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Discussione: Patch 2 beta 1

  1. #1
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Patch 2 beta 1

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da
    UT3 Patch 2 Internal Beta Changelist

    While it's not released publicly - not even to server admins yet - the guys at Epic are currently internally testing the first beta of Patch 2. The changelist is currently as follows:

    * Gameplay:
    o Increased UTGame MaxPlayersAllowed to 64.
    o Fixed leviathan turret instant refire exploit.
    o Fixed errant lock on warnings when no longer in vehicle.
    o Fixed first person weapons in demo playback.
    o Fixed translocator telefrag victim message.
    o Fixed encouragement sounds not being randomly picked by bots.
    o Implemented viewobjective spectating system for Warfare.
    o Fixed berserk held by driver applying to all vehicle turrets.
    o Only force low gore on German versions that were low gore only before being patched.
    * User Interface:
    o Clicking on the settings tab goes to directly to the full settings menu.
    o Added VOIP speaker portraits to HUD.
    o Fixed character portraits sometimes not showing up on HUD or not staying up long enough.
    o The Host server menus will no longer disable internet options if CheckNatTypeDisplayError returns true. It's just a warning now.
    o Fixed the CD key always prompting when the user has no network card
    o Added support for commandline log in -login=xxx -password=xxx. This also allows Gamespy comrade and other external applications to be used to launch network clients.
    o Added UI option to hide objective paths (the white arrows).
    o Added UI option to enable joystick support.
    o Added JOIN to midgame menu when spectating.
    o Added cancel button to "logging in" message box.
    o Added support for auto-updating UI with new options.
    o Improved language support for French, Spanish, Italian, and German.
    o Joystick key bindings in UI display properly.
    o Added game and UI support for customizing crosshair scaling.
    o Added "Add Favorite" button to Server Browser server list tab.
    o Fixed favorites Tab Page server details not updating.
    o Improvements to voice menu. Added "status" section.
    o Leave "Disconnect" and "Exit Game" on the mid game menu when seamlessly travelling so that players have a way to abort lengthy downloads
    o Show "Change Team" button before the match has started.
    o Added support for localized "single score needed" string.
    o Tweaked some HUD message font sizes.
    o Favorites/History lists list servers that are currently offline.
    o Favorites/History lists don't stop working as the number of servers in them crosses max threshold for GS query.
    * Networking:
    o Added support for autodownloading packages while in gameplay or while travelling.
    o Auto team re-balancing before map transition if bPlayersBalanceTeams is set.
    o Fixed dedicated server memory leaks.
    o Force client state synchronization when in spectating state. Fixes sporadic issues with players not being able to join games.
    o Fixed sounds not being heard correctly by clients if the sound location is the Actor's location and the Actor is not relevant to that client.
    o Fixed spectators being unable to move after a level transition.
    o Fixed track turrets being in the wrong position on clients in some cases after being destroyed.
    o ConnectionTimeout and InitialConnectTimeOut now both 60.0. Addresses both clients failing connection because they take too long to load a level, and initial connections staying open too long.
    o Fixed HTTP download compression.
    o Fixed a bug where download during seamless travel would break because the downloader was keeping a pointer into the package map's list, which is unsafe while the game is in progress because that list could have more items added to it (and thus the memory rearranged) at any time
    o Fixed a bug where in rare cases packages would get downloaded twice.
    o Fixed spectators able to enter as extra players in Duel.
    o Fixed issue where CTF, vCTF, and WAR maps are listed in the server browers when searching for a DM game when server changed gametypes.
    o Fixed bots not replicating their view pitch, so their animation looks better in net games.
    o Strip OwningPlayerName= from the URL, as this is determined elsewhere and was breaking dedicated internet servers launched from the UI.
    * Server administration:
    o TCPLink and Webadmin functionality implemented.
    o Banning is now based on CD key hash, so players can't circumvent bans by creating a new profile.
    o Fixed being unable to kickban players with | in their names.
    o Added versioning information to the game settings
    o Dedicated servers don't require DirectX shader model 2.0
    o Fixed AdminForceTextMute and AdminForceTextUnmute.
    o Restored the compress and decompress commandlets.
    o Fixed AdminCmdOk() function not working properly if you were the listen server.
    o Banned IDs readability improved.
    o Added MaxClientTravelTime config option to GameInfo. If set, clients are kicked if they take longer than this many seconds to travel between maps.
    * Mod support:
    o Added ScriptedTexture, a type of render to texture that gives Canvas access to script/C++ for rendering custom overlays.
    o Added a version of DrawTile() to Canvas that takes a Texture instead of Texture2D so render to texture stuff like ScriptedTextures can more easily be used.
    o Added Timestamp function to UObject, returns a string in the format YYYY/MM/DD - HH:MM:SS
    o Weapons now take roll from player viewrotation.
    o Fixed custom character DLC not applying until the next time the game is run because the default object was not updated after combining the .ini files.
    o Added a ModFamilies array to UTCustomChar_Data to allow mod authors to add families to the list.
    o Fixed Change Node Status Kismet action not working on fully constructed powernodes.
    * Map specific::
    o Fixed DM-Deck get out of world exploit
    o Fixed DM-Gateway portals sometimes sending you back to your starting point.
    * AI improvements:
    o New orb carrier strategy AI.
    o Improved bot hoverboard use.
    o Reduced bot orb spawner camping.
    o Fixed bots stuck on orb spawner unable to grab flag.
    o Low skill bots use artillery properly.
    o Tweaked shooting at nodes vs shooting at enemies.
    o No human bonus to threat value.
    o Improved threat picking AI, taking into account effectiveness of bot's weapon.
    o Tweaked bot AI for link gun, flak cannon, redeemer, and AVRiL.
    o Bots tend to stay on same enemy more, and focus on key vehicles more.
    o Tweaked campaign auto skill adjust.
    o Possible safe fix for bot navigation issues with staticmeshcollections on console. Also a performance improvement on PC and console.
    o Tweaked rules for whether to attack node or enemy first.
    o Improved bot AI for defending nodes with an orb.
    o Fixed pathing issues that were causing bots to get stuck in some places. When a move fails, force a route refresh. Add cost to reachspecs when bot fails repeatedly.
    o Improved AI code for adjusting around obstacles. If adjust left and right fail, try moving to center of reachspec.
    o If previous move failed, don't allow "advanced tactics" (serpentine, etc.) for next move.
    o Added FailedMoveTarget and MoveFailureCount to controller to track movement failures.
    o Added bForceNoDetours to UTBot. Don't allow detours when bot is approaching a neutral node (more important to touch node first).
    o Fixed bots thinking they've reach the orb spawner without quite getting there and touching the orb.
    o Fixed cases where bots could get stuck failing to translocate over and over - bots know to give up now.
    o Adjusted bot reaction time to seeing new enemies.
    o Improved bot AI for dealing with lifts and hoverboards.
    o Bots taunt after winning a match.
    Per chi si lamentava della localizzazione italiana scadente, questa patch migliorerà le cose.

    Per il resto, server da 64 giocatori...

    Io già non reggo quelli da 32 giocatori (razzi ovunque), figurarsi quelli da 64...

    16 giocatori FTW.

  2. #2

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    o Improved language support for French, Spanish, Italian, and German.
    o Added "Add Favorite" button to Server Browser server list tab.
    o Auto team re-balancing before map transition if bPlayersBalanceTeams is set.
    o Tweaked rules for whether to attack node or enemy first.
    alleluia, era ora

  3. #3
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Questa lista è talmente lunga da confermarmi che ho fatto bene a non comprare il gioco. Forse dopo questa patch lo prenderò. Per ora comunque aspetto che la patch esca e che venga provata.

  4. #4
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Sì ma non pensare che la situazione sia così catastrofica...

    Io ci gioco benissimo e mi diverto alla grande.

    Purtroppo però continuo a non capire come mai ci sia poca gente che ci giochi.

    Ci sono un miliardo di server, ma solo in 10-15 c'é gente che ci gioca.

    Io sto parlando di Warfare... ultimamente gioco solo a quello...

  5. #5

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    ma di per sè non è poi messo così male il gioco, l'unica cosa è che mancano delle piccole cose che se ci fossero sarebbero tutti più felici tra tutte il tasto "aggiungi ai favoriti" (ma neanche tanto) e il bilanciamento delle squadre (mi sono ritrovato più volte in degli incontri 8vs4 xD )

  6. #6
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Idem per il bilanciamento... ma comunque la patch sembrerebbe migliorare un po' di cose.

  7. #7

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    da quello che ho appena letto la patch 2 aggiunge il team re balancing e il tasto add to favorite..cosa buona e giusta

  8. #8
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Tu addami su UT3 che ancora non ti vedo tra i friends.

  9. #9
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da DT84 Visualizza Messaggio
    Sì ma non pensare che la situazione sia così catastrofica...

    Io ci gioco benissimo e mi diverto alla grande.

    Purtroppo però continuo a non capire come mai ci sia poca gente che ci giochi.

    Ci sono un miliardo di server, ma solo in 10-15 c'é gente che ci gioca.

    Io sto parlando di Warfare... ultimamente gioco solo a quello...
    Dici che ci sono un miliardo di server... Ma quindi i server dedicati per Linux sono usciti? L'ultima volta che ne avevamo parlato qui sul forum non erano ancora pronti.

  10. #10
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Sì sono usciti.

    I server sono tanti, il problema è che in gran parte sono vuoti... ma se tutta la gente dice "ci gioca poca gente, non lo compro", non ci si salva più.

    Imho il gioco merita, e anche parecchio.

    Se ti è piaciuta la demo, adorerai la versione completa.

  11. #11
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Fonzie
    Data Registrazione
    Ascoli Piceno

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    E per chi come me non riesce ancora a giocare la campaign single player per il problema del crash dei video??? RIsolveranno anche quello? Non mi pare sia previsto tra le voci

  12. #12
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Hai provato con la modifica al file .ini? (Non ricordo quale, ma se cerchi qua in giro lo trovi...)

  13. #13
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Fonzie
    Data Registrazione
    Ascoli Piceno

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Elrond Visualizza Messaggio
    Hai provato con la modifica al file .ini? (Non ricordo quale, ma se cerchi qua in giro lo trovi...)
    Si già fatta ma mi da problemi a livello di gioco poi, ovvero si presenta un leggero ma fastidiosissimo fenomeno di piccole lag o scattini.

  14. #14
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Sempre da
    UT3 Patch 2 Beta 1 Enters Private Testing
    The changes from the previous Patch 2 changelog are listed below:

    * Gameplay
    o Fix for unnecessary content staying in memory on seamless travel.
    o Fixed shaped charge node exploit.
    * UI
    o Fix for end of round scoreboard displaying extra "Player" bots.
    o Fixed leviathan deploy icon positioning.
    * Networking
    o Fixed package downloading not moving on to the next download method if it successfully downloads the file, but that file is not the version that the server is requesting.
    o Fixed client crash if the user disconnects while downloading a file during a seamless travel.
    * Mod Support
    o Merged ageia particle fixes.
    * Map Sepcific
    o Fixed CTF-Coret collision exploit.
    o Fixed kismet spawned key vehicles not showing on host minimap. Fixes tank showing on host minimap in VCTF-Kargo.
    * AI
    o Bots now can be fooled by feign death.
    o Sandstorm has more impact on bots being able to acquire/aim at enemies.

    With any luck, the patch will not be in testing long so we can get these many important fixes into the game as soon as possible!

    Another important note is that the WebAdmin package is now separate from the main patch file. They have apparently done this to allow more frequent fixes to that package.

    We'll keep you up to date on any new releases or if the patch goes public.
    La prima voce della lista sembra quella decisamente più interessante.

  15. #15

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    UT3 Patch 1.2 Now in Testing

    The first beta of Unreal Tournament 3 patch 1.2 has been released to testers on the server admins list. Here's what UT3 producer Jeff Morris had to say:

    We’ve separated the webadmin application from the core game patch to permit faster iteration and updates to this critical feature.

    While we feel pretty good about this patch, we're calling it beta for the time being. Please don't distribute it or make it generally available to the public.

    This patch can be applied to both a client and a dedicated server. Patched and non-patched clients and servers should be fully compatible. There are no known issues with applying this patch on a v1.1 patched client/server, but if stability is critical, it's safest to reinstall the retail client/dedicated server prior to installing.

    This patch includes all v1.1 fixes.

    Fix list:


    * Increased UTGame MaxPlayersAllowed to 64.
    * Fixed leviathan turret instant refire exploit.
    * Fixed errant lock on warnings when no longer in vehicle.
    * Fixed first person weapons in demo playback.
    * Fixed translocator telefrag victim message.
    * Fixed encouragement sounds not being randomly picked by bots.
    * Implemented viewobjective spectating system for Warfare.
    * Fixed berserk held by driver applying to all vehicle turrets.
    * Only force low gore on German versions that were low gore only before being patched.
    * Fix for unnecessary content staying in memory on seamless travel.
    * Fixed shaped charge node exploit.

    User Interface:
    * Clicking on the settings tab goes to directly to the full settings menu.
    * Added VOIP speaker portraits to HUD.
    * Fixed character portraits sometimes not showing up on HUD or not staying up long enough.
    * The Host server menus will no longer disable internet options if CheckNatTypeDisplayError returns true. It's just a warning now.
    * Fixed the CD key always prompting when the user has no network card
    * Added support for commandline log in -login=xxx -password=xxx. This also allows Gamespy comrade and other external applications to be used to launch network clients.
    * Added UI option to hide objective paths (the white arrows).
    * Added UI option to enable joystick support.
    * Added JOIN to midgame menu when spectating.
    * Added cancel button to "logging in" message box.
    * Added support for auto-updating UI with new options.
    * Improved language support for French, Spanish, Italian, and German.
    * Joystick key bindings in UI display properly.
    * Added game and UI support for customizing crosshair scaling.
    * Added "Add Favorite" button to Server Browser server list tab.
    * Fixed favorites Tab Page server details not updating.
    * Improvements to voice menu. Added "status" section.
    * Leave "Disconnect" and "Exit Game" on the mid game menu when seamlessly travelling so that players have a way to abort lengthy downloads
    * Show "Change Team" button before the match has started.
    * Added support for localized "single score needed" string.
    * Tweaked some HUD message font sizes.
    * Favorites/History lists list servers that are currently offline.
    * Favorites/History lists don't stop working as the number of servers in them crosses max threshold for GS query.
    * Fix for end of round scoreboard displaying extra "Player" bots.
    * Fixed leviathan deploy icon positioning.

    * Added support for autodownloading packages while in gameplay or while travelling.
    * Auto team re-balancing before map transition if bPlayersBalanceTeams is set.
    * Fixed dedicated server memory leaks.
    * Force client state synchronization when in spectating state. Fixes sporadic issues with players not being able to join games.
    * Fixed sounds not being heard correctly by clients if the sound location is the Actor's location and the Actor is not relevant to that client.
    * Fixed spectators being unable to move after a level transition.
    * Fixed track turrets being in the wrong position on clients in some cases after being destroyed.
    * ConnectionTimeout and InitialConnectTimeOut now both 60.0. Addresses both clients failing connection because they take too long to load a level, and initial connections staying open too long.
    * Fixed HTTP download compression.
    * Fixed a bug where download during seamless travel would break because the downloader was keeping a pointer into the package map's list, which is unsafe while the game is in progress because that list could have more items added to it (and thus the memory rearranged) at any time
    * Fixed a bug where in rare cases packages would get downloaded twice.
    * Fixed spectators able to enter as extra players in Duel.
    * Fixed issue where CTF, vCTF, and WAR maps are listed in the server browers when searching for a DM game when server changed gametypes.
    * Fixed bots not replicating their view pitch, so their animation looks better in net games.
    * Strip OwningPlayerName= from the URL, as this is determined elsewhere and was breaking dedicated internet servers launched from the UI.
    * Fixed package downloading not moving on to the next download method if it successfully downloads the file, but that file is not the version that the server is requesting.
    * Fixed client crash if the user disconnects while downloading a file during a seamless travel.

    Server administration:
    * TCPLink and Webadmin functionality implemented.
    * Banning is now based on CD key hash, so players can’t circumvent bans by creating a new profile.
    * Fixed being unable to kickban players with | in their names.
    * Added versioning information to the game settings
    * Dedicated servers don't require DirectX shader model 2.0
    * Fixed AdminForceTextMute and AdminForceTextUnmute.
    * Restored the compress and decompress commandlets.
    * Fixed AdminCmdOk() function not working properly if you were the listen server.
    * Banned IDs readability improved.
    * Added MaxClientTravelTime config option to GameInfo. If set, clients are kicked if they take longer than this many seconds to travel between maps.

    Mod support:
    * Added ScriptedTexture, a type of render to texture that gives Canvas access to script/C++ for rendering custom overlays.
    * Added a version of DrawTile() to Canvas that takes a Texture instead of Texture2D so render to texture stuff like ScriptedTextures can more easily be used.
    * Added Timestamp function to UObject, returns a string in the format YYYY/MM/DD - HH:MM:SS
    * Weapons now take roll from player viewrotation.
    * Fixed custom character DLC not applying until the next time the game is run because the default object was not updated after combining the .ini files.
    * Added a ModFamilies array to UTCustomChar_Data to allow mod authors to add families to the list.
    * Fixed Change Node Status Kismet action not working on fully constructed powernodes.
    * Merged ageia particle fixes.

    Map specific:
    * Fixed DM-Deck get out of world exploit
    * Fixed DM-Gateway portals sometimes sending you back to your starting point.
    * Fixed CTF-Coret collision exploit.
    * Fixed kismet spawned key vehicles not showing on host minimap. Fixes tank showing on host minimap in VCTF-Kargo.

    AI improvements:
    * New orb carrier strategy AI.
    * Improved bot hoverboard use.
    * Reduced bot orb spawner camping.
    * Fixed bots stuck on orb spawner unable to grab flag.
    * Low skill bots use artillery properly.
    * Tweaked shooting at nodes vs shooting at enemies.
    * No human bonus to threat value.
    * Improved threat picking AI, taking into account effectiveness of bot's weapon.
    * Tweaked bot AI for link gun, flak cannon, redeemer, and AVRiL.
    * Bots tend to stay on same enemy more, and focus on key vehicles more.
    * Tweaked campaign auto skill adjust.
    * Possible safe fix for bot navigation issues with staticmeshcollections on console. Also a performance improvement on PC and console.
    * Tweaked rules for whether to attack node or enemy first.
    * Improved bot AI for defending nodes with an orb.
    * Fixed pathing issues that were causing bots to get stuck in some places. When a move fails, force a route refresh. Add cost to reachspecs when bot fails repeatedly.
    * Improved AI code for adjusting around obstacles. If adjust left and right fail, try moving to center of reachspec.
    * If previous move failed, don't allow "advanced tactics" (serpentine, etc.) for next move.
    * Added FailedMoveTarget and MoveFailureCount to controller to track movement failures.
    * Added bForceNoDetours to UTBot. Don't allow detours when bot is approaching a neutral node (more important to touch node first).
    * Fixed bots thinking they've reach the orb spawner without quite getting there and touching the orb.
    * Fixed cases where bots could get stuck failing to translocate over and over - bots know to give up now.
    * Adjusted bot reaction time to seeing new enemies.
    * Improved bot AI for dealing with lifts and hoverboards.
    * Bots taunt after winning a match.
    * Bots now can be fooled by feign death.
    * Sandstorm has more impact on bots being able to acquire/aim at enemies.
    Un po' più completa e proporzionalmente più invitante
    Ultima modifica di BenG_P87; 08-02-08 alle 12:35:30

  16. #16
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Sarebbe la mia lista con in più gli aggiornamenti che ho postato dopo?

  17. #17

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Puo essere
    ma non credo di essere l'unico a volere sapere totalmente cosa ci si aspetta nella patch

    * Dedicated servers don't require DirectX shader model 2.0?
    non sarà la causa dei pochi server ?
    Ultima modifica di BenG_P87; 08-02-08 alle 16:54:56

  18. #18
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    I server non sono pochi... sono i giocatori ad essere pochi...

  19. #19

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Ultima modifica di BenG_P87; 21-02-08 alle 16:15:16

  20. #20
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Sto scaricando.

  21. #21
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Fonzie
    Data Registrazione
    Ascoli Piceno

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Speriamo risolva i miei tanti problemini...

  22. #22

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Ops ho preso un granchio
    Sembra che non sia la ufficial e che tutti i topic riguardanti questa 1.2 siano stati cancellati

    bisognaa reinstallare la 1.1

  23. #23
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di DT84
    Data Registrazione
    Provincia di Lecco.

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1


    La cancello va...

  24. #24
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Fonzie
    Data Registrazione
    Ascoli Piceno

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Ok appena in tempo.. la butto

  25. #25

    Predefinito Re: Patch 2 beta 1

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da BenG_P87 Visualizza Messaggio
    Ops ho preso un granchio
    Sembra che non sia la ufficial e che tutti i topic riguardanti questa 1.2 siano stati cancellati

    bisognaa reinstallare la 1.1

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