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  1. #326
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di DagonCultist
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Grazie Dan mo ci butto un occhio!
    Stavo leggendo anche che sta vendendo molto bene in giappolandia

  2. #327
    Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione
    London, UK

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Dan Hero Visualizza Messaggio
    PS3. Comunque vergognatevi, la home di gamestart si era impantanata per qualche ora

    Mi hanno appena chiamato tra l'altro per dirmi che stavano spedendo ora il pacco. Efficienti! Ringrazio il lez per la segnalazione.

  3. #328
    Il Nonno L'avatar di EddardStark
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    maronn mi avete messo una tentazione in corpore

  4. #329
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Howl
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    partito !
    partito da modena, potrebbe arrivarmi anche domani

  5. #330
    Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione
    London, UK

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    a questo punto appena avremo le nostre copie direi che è mandatorio far rullare un po' di sano coop online e party

  6. #331
    Dan Hero

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    sicuro! Hanno telefonato anche a me. Lezard, credo di volerti bene, per la prima volta da dodici anni a questa parte

  7. #332
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di DagonCultist
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Mi pare cmq che il coop online non è disponibile dall'inizio, ma si sblocca ad un certo punto del gioco.

  8. #333
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Howl
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    ma anche se fosse, i server americani non saranno online no ? comunque io l' ho preso per vita, la versione ps3 più avanti. Magari quello europeo, se i salvataggi cross platform funzionano

  9. #334
    Il Nonno L'avatar di L4Suicide
    Data Registrazione
    Forgotten City . . . . . Tappi: 1120

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    A dire il vero io l'ho preso Usa perchè non era ancora sicura la versione pal.
    E l'ho preordinato per il mega sconto ottenuto così facendo, pur avendo l'art-book in regalo.
    E' pur sempre vero che se uno vuole può giocarselo tutto, rivenderlo e prendere la versione pal quando esce.

  10. #335
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Strider
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Vigliacconi, appena vi arriva, trovate due secondi per scrivere qualche opinione per i tapini (come il sottoscritto) che devono aspettare per averlo!!!

  11. #336
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Howl
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    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da L4Suicide Visualizza Messaggio
    A dire il vero io l'ho preso Usa perchè non era ancora sicura la versione pal.
    E l'ho preordinato per il mega sconto ottenuto così facendo, pur avendo l'art-book in regalo.
    E' pur sempre vero che se uno vuole può giocarselo tutto, rivenderlo e prendere la versione pal quando esce.
    la mia idea è quello di usare i salvataggi tra la versione vita usa e quella ps3 pal, ma forse sono troppo ottimista sennò prenderò anche la versione ps3 americana e pazienza
    Ultima modifica di Howl; 30-07-13 alle 20:06:27

  12. #337
    delfino furioso

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

  13. #338

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Pensate, io sono di Modena, potrei andarlo a prendere a mano.

  14. #339
    Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione
    London, UK

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da delfino furioso Visualizza Messaggio
    what the actual fuck

  15. #340
    Dan Hero

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown


    Cazzo devo lavorare, ho fatto appena in tempo a creare il personaggio e fare il tutorial

    Ma è bellissimo, sono commosso

    *my cock starts playing "The Rains of Castamere"*

  16. #341
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Sono alla finestra da TRE ore, sembro un fo**uto maniaco

    Proprio oggi il corriere tarda..

  17. #342
    Il Nonno L'avatar di EddardStark
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

  18. #343
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Howl
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    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da lezard valeth Visualizza Messaggio
    Sono alla finestra da TRE ore, sembro un fo**uto maniaco

    Proprio oggi il corriere tarda..
    non solo da me batte la fiacca allora di solito me li portano intorno alle 2

  19. #344
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown


    C'è anche l'artboooooooook

    Vai di elfaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  20. #345
    Il Somax

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Siete degli infoiati

  21. #346
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Strider
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

  22. #347
    Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione
    London, UK

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    A me se va bene arriva domani :X

  23. #348
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown



    Non si può mettere in pausa durante le missioni.. ste cose mi uccidono

    Ma c'è qualche malus nel formare un party? Perchè il gioco diventa ridicolmente facile.

  24. #349
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Howl
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    preso, giocato, bellissimo :3 su vita quando ci sono tanti nemici gli fps calano, però rimane accettabile

  25. #350

    Predefinito Re: [PSV-PS3] Dragon's Crown

    Prime recensioni:

    Destructoid 9.5
    Dragon's Crown is quite literally a crowning achievement in the beat 'em up genre. Utilizing some of the best design concepts of the past 20 years, Vanillaware succeeds in creating a captivating world that you just can't help but experience over and over. While it may not win over the hardiest of brawler haters, if you've even had an inkling of joy hacking and slashing at any time in your gaming career, you should probably be playing Dragon's Crown.
    VentureBeat 90
    Say what you want about the stylistic choices that went into art, but Dragon’s Crown’s appeal is greater than its looks. Smashing baddies, exploring dungeons, and scrounging for as much money and items as you can find is a satisfying departure from many strategy-heavy games coming out these days. Dragon’s Crown is a nostalgic return to classic side-scrolling brawlers found in arcades in the early ’90s, complete with flashing “go” arrows and food that falls out of villains and chests.

    I know the art is a problem for many, and I would be lying if I said it didn’t bother me. Understanding the influences, both artistic and thematic, helps me appreciate Dragon’s Crown even though I don’t want to see undulating breasts every five seconds. I can look beyond them and lose myself in the mechanics and combat. Hopefully, you’ll give it a chance.
    RPGFan 8.8 (Vita) 8.5 (PS3)
    I could not have dreamed of a game like Dragon's Crown in my younger years, mostly because it could not have existed on anything but modern hardware. It's a little odd that the game hides its best features under an inconspicuous, slow-paced introductory period, but everything beyond the first few hours is excellent. It's the kind of game that I will be bringing to parties for quite some time — when I'm not up all night playing online, that is. Level 99, here I come.

    IGN 8.5
    Dragon’s Crown is about to put Vanillaware on the map. Whether on PlayStation 3 or PS Vita, it’s an enjoyable and deep old-school romp with an incredible amount of charm and an even higher amount of replay value. The experience is virtually identical on PS3 and Vita, but if you absolutely, positively only want to buy one, I’d go for the PlayStation 3 version, as its chaotic action is more readable and better appreciated on the big screen.
    Joystiq 4.5
    Dragon's Crown might be Vanillaware's best game to date. While it scales back the complexity that defined Princess Crown and Odin Sphere, its focus on deep, varied fighting mechanics make it one of the best beat-em-ups released for any platform in recent years.

    The repeated content in the game's latter half could be a concern, but Dragon's Crown's online mode encourages players to adopt new strategies to suit their party's strengths as new classes drop in and out. This helps to keep things fresh and interesting – as do additional unlockable difficulty levels – even after your twentieth trek through the Ancient Temple Ruins. The promise of new and powerful loot after every battle is similarly enticing, and if you're committed to leveling up all six playable classes, you'll be playing Dragon's Crown for a long time
    Hardcore Gamer 4
    As a side-scrolling brawler, Dragon’s Crown is deep and loaded with replay. As an example of 2D art in gaming, it’s unequalled. The characters, enemy monsters, bosses, level art, and everything else that goes into the look of the game is unmatched in detail and design. True, it only equals and doesn’t beat the smoothness of the animation in Aladdin or Earthworm Jim, but neither of those two had the high resolution and associated detail to deal with. Once the impact of the art settles in, however, what’s left is a fast, responsive, and highly playable action-fest that’s great fun both in single and multiplayer. It’s a fantastic tribute to classic arcade gaming, loaded with secrets to unravel and enemies to pummel into a fine paste. It’s always a good day for beating on monsters, and that’s never looked better than in Dragon’s Crown.
    Gameinformer 8
    It’s clear that Vanillaware has a fervent love for the roots of the role-playing genre. Nods to old tabletop gaming abound, up to and including a dungeon master-like narrator who carries you through the story. Even so, Dragon’s Crown needn’t be a niche title; its accessible combat and rewarding upgrades are great fun for any action fan. In particular, if you have fond memories of days spent gathered in dim arcades with friends, wasting enemies and quarters in equal measure, then this is a surefire hit. Dragon’s Crown is proof that the cooperative brawler isn’t dead.

    Gamer Horizon 8
    Sure, it might not be a perfect game, but the fact that it’s able to deliver a fantastic same couch experience, augmented with seamless online integration that’s both fun and breaks the monotony of the rest of the game, keeps making me come back to the game. What Dragon’s Crown amounts to, ultimately, is a showcase of Vanillaware’s passion to bring back the beat-em-up genre and to remind us that the king of beat-em-ups is back.

    Co-Optimus 3.5 (co-op) 4.5 (overall)

    There’s a lot more I could say about Dragon's Crown, but I’ll have to stop here. Gameplay-wise, I had a blast with the combat and enjoyed the hand-drawn art. Some questionable design choices (especially regarding online co-op) as well as a massive repetitiveness factor bog the game down a bit, however. From a co-op standpoint, Dragon's Crown will probably be the most fun for people who have some reliable (and tolerant) co-op buddies, be they local or online. Just be prepared to deal with some quirks.

    The Escapist 3/5
    If the game's questionable portrayal of women and lackluster storyline aren't enough to put you off, though, there's still plenty left to enjoy about it. Wrapped in its hauntingly pretty watercolor design, Dragon's Crown has all the delightful face smashing one might expect from a brawler plus the added incentive of character development and randomized loot. The repetitive nature of the genre is even slightly mitigated by a random level generator at the game's end, a tool that'll give you at least some reason to keep coming back for more. Dragon's Crown is gorgeous, and though at times its flavor may be of questionable taste, ultimately it does still manage to strike a lot of the right nostalgia chords.

    Polygon 6.5
    Dragon's Crown makes a strong first impression. It's a fun mix of RPG tropes and dynamic brawler action. But I found its over-exaggerated art style alienating and gross in its depiction of women even as it shines in building a world of fantastic monsters and environments, and the forced grind through the same stages dulled my excitement. Dragon's Crown is a wild place to visit, but it doesn't quite hold up in the light of day.

    Technology Tell A
    Playstation Universe 9
    Paste Magazine 8
    Digital Spy 4
    MTV.com N/A (favourable review)
    STFU & Play N/A (favourable review)

    mi fanno ridere i commenti negativi per come sono stilizzate le figure femminili
    cmq complessivamente recensioni estremamente positive

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