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  1. #26
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Togliendo la sottocartella "head" nei file installati nella blue command sui Cooked, rimane la bella armatura e i capelli di geralt tornano normali.

  2. #27

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Iniziano le mod anche con la patch 1.2

    Force hairstyle change

    Questo mod permette di cambiare la vostra acconciatura senza visitare un barbiere! Consente di risparmiare denaro e consente di giocare
    attraverso il prologo con una delle 5 nuove acconciature.

    NOTA>>> Questa mod richiede la patch 1.2

    Descrizione originale
    This mod lets you change your hairstyle without visiting a barber! Saves money and allows to play through the prologue using one of the 5 new hairstyles.
    The default hairstyle is included in the archive, just in case.
    Deleting the files should cancel the overwriting of the default hairstyle, but you never know.

    A couple of notes:
    - this mod changes the default hairstyle. If you want to revert to the un-modded hairstyle, just delete the files or
    unpack the "Default Rivian" archive
    - for some reason, it doesn't work in some cutscenes (so far only noticed it in the prologue) If anyone knows how to fix it, please tell me and I'll update the mod.

  3. #28

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Hexen Third Visualizza Messaggio
    Iniziano le mod anche con la patch 1.2
    quoto...in una cutscene verso la fine al mio Geralt è rispuntata la coda....succede anche senza mod...si vede che alcune cutscene sono precalcolate.

  4. #29

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Probabile, se ci si fa caso in alcune usa anche la spada d'acciaio di default.

  5. #30
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Aton
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Segnalo un mod che mi pare interessante: permette di elencare gli oggetti in base al peso, al momento in cui sono stati raccolti, al prezzo o in ordine alfabetico.
    Inoltre aggiunge una sezione "miscellaneous" che dovrebbe corrispondere a "cianfrusaglie" in italiano

    Panel Tweaks - Better Item Sorting and Filters

  6. #31

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Segnalo altre mod interessanti o comunque piacevoli:

    Ves NEW LOOK

    l'aspetto di Ves con questa mod cambia leggermente, nulla di radicalmente diverso comunque

    Descrizione originale
    - Same blue of my Roche armor
    - Igni sign badge
    - Improved cleavage
    - Chastity belt :-DDD

    - REAL lips
    - Scar
    - 2 beauty spots
    - NO EYELINER added, there already was (hihihihi)

    Armor Recolored

    Pacco di più files che Ricolora un sacco di armature

    Descrizione originale
    I've changed some colors of Armor, Gloves, Trousers, Boots.

    Extract the file to your main game location

    Remove the file from folder "Witcher II\CookedPC\characters\player\model"

    If its not working then recreate your "pack0.dzip" with Gibbed RED Tools

    Your "pack0.dzip" only need the folders below to run normal. Its more easy to use these mods


    Put these folders into another folder named "pack0" and pack to a "dzip" file with Gibbed RED Tools.
    Then put your "pack0.dzip" into your CookedPC folder

    Then put the folders below also into your CookedPC


    The game works fine so far i've played. Let me know if this is not the case.

    - Gibbed RED Tools
    - QuickBMS
    - Photoshop

  7. #32

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!


    Hot Dices and Board

    I dadi come li avete sempre sognati(le img di sotto le ho censurate per evitare il capezzolo ban , nella versione originale non c'è censura )

    Descrizione originale
    - Red Dices with white Geralt Medallion logo
    - New Triss Merigold Sexy Board

    Scabbard re-textures

    Diversi Porta spade retexturizzati

    Descrizione originale
    -added new black and silver textures
    -added new scale leather version
    -added new worn leather version

    Ultima modifica di heXen; 12-06-11 alle 12:09:24

  8. #33
    Data Registrazione

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Ma dello Scabbard vanno scaricati più file o soltanto l'ultimo?? Non riesco a capire.. ne puoi scegliere soltanto uno tra i quattro proposti???
    Ultima modifica di eliwan; 12-06-11 alle 12:19:53

  9. #34

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    A seconda di quello che vuoi scarichi

    ad esempio se vuoi quello solo nero e argento scarichi solo quello, se vuoi provare quelli nella categoria worn leather scarichi anche quelli, guarda le img con i nomi qui così ti fai una idea(nella voce images, non potevo metterle tutte nel topic)

    le combinazioni di porta spade sono 4, ogni file un tipo di porta spade diverso.
    Ultima modifica di heXen; 12-06-11 alle 12:23:02

  10. #35

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    edit: doppio XD

    edit2: lo riutilizzo per postare delle mod

    Ultimate Mage ver 1.0

    cambia diversi aspetti dei segni magici di The witcher 2, nello specifico aumenta anche il danno, la possibilità di incenerire l'avversario, aumenta la durata nella quale i nemici sono sottoposti a incenerimento e in generale potenzia tutti gli effetti dei segni.

    Descrizione originale
    -- Igni --
    1. Damage Increase
    2. Higher Chance to Burn Enemies
    3. Higher duration of Enemies Burning
    4. Distance for a successful hit is now 5 times higher
    5. hit damage is now Doubled
    6. Max reachable distance is now doubled
    7. Enhanced Igni now gives a mutagen slot

    -- Ard --
    1. Higher chance of Knocking down
    2. Higher Speed of reaching the enemies
    3. Sign radius doubled
    4. Sign distance doubled
    5. Enhanced Aard now gives a mutagen slot

    -- Yrden --
    1. Yrden take longer time to disperse if not triggered
    2. Yrden now inflicts minimal damage like its predecessor in withcer 1

    -- Axxi --
    1. casting speed is now increased
    2. max distance is now doubled

    -- Quen --
    1. Quen is now more power
    2. The original duration is doubled

    -- Heliotrop --
    1. The Sign now stays longer

    ---- OTHER NPC ----
    1. More powerful Fire Attack
    2. More Range
    3. More radius

    Combat Mod

    Questa mod si pone l'obiettivo di bilanciare meglio il gioco, rendendolo un pò più accessibile durante il prologo e il capitolo 1 e più difficile dal capitolo 2 in avanti.

    Descrizizone originale
    I therefore propose a mod-balancing characteristics, making the game more difficult in Act II and III and slightly helping beginners in Act 1 and Prologue:

    All changes are visible in the game Skill tree to prevent some confusion.
    Basic Editing Geralt:

    Vitality Standard-pass 100 to 125
    ---> To be more resilient in the prologue and Act I



    Duration of basic passes 30s to 20s
    Improved I Quen: +20 s spell and + 20%
    +10 S spell and + 10%
    Quen Amlioration II:
    40 S +60% spell absorption and damage.
    +20 Sec +30% spell absorption and damage.

    The spell lasts maximum 40s and absorbs 130% damage


    No visible impact in the skill tree, but a decrease in % of burns and damage:

    Chance of burns:
    Increases from 5-6% to 4-5%
    Damage in burns:
    Password of 4-6 points / s to 3-4 points / sec
    Duration of burn:
    Goes from 8-12 seconds to 6-10 seconds


    Duration of effect divided by 2 (10s instead of 20)

    Sword skills:

    Damage in the back (Comp: Position)

    From 150% to 135%
    Damage to nearby opponents (Comp: Tornado)
    Level I: Transition from 50% to 25%
    Level II Switch 100% to 75%
    Effective reduction in vigor block:

    Level 2: 50% reduction instead of 40% in Standard.

    Ultima modifica di heXen; 14-06-11 alle 13:57:36

  11. #36

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    ALtre segnalazioni:

    Geralt Blond hair

    Capelli biondi per geralt

    descrizione originale
    Replaces Geralt's grey hair with blond hair.

    To install, drag the 'characters' folder into your 'The Witcher 2\CookedPC' directory.

    Make TW2 more difficult v2

    Mod che fa diventare TW2 più difficile, cambiando le caratteristiche di creature, ad esempio come le arachas , ora più pericolose e immuni al segno aard, stessa cosa con le endigrade, che fanno sanguinare molto di più le ferite di geralt e sono anche loro immuni al segno aard. Gli umani hanno tutti un 50% in più di probabilità di infliggere sanguinamento a geralt, e via discorrendo

    Descrizione originale
    Arachas now has a 70% chance of crit bleed and 70% chance of crit poison and is immune to AARD
    EndriagaQueen now has a 70% chance of crt bleed and 70% chance of crit poison and is immune to AARD
    Bruxa now has a 200% chance of crt bleed
    All Undead and insect monsters now have 200% chance of crit poison
    All living monsters now have 200% chance of crit bleeding
    All Magical creatures and spirits now have 200% chance of crit fire
    Higher versions of monsters now have immunity to certain signs mainly aard and or quen or igni.
    Humans in the prologue all have a 50% chance of crit bleeding
    humans in following acts have higher crit chances
    act 1: 100 - 140%
    act 2: 120 - 150%
    act 3: 140 - 190%
    the changes to Quen and yrden remain the same:
    quen talents no longer increase damage absorbtion and add slightly less time per talent
    yrden stun lasts 50% longer (file says 7.5 seconds)
    max carry weight increased by 100 (for a base of 350)
    critical effects last 1 second longer and do 1 extra point of damage per second.
    Removed the hp bonues given to certain armors
    removed the hp bonus given to the diamond armor replacement
    Removed the hp bonues on the boss trophies ( damage and armor slightly buffed in place)
    nerfed bombs so that both talents grant +30% damage in total extra (down from 60%)
    added a file which nerfs steel sword damage in the higher tier weapons by about 15-20%
    added a file which nerfs silver sword damage on higher tier weapons by 5%-15%
    Redid some potions to match the new crit levels
    immunity is now reached at 200% resistance
    Tawny Owl now increases the stun duration of the yrden sign by 1 and then by 2 after potion talents are applied
    Golden Oriole now provides 200% (immunity) bleed resistance and reduces your crit bleed chance by 25%
    Virga now provides 200% burn (immunity) resistance and reduces your crit burn chance by 25%
    Added resistances to the sun and moon runes to make them more appealing

    Armor Of Ysgith Texture Edit

    retexturizzazione dell'armor of Ysgith

    Descrizione originale
    A texture edit of the "Armor of Ysgith" with a Gold+Green+Black color scheme.

    Contained within the ".rar" file is another folder named "belt" for the optional matching alchemy book.

    This release WILL NOT feature the satchel replacement, as the file I would need to edit would conflict with other, more popular mods.

    Author's Note: It would be fantastic if someone with a monitor resolution higher than 1280x1024 could upload some user images for me!

  12. #37

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!


    A younger blond and more human Geralt

    geralt in versione più giovane, biondo e più umano rispetto alla versione originale

    Descrizione originale
    For my latest playthrough thought I'd try make Geralt slightly less 'rugged' looking and more classically handsome - something nice to look at in cutscenes!

    So basically this is Geralt in 'dashing hero' mode - fewer scars, a slightly darker skin tone, dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes. Obviously massively anti-lore so not recommended for first playthrough!

    Haven't tried it with ubersampling but hopefully it'll look OK for those of you who use it.


    La succube come la "mamma l'ha fatta", senza veli, ovviamente le img che posto sono censurate*

    * per scaricare il file dovete essere loggati e abilitare la visione di contenuto adulto su witcher nexus

    Descrizione originale
    Extract the zip file to
    The Witcher 2\CookedPC

    Have fun with it.

  13. #38

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Hexen Third Visualizza Messaggio
    attendo ancora le textures hi res del corpo di geralt...con quella bella grafica in game stona davvero quel blur quando si zoomma.

  14. #39

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Altre mod:

    Unlock All Development Paths

    permette assegnare talenti a tutti i rami delle abilità senza aspettare il livello 7

    Descrizione originale
    Unlocks the magic, alchemy, and swordsmanship development paths right from the start.
    Remember to meditate on hard or insane difficulty or you can't spend talent points.
    (Not a requirement of the mod, but the way it's always been.)

    Retextured Ravens Armor

    Nuove texture per l'armatura Ravens armor

    Descrizione originale
    This mod changes the body texture, icon and belt of Raven's armor to make it look more like the ones from the first Witcher game.

    As it turns out, there seem to be two Raven's armors in the game: The one, that is imported from TW1 and another one, both with different textures. I've changed both, just to be sure (but they still look different).

    Detailed overview of changed files:

    geralt_belt_3.w2ent (changed to use geralt_a2.xbm)

    New files:
    geralt__a2.xbm (New belt color)

    More Powerful Igni

    rende il segno Igni decisamente più potente, nel dettaglio:

    basic dmg + 20%
    igni upgrade 1 +40% basic dmg
    igni burn chanse 60%
    igni upgrade 2 +80% basic dmg
    energy flow upgrade 1 burn chanse +20%
    energy flow upgrade 2 burn chanse +20%
    control over the power upgrade 1 +10% basic dmg
    control over the power upgrade 1 +20% basic dmg

    Descrizione originale

    By Kain

    basic dmg + 20%
    igni upgrade 1 +40% basic dmg
    igni burn chanse 60%
    igni upgrade 2 +80% basic dmg
    energy flow upgrade 1 burn chanse +20%
    energy flow upgrade 2 burn chanse +20%
    control over the power upgrade 1 +10% basic dmg
    control over the power upgrade 1 +20% basic dmg

    in (1a) version igni can destroy objects like aard.
    in (1b) version igni can burn all npc (or enmy)

  15. #40
    Il Nonno L'avatar di joyrayd
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    Appena finito, lo modderò per ora lascio il gioco originale

  16. #41

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    post eliminato
    Ultima modifica di assassin tgm; 25-06-11 alle 18:10:09

  17. #42

    Predefinito Riferimento: [The Witcher 2] Topic ufficiale delle mod!

    QUalche altra mod:


    Il drago d'orato con un aspetto più fedele a quello visto nel libro

    Descrizione originale
    Changes the textures of the dragon to make it look more golden.


    L'effetto del segno igni ridisegnato

    Descrizione originale
    Igni visual (and not only ) redisignet

    Stylish Hunter Armor

    Retexturizzazion\ricolorazione di alcune armature (Stylish Hunter Armor , red Hunter e belt da quel che ho capito)

    Descrizizone originale
    Stylish Hunter Armor 1.0

    Update June 26:
    I've made a quick recolor of the belt to go with the red hunter armor.
    It looks better with the bag than the book, so it's ideal if you use the "bag instead of book" mod http://www.witchernexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=93.
    See the included readme for more instructions.

    Some people didn't like the blue patch on the hunter's armor, but it's too nice a model in the early game to let it go to waste. So I made my own version of the hunter armor with green patch and black & silver body.

    ...and then I got inspired. And made another version with red shoulderpatch and more silver-y body...

    You can only use one of these at a time.

    Please tell me how you like it and which version do you think is better.

    Install: drop the characters folder into your CookedPC folder.

    Uninstall: delete the file The Witcher2/CookedPC/characters/player/model/trunk/leather_armor/geralt_b16.xbm (or the whole folder, if you have no other mod inside).

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