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Discussione: ancora msn

  1. #26
    L'Onesto L'avatar di Fonzie
    Data Registrazione
    Ascoli Piceno

    Predefinito Re: ancora msn

    Adesso funziona...

  2. #27
    Lo Zio L'avatar di Errox
    Data Registrazione
    Hill Valley

    Predefinito Re: ancora msn

    E' un problema che ha colpito molta gente oggi...ecco la notizia da mess.be, con anche il modo per risolverlo

    Messers from around the world are reporting sign-in errors with Windows Live Messenger occuring for over 5 hours already. Windows Messenger or web-based Messenger users, or those currently already signed in are not experiencing any trouble.

    UPDATE: Here's a temporary fix for error 81000314 and 80072745 by linx05: just put the following lines in your hosts file: messenger.hotmail.com dp.msnmessenger.akadns.net

    More info on how to edit your hosts file here. System reboot might be required.

    UPDATE #2: mario has made a nice little tool that automatically enables/disables the fix for you. Use at your own risk though.
    Ho usato da un mio amico il tool linkato nell'update #2 ed ha funzionato

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