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Discussione: [???]Project X

  1. #1
    Moderatore ignorato L'avatar di squall811
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    Predefinito [???]Project X

    C’è ancora qualcosa che Square Enix deve ai suoi innumerevoli fans: la verità sul misterioso Project X. La compagnia lo etichetta come una delle produzioni più importanti mai realizzate nella sua ultra-ventennale attività all’interno dell’industria videoludica senza specificarne però nome, natura e piattaforme di destinazione. Sul proprio account twitter, David Hoffman si lascia scappare una piccola indiscrezione: sarà presentato a porte chiuse di fronte a pochi fortunati durante l’E3 di Los Angeles.

    Hoffman lo rivela infatti in risposta ad un utente che chiedeva quando avremo potuto scoprire qualcosa di più sul misterioso gioco di ruolo. Sarà finalmente la volta buona?

    Bon, vedremo!

  2. #2
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di Bl@ck
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [???]Project X

    inb4 Final Fantasy X-3

  3. #3
    Moderatore behemoth L'avatar di Kaladan
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [???]Project X

    Final Lego Fantasy WII

  4. #4
    Moderatore ignorato L'avatar di squall811
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [???]Project X

    Sinceramente credo che sia un gioco tutto nuovo......credo, eh!

  5. #5

    Predefinito Riferimento: [???]Project X

    una delle produzioni più importanti mai realizzate nella sua ultra-ventennale
    Quindi la vedremo fra altre due generazioni di console?

  6. #6
    Moderatore ignorato L'avatar di squall811
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [???]Project X

    Forse è Dungeon Siege III

    Square Enix Announces Partnership With Obsidian Entertainment for DUNGEON SIEGE 3

    Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in North America, announced today that it is partnering with Obsidian Entertainment?, Inc. on DUNGEON SIEGE® 3. With input from the original developer, Gas Powered Games®, Obsidian Entertainment will develop the next incarnation of the DUNGEON SIEGE franchise with Square Enix as the game's publisher. Coming for the first time to high-def home video game consoles, DUNGEON SIEGE 3 will be available for PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Windows PC.

    DUNGEON SIEGE 3 is representative of Square Enix's ongoing strategic partnerships with Western game developers and its commitment to increasing its presence in the North American market. The game will bring together the beloved aspects of the DUNGEON SIEGE franchise with Obsidian Entertainment's expertise, to create an evolved action-RPG experience. In addition to its arrival on high-def consoles for the first time, the game will also feature an all-new co-op multiplayer mode.

    Originally created by Chris Taylor and his critically-acclaimed studio Gas Powered Games, Taylor will serve as an advisor during the development of the game. DUNGEON SIEGE 3 will seamlessly blend intuitive action gameplay and a robust RPG system in an immersive world where every decision the player makes will result in consequences.

    On his involvement, Taylor comments, "It's a great pleasure to collaborate with Obsidian. They are a very talented developer who really knows what it takes to build a deep and engaging RPG experience, and I can't think of a better group to continue the DUNGEON SIEGE series."

    "It's a distinct privilege and thrill to become a part of the DUNGEON SIEGE legacy," said Feargus Urquhart, CEO and Co-Founder of Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. "This partnership with Square Enix is a milestone for both Obsidian and the franchise, and the two companies' strengths for compelling characters and storytelling will shine throughout DUNGEON SIEGE 3."

    "With their proven track record of developing some of the most exciting and engaging games in recent memory, we are honored to be working with such a talented developer as Obsidian Entertainment," said John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix, Inc. "Square Enix is committed to expanding our portfolio of games across a wide variety of genres and we are confident we will deliver the ultimate DUNGEON SIEGE experience that fans are looking for.

  7. #7
    Moderatore behemoth L'avatar di Kaladan
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    Predefinito Riferimento: [???]Project X

    Stavo pensandolo anche io ieri sera splunciando IGN.

    Piccolo OT: aspetto quel gioco con immenso piacere, avendo adorato il primo capitolo

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