Uscito 5-6 giorni fa, ve lo propongo

I'll hazard a guess that Dave Sherwin is a space nut. These six maps each have a shuttle craft at their heart, and some of them take place inside a larger space ship of some sort. The first two maps are just there to provide a little realism - there are no monsters to fight - and the sense of continuity perists throughout the wad. The author has clearly gone to some trouble to make the space craft realistic - or at least, in keeping with what space craft look like on TV. We find ourselves in a variety of areas, including engine rooms, what are probably particle accelerator thingies and I suppose a warp core type jobby. There's no shortage of radiation either, and there are also shafts/tubes to walk around, and some large shortage areas. The four levels where there is some action are all big and complex, with lots and lots of enemies. For most part the foes are small, but arranged so as to be rather dangerous. You may find ammo and health somewhat tight, and I think you are expected to carry stuff from one map to the next, rather than having a pistol start on each (I'm not saying it's impossible to play in that way though). Even then it's not an easy wad to get through on UV unless you take the precaution of saving now and then. Overall, I can commend this wad to the house.

This is a new six level episode created for DOOM2. All modes of play are supported: single player, cooperative, and Deathmatch. All skill levels are supported as well. I think you will find this episode to be unique in that I have tried to create the illusion of actual travel from place to place (levels) in a variety of UAC spacecraft.