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  1. #1
    La Borga L'avatar di Wizard2k
    Data Registrazione
    In quel ramo del lago di Como...

    Predefinito Segnalate qui le nuove mod - NIENTE RICHIESTE QUI

    Cominciano ad uscire i primi mod, che ne dite di tenere una lista?

    Eccone alcuni:

    Sacco a pelo (potrete dormire dove volete): http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=284956
    Save Game Manager: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=281616
    Libro del teletrasporto (se ho capito bene): http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=277931
    Time Mod (allunga le giornate in Oblivion): http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=285644
    Modifica alle armature dell'arena: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=287686
    Possibilità di iniziare con qualsiasi razza: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=287626
    Possibilità di utilizzare come razza i Dremora: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=282754
    Vamps MD Armor: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=287726
    Sonno Obbligato (obbliga il giocatore a dormire per almeno 8 ore al giorno): http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=286603
    Aumenta le giornate di pioggia: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=287735
    Bilancia il night Eye dei Khajit: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=282188
    Fulmini migliori: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=287093
    Rimuovere l'active quest e la bussola: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=285131
    Vampire Hunter's Sight Toggle: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=285911
    Exp ridotta: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=286939
    Toglie la scritta "loading area": http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=279590
    Rings of Feather 500: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=286507
    Healt regen (fa funzionare l'healt come mana e fatica): http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=279833
    Nuove acconciature ( ) : http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=286115
    Aumenta la velicità delle freccia in base alle stats: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=280550
    Toglie la bussola: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=273779
    Biancheria intima colorata :http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde x.php?showtopic=285229
    Imperatore in versione Picard (o meglio Mr Burns ) :http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde x.php?showtopic=284389
    Altri capelli: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=282315
    Sgabello portatile ( ): http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=281665
    Altri colori per gli occhi: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=283725
    Cura rapida per vampirismo: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=282394
    Aumenta la capacità di carico: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=282924
    High Elf weakness removed: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=282528
    Toglie il fast travel: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=275729
    Trashcan v1: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=275068
    Aumenta la capacità di carico: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=277335

    Aggiornamento 27/03/2006[list type=square][*]Evita che le guardie si teletrasportino --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=302976[*]Chiama il cavallo --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=303724[*]Migliora l'oro --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=289942[*]Merchants buy your clutter --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=301689[*]Combat Behavior mod --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=303754[*]Alchemy Pearks More Poison Effects --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=303698[*]Levelling Mod --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=301013[*]Aumentata la durata di armi e armature --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=290850[*]Faster Stats multipliers --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=296719[*]Mercante con 15000 gold --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=299217[*]Modifiche alla visuale in 3a persona --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=295459[*]Quick draw --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=303127[*]Poison Food crafting --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=300606[*]Nuova razza Dark Khajiit --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=298687[*]Polishing cloth --> http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=296410[/list]

  2. #2
    Il Puppies L'avatar di Shaexley
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni

    E` nato un wiki per catalogare i mod man mano che escono...

    http://www.tescreens.be/oblivionmodwiki/ index.php/Category:Mods

  3. #3
    La Borga
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni

    Ho fatto un piccolo pluggo

    ho corretto alcune frasi della traduzione, come ad esempio:

    - quando sale un ablità non è piu "il tuo/la tua x abilità aumentata (o diminuita)"

    ma è "La tua x è aumentata (o diminuita)"

    - quando si portano troppi oggetti non appare più "Sei sovraccarico" ma "Stai portando troppa roba" (in memoria di morro )

    - ho tolto la scritta caricamento area

    - quando si aggiunge una cosa all'inventario non è piu "x aggiunto all'inventario ma "x è stato aggiunto al tuo inventario"

    - quando si fallisce la creazione di una pozione non è più "Fallito creazione e hai perso tutti gli ingredienti" (non era esattamente così ma suonava comunque malissimo) ma è "Hai fallito la creazione della pozione e hai perso tutti gli ingredienti.

    e infine quando si carica una partita non è piu "Sicuro di voler caricare la partita?" ma è "Caricare la partita?"

    per ora ho trovato solo questo.. ci sono certe scritte in eng ma non le ho trovate

    http://rapidshare.de/files/16430935/corr ezionitraduzione1.esp.html

    lo potete scaricare qua:

    ditemi se vi funzia bene

  4. #4
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    Visto che qui si raccolgono i MODS e PLUGINS,vi aiuto anche io...

    Tempo Oblivion Cheatmod (1.01)


    Yay for Oblivion mods. We all like that.

    So, here comes one of those cheatmods (among many), that gives you alot of highleveled, powerful items, a new extremely powerful birthsign, so you can simply run through the game pretty easily.

    And as the author said, cheating is for weaklings.


    Copy TeMpO.esp to your game\Data folder. When you start the game, select "Data Files" and Select TeMpO.

    This Little mod provides a chest full of very powerfull items, located in the prison cell where the game begins.

    The items are very powerfull as you will find out. there`s also a new BirthSign extremely powerfull.

    This is a simple CheatMod and i advise to use the items only on ocasion so that the game doesn`t get too easy.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/T empo_Oblivion_Cheatmod;59026

  5. #5
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    IC Storeage House Mod (1.0)


    This mod edits the house you can get in the imperial city to allow for you to store more stuff. Mainly, a table was removed and shelves were added for your use.


    Put the "IC Store Housemod" file into your "Oblivion/Data" directory.

    when done this start the Oblivion launcher goto data files...
    check the box in front of IC Store Housemod

    and its all done..


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/I C_Storeage_House_Mod;59144

  6. #6
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    Improved UI (2.01)


    This small mod changes the UI of the game around a bit, making more items fit into your inventory, loot, and magic menus. The map has also been reworked and so has the quest journal. Overall, it makes the UI much more easier to browse through.


    There is no esp file. These files should be unzipped in the Data directory
    of your Oblivion installation.

    This new release is a joint effort between Tikigod and Beider, we merged our UI packages
    to try and make a single and better release for everyone.

    This mod can also turn off the Quest Hint Markers on the Compass and Map pages. It
    will remove the Dungeon/POI hints that the compass shows. The
    Dungeon/POI icons still show up on your main map screens though.
    You just have to be more "explorery"

    **NOTE: There is no way to toggle these within the game (that
    I know of yet). If you want to reenable the markers, you will
    need to exit the game, delete (or rename) the "menus" and then
    restart Oblivion.

    In some rare occasions, the Compass will show the red marker(sometimes more than one).
    It may be related to putting down a User Created marker. If this happens,
    you can open the console and enter: reload hudmainmenu
    This should clear and reload the hud with the compass.


    Just extract the menues folder within the archive to your oblivion\data directory

    Your folder path should look like,
    Oblivion\Data\menus\main\inventory_menu. xml

    If you wish to use a morrowwind (or other elderscroll games) fonts then put them in
    then change oblivion.ini to refer to them instead. Font 3 is the one this addon uses for most of the stuff.


    Changes the loot windows ingame to have more items showing at once.

    Changes repair menu, alchemy, soulgem, etc...

    Extends the item screen and makes 15 records visible at once.

    Extends the magic screen and makes 15 records visible at once.

    Improves the status views a bit.

    Change the size of your quest font to font 3 (A smaller font)
    Changes your map size and adds fade on quests
    (You can change the fade / no fade and add markers if you want)

    Will remove the Quest Markers and Dungeons from the Compass if you use the No Markers version

    (By default map_menu.xml and hud_main_menu.xml in the menus\main\ directory are the Quest Markers OFF versions. Use the 2 files in the "Markers" directory in the other 2 sub-directories off of the extract.)

    Added functionality where the Up Arrow will exit out of the dialogue. The Down Arrow should open up the Persuasion Menu. (This is somewhat buggy for various hardcoded reasons)

    During Class Selection, when you made a custom class, the name entry was very limited in size(limited by the sum of the widths of the letters used). Can now enter HUGE class names if desired.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/I mproved_UI;59183

    ...questo lo trovo interessante!!!

  7. #7
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    All Classes


    A small mod adding previously unusable classes that were limited to the NPC's.


    Just put the .tga in your Data Folder, and start a new
    game... and when you get to pick your class
    there will be more to choose from


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/A ll_Classes;59184


    Ragazzi,visto che i MODS saranno molti e di varie versioni,vi prego di non postare qui i vari commenti ma solo se avete da aggiungere altri MODS e se lo fate cercate di mettere la descizione del MOD,la descrizione dell'Istallazione ovvimente il Download e man mano di aggiornarlo se escono altre versioni dello stesso.

    Questo è importante cosi gli altri utenti che vorranno aggiornare i MODS potranno controllare se sono già esistenti e cosi evitano di inserire dei doppioni,non è Ufficiale ma spero che i moderatori dell'AREA lo mettono in Top e fanno lo stesso discorso che ho fatto io solo per evitare confusione e per una ricerca piu immediata del MOD desiderato,credo che Wizard2k (che ha iniziato anche lui ad aggiornare i MODS sia d'accordo per la struttura del Topic e per la collaborazione ai fini di un AREA The Elder Scrolls migliore e piu immediata per tutti,grazie!!!

  8. #8
    Il Nonno L'avatar di ViolentKop
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    Better Water


    This changes the Opacity of the water in the game and the amount of Fog underwater.

    - Changed the color & view of underwater to match above better
    - Made the more reflective, should reflect the sky better also.


    Just put the .esp in your Data Folder, and start a new
    game selecting the new .esp in the Data Files menu.

    Download (1):
    http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php? id=1830

    Download (2):
    http://rapidshare.de/files/16573177/808- Better_Water-TESSource.esp.html

    Example: (BEFORE/AFTER)

    nota: mod già postato da qualcuno sul forum, ma non ricordo più da chi, ne dove...sry...comunque merita

  9. #9
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Spike
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    NoSf3rAtU ha scritto lun, 27 marzo 2006 alle 18:03


    Ragazzi,visto che i MODS saranno molti e di varie versioni,vi prego di non postare qui i vari commenti ma solo se avete da aggiungere altri MODS e se lo fate cercate di mettere la descizione del MOD,la descrizione dell'Istallazione ovvimente il Download e man mano di aggiornarlo se escono altre versioni dello stesso.

    Questo è importante cosi gli altri utenti che vorranno aggiornare i MODS potranno controllare se sono già esistenti e cosi evitano di inserire dei doppioni!

    Questo sarà d'ora in poi il regolamento di questo topic, cerchiamo qui di "archiviare" i plugin. Se dovete inserirne uno, cercate di mettere la descrizione come negli esempi qui sopra. Per le richieste mod ho creato un topic apposito, non fatele qui, grazie!

  10. #10
    La Borga
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    http://rapidshare.de/files/16581268/corr trad2.esp.html

    Terza versione del mio piccolo plug-in che modifica leggermente alcune cose riguardo alla localizzazzione in ita

  11. #11
    Moderatore BI BI DA L'avatar di Jaqen
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    Anche se non ho ancora Oblivion (quando l'avrò sarò + preciso) mi sento di consigliarvi questo MOD:


    Praticamente migliora (e tanto sembra) la qualità delle monete d'oro del gioco, ora c'è ancora + gusto a mettersi in saccoccia i Septims

  12. #12
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Nerevarine
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    Due mod interessanti:

    1) Mod che elimina il livellamento dei mostri...se volete confrontarvi a livello 1 con un lord daedra, questo mod fa per voi:

    http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=296295

    2) Mod che modifica un po' il comportamento delle guardie, che ti vogliono arrestare anche se rubi una mela:

    http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=302976

  13. #13
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    Ragazzi cerchiamo di non mettere dei dooppioni,all'inizio ci puo stare pero poi si potrebbe fare confusione...quindi vi invito a dare un occhiata all'elenco (fin dal primo POST prima di postare i MODS che avete scovato),e ricordatevi di dare un occhiata anche alla versione del MOD,magari puo sembrare un doppione ma è una versione piu aggiornata...quindi e doveroso specificarla,e per finire un consiglio è mettere il nome del MOD (con la versione se c'è),in grassetto e magari con una dimensione del carattere piu grande (SIZE 3 va bene),cosi con un occhiata veloce si puo capire di cosa si tratta,grazie per la collaborazione!!!



    Oblivion Timemod (1.1)


    This mod tweaks the time in Oblivion around a bit. It comes in three plugins- 1 makes it truely real time, another makes 1 real minute equal 10 game minutes, and another makes 1 real minute 20 game minutes.

    What this mod does is plain simple. It changes the timescale from 30 to 10 so that the days should last quite a bit longer.

    I decided to include a total of 3 .esp's to give people more choices. Here goes.

    TF_timemod1-1.esp = 1 realtime minute euals 1 ingame minute.
    TF_timemod1-10.esp = 1 realtime minute equals 10 ingame minutes.
    TF_timemod1-20.esp = 1 realtime minute equals 20 ingame minutes.


    Unzip this mod into the Oblivion/Data folder.

    Run the Oblivion Launcher and click on Data Files.

    Check the marker next to the file you want to be active (make sure you select only one) and voila, installed.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/O blivion_Timemod;59243

  14. #14
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    Persistant Enchantment Glow Remover


    This small mod removes the glowy effect on your character when he/she has equpped an item that has constant effect. Good for those of you who want to take screens without getting that glow in the way, or for those of you that hate it (I do).



    Guild Storage (1.0)


    When I first joined the Fighter's Guild, I had no house. So naturally, I decided to store one of my weapons in the chests there. This was bad, as the AI had a habit of taking these things.

    This mod adds special chests to every guild's HQ that can carry your stuff and has a stock of potions and other goods (A feature which I missed in Morrowind). This is very useful, and I highly recommend it.

    Have you ever experienced the horror of storing an expensive item
    in your guild hall, only to find it missing later? This mod adds
    a new chest to every guild hall in Cyrodiil that only guild members
    can access. Your items will be safe and sound.

    There are also minor utility items (repair hammers for fighters
    and soul gems for mages) and useful potions to help you during your
    stay in the city. These items are set to only 1 septim of worth
    to avoid possible exploiting.

    I did not modify the other chests to cease respawning, since there
    might be thieves who enjoy robbing a guild over and over. Your
    items will NOT be safe, just as without this mod, unless you place
    it in the chest named "Guild Storage"


    1- Place all the files and folders into your "Oblivion/Data" folder.
    If asks to overwrite, choose "Yes".

    2- When launching the game, select data files and double click
    the GuildStorage file.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/G uild_Storage;59248

    Arrow Velocity (1.0)


    This mod is very useful for you archers, and those of you who think the archers in game were too easy to kill. This increases the speed of the arrow projectiles, allowing for much more swifter strikes. The speed is calculated by the power of the bow or arrow. More power, the quicker it is.

    Increases arrow velocity according to arrow and bow quality.
    Iron bows and arrows still loft lazily, whereas elven will scream
    toward your target. Beware: this increases the relative
    difficulty of fighting and archer, as it will be harder to dodge
    his shots. Bows factor 50% more into the speed equation than the
    ammo. In most cases, the damage of the bow or arrow is the basis
    for the velocity.


    1- Place all the files into your "Oblivion/Data" folder.
    If asks to overwrite, choose "Yes".

    2- When launching the game, select data files and double click
    this mod.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/A rrow_Velocity;59249

  15. #15
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]


    Slow Level Up (1.1)


    Felt like you leveled up a bit too quickly in the game? Feel that the leveled creature list changed on you too quick? This mod adresses that issue by making it slower. It comes with 3 different versions to suit your tastes.

    Ever get frustrated that after you visit one dungeon or do a
    quest or two in town, you've outleveled a creature list that you
    never saw? Oblivion has several typecast areas, so if you visit
    a fortress and a cave, you might miss the content of the outside,
    ruins, sewers, etc for your level bracket.

    This mod slows down the leveling process, so you have
    more of a chance to see the different dungeons and creatures of the
    world, and it creates more longevity for your character as a result.

    LevelSlow25 is a 25% slower skill learning rate. LevelSlow50 is
    a 50% slower rate. LevelSlowEpic is 5 times slower than standard.
    Do not run all of these at once.


    1- Place all the files into your "Oblivion/Data" folder.
    If asks to overwrite, choose "Yes".

    2- When launching the game, select data files and double click
    this mod.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/S low_Level_Up;59250

    ANB Portable Fire and Tent


    This mod adds a working tent with a small camp site for your use. Very useful for exploring the wilderness or trudging through a huge dungeon. Good appearance wise too. Refer to readme on how to control the features.

    WHAT IS IT?:

    Its a portable campfire and tent so you can set up your own lil camp wherever you want. You cant go find it cause for some reason my render window in the CS isnt working so all I can do is scripting atm =/


    WAAAAY more trouble than it was worth let me tell ya. I had HELL gettin that damn fire to work. You better love it cause it was no simple feat for such a simple effect. I could go into massive amounts of detail about it but its not really important to the mod. It works thats all you need to really know.


    The Tent works by puttin the rake on the ground and activating it. The tent will be placed according to the rakes position longways. The sides of the tent will be placed as if the rake were the center pole at the top of the tent (if this particular tent had one) To pick it back up ACTIVATE it in SNEAK MODE.

    The Fire is a lil more complex. Place it and activate it to place the logs to start the fire with. ACTIVATE it in SNEAK MODE to turn the campfire on and off. To pick it back up you MUST TURN THE FIRE OFF and then ACTIVATE it in NORMAL MODE. It wont let you pick it up if the fire is still going.

    Theres only 1 of each of these and as I said above the only way to get em is via console. If you know how to use the console you can reset the quest script so you can get another set if you dont then your best bet is not to lose the first set.


    5 Objects 3 for the fire 2 for the tent
    6 Scripts one for each object and 1 for the quest
    1 Quest which YOU have to turn on via console it turns itself off.


    As with everything else I dont care what you do with this but if you intend to use it in any mods you intend to release please let me know and/or give me credit first.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/A NB_Portable_Fire_and_Tent;59251

    ANB Regen


    This mod allows for your health to regenerate over time like your Magika and Fatigue in game. It's slow if you have low health, but speeds up if you have lots of health. The effect will only work though if you aren't in combat and do not have your weapon drawn. Otherwise, it won't go.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/A NB_Regen;59253

  16. #16
    Il Nonno L'avatar di Mike™
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    scusate una domanda.Come si fanno a installare sti mod? a me si apre l'editor e poi non so piu che fare ! spero di non essere andato OT ma mi scocciava aprire un topic apposta essendoci questo

  17. #17
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Behhh!!! Se leggi nella descrizione dei vari MODS c'è scritto come istallarli.

    Di solito basta mettere il file scaricato ed estratto (.esp) in ?:\Programmi\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data poi avviate Oblivion e cliccate sulla finestra inziale FILE DI DATI troverete il MOD che avete aggiunto,selezionatelo ed è fatta...avviate il videogame.
    Noterete anche che quando volete,potrete tornare a giocarlo di defaul.

    Ci sono altri MODS di diversa estensione,quindi prima di scaricare basta dare un occhiata nella Descrizione d'Istallazione per capire;anche se è in inglese,suppongo che si capisce...l'ho capisco io che sono un ciuco in inglese

  18. #18
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Stealth Chest (1.0)

    Quality: 8
    Item Placement: 8
    Installation Instructions: 8

    Overall Rating: 8


    We always like new mods, oh yes. Keeps us busy. And stuff.

    Well, this nice little mod is made by MasterOfOblivion, and it adds some decent armor and weapons to the buyable house in Waterfront, The Imperial City.

    But it doesn't come without a cost, of course. To buy the house, you have to throw out the tremendous amount of 2000 septims! ... And that's not all, you have to pay an additional 750, for the storage! ... Wow.

    Well, for all you people at 15+, who has too much cash, but doesn't really know where to spend it, now you do!

    Check it out, before some other npc buys it. Or not.


    All this is is just a little mod that adds some stealth armor and a decent weapon with some
    lock picks into the house you have to buy on the waterfront. I put them in there because I
    didn't want people to think you don't have to work for this stuff because you do. It costs
    2000$ for just the house, then about 750$ for the storage add on. This is perfect for someone
    getting into the hard parts of the game.


    ...\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data
    and unzip


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/S tealth_Chest;59271

  19. #19
    Il Puppies L'avatar di Trayanos
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 27/03/06]

    NoSf3rAtU ha scritto lun, 27 marzo 2006 alle 17:39
    Visto che qui si raccolgono i MODS e quant'altro,ne metto alcuni io...

    Tempo Oblivion Cheatmod (1.01)


    Yay for Oblivion mods. We all like that.

    So, here comes one of those cheatmods (among many), that gives you alot of highleveled, powerful items, a new extremely powerful birthsign, so you can simply run through the game pretty easily.

    And as the author said, cheating is for weaklings.


    Copy TeMpO.esp to your game\Data folder. When you start the game, select "Data Files" and Select TeMpO.

    This Little mod provides a chest full of very powerfull items, located in the prison cell where the game begins.

    The items are very powerfull as you will find out. there`s also a new BirthSign extremely powerfull.

    This is a simple CheatMod and i advise to use the items only on ocasion so that the game doesn`t get too easy.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/T empo_Oblivion_Cheatmod;59026
    Scusa l'ignoranza, purtroppo non so l'inglese: a cosa serve? Scusate, io non l'ho ancora e esitono già tutti questi mod?!

  20. #20
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
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    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Si pero ragazzi,non postate qui...scusami ma ho appena scritto che neanche io sono un cultore dell'abione quindi cerco di tradurre alla meglio cosi per capire di cosa si tratta!!!

    Dai un po di inventiva,vai sul traduttore automatico di Google ,selezione la lingua e traduci la frase...anche se inpreciso comunque riesce a tadurre la frase e a fartela capire ecco come faccio io...

    http://www.google.it/language_tools?hl=i t

    Ragazzi,come ha detto il moderatore,visto che qui c'è ne solo uno che fa il suo dovere e quello è Spike_ non postate qui commenti,problemi,pareri,e richieste in riferimento ai MODS,ma aprire un altro Topic,grazie!!!

  21. #21
    La Borga L'avatar di x119
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    dove batte il sole...

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Finalmente un Mod ke equilibra il Fast Travel :

    Marker Explore V1.0

    http://feinam.20megsfree.com/oblivion/mo dindex/mods/markerexplore/markerexplore. zip


    Brief Description:
    No starting fast travel markers.

    This mod removes the fast travel markers that come "stock" with your character. This will encourage new characters to explore the territory, instead of succumbing to the urge to fast travel the first time. I feel fast travel isn't such a bad concept, but I do believe that each place should be discovered before it is an option. It is possible to beat several quest lines without ever even seeing an area outside a city.

    Be aware, this mod will remove the city based markers if you apply it to an already existing character. You will have to rediscover them. There is no way to work around that. This mod is more intended for new characters.

    Toglie i punti accessibili sin dall'inizio del gioco con il Fast Travel. Quindi ora prima bisogna esplorare e trovare i luoghi, che successivamente verranno memorizzati.

    Attenzione: Il mod elimina i punti Fast Travel predefiniti ovvero le città. Non toglie invece gli altri punti trovati esplorando.

    Provato e funziona
    Meglio non posso fare Nosfè

  22. #22
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    ...bravo x119

    Dimensional Pocket/House Mods(2.4)


    This mod adds a cell for you to be able to access and store things, be it permantely or temporary. It has 5 chests within it. It can be accessed via a spell which will summon the door for you to use to get there. There will also be a door in that cell for you to use to leave and return to where you summoned the door.


    Unzip to your Oblivion/Data folder.


    From the Oblivion Launcher, select Data Files and check the box next to the
    DimensionalPocket.esp file.

    In game, type "startquest DIMEtherStart" in the console. (Without the quotes)(to get to the console hit`) You will get a new spell added called Dimensional Pocket of Ether. Use this door to enter the Dimensional Pocket of Ether.

    Save Games:

    The plugin should not invalidate your old saved games.

    NOTICE - This plugin is standalone and doesn't not affect the previous Dimensional Pocket mod. I hope to make them all this way to prevent the loss of any loot. If this happens to you PLEASE tell us at http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index .php?showtopic=294889


    This Plugin adds a Dimensional Pocket of Ether in which you can store items. Use the spell
    given to you by the mod to summon a door. Going through the door takes you to
    the Pocket, in which you can put items. Leave through the glowing gate to go
    back to where you entered from.

    This Dimension is a Small confined area suspended in a white void with 5 chests in it.

    Note-Do not summon another Dimensional Portal while inside of a different one (Or Chuck Norris WILL find you and beat you to Oblivion)

    Note2- You can only have one door summoned at a time.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/D imensional_Pocket_24;59320

    ...questo dovrebbe essere simile al MOD postato da x119.

    No Fast Travel (1.0)


    This is a small mod that disables fast travel and prevents its use through the console. This is for those of you who disapprove of fast travel, but can't seem to hold your self from using it.


    Completely disables fast travel permanently
    and prevents it from being reanbled via console.


    Extract the .esp file from the zip to your
    Oblivion\Data\ Folder. If your not sure what
    that means its the same folder as Oblivion.esm

    Once thats done run the launcher and select
    Data Files. Double click ANB_NoFastTravel.esp so
    that it has a X in the box. Just run the game
    as normal.


    I dont really care what you do with this but
    if you use my scripts or somethin please let
    me know.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/N o_Fast_Travel;59322

    Feletheus Aspar- Merchant/NPC and Creature Additions(1.0)


    This mod adds a merchant in the abandoned house in Chorrol who comes with 15k gold, buy about every item you have,offers repairs, and recharges your enchanted items.


    1- Place all the files into your "Oblivion/Data" folder.
    If asks to overwrite, choose "Yes".

    2- When launching the game, select data files and double click
    this mod.


    - Have 15000 gold on him
    - Can almost buy everything from you.
    - Can recharge and repair armors and weapons.
    - Located in the abandoned house in Anvil.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/F eletheus_Aspar_Merchant;59323

    No More Annoying Messages(1.2)


    This small mod removes messages that appear on your screen, such as "Your Horse has been stabled outside the city gate" and "Loading Area".

    Removes annoying messages that apperes now and then.


    1- Place all the files into your "Oblivion/Data" folder.
    If asks to overwrite, choose "Yes".

    2- When launching the game, select data files and double click
    this mod.


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/N o_more_annoying_messages;59325

  23. #23
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Exus83
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Darker Dungeons:
    http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php? id=1938

    Dungeons più bui! Consigliato! Così la torcia e l'incantesimo Cielo stellato saranno più utili. (Non è eccessivamente buio.)

    Darker Nights:
    http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php? id=1970

    Notti più buie! Consigliato!
    La notte in Oblivion è troppo luminosa, ora l'effetto buio è più realistico.

  24. #24
    La Borga
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    Il mio piccolo plug cresce, mi sono fatto aiutare da Arter

    In questa versione abbiamo messo parecchie correzioni come ad esempio i nomi delle pietre dell'anima (non piu "Pietra ++ dell'anima", "Pietra - dell'anima", ecc ma "Pietra an. Grande, piccola ecc") e le descrizioni dei segni zodiacali che erano errate, poi è stato corretto il messaggio che appare quando si apre una porta con una chiave, quando si fallisce la creazione di una pozione, quando si esegue un attacco furtivo (l'orginale era davvero orrenda), quando aumenta un abilità, e sopratutto abbiamo eliminato le frasi "caricamento area.." e "Il tuo cavallo è in uan scuderia fuori dalle mura", i gradi delle armature sono stati corretti e anche i gradi dell'arena che erano tutti in inglese. E infine abbiamo corretto alcune cose dei dialoghi come ad esempio gli orribili "Ciao là!" o "Guarisci" al posto di "Ave!"

    Non è tutto qua ma sarebbero troppe da elencare tutte le modifiche

    ecco il link, come sempre piazzare nella cartella data e selezionare il plug-in all'avvio del gioco

    http://rapidshare.de/files/16738821/corr trad3.esp.html

  25. #25
    M.o.d.e.r.a.t.o.r.e. L'avatar di NoSf3rA†U
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Oblivion Mod e dintorni [UPDATED 28/03/06]

    XTS - Merchant Mod V1


    Yes the XTS Merchant Mod has come to Oblivion, Xtreme the Merchant has managed to get off Morrowind Island and moved to the Impireal City. He has set up his shop in the best location he could find, right outside the Arena in the Impreial City. He can recharge
    majical weapons, fix armour & weapons, he is a master of Blade and can teach you, as well as a realy nice list of weapons and sets or armour to chose from. Go see Xtreme for old times sake today.


    Drop the file with this readme into x:\Program Files\Bethesda


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/X TS_Merchant_Mod_V1;59383

    ...questo è per chi ha problemi a chiudere i PORTALI.

    Don't Close MY Gates Mod


    This is a simple quest modification for Oblivion that prevents the main quest from closing all the gates to Oblivion when you complete it. In other words, you can go and beat the game, and THEN worry about all those nice enchanted and daedric items in the plains of Oblivion.


    To install, just copy the plugin file to your Oblivion\Data directory...


    http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/D ont_Close_MY_Gates_Mod;59384

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