Interessante fusione tra la modalità MP di D3 con elementi DM\RPG

Potremo customizzare ad esempio la velocità dei colpi della pistola o la potenza tramite un semplice click

Hello everyone!

I'm excited to announce Project A.R.E.N.A., a multiplayer FPSRPG mod currently in development for Doom 3.


Rank System

Start out as a lowly Recruit and work your way up to a Legendary Commander, gaining prestige and infamy along the way.

Customize your Weapons

Project A.R.E.N.A. has a tune-up system that allows you to tailor your weapons to your play style. Need a weapon with a bit of kick? Tune-up the firepower of your Shotgun and watch the gibs fly. Want a fast-firing support weapon? Add a few levels to your Chaingun's firing speed and watch it spit out hot lead at unparalleled speeds.

Award System

Ever hit the level cap in a game only to find that there's nothing more to do? Disregard that notion. With dozens of unlockable awards and an open architecture that allows for expandable content you'll never be bored.


Inspired by Fallout and Fallout 2, Project A.R.E.N.A. features a perk system that will give you the killer edge over your opponent. From making deals with the Devil to being a Lord of the Dance, the perk system is guaranteed to give you a unique and fun set of choices to make as your character progresses from a Recruit to a Legend.

Persistent Gameplay

Every RPG has one constant: Your progress follows you where ever you go. The same goes with Project A.R.E.N.A.. All your tune-ups, awards, perks, and ranks will follow you from game to game giving you a true RPG experience.


Tune-Up System Pic #1
Tune-Up System Pic #2

Tune-Up Gameplay video


Q: Will this be for Doom 3 or for the expansion?
A: For the 1.0 release, I'm shooting only for vanilla Doom 3.

A: I don't own a copy, but I would be happy to release my code to someone willing to port it to RoE.

Q: Any new weapons? Game modes? Models?
A: Sadly, I'm a terrible modeler so models and weapons will go by the wayside for the moment. As for new game modes, you'll just have to wait until after the initial release.

Q: Well...what about a website?
A: For those of you who want just a bit more, I've set up a blog with my personal ramblings related to developing Project A.R.E.N.A., where I'll post screens and gather feedback on what you guys would like to see further down the road. I'm looking into making a website sometime before launch so stay tuned to the blog for that and other developments.

Q: Thought about a release date yet?
A: Project A.R.E.N.A. will be released...when it's finished. Sorry guys, but I'm not setting any pressing deadlines as of yet.

Final Notes

I'd like to thank everyone at for being a fantastic source of information and ideas. Finding a community as dedicated as they are brilliant is rare enough, but finding one that's as kind as you all have been to me is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. So, once again, thank you.

Lead coder and designer, Project A.R.E.N.A.


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