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  1. #51
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Aton
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    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Harry_Lime Visualizza Messaggio
    King, questo gioco se va bene esce tra un anno e mezzo, quando le nuove console ci saranno già.
    Un investimento economico per un gioco del genere su pc coe piattaforma principale, non si fa più. Tantomeno ubisoft lo fa.
    L'hai capito questo?
    Ma chi ha detto che è la piattaforma principale. E' ovvio che è un engine preparato anche per la prossima gen che stanno "sperimentando" su questo gioco.
    E ora, in concreto, queste sperimentazioni le puoi fare solo su PC.

  2. #52

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Aton Visualizza Messaggio
    Ma chi ha detto che è la piattaforma principale. E' ovvio che è un engine preparato anche per la prossima gen che stanno "sperimentando" su questo gioco.
    E ora, in concreto, queste sperimentazioni le puoi fare solo su PC.
    Dico che king dà per scontato che il gioco possa uscire per questa gen di console.
    Io dico che non è scontato che il gioco esca ANCHE per questa gen.
    Sono molto più convinto che malgrado le dicihiarazioni ubisoft sugli attuali formati, il gioco verrà presto dirottato come sola esclusiva nextgen.

  3. #53
    King Odoacre

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Harry_Lime Visualizza Messaggio
    King, questo gioco se va bene esce tra un anno e mezzo, quando le nuove console ci saranno già.
    Ubisoft ha riferito un generico "2013", quindi potrebbe anche essere a Gennaio, se è per quello. Ma anche dovesse uscire proprio il 31 Dicembre 2013 per farti piacere, dubito fortemente che sia già uscita la PS4 sul mercato. Al massimo giusto la nuova console Microsoft. Ma allora Ubisoft non avrebbe annunciato il gioco in arrivo anche per Xbox 360.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Harry_Lime Visualizza Messaggio
    Un investimento economico per un gioco del genere su pc come piattaforma principale, non si fa più. Tantomeno ubisoft lo fa.
    Quella roba gira già su PC, perché l'hardware PS4 non esiste. E' come la demo di Zelda HD, programmata su un comunissimo PC x86. A questo punto tanto vale continuare a svilupparlo così su PC con la possibilità di farlo uscire quando si vuole sul mercato anche dovessero tardare PS4 e Xbox III e poi convertirlo su console successivamente, quando sarà possibile farlo. A tutt'oggi non è nemmeno possibile usare dei middleware per programmare su PC-PS4-Xbox Next contemporaneamente perché non c'è niente di pronto, solo proiezioni sul possibile hardware che pensano di usare per le prossime console.
    Ultima modifica di King Odoacre; 06-06-12 alle 18:44:14

  4. #54
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Aton
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    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Harry_Lime Visualizza Messaggio
    Dico che king dà per scontato che il gioco possa uscire per questa gen di console.
    Io dico che non è scontato che il gioco esca ANCHE per questa gen.
    Sono molto più convinto che malgrado le dicihiarazioni ubisoft sugli attuali formati, il gioco verrà presto dirottato come sola esclusiva nextgen.
    non ne vedo il motivo, tra l'altro dai per scontato che il gioco esca quando ci saranno già le nuove console.

    Se poi Ubisoft ha confermato che hanno intenzione di farlo uscire su questa generazione di console non capisco tutta questa difficoltà nel crederle

  5. #55

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da King Odoacre Visualizza Messaggio
    Ubisoft ha riferito un generico "2013", quindi potrebbe anche essere a Gennaio, se è per quello. Ma anche dovesse uscire proprio il 31 Dicembre 2013 per farti piacere, dubito fortemente che sia già uscita la PS4 sul mercato. Al massimo giusto la nuova console Microsoft. Ma allora Ubisoft non avrebbe annunciato il gioco in arrivo anche per Xbox 360.
    King, fai un reset ogni volta che leggi un mio messaggio?
    Lo devo scrivere di nuovo che nel 2004 il 50% della produzione che arrivava su xbox e ps2 fu dirottata su 360 e ps3 per l'uscita nel 2005 e 2006?
    A cavallo di due generazioni la storia è sempre la stessa. Sony e microsoft stringono accordi per portarsi i titoli di terze parti in eslusiva sulle proprio nuove console.
    Capisco che son passati sette anni, ma ripetertelo 3 volte mi sembra un pò eccessivo.

    Qualcuno per favore salvi questi scambi di battute che al prossimo e3 vediamo chi ha ragione.

  6. #56
    King Odoacre

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Harry_Lime Visualizza Messaggio
    Lo devo scrivere di nuovo che nel 2004 il 50% della produzione che arrivava su xbox e ps2 fu dirottata su 360 e ps3 per l'uscita nel 2005 e 2006?
    Ma quando mai, ha fatto a tempo ad uscire ancora un bel po' di roba per PS2 fino al 2007 (God of War 2, Final Fantasy XII). Furono invece alcuni giochi del Gamecube e del primo Xbox a venire dirottati sulle nuove console in arrivo (Zelda, Kameo), ma solo perché quelle due console erano alla canna del gas ed era inutile farci uscire ancora sopra roba.

  7. #57

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    mi sono perso qualcosa, nel 2013 esce la nuova console? chi l'ha detto?

  8. #58

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BlueHeaven Visualizza Messaggio
    mi sono perso qualcosa, nel 2013 esce la nuova console? chi l'ha detto?
    Nessuno, supposizioni su rumor ecc.

  9. #59

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

  10. #60

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    mega intervista con nuove scene:

    The city itself will be used as a weapon - tap into any computers or infrastructure. Or the ''darkest secrets of the people living in Chicago.''

    • The demo shown was just one example of what the players can do to achieve their objective.

    • Aiden Pierce isn't good or bad, but neutral.

    • The example given is that by causing collateral damage with civilians getting killed, giving a bad image towards the player.
    - The other way in killing the person that was shown in the trailer could have been by tracking the guy down in the parking lot, and take him down there.
    - This gives the player the choice in how he approaches his missions

    • ''Online is in the DNA of Watch Dogs''
    - The motto - ''Everything is connected, and connection is power''

    Two people were playing during the demo, one was playing as Aiden Pierce, and another person was playing as another character, which had his own objectives, and ''crossed paths''. Basically, both players had their own objectives and crossed paths.

    • Their wanting to blend in multiplayer, online and singleplayer, in ways that haven't been done before.

    • Their game was inspired by other games, such as Assassins Creed, in reference to open world. Day to day news from Chicago was also an inspiration.

    • Powers will grow as the game progresses, and you get more and more powerful as you progress.

    • Left questions raised as to whether Aiden Pierce is the only person in the world of Watch Dog that has the powers that Aiden himself has.

    • New IP, with three ingredients involved,
    - Talented team
    - Time, with it being developed for two years, but definitely not being shipped this year, so a lot more time is available.
    - Awesome technology such as a new engine to give the designers new tools to allow new things and a lot of detail.

    City is based on Chicago - heavily inspired by Chicago. Very similar.

    • Poor districts or more wealthy districts will influence how you play and approach missions.

    You choose what to do with the information you gather on the civilians around the city, so not all civilians have ''dark secrets'', but those that do, you'll be given the option to act on it, for side-missions.
    - These ''dark secrets'' may include prior criminal convictions, etc.
    - The city and the media will have an impact on how you take action.

    • Definitely not being shipped this year.
    • Will support ''multiple platforms''
    altra intervista:

    More gameplay was seen behind the scenes, in which showed some free roam capabilities, and included one of the characters climbing on top of a subway train.

    • They aren't commenting on the currency system, such as whether people will be allowed to purchase in-game currency, but their is a ''deep economy'' available.

    • They used Chicago as the games main city as it is considered as one of most surveillance covered cities in North America.

    Player will have the choice as to how he extends his power - options will be available as to how you push his ability to control, depending on how you want to play the game.

    • Again, they aren't shipping this year, so they have plenty of time to support as many consoles as possible for when they do ship.

    • They are very confident that it'll be released on current generation platforms.
    quindi, l'obiettivo è farlo sucire su più console possibli (chi ha detto nextgen? ) ma farlo anche uscire sulle attuali console, come detto qualche post sopra è possibile che ne facciano una versione "castrata" che però manterrà le caratteristiche del gioco, oppure che non uscirà proprio sulle attuali console.
    D'altronde in questo momento il loro obiettivo è semplicemente quello di creare hype attorno al gioco, e direi che ci sono riusciti benissimo

  11. #61

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    must... not.... hype

  12. #62

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BlueHeaven Visualizza Messaggio
    must... not.... hype
    questa è più...appropriata

  13. #63
    Il Nonno
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    cazzarola players che si incontrano durante lo svolgimento delle missioni, crossplatform, possibilità di approccio diverso alle missioni...
    sembra tutto troppo bello

  14. #64

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da McHawk Visualizza Messaggio
    cazzarola players che si incontrano durante lo svolgimento delle missioni, crossplatform, possibilità di approccio diverso alle missioni...
    sembra tutto troppo bello
    Infatti speriamo che riescano nei loro intenti e non la sparino troppo enorme, perchè tutti ancora siamo qua a ricordare cosa era alan wake all'e3 del 2005 e cosa è diventato alla sua uscita (che è un bel gioco, ma è un altro gioco rispetto agli intenti originali).

  15. #65

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    Altra intervista, nuovi dettagli:

    una sintesi delle cose più salienti:

    - They said you'll be able to drive up to 180 miles an hour, in reference to how big the map will be.

    - The mission that was presented, that it'll be ''interestingly difficult'' to complete in stealth. But they brought up the idea, that you may want to open the draw bridge, and causes traffic, including the car that has the target (DeMarco), and then you use a sniper rifle with a silencer, and take DeMarco out.

    - The way you approach a mission will affect your reputation, so if you end up in a gun-fight, and civilians are getting shot, other civilians are taking photos, the media is is learning more about you, and this will reflect on your reputation.

    - You can ''set your own objectives'', so basically if you see someone with a bad record, such as ''human trafficking'', and you don't agree with it, thus giving you the choice of taking action on it, and how you want to approach it.

    - It will be open world, you will be able to get onto roof-tops, alley ways and interiors.

  16. #66

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

  17. #67

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3


    Watch Dogs Preview: Placing Power in Your Palm - Ubisoft's open world game delivered the best action of E3 - and it promises to offer much, much more.

    ... What Ubisoft didn't show during its presser is a companion tablet app that adds a tantalising additional layer to the action. As well as a host of stat-tracking and social features, the app will supposedly facilitate asymmetric real-time multiplayer, where one player will embark on a mission on the TV screen while the other either helps or hinders their progress by tweaking the digital environment via a fully-realised 3D map on the tablet app.

    "The core of it is that we want to keep the same fantasy: control the city from the palm of your hand," Guay explains.

    "A lot of games have already done the mobile thing, but only as a way to access game stats. For us, that's not enough.

    "If you get on the bus we want you to be able to continue growing your control over the city and getting benefits from that in the game. We also want you to be able to go into the living room and play with other people who are playing on the TV. That's core for us.
    "And it's also a way of connecting with other players. There are going to be a lot of consequences to growing your ability to connect with other players."

    Almost as ambitious is the studio's bold approach to ephemeral emergent gameplay. Guay explains that aside from Watch Dogs' main campaign you'll be able to create your own side missions on the fly and interact with the city in a hugely dynamic and open-ended way.
    Every single person wandering Chicago's streets can be scanned and will boast their own unique backstory, however mundane it might be. You can then react to that information as you see fit, slotting yourself into their lives in a variety of ways.

    "We don't need to set specific mission objectives," insists Guay.

    "I'll give you an example. You'll walk around the city, profiling people through the surveillance system and you'll see a guy who is convicted of some horrible crime - a multiple rapist or whatever. You see him walk down an alleyway and decide to follow them. You have a gun, you have all these abilities - what will you decide to do with that knowledge? That's the player's choice, and they're going to have to face the consequences of those choices too."

    Impressively, all these tiny subplots are individually crafted by the game's writers rather than being randomly generated.

  18. #68
    King Odoacre

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    E' chiaro che si tratta di un "GTA" di prossima generazione. Spero che sia vero quel che dice Harry e che alla fine non esca affatto per Xbox 360 e PS3, perché temo che realizzarne una conversione sulle console di questa generazione "in tandem" con l'edizione PC possa portare a castrare e non di poco questo videogioco. L'unica qui è puntare su PS4 e Xbox Next.

  19. #69
    Data Registrazione
    No Man's Land

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3


  20. #70

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    Nuova intervista da IGN:


    It’s like GTA but with a dash of intellectual vim. Players don’t just wield guns to achieve their goals (although that is a part of the game), they also use secrets. The game is about manipulating technology to unlock information your enemies do not want made public. IGN’s Rich George recently explained why Watch Dogs is his favorite game at E3.

    Creative director Jonathan Morin believes players will identify with this dynamic. “A lot of games will go and invite the player to just explore the environment. We're letting you explore human beings as well. Pierce [the game’s main character] looks at the people around him in a different way. Every person is not a robot following a sidewalk. It's a human being, you can tap into his life, you can find new side quests, stories. So it's pretty much an action-adventure game, that pushes the limit of what it means to walk into a living, breathing city.”

    The game is rooted in the issues facing all of us today, as we give ourselves over to social networks, and as the organizations that we use - banks, government, employers, retailers - demand to know more and more about us. Morin says, "A lot of people have been asking us where Watch Dogs comes from, what's the concept? Well, it's typical beer discussions about Facebook and information and what's happening in the world. Human beings are always reacting to technology in different ways."

    “Today there are new ways for people to express themselves publicly. Some people don't like that. It gets harder to govern a society when people have access to so much information. So we were talking about those things, and instead of talking about being a victim of that, we started to ask ourselves, wouldn't it be cool to be that guy? The guy who can tap into that information, and to reverse-engineer that conversation, and to make gameplay out of it. As soon as we tried it, it was pretty interesting."

    Built at Ubisoft Montreal, Watch Dogs is an open-world game set in a fictional version of Chicago. It's about Aiden Pierce, a man shaped by violence, who's obsessed with revenge, and with surveillance technology. Morin says, “He's going to be forced to take justice into his own hands and aggressively take control of an entire city. Expect to be able to control, aggressively, every infrastructure, every device, in fact, everything you can think of that's connected to a computer or connected to wi-fi that runs a city. You can control it.”

    Players will be required to use their imagination to escape from difficult situations, not to merely select a pre-ordained set of procedures. He explains, "Pretty much everything you see that's an infrastructure element can be hacked. It's not one thing that's mission-based, it's something you can do at will, to escape cops or use in a mission or anything like that. You can control the El trains, you can tap into every device, whether it's a laptop, whether it's a cell phone, and a bunch of other surprises that will come in the future."
    Speaking on IGN’s E3 Live show, Morin also talked about the game's online multiplayer plans. "It's correct that we have an online experience. If Aiden Pierce can control everything and watch everybody. It's logical that somebody else is capable of doing the same thing. So what would happen if anybody in single-player and multiplayer and somewhere in between were all watching each other and had an impact on each other? That's the kind of excitement that we want to build."

    For Morin, the game is about turning the tables on powerful people. It's about using technology and information against people who are accustomed to getting their own way. "Aiden Pierce is not necessarily that kind of guy who goes in a room and punches a guy in the face until he talks. He's more the kind of guy who goes in the room, sits down at the table, looks the guy in the eye and says, ‘I'm going to slide an envelope in front of you, and if you don't do exactly as I say, I'm going to destroy your life’. It's a very powerful feeling, to say that you can tap into people's lives that way. Suddenly the most powerful man in Chicago can be scared of you, it can really have an impact on a corrupted system, and that, I think, is pretty interesting."

    In Watch Dogs, all computers are connected via a surveillance system called ctOS. Morin says this system is more about the present, than the future. “People think it is futuristic. Well, actually, if you look at Rio de Janeiro, for the Olympics, they're actually building a similar system in collaboration with IBM. So ctOS exists in its own way in real life. Everything the player will do is something that someone, somewhere, has demonstrated is possible currently. So we will want to stay at the edge of what's possible today. Because in the end, Watch Dogs is really about the impact on society of today's actual events."
    One issue that's causing confusion is whether or not the game is current-gen or next-gen or both. Morin explains. "Well, the game is going to be coming out in more than one year for sure. We have an attitude where we're not shipping until it's done. As far as the platform goes, we're running on PC at the current E3. It's official for PS3 and 360. And since we don't have any ship dates, we're also hoping for any other platforms, multiple platforms, for the future.”

  21. #71

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    tl:dr lo fanno per pc si o no?

  22. #72
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Aton
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    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BlueHeaven Visualizza Messaggio
    tl:dr lo fanno per pc si o no?
    PC, PS3 e X360 sono confermati per ora

  23. #73

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    bon lo compro per pc allora

    sempre che non metteranno drm di sta fungia...

  24. #74
    IL BIFOLCO L'avatar di <-DooM->
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    President - First 5

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    ma dov'è la pagina 3?!

  25. #75

    Predefinito Re: [Ubisoft] Watch Dogs - Update: interviste e nuove scene pag. 3

    ci stai scrivendo ora, poi se metti visualizzazione diversa son razzi tuoi

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