ho lasciato. troppi cambiamenti/bilanciamenti. lo tengo da parte in attesa di stabilità.

  16. #16
    La Borga L'avatar di recs
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    Predefinito Re: King Arthur's Gold

    visto che è da un po che non aggiorno:

    Deadline Announcement + Water and Wood almost here!
    Posted 1 week ago

    This has been a hell of a week!
    The server’s went down (twice, but in quick succession), and a compilation bug halted testing for 5 DAYS. Ryan (FliesLikeABrick) has had his work cut out for him there - He’ll be posting soon about supporting very old versions of linux.
    Despite all of that, the last few days have been productive.
    First of all, some hard news that’s come up in the last few weeks:
    We’re on an external deadline for getting the game complete, and the date falls fairly soon (actual disclosure of the date isn’t legally possible at this point). As such, we’ve done some feature pruning and are knuckling down to get the game finished, to a point where we can stop developing it and just maintain, fix bugs where needed.
    What this means for us:
    • We’ve got to clean up the buy page’s “future features” list to reflect the changes in plans that we’ve made over the past few weeks. This is one of those times where we have to do what we wrote in the disclaimer and try to make the game perfect as it stands rather than incorporating features that are too time-costly or different from what we already have.
    • We’ve got to work quickly on getting features actually complete rather than drafted or planned.
    • We need to improve the modding and level creation side of things to help players build worlds to adventure in and fight over.
    What this means for you:
    • No super-complex months to complete features like Overworld. As grand a plan as that might be, it’s simply not going to happen this time around.
    • KAG gets completed sooner, in terms of everything on the premium poster.
    • Better, more focused modding tools.
    I’ve written quite a lot in this thread, so if you’re interested in the finer details and our personal reasons, have a read. The whole thread is do-able in 30 minutes or so.
    I’ll summarise the important part though: Our TODO as it currently stands is this - Making sure at least everything on the premium poster is covered.
    • Customisation - may or may not involve custom/user defined heads, will definitely include more built in heads + skin colour customisation.
    • More and more useful Siege weapons, some form of ride-able vehicles. (Almost all of these are sprited but not coded).
    • Fire + Water (Got water ~80% done, and wood blocks -> a fair bit of fire done)
    • Zombies (done, at least for now)
    • Game modes + Custom Game-modes (requires scripting work, but that’s ok as we want to do that for some of the other areas of development to help speed up our internal work and give more options to modders)
    • Items + Item management (This one is gonna require a fair bit of re-work, but shouldn’t be that much work if we’re smart about how we approach it)
    We understand that some people will be disappointed, but that’s the reality of any creative work. Please know that we’re not doing this out of lack of passion, far from it. We just need to get the game finished and don’t have the time for grand schemes any more.
    On to something more cheery: Water and Wood blocks are almost releasable, Should be out early next week or perhaps this weekend if testing goes 100% according to plan (…it never does).

    This should help spice up the full version a little. Apologies for the large shot, blame BlueLuigi and his massive HD KAG.

    Water: You can swim, drown, skim arrows (and knights), and build bridges over it. Some form of water transport will be coming soon. The water level is saved into the .kag format, which we’re working on making a lot more palatable to server owners. It only works on full version servers.
    Wood buildings: These offer a cheaper, weaker alternative to stone blocks, and can be upgraded to stone later on. It’s advised to make your non-vital indoor floors out of wood, and keep anything facing the enemy made out of stone. We’re not adding Wood to the free game because we believe a balance has already been struck there - but in the full game, especially on water maps in bridge-building, wood is an invaluable resource. As such, trees now give a lot more wood per hit.
    Shield-bashing: it’s not nearly as crazy as it used to be, but it certainly helps that you can shove people out of doorways with it and it helps make knight combat less about slashing. The variables for it are currently in gamemode.cfg, and will be moving to per-class configs soon.
    HUD Changes: Hearts are now above your head on hover, as well as immediately after you get hurt. We know this will seem like a shock at first, but it helps clear the screen of clutter. We’ll be adding a topbar with vital stats etc as an option for those that want it, but we’re moving towards a much cleaner interface (compare order pie menus with the order-lasso). Consider it a Work-In-Progress.
    Gathering materials has also changed - you can now carry one stack of materials beyond what fits into your inventory, and furthermore, material stacks now have a sprite indicative of how many materials they contain. We’ve considered making them persist indefinitely on the map, but ultimately this opens the possibility for a lot of lag and server burden. We’ll implement stockpiles soon to allow you to store materials and other items in a more friendly way.
    The graphics of the map are a little different as well, which should help with visually understanding the terrain immediately. There’s a bit more work to do there, but its presentable enough. Graphical mods of the map will need re-arranging because of this.
    Some modding vars: Note that these aren’t 100% final, so back up your configs and if you tinker, as always, be ready to re-do your work at a later date.
    What you can build and how much it costs is now in a class config, check out the CTF builder files.
    Full version server owners are urged to try out generator_ctf_lake.cfg as a map once the release is out, potentially with only 30s of build time - the lake coupled with the support requirement means builders need to dive and build pillars for a bridge across, which makes builders a necessary frontline unit and completely rules out early rushing. Personally, I’ve really enjoyed the testing games we’ve had there. We’ve got to work on some counters to turtling over the next week but I’m sure server owners will have a party with the variables in the meantime.
    Discussion thread here for all your forum chitchat needs.
    The KAG Team

    Wood & Water Build Released!
    Posted 4 days ago

    Wood and water, direct to the faces of full version players everywhere!

    Check out your gamemode configs, there’s quite a bit more to play with there. Changelog should have details.
    You can now hide the HUD by “scrolling out” at x2 zoom level, it will not auto-hide as your mouse approaches the edge.
    Check out the FullCTF gamemode files included, which have no siege (to prevent camping while we work on new and more balanced siege items), lake maps, no “build time”, a stack of mats for each team on game-start, armouries and archery ranges, fast travel tunnels (which are now team-bound - don’t let the enemy get to your tunnels!) and wood blocks enabled by default.
    Server owners - if you want to run FullCTF set sv_gold_only = 1 in dedicated_autoconfig.gm and replace dedicated_autostart.gm with this.
    We’ve already talked about everything in this update, so I wont mince words. Have at it!
    - new games rules FullCTF
    - added generator_ctf_lake.cfg, generator_ctf_twolakes.cfg
    - added water (gold servers only - sv_gold_only 1 in config)
    - added Aim Mode (zoom out button [MOUSE SCROLL])
    - moved HUD hearts to above players head
    - materials actually spawn at tent on game start
    - added temporary workshop build item spam prevention
    - increased min_shieldbash_horiz_vel slightly
    - fixed pink pixels on collapsing wood from world.png
    - reduced vertical speed limit when slashing to prevent getting stunned because of it.
    - made it so that shield-bashing counts as your kill
    - shieldbash tweaks from testing
    - fixed bridge castle back support bug
    - added wood_warmup, stone_warmup, gold_warmup, arrows_warmup, bombs_warmup to team - sets materials at tent on start
    - added weapon_clash variable to gamemode.cfg
    - synced egg health over net
    - getting out of catapult boosts fixed
    - fixed cata not destroying wood
    - fixed spikes hanging after collapse on client
    - removed mat pickup sound if smaller than 10
    - shield bash sound plays only at higher velocity than bash
    - stomp stun doesn’t happen for team mates
    - throwing objects more smooth on network
    - added decay to materials, after 30 seconds
    - added static material count to CTF
    - if workshop has bomb to build and upgrade - tapping [E] will make bomb
    - removed cata from FullCTF to prevent base camping while there aren’t boats
    - added stone_amount and related vars to team configs for on-start mats
    - materials.png tweak for bombs
    - added generator_ctf_twolakes.cfg
    - arrows skip on water
    - fixed materials dropping during break
    - fixed picking up invisible other team heart
    - fixed splash when throwing out something picked up from water
    - fixed some server-side commands possible to launch on client
    - edited help texts in workshops
    - increased arrow draw time and made sound reflect it
    - added show/hide hud tutorial text
    Discussion (and full changelog in the first post)

    Scripting in the works! Also, gigantic changes to Building and Fire, and Server Browser improvements.
    Posted 1 day ago

    We’re working on getting scripting happening per-component for all entities!
    This means that complex behaviours can be programmed per-entity, rather than relying on hardcoded components to do it for you. This is good for us as it means we can iterate far more quickly on things like siege engines and such, but also good for modders as it means they can code their own animation logic and AI for NPCs, and make special items ingame. Next build is gonna be excellent.
    Just a heads up to modders: Unfortunately, this means breaking compatibility with all existing config files - not invalidating them entirely, but they’ll require conversion. Conversion is as simple as adding “$script =” to the top of all of the component sections, but it needs to be done by hand to avoid mangling your configs. Once the release is out, have a look at the default configs to see how it’s done.
    We’re changing the way building works at the level of the tilemap - all constructed blocks will be separate entities, and all dirt etc will remain on the tilemap. This means that blocks can be properly layered on top of each other, and that the support code can be optimised a fair bit as it wont need to flood through the entire map. This will also solve issues with (for example) bits of the map collapsing when they shouldn’t. Because blocks will have their own HP, this opens up the way for per-block resistances to different attacks, so knights will be able to grind down a stone block over time (read: 100 hits or so).
    The cooler part of the constructed block changes is that we’ll be able to have multi-tile blocks to construct, like 2x1 column blocks that will break as one piece. This should give more variation to buildings, and allow some more complicated blocks to make their way into the game (such as traps, elevators and so on).
    Fire has also started being drafted up in code, and while it’s early days, I’ve been having excellent fun burning down wooden towers with it.
    Tom and Ryan are working on the server browser, which is now lightning fast, fully threaded and about 80% easier to work with.
    We expect the conversion of map stuff to take a little longer, and there aren’t screenshots to show yet, but there will likely be some dev videos as we make progress. Figured you guys would like an update on what’s getting worked on other than continued balancing tweaks.
    Discuss here.

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