> Le me walking to the university in a 26C clear day in Italy, sole, caldo, mafia, mandolino, mamma, pizza.
> Working on stuff at the office
> Suddenly realizing that I do not have the office key.
> Going to the front desk
> Asking for a key
> The receptionist says they have no more keys
> WTFisthisshit.jpg
> Asking how I can open the office without a key
> The receptionist says I have to duplicate the key of a colleague (at my expenses of course)
> Asking if I have to fill in a form
> No, you can take the key and do what you want
> Series of criminal plans passing in front of my eyes, then realizing that the most valuable thing in that office is my laptop
> Going back to the office
> Working on other stuff for some hours
> Seeing a lightning far away
> Other colleagues packing and running out
> Thinking they are not men enough and storm is far away
> Storm hears me, suddenly thunders cracking like an AK-47
> Realizing I still do not own office keys and I'm the last one in the room
> Going at the front desk and informing the receptionist I cannot close the room
> She gives me 3 keys to close the room
> Going back upstairs
> Trying the keys: two do not fit, the third one fits but does not turn
> blasphemy.png
> Going back to the front desk and saying I cannot close the door because keys do not work
> Going out. Storm still far away
> Thinking "The storm is far away, I can make it home"
> Storm hears again. Suddenly dark clouds appear above my head. Thunders cracking like Gatling gun
> Walking along an avenue with almost no shelter, thinking "Still no rain"
> Storm hears for the last time. Suddenly hailstorm
> Running under a bus stop
> 39093730739th corollary to Murphy's law: while raining the wind will always blow towards you, cancelling the benefits of any shelter
> Walking under a shitload of rain
> Remembering Vietnam even if I was born in 1985
> Opening the courtyard gate. The rain stops