Era nell'aria, quando una SH (endrat o come si chiama) sviluppa in una certa maniera un gioco come Wolfeinstein, è inevitabile che chiunque si sogna di giocare ad un gioco con un minimo di skill o di giocare minimamente nel competitivo richiede dei cambiamenti, questi cambiamenti stanno arrivando:

Due modifiche che promettono molte release per migliorare in maniera costante l'esperienza MP del gioco.


Erede della promod di Quake Wars, giunta alla versione 0.1, altre ne seguiranno in futuro, sotto indirizzi e fix:

Wolfenstein pro


* Fixed Console spam caused by a null entity call on the flamethrower


Game HUD:

* Rebuilt the HUD from scratch basically
* Removed every component
* Added a Spawntimer to the HUD (under the Map time)
* Added a Ready Up indicator in warmups
* Added a Fire Team to the HUD (this needs feedback)
* Moved the Obituary List under the respawn timer and extended it to 6 Popups
* Moved the Chat List to the left down side, and extended it to 5 Popups
* Added a numeric HP display, aswell as a small bar
* Added a numeric Veil Power display, aswell as a small bar
* Added a numeric Grenade and Satchel / Healt pack / Ammo pack display. If you run out of charge, a chargebar will be displayed until its full again
* Added a numeric Ammo display, aswell as a small bar. The bar will turn red on low ammo and on reloads
* Added a weapon indicator icon, it will turn red on low ammo and on reloads
* flipped the ammo symbol on the hud (hi bjorn)

* Objectives always had to pick up, now you can just walk over them to pick them up.
* Syringe, or magical whatever, can be bound to _weapon2 and you can basically walk over the map with it
* Pliers / Wrench can be bound to _weapon2 and you can basically walk over the map with it

* MP40 spread when shooting from the hip was reduced to close to that of the ironsight
* Grenade velocity is now a bit higher again, not as high as in the unpatched retail game

* Removed the personal wait time
* The first spawn is random for both teams. This is because we dont want to have both teams spawning at the same time
* Bank spawns are fixed to 13 seconds on the allied side and 14 seconds on the axis side
* All other maps have a 15 seconds spawn for both teams


ALtra mod che penso si contenderà il primato con wolfpro nel mondo competivo di Wolfenstein.



Shrapmod Version 0.2
*Remove having to "pick up" docs with use key *DONE*
*Remove Moving affecting aim *DONE*
*Remove muzzleflash on mp40,mp43,pistol *DONE*
*Fix (rework) pistol *DONE*
*Make holding down shoot for too long increase spread by way more (3x-4x more?) *DONE*
*Rework revive system from scratch *DONE* *Needs work*
*Scale all movespeed up 30% *DONE*
*Incresed HP 100->120 *DONE*
*Increased HS damage multiplier from 2.0 -> 2.57 *DONE*
*Add sprinting while strafing *DONE* *Needs work*
*Fix panzer: now uses charge bar and charge up sound *DONE* *Needs a little work*
*Soldiers now move slower with panzer
*Footsteps *DONE* may need to tweak range and volume
*Removed stupid self spawn timer nonsense *DONE*
*Changed attacking respawn time to 20 by default *DONE*
*Changed defending respawn time to 30 by default *DONE*
*Added reload sounds when ui_showgun = 0


Method 1:

1) Create a shrapmod folder in your wolf directory and place the shrapmod.pk4 file there.

2) Create a shortcut to Wolf2MP.exe

3) Add +set fs_game shrapmod to the Target line of the shorcut so it looks likge this: C:\{GAME PATH}\Wolf2MP.exe +set fs_game shrapmod

Method 2:

Just put the shrapmod.pk4 file in the base directory located my default at C:\Program Files\Activision\Wolfenstein\base

Note: you will need to delete the file or rename it from pk4 to something else to play on normal servers again