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  1. #1
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Steph
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Youtube Partner Program (?!)

    Ho ricevuto questo messaggio privato sul mio canale YT

    You've got a very nice channel and we love what you are doing with it. Your channel is now eligible to join YouTube Partner Program, because you are focused on great videos we'd like to invite you to apply for a partnership with our fast growing YouTube network Freedom!No lock-in forever contract!
    Come or go anytime! Whenever you want!
    We enable revenue visibility in your YouTube channel and nothing is hidden!
    Revenue share
    You start at 60% of YouTube's 100% and can grow (i.e. it is not 60% of 80% or some other silliness).
    No minimum payout
    If you earn $1, we pay you $1!
    You own your channel and content, and we are your technology partner!
    Content ID
    We can find all copies of your original content anywhere on YouTube and monetize or takedown the matches (if you are a musician, this means we can monetize all copies of your music anywhere on YouTube!)
    Audio only
    We have two CMS’s, one for music and one for non-music. The music CMS lets us match just the audio in a video and we can claim very specific rights for your music across YouTube!
    Record labels
    Many record labels signed with us, and we negotiated access to professional music for you!
    No withholding tax
    You earn 100% of everything you make. There are no tax forms to fill out from Freedom!, and no withholding tax. Simple.


    So what do you actually earn then per 1,000 views? We don't place a set $2 or $3 cap on your earnings the way other networks do. Many of our partners have earned over a $10 RPM from their videos.
    Payments are issued at the end of each month on a 2 month delay. This means that all of your earnings from January will be sent to you via PayPal by the end of March, February earnings sent in April, etc. You will always be e-mailed a full report that shows you your earnings before the payment is sent out so you know exactly what to expect in your account by the end of each month.
    Secondo voi è fuffa?

  2. #2
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Necronomicon
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Youtube Partner Program (?!)

    Beh ma con le inserzioni di youtube quanto prendi ora?

  3. #3
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Steph
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Youtube Partner Program (?!)

    niente perché i miei video contengono materiale protetto da copyright.
    (che è il motivo principale per cui penso che il messaggio sopra sia fuffa)

  4. #4
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Necronomicon
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Youtube Partner Program (?!)

    E allora nulla da fare. Non so se sia truffa ma sicuramente ti è inutile se guadagni zero da youtube (loro vorrebbero il 20% Per i loro servizi) (servizi che puoi farti da solo, tra l'altro quindi sì, propendo per possibile truffa)

  5. #5
    War Machine

    Predefinito Re: Youtube Partner Program (?!)

    Io con Google ho chiuso, specialmente dopo l'ultima porcata che mi hanno combinato, indi per cui, andasse a fare in culo pure il tubo. Consiglio, lascia perdere ste stronzate di monetizzazione online, ti può andare bene la prima, la seconda volta, poi ti inchiappettano per bene. Comunque sia, quel messaggio mi sa tanto di sola

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