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  1. #1

    Predefinito [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Viva Pinata, titolo irresistibile in uscita esclusiva su Xbox 360, non delude le attese, e dimostra il talento dei programmatori di Rare, risquotendo altissimi voti presso le testate internazionali più blasonate. Viva Pinata è in uscita il prossimo 1 Dicembre pronto a conquistare il cuore di tutti i videogamer europei.

  2. #2
    Olpus Bonzo

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Anche Kameo e Perfect Dark Zero hanno preso voti più che buoni (sopra il 90) in sede internazionale. Ci sarà da fidarsi? Mah, Rare ormai è bollita, e dispiace perché un K.I.3 per Xbox 360 è il mio sogno bagnato.

  3. #3
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Krizalid
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    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Sono ignorante come una capra tibetana, e non ho ancora capito che genere di gioco è.

    le puntate scaricate da gametrailers però fanno ridere!

  4. #4
    Dan Hero

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    coltivi il tuo brullo terreno con amore e accassori da comprare negli appositi negozi finchè non diverrà un verde paradiso pieno di animali morbidosi di cartapesta.

    O almeno, è ciò che ho capito io. Comunque so che lo vorrò

  5. #5
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Pottinus
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    Ezio Auditore's House

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da krizalid Visualizza Messaggio
    Sono ignorante come una capra tibetana, e non ho ancora capito che genere di gioco è.

    le puntate scaricate da gametrailers però fanno ridere!
    e' una via di mezzo tra the sims, animal crossing, pokemon e un gioco a tua scelta della serie "theme".

    hai questo giardino inizialmente vuoto e spettera' a te modificarlo in modo da attirare questi curiosi animaletti.
    Dovrai stare attento a controllare i delicati equilibri di queste volubili bestiole in quanto alcune specie non vanno d'accordo con altre.

    L'aspetto artistico e' estremamente ispirato, se lo fosse anche il gameplay allora potrebbe essere davvero un buon gioco. Speriamo in una demo!!

  6. #6
    Olpus Bonzo

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Io credevo fosse un platform. Ora che so che è un gestionale tamagotchoso so che non mi piacerà. E' l'unico genere di videogame che detesto, quello dei gestionali e dei manageriali.

  7. #7
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Samus78
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    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Fatta eccezione per lo stile grafico che mi piace molto, questo gioco mi ispira come un calcio nei koglioni.

  8. #8
    Il Nonno L'avatar di MaxPayne84
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    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Samus78 Visualizza Messaggio
    Fatta eccezione per lo stile grafico che mi piace molto, questo gioco mi ispira come un calcio nei koglioni.

  9. #9
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Onslaught
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    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Non ispira nemmeno me: sto leggendo la recensione di ign.
    A loro è piaciuto,solo che,da quanto capisco,non dura molto(stano...).

  10. #10

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    MA quanta roba bella sta uscendo per 360?

  11. #11
    IL BIFOLCO L'avatar di <-DooM->
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    President - First 5

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    io adpro animal crossing e so già che viva pinata mi piacerà, però dovrebbero puntare un pò di più sull'online in questo genere di giochi, cioè renderlo più aperto, certo senza trasformarlo in mmog

  12. #12
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Onslaught
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    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Sull'online puntano anche troppo: su xbox 360 i giochi che durano più di 8-10 ore in single,si contano sulle dita della mano di un monco.
    Piuttosto è auspicabile che venga aggiunta ANCHE un'ottima componente online,ma lo spessore dovrebbe essere maggiore per il gioco in sè,perchè è troppo comodo demandare tutto alla modalità online.

  13. #13
    L'Onesto L'avatar di hunter123
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    Clock Town

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Non ispira neanche me...sinceramente il gestionale non è un genere che mi attira molto, benchè in passato qualche gioco del genere mi abbia preso.

  14. #14
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Krizalid
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    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Un manageriale!

    Allora mio.

  15. #15

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Nell'anteprima di Videogiochi parlano di modalità online basata sulla possibilità di visitare i giardini altrui...e già questa era un ridimensionamento dell'iniziale idea di fare un giardino persistente...perchè nella versione finale è sparita la possibilità di visita?senza codici amico sarebbe stata una feature interessantissima

  16. #16
    IL BIFOLCO L'avatar di <-DooM->
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    President - First 5

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    davvero hanno levato questa opzione?

  17. #17

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Louis De Point du Lac Visualizza Messaggio
    Nell'anteprima di Videogiochi parlano di modalità online basata sulla possibilità di visitare i giardini altrui...e già questa era un ridimensionamento dell'iniziale idea di fare un giardino persistente...perchè nella versione finale è sparita la possibilità di visita?senza codici amico sarebbe stata una feature interessantissima
    Aspetta! MA chi l'ha detto che è sparita? No, perchè a me non risulta proprio...

    p.s. MA Videogiochi esce ancora? Io non la trovo in nessuna edicola... XD

  18. #18

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Esce esce...ma ovviamente,essendo di nicchia,no nsi trova proprio ovunque...
    Cmq sulla recensione di Ign dice che si può: a)vedere le pignatte degli altri giocatori (ma no nandando nel giardino,una specie di "classifica") b) Inviare pacchi regalo ad altri utenti,irriconoscibili,con tutte le sorprese del caso (non ho letto attentamente tutto,cmq se mandi qualche creatura particolare potrebbe regredire allo stato brado,e cose così) a seconda del tipo di animale e dell'integrazione col giardino del ricevente...se poi la versione americana è castrata non lo so (ma mi pare improbabile),nè se quelli di ign hanno bevuto...l'unica speranza è che esca una patch (gratuita) per l'online (sigh)

  19. #19

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    "Yet the number of things you can do through Xbox Live is extremely limited. Leaderboards are in the game, though they're tucked away several layers deep in the journal. You can compare any of your own piñatas with your friends' piñatas to see who has the most valuable piñata of that type. You can also check to see who has the highest garden and piñata value of all time. It's good for simple comparisons.
    The other Live feature is the option to send and receive crates filled with things from the garden to anybody on your friend list. You can send up to five of the same object in a single crate along with a note, but you can't mix and match piñatas or other garden objects. The recipient won't have any knowledge as to what is in the crate. They'll have to open it to find out what's inside. If you receive a piñata you haven't tamed yet, it will automatically become a resident and award you experience as if you had met all of the requirements yourself. However, if it is a sour, it will revert back to its evil state and start causing chaos. Hopefully you don't have any evil friends, but you can always return the package to the sender or forward it on to somebody else if you haven't opened it yet.
    Those two Xbox Live features are nice, but it seems like a serious oversight to not include the ability to show off your garden in some way to your friends. "

  20. #20
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Pottinus
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    Ezio Auditore's House

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Luciofox Visualizza Messaggio
    Aspetta! MA chi l'ha detto che è sparita? No, perchè a me non risulta proprio...

    p.s. MA Videogiochi esce ancora? Io non la trovo in nessuna edicola... XD
    purtroppo e' sparita davvero!!!

  21. #21

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Posto una buona rece presa da neogaf:

    Question: If I like *animal crossing/sims/pokemon/harvest moon/etc* will I like viva pinata?

    Answer: There is a good chance you will, viva pinata is a perfect combonation of depth meets simplicity, and plays like a mixture of animal crossing and a tycoon game (more then anything else id say)

    Question: If I don't like those, will I enjoy viva pinata?

    Answer: There is a possibility. I enjoyed animal crossing because I thought it was a novel idea, and was creative. I didn't like the sims because it was boring, and harvest moon really was chores made into a game. The reason viva pinata pulls me in more then those titles? I love rare, and more importantly this paticular style and mood. This is very much a rare world at it's best, and while in other games planting a seed and watering a plant would be boring, it was because I didn't care for that world at all. Viva pinata is charming and soothing to the bone, and i've grown to really love the world, so doing the fun task on top of the mundane micromanagement is all enjoyable to me.

    The game is radically different then anything i've played though, while you could combine different games or styles and maybe come close, pinata is its own beast and definately recommended that you try it in some method for a few hours.

    Question: Is this game teh kiddy?

    Answer: Yes and no. The boxart would make you lose a lot of penis size just by looking at it, however, once the game starts the game actually is quite neutral. On one hand, things are cute, vivid and colorful, but they also have a certain sharpness that keeps them stylized (ala anime) so it never feels 'bad' cute. Aside that however, there is a lot of subtle adult humor scattered all around the game, suggestive romance dances, being able to do your own mom/dad, jokes in the plotline, and things that the helpers across the land say, it's all stuff that would fly over a childs head but an adult will smirk knowing what rare is insinuating.

    Basically it's charming and funny, but not 'kiddy' in the worst sense, just like conker is cute and colorful, viva pinata isn't quite what it seems (but to a far less severe extent)

    Question: Is this a good game for my kids/wife/myself?

    Answer: This is a tough one, the fact is the game is kid friendly, but the gameplay might be too complex for younger people. Honestly, this is a game more geared towards people who like colorful/creative games, like nintendo fans or women (women seem to love these games). This is a great family game in that dad/mom play and maybe help the kid out, but I don't think this is a game to buy little timmy if he's going at it alone. However, the game has a pacing in which it's only as hard as you make it, but im not sure if kids would enjoy the game at its slower pace style (aka the easy way to play). There is also a simple mode, so maybe children could enjoy it, but it's really a gamble.

    Basically I would not strongly advise buying this FOR a kid, but if the kid will have parental help or something then he will have a blast im sure. If you have a wife or girlfriend though, this is a GREAT game to get them playing with you, or to get into games in general. For us men, it depends on if you like the style of charm and color or must you have insane violence in everything.


    Presentation: 9

    Viva pinata has an excellent presentation all around. The menues and everything are VERY stylized and welcoming, the story is actually funny and told in a 100 percent non invasive way, and the overall flow of events and such are near perfect. As well, there are a LOT of productions in this side of things, there are special cg videos that happen after you get a certain amount of achievements, there seem to be hundreds of pinatas all with their own romance dance movie (that only plays once per species) and just tons of little things scattered that make it great. The only downfalls are that the voice work from the tv show is indeed present in the intro video (aka the thing you see while letting the title screen idle) and the 'online safety' video. Thankfully no where else.

    Graphics: 9

    Beautiful, artistic, quirky and incredibly polished. Everything is so detailed and vivid, it basically looks near perfect for what the game is. The framerate rarely dips despite so much happening as well. The only reason its not a perfect 10 is that the garden and distance is fairly small, and every 5-15 minutes the game autosaves causing the game to studder for a half second or so. Nothing big but worth mentioning.

    Sound: 9.5

    The music in this game is amazing and moody, it's basically a softer more relaxing variation of banjo kazooie styled music, but a bit more epic as well. The voice acting is surprisingly spectacular and all the sound effects are damn near perfect. The only problem I have with the sound is that the music being so great, doesn't play all the time. I understand that quiet is good for a game like this but man, I just want to hear that music.

    Gameplay: 9.0 (for now)

    The gameplay in viva pinata is amazing. The structure and everything about it is just really awesome. The game starts you with a small garden, crappy tools and basically a large tutorial, not the best first impression right? Well what happens from here is a slow but certain way of jumping into a hot bath. You start by luring a pinata in the garden, doing some garden work and getting a grasp for things, but soon enough you will find that this game that was once considered a kids game and looked overly simple is actually insanely deep and complex.

    The game has a structure in that it has a linear series of things you should aim for and do, but is also very open ended and free form style. Example, you start with a small piece of land and obviously want to expand it to twice the size right? Well it will take leveling up for that to happen, a linear goal that is achieved in a very open ended way. As well, throughout the time you play linear events happen to change the flow and dynamic of the otherwise open ended gameplay, so it's always varied and challenging.

    Aside from the structure, everything in the game has a simple start and a deep finish. Initially a low level plant is something you plant and then just throw water on, but eventually balancing how you water it, throwing special kinds of dirt on it, etc, can change how it grows and evolves, forming something different or more valuable. The same applies to everything in the game. A pinata of the same species can be mated, but if you dig deep you may figure out how to cause the species to actually change into something different thats not even recorded yet. Hell cross breeding is said to be possible (rumor).

    Everything in this game has these deep facets to them, but the execution is done in a simple way controls wise. What you have is usually one execution per button on the varied items, it works very well. The skill part is that learning the facets, how to apply them, and how to multi task EVERYTHING, it can be very daunting and difficult. But as you learn more you figure short cuts and more proficient ways to do things, it makes the game very rewarding. As well, as you level up more items and things unlock to buy, the fact is when rare opens up the feature of online co op, I look forward to roaming around the gardens of the people on my list, because there are SO many possible things to customize.

    The best thing about this game is, a good 15 or so hours in and you're still seeing new events pop up, different ways to do things, and you've barely scratched what can be done. By the time you somehow beat every single linear aspect of the game, you will have SO much cool stuff that the 'infinity' of the game will kick in, making it near endless.

    The core gameplay is very well done as well, you have the start button for system options, the X button brings up the stores/services/primary tools, then the dpad can hotkey important items like the shovel or water can. All of this is simple to do and fun as well, the only problems with the core game are when trying to move pinatas to something specific, it usually works but doesnt always and can be annoying, as well, reaching flying pinatas takes patience.

    Aside all that, a story unfolds in the form of book chapters that are read off, so as you unlock them you can listen/read them at your own pace, never interferes with the game.

    Another great part of the game is really just how perfectly everything comes together, the fact is, there is always a goal to go for, always something you should be doing, but if you just don't want to goal hunt then by all means relax and enjoy the garden in an open world sense. There are few games with a better pacing then viva pinata, as long as these games are your style. As well, every single thing you do is saved to one profile, so say you're level 25 as a gardener but don't want to do it all over again just to make a new one. Well you don't have to. EVERYTHING aside from the literal things in the garden carries over into new gardens, so you could start a new garden that is bare but maxxed in size, all the money is unified accross the gardens, etc. It really is very well thought out. Just be careful if friends/family don't have their own gamertags (which are free) as they could screw your economy just by making a new garden and blowing your chocolate coins.

    What keeps viva pinata from being a perfect 10 in gameplay, aside from a couple annoyances listed, is the fact the game isn't complete feature wise. Yes it's an amazing single player game, but the formerly promised online/offline co op seem to be absent, and to me this hurts it enough to lower the score. Eventually though, rare plans to (for free most likely) upgrade it so you can have a friend or two visit your garden offline or online, and with your permission even do garden work there. As well, rare has said things about eventual online tourneys, mini games, etc, so the potential is really limitless. I can't wait for online co op, but i'm scoring it for what it is and not for what it might be. There are also some reported bugs and we don't know how extensive they may be within months.

    Overall this is probably the best sims/tycoon/etc style game i've ever played in terms of its gameplay mechanic, I love it. Just remember, this games throws a LOT at you and is pretty fast paced and frantic if you let it get out of hand.

    Replay value: 10

    The game will take people hundreds of hours to really slap into place, and even then it doesn't end, it's just one of those games that will last some people forever, and with future tournements, the leaderboards, co op being added, etc, it really is limitless. As well, the achievements in this game are some of the best yet, 50 achievements and all of them lined accross the various possible goals to achieve in the game, and not some stupid redundant crap found in other games.

    Overall: 9

    I could review this game 10 times the amount I Just did and still barely touch on what the game really is, but the problem is no one would read that much. You'll just have to take my word for it, this game is amazingly good, complex, deep and charming all around. It's great for the adult and family minded gamer, but falls pretty flat on its face as the next game to get kids talking. If this game is mildly interesting to you, buy it, rent it, do something because you will most likely stick to it. Hell the official gaf thread is brewing with positive lust so far.
    Peccato sia tutta in inglese, ad ogni modo è interessante il paragone con animal crossing, nel complesso pare che viva pinata sia piaciuto praticamente a chiunque ci abbia giocato, peccato che con gears e Cod3 all'orizzonte la maggior parte delle persone snobberà questo gioco, me compreso. potrei farci un pensierino se lo trovo usato...

  22. #22

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Samus78 Visualizza Messaggio
    Fatta eccezione per lo stile grafico che mi piace molto, questo gioco mi ispira come un calcio nei koglioni.
    Quoto... bellissima recensione del gioco...

  23. #23
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Lo Zio
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    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    chi mi riassume cosa si dovrebbe fare nel gioco?

  24. #24
    Olpus Bonzo

    Predefinito Re: [Xbox360] Viva Pinata promosso a pieni voti.

    E' una specie di Simsgotchi. Divertente come fare bungee mutanda jumping (cit. Jackass il film)

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