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  1. #1

    Predefinito Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor - Topic Ufficiale

    As movie audiences gear up for the next installment of The Hobbit, gamers now have their own Tolkien project to get excited about.
    Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is on its way to a game screen near you on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Developed by Monolith Productions and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, we feel the upcoming game showcases some of the gameplay innovation potential now possible on next-generation consoles through its groundbreaking Nemesis System.

    While many previous games set in Middle-earth have revolved around the major events or characters depicted in Tolkien's books, Shadow of Mordor offers a new chapter that fits comfortably between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Players control a lone ranger by the name of Talion as he journeys deep into the heart of Mordor in the days before it transforms into a blasted hellscape. Along the way, developer Monolith is exploring a fascinating next-gen approach to enemies, encounters, and storytelling, one in which every player shapes their own story through the choices they make. The Nemesis System assures that every enemy you fight is a named foe, and if they survive their battle with you, they continue to grow, improve, and act in the world, even as you attempt to do the same with Talion. Our cover story recounts our extensive look at the game in action, from combat and leveling to story and setting.

  2. #2

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    qualche dettaglio dall'articolo di GI:

    -Every enemy has a name, rank and memory. If you don't kill them in an encounter for whatever reason they will remember you later on and change their tactics, not only getting stronger in level but learning new immunities. Enemy dialogue changes because of your previous encounters as well.

    -Enemies have their own jobs to do and their AI allows them to do certain things on their own. For example an Orc you have to kill may be dueling another at one point or he may be doing whatever his higher ranking officer assigned him to do. It all progresses in real time with or without your interference.

    -If an enemy kills you in battle you don't "die" in the traditional sense. You do eventually respawn but time in the world passed (they didn't say how long). During this time the enemy that killed you was likely promoted because of him killing you or he could have been killed somehow (like losing one of the duels I mentioned above).

    -If your objective is to kill a high ranking warlord you can do it in several ways. One way would be chipping away at everyone under his rank and either killing them or making them become "agents" for you which will enable you to launch ambushes on their base or possibly even assassinate the warlord by making his 2nd in command your agent. However it's not guaranteed, the 2nd in command can fail and be killed but he may have partial success as well which takes a chunk of the warlord's health away to make your battle easier.

    -The combat seems like it takes cues from the Batman games. They mentioned there was a rhythm to it and you get to keep a combo multiplier going.

    -It's fully open world so it has all of the stuff you'd expect. XP, skills, sidequests, random events (hell the whole game is basically a random event with that nemesis system and the AI working on their own even when enemies aren't on screen).

    -You get to use normal melee combat, stealth with a dagger or ranged with a bow. How you level those up depends on what you took the target out with. A stealth kill will get you a special rune to use on stealth skills, direct combat will get you a melee rune and so on.
    niente magia quindi?

  3. #3
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Kendall
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Diciamo che avrebbe il suo senso. Nell'ambientazione della terra di mezzo, per come è stata concepita, la magia è cosa per ben pochi, ed ha sfumature che neppure si adattano molto bene ad uno scenario di battaglia. Per la serie che se uno pensa ad un mago che lancia palle di fuoco e saette come non ci fosse domani, è ben al di fuori della concezione di magia vista dagli occhi di Tolkien.

  4. #4

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Kendall Visualizza Messaggio
    Diciamo che avrebbe il suo senso. Nell'ambientazione della terra di mezzo, per come è stata concepita, la magia è cosa per ben pochi, ed ha sfumature che neppure si adattano molto bene ad uno scenario di battaglia. Per la serie che se uno pensa ad un mago che lancia palle di fuoco e saette come non ci fosse domani, è ben al di fuori della concezione di magia vista dagli occhi di Tolkien.
    Per di più uno dei temi caldi del libro è proprio la crudezza dell'essere umano, unito alla forza del ferro.
    Gli stessi stregoni erano delle "specie" in via di estinzione, relegati a pochi superstiti, le cui magie e poteri venivano usati solo in casi eccezionali e spesso uniti ad un momento di ira.
    Per cui, se il gioco si basasse principalmente su una azione hack and slash fisica non sarebbe un male.

  5. #5

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    si considerando l'ambientazione ci sta tutto, sono io che sono fissato con i personaggi che usano la magia nei gdr, vabbè se il prodotto sarà buono alla fine sti cazzi della magia

  6. #6
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Lo Zio
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

  7. #7

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

  8. #8
    La Borga
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Bishop76 Visualizza Messaggio
    niente magia quindi?
    Nel mondo di LOTR la magia non è cosa facilmente ottenibile, a meno di essere LOTR Online dove è pieno di stronzetti che sparano palle di fuoco

  9. #9

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    primi screens:

    New Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor screenshots now available

    The Black Gates are infiltrated by Sauron’s army, murdering all in their path. Talion revives from the grave having lost all he holds dear, denied the peace of death… why did he survive?

    Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Monolith Productions release five new screenshots and concept art for recently announced Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

    These assets include screenshots and concept art that showcase

    • Talion - Players take the form of Talion, a ranger who loses his family and everything he holds dear, only to be returned from death by a mysterious Spirit of vengeance.

    • Mordor - Set between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor begins on the night of Sauron’s return to Mordor, throwing the region into turmoil.

    • Nemesis System - Discover a powerful and dynamic next-gen gameplay mechanic that allows players’ actions to shape enemy relationships and characteristics, creating personal and unique stories and gameplay arcs that remain persistent even after death.

    • Wraith abilities - Players command Wraith Powers to orchestrate and execute their vengeance to outwit enemies, infiltrate the ranks, and dominate within an adaptive world.

    • Melee combat - A multitude of enemies will require different tactics, encouraging the player to advance their skills, abilities and weapons to become legendary through a system of rune rewards crafted according to the player's strategy.

    About the game

    Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor delivers a dark story of retribution as players will assume the role of Talion, a ranger who loses everything on the night of Sauron's return to Mordor. As Talion's personal vendetta unfolds, players uncover the mystery of the Spirit that compels him, discover the origin of the Rings of Power and confront the ultimate nemesis.

    With a dynamic next-gen game environment powered by the Nemesis System, players orchestrate their personal plan of vengeance as they bend Mordor to their will; ensuring a unique experience to all players. Every enemy players face is a unique individual, differentiated by their personality, strengths and weaknesses.

    Enemy encounters create personal archenemies specific to every gameplay session. Players must outthink each distinctively different enemy to infiltrate the ranks and dominate within the dynamic world that remembers and adapts to their actions and choices.

    Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows PC.

  10. #10
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Krizalid
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Perchè Aragorn ha gli occhi luminosi?

  11. #11

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Krizalid Visualizza Messaggio
    Perchè Aragorn ha gli occhi luminosi?
    Perchè non è Aragorn. Basta leggere.

  12. #12
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Lo Zio
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Krizalid Visualizza Messaggio
    Perchè Aragorn ha gli occhi luminosi?
    per leggere al buio

  13. #13
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Garese
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Soul Reaver in Middle-Earth?

    Inviato dal mio GT-P7500 con Tapatalk 4

  14. #14
    La Borga
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    "Mordor - Set between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor begins on the night of Sauron’s return to Mordor, throwing the region into turmoil."

    Ammetto di non ricordare a memoria il lore perchè LOTRWikia non è la mia homepage, ma non ricordavo se ne fosse mai andato. Non è sempre rimasto li ma debole e debilitato?

  15. #15

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Harry_Lime Visualizza Messaggio
    Perchè non è Aragorn. Basta leggere.
    così a naso eh, era sarcastico

    lo dico anche perchè è sputato aragorn sto tizio misconosciuto

  16. #16
    Il Nonno L'avatar di skyhigh
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    Vigolo Vattaro

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Bourbon Visualizza Messaggio
    "Mordor - Set between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor begins on the night of Sauron’s return to Mordor, throwing the region into turmoil."

    Ammetto di non ricordare a memoria il lore perchè LOTRWikia non è la mia homepage, ma non ricordavo se ne fosse mai andato. Non è sempre rimasto li ma debole e debilitato?
    In realtà si trovava a Bosco Atro (si riferiscono a lui come "Negromante") e viene scacciato dal Bianco Consiglio: se non ricordo male è il motivo per cui Gandalf si assenta. Non ricordo in dettaglio la tempistica ma penso ci possa stare come trama.

  17. #17
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Seblon
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    Greendale College

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Ma basta elfi e fatini!!!.. Dovevamo liberarcene almeno dieci anni fa e ancora stiamo a parlare di orchi e draghi, neppure noi tutti si stia vivendo dentro a un brutto scenario di D&D nel quale non sussista alcuna via uscita. Ma un rpg vero, nuovo, con quel minimo basilare di idee innovative.. Invece è sempre il solito tritacarne di immaginario carnevalesco e derivativo allo sfinimento. Peter Jackson ha rovinato una generazione nell'esatta misura in cui Tolkien l'ha nobilitata votandola al fantastico.

  18. #18

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

  19. #19
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Necronomicon
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    C'è anche la notizia che avrebbero rubato parti di codice e animazioni ad assassin's creed II

  20. #20
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Lo Zio
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    mordor's creed

  21. #21

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Sembra una via di mezzo tra assassin's creed e batman archaam (c'è anche l'opzione monitor a scansione di calore).

  22. #22
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Necronomicon
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    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    A former Ubisoft developer who worked on the first two Assassin's Creed games is claiming that the latest Lord of the Rings game, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, appears to be using code and animations from Assassin's Creed II.
    Charles Randall shared his suspicions on Twitter today following the release of a trailer for Shadow of Mordor, a new open-world game set in the Lord of the Rings universe. Linking to the debut trailer seen below, Randall joked, "Check it out guys! I apparently made a Middle Earth game!" He followed this up with a series of tweets expanding on what he meant, first stating, "Seriously, can someone tell me how Assassin's Creed 2 code and assets are in this Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor game?"
    Randall said he believes work he did for Assassin's Creed II could be seen on display in the trailer released today, including "code/anim[ation] for sure." He pointed out that he's aware he has no legal claim to his work, but did say he hopes to be acknowledged in the game's credits.

    Combat and air assassinations are among the aspects of Assassin's Creed that Randall worked on while at Ubisoft. When it was pointed out the game resembles the Batman: Arkham games more than Assassin's Creed, he responded, "I spent two years staring at AC2. I know it when I see it."
    In his tweets, Randall didn't bash Shadow of Mordor; in fact, he expressed enthusiasm for it and the prospect of the Assassin's Creed engine being licensed out to other developers. However, there is as of yet no indication that this is what's happened. Shadow of Mordor is being developed for PC and next-generation consoles by Monolith Productions, the developer of FEAR, Condemned, Gotham City Impostors, and Guardians of Middle-Earth.

  23. #23
    Il Somax

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Beh dai, una via di mezzo tra Assassin's Creed e Arkham City (AC e AC ) con il freeroaming e parkour del primo e il combattimento del secondo non suona malvagio, anche se la roba dei poteri del wraith sembra presa di peso da un dishonored o simili...
    Sono leggermente scettico sull'ambientazione, ma pace, è il fantasy più classico esistente

  24. #24
    Austin Punisher

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    si vabbè ma dai ma ha ragione il tipo, le animazioni sono IDENTICHE, COMPLETAMENTE UGUALI.

  25. #25
    Il Nonno L'avatar di L4Suicide
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    Forgotten City . . . . . Tappi: 1120

    Predefinito Re: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, nuovo RPG dai Monolith

    Il generico Talion(un po' Ezio ed un po' Batman), nella mai troppo abusata terra di mezzo spara mazzate alla god of war con un titolo che sembra l'anagramma di lord of shadow(castlevania).
    Sembrerebbe un successo garantito.

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